Anthony was out of the house when he received a call from Nolan Schmidt. The boy didn't sound very good: "Pate, sir, there's something wrong with my house

...", "What's wrong?do you need me to call 911?"

"No, no, the police are already here..."

"Sorry, Schmidt, I'm going to the detention center now, I'll call you later."

Anthony hung up and started the car. Fanny begs Clark to accompany her to visit Jenny, but Clark is sent to work overtime by Perilla to catch up on the manuscript, so he takes on the responsibility.

The case was tried quickly, and Jenny was already in prison. The sentence is not very long, and if you behave well, you can apply for early release from prison.

Anthony drives to Custer's door and picks up Fanny. The girl wears a khaki trench coat and pulls the collar and cuffs from time to time.

Anthony looked at her from the rearview mirror: "Don't be nervous, Fanny, you just need to talk to her."

Fanny pulled out a small notebook from her pocket: "I've written down all the topics I want to talk about." The whole family climbed, the new album, the new cookies I learned..."

Anthony smiled.

The Metropolitan Prison is on the outskirts. Anthony parked the car, accompanied Fanny through security, and got on the prison shuttle. As she staggered in the car, Fanny showed Anthony the little notebook.

Anthony saw "detoxification" at a glance. He asked, "Is Jenny still on drugs?" and

Fanny nodded, "Jenny said that it was after the breakup that the guy lured her into trying drugs." Later, she wanted to quit, but Morton forced her to continue.

Anthony watched Fanny nervously and excitedly walk into the small room and talk to Jenny on the phone through bulletproof glass. He told himself that Jenny was on drugs, and even if she quit, she wasn't good enough, so he kicked her out of the list.

Anyway, it's definitely not that I saw Fanny soften!


Clark sat in front of the computer in a daze.

In fact, he was the first to report the outcome of the case in three weeks, which successfully grabbed the headlines and made the Planet Daily a big hit. But when he came to work today, his boss only praised him two sentences and asked him to make up for the follow-up report.

"You know best about the Custers, right?Why don't you do a special interview?Do you have any prison visits?What are your plans for the future?

" Clark looked at his notebook, "But it's not good to write other people's private affairs in the newspaper?"

Perry looked at him speechlessly: "As a reporter, you have to have basic professional qualities." They're not victims, and people love to watch that. The

big man stood aggrieved and was trained, sighing and returning to his position to write a report. He hesitated for a long time, put his hand on the phone for a while, and then took it down again, and so on, he couldn't make up his mind.

At this time, he heard the cry for help, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, got up and rushed into the toilet.

Superman put a civil airplane that had almost crashed into an open space on the ground, immediately flew back, changed his clothes, came out of the bathroom, and hit Perry again.

Perry blew his beard and glared at him, "Kent, you're done

?" "Not yet

?" "Why do you keep going to the bathroom?"

Clark was embarrassed, and when he walked back to his seat, the proofreader next to him was smiling and his face was red.

Clark finally mustered up the courage to call Caster's house.

"Hello, Mrs. Custer, I am Clark Kent. Pls me... Can I follow up on Jenny's affair?"

he has been in contact with the Custer family, and there is naturally no shortage of material, all that is missing is authorization. He couldn't bear to let Fanny have to endure the impact of public opinion, and kept silently saying "don't agree, don't agree" in his heart.

Still, Mrs. Custer said, "... OK.

"Madam, if you can't do it, don't force yourself..."

"It's okay, we've accepted the facts, and this is a big social event, isn't it? Let's learn the lessons of our family."

Clark began typing with a heavy heart. It's not hard for him to write a report, it's hard to chew the words, and try not to have words that make people hate the Custers.

A report of a few hundred words was quickly written, but he sat there and revised it until he left work.

Perry walked by and saw that he was still there, and walked into the office: "You haven't finished writing yet?"

"I'll see. Perry

probably skimmed through it, and there was no problem. "Don't change it, you can get it in the newspaper. Don't waste overtime pay here. "

I'm just..."

"What to worry about, people are still very tolerant of the families of unwitting criminals."

Clark was stunned for a moment, Perry had already walked out, and when he went out, he turned to him and said, "Don't get off work soon! Don't waste water and electricity!" Clark

couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips, send the document to his boss, and turn off the computer to get off work.

He huddled on the subway to get home, looking down at his phone. There are also novel websites on mobile phones, and there are countless new messages as soon as they are opened. If you look closely, it's all urging.

Clark smiled wryly. In the past few weeks, because of Wang Shui's wounding case, and the body has not been found, he is still following up, and he is busy to death.

Luckily, he still has a manuscript in reserve, but unfortunately there is only one manuscript in reserve.

Clark took a deep breath and clicked on the release. If you're still so busy this week, you'll have to take a leave of absence next time.

Thinking of the king next door, he had a little headache.

When Clark walked into the community, he saw the hot cocoa at the drink shop and went to line up. The small TV in the store was playing the news that a terrorist had appeared in Gotham, calling himself the Joker, and had caused an explosion in Gotham.

Clark frowned and stared at the TV until the lady at the counter asked a little impatiently, "Sir, sir, what do you want?"


climbed up the fourth floor with two cups of hot cocoa and knocked on Anthony's door. Anthony quickly opened the door, and Clark childishly slammed the cup in front of his face.

"Wow, thank you, Clark!" Anthony took the drink and held it in his hand, "Working overtime again today?" Clark

: "It's just that I'm too slow..."

Would you like to go out and eat some junk food?"

"That's good, but what about the drink?"

"You can eat it tomorrow morning." So

two men on a whim drove to the nearest ...

"KFC or McDonald's?" asked Clark.

"KFC has launched a new product, and I want to check it out. Clark

sat in the passenger seat, leaning his chin and looking out the window: "I also want to buy a car, it's really inconvenient."

"You don't have to buy too expensive, you will save enough money soon, and you can apply for a loan." "

Mainly... Because I'm sometimes late, I'm always being deducted... And the quality of my work is not high, I am often scolded by Perry, and the bonus is not much.

Anthony squinted at him, "You wake up early, I often hear you go out early." Clark

tilted his head weakly, "Maybe it's because I'm slower...",

"Do you need me to take you to work?"

Clark shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no, no, no." "

If Anthony flew out of the window with himself open, would he have scared him into a car accident?" Clark thought seriously.

Anthony snorted twice regretfully.

He pulls the car into the parking space and walks into KFC with Clark. It's not peak now, there aren't many people, and Clark hurried to take a position.

Anthony lined up and turned to Clarke, "What do you want?" Clark

: "Would you like to order a meal for two?"

Anthony: "No, I want a children's meal." Why don't you come with me

?" Clark: "Aha?"

Clark sat on a small stool in the corner, stunned as he looked at the five children's meals in front of him. Anthony took the straw and sat down, and began to unwrap the toys from the children's meal with great interest.

Clark watched in silence as Anthony opened the bags of the three Cybertrons series and unwrapped the round badges of Sonic Waves, Shockwaves and ambulances, opened the bags of the Batman series and uncovered a strange plastic batrang, and opened the last bag and pulled out a small figure wearing a tricolor uniform.

"This Superman... It's so pretty.... Uh, well, ugly. Clark

looked at the villain blankly, Superman is so...

"Anyway, KFC is infringing, right? Did Superman ask you to help him defend his copyright?"

"Well, of course not. Clark

quickly brought up a new topic: "Today Perry urged me to write a follow-up report on the Custer family..."

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