"La La Land" is not the best movie in recent times, but it is the best movie for dating.

Clark held the popcorn bucket and secretly turned his head to look at the people around him. The film's ever-changing light hits Louise's face, revealing a mysterious color.

But Louise looked a little confused.

This is not a suspense movie, but a romance movie with a simple plot. So Clark also fell into confusion. Could it be that Louise didn't like the movie?


Anthony happily went back, climbed into bed, turned on his computer, and started reading the new chapter that Clark had published before he left the house this afternoon.

Reading also requires a sense of ritual, and he tries not to ask Clark for spoilers, but like ordinary readers, he waits for updates slowly, and tries not to interfere with Clark's ideas.

In the process of clicking on it, he inevitably saw the latest news.

"Gotham Central Hospital is surrounded by fear gas

" "The welfare home invested by Mr. Luthor, the richest man in the Metropolis, has been completed and has begun to recruit staff

" "The Met is suspected of discovering a new superpower group"

Anthony glanced at it and didn't pay much attention to it. The new chapter is quite long, and should be enough to drink a cup of hot cocoa.

Hill, the protagonist of "Spider Silk in the Abyss", has completely switched sides, which makes Anthony a little regretful, and the end of the novel is very likely to be a cliché reunion.

The hero has grabbed the spider silk and crawled out of hell.,I think I'm going to live in the sun with my mother or something.。

It's been this point, so let's keep watching, and the character he pays the most attention to has not yet been set.

He opened his phone and saw a new text message. It was Clark's, and it had been a short time since he was supposed to be in the bookstore.

Reading Clark's words that he couldn't hide his joy, Anthony felt amused and a little inexplicably uncomfortable, and typed with one hand: "Then keep up the good work, and behave well in the movie." Tomorrow you invite me to dinner, it's decided.


Nolan counted his father's private money he had found, looked at the list in his hand, and let out a heavy breath of turbidity, ready to go out to buy.

Some things are hard to buy, so you may have to go to the school lab to find them.

He looked down at the planner in his hand. Nolan's brain is nimble, but he can't express himself, whether it's verbal, physical, or even written. He had a complete idea in his head, but it really took him a lot of effort to write it down.

Looking at his crooked handwriting, he clutched the paper, touched the key in his pocket, and prepared to go out.

At this time, the phone rang at home. Nolan put his hand on the doorknob and stood hesitantly for a moment until the phone automatically converted to a voicemail.

He waited for a while by the lamp at the door, and heard a girl's voice coming from the telephone.

"This is Fanny Custer, I'm a classmate of Nolan Pate, and I want to ask Pate if I'm free tomorrow to join me at the Met. Maybe I was a little late informed, but I just got a coupon.

Nolan hesitated, but called back.

"Pate?" waited patiently for him to speak.

“... Sorry, Custer, I'm not available tomorrow..."

"Can you tell me about your arrangements?

Nolan was silent for a while, Fanny didn't rush her, he could hear the sound of breathing on the other end of the phone, and the faint sound of the TV.

"Tomorrow... I'm probably not alive anymore.

Fanny was half frightened and shouted, "What are you talking about? Pate, don't be impulsive, we both like you, if you have any questions, you can tell me, if, if you don't trust me, then you can still find Mr. Pate, he can always be trusted, isn't he


"I remember you liked Mr. Pate very much, didn't he? He would be sad if you did something impulsive, right? And it's almost Christmas, and I'm going to invite you to spend the holidays with your teacher... Well, I don't know what I'm talking about, if you have a problem that you can't solve, I think Mr. Pate can be trusted..."

Nolan hung up.

Does he trust Mr. Anthony? The answer is yes. But I didn't confess to the teacher, didn't I trust the teacher enough?

... Maybe.

Nolan suddenly felt ridiculous. It's obviously because of his weakness and inaction, but he wants to pull the teacher to die together, and he also claims to regard the teacher as the most important person in the sense of ritual.

He suddenly felt useless, and crumpled the piece of paper into a crumpled ball.

It occurred to Nolan that if he died, would everything be okay? his parents would be tracked down, his teachers would mourn him, help him punish his parents, and beautify himself in his memories in the same way he glorified Philip...

Nolan suddenly thought that if he said something about suicide, Custer must have called the police. He immediately rushed out, feeling a little heavy on the cloth bag hanging from his elbow, and remembering that he had put the gun in before.

He only had two bullets.

Nolan ran out of the block and rubbed shoulders with several police cars. Not knowing where to go, he subconsciously ran through the alley under the streetlights to his school.

When he climbed over the wall, he was seen by the patrol and scolded loudly. He didn't stop.,Stumbling into the dark school park.,Remembering that he had a gun on him.。

Nolan suddenly had a bold idea.

The light of the flashlight hit him, and he could see his own distorted shadow. The heavy footsteps and shouts of the police in the back were clear.

He put his hand out of his pocket.


It wasn't the first time Nolan had heard a gunshot, but it was more exciting than the gunshots he had heard while hunting. He was not injured and continued to run towards the laboratory building with his gun.

The policemen were about to shoot when they heard someone shouting, "Please stop! That's a child

!" One of the policemen stopped and turned around and shouted, "Why did you guys get in!"

The young man raised his hands in front of the muzzle of the black hole: "Hey, I'm Pate, I'm the chemistry teacher at this school, and my ID is in my pocket, you can see it." That was my student just now, and if you know the call to the police not long ago, you know that it is a child who has a tendency to commit suicide..."

"But he has a gun, and he is not weak. The older policeman looked down at his ID and said.

Anthony: "... Can I go in with you and go to him? I'll try to convince him. Besides, I'm more familiar with the lab building than you are, am I?"

the police officer in front came back and told them, "The door to the lab building is locked, I don't know how he managed to sneak in."

Anthony looked back and saw Fanny waving desperately at him outside the fence.

The cops agreed anyway and let Anthony walk in the middle. Anthony directly took out the key to open the main door, and the three of them split up to find someone.

Anthony opened the door of the most commonly used laboratory, and sure enough, he saw a dark figure. The boy ran away, and Anthony immediately followed him upstairs.

"Hey, Nolan, wait for me, I'm not here to catch you!"

Anthony followed the boy all the way to the top floor, leaning over the railing and panting. Nolan was in worse shape than he was, breathing as quickly as if he was about to overbreathe.

Anthony heard the officers' footsteps and stretched out his hand to Nolan, "Nolan, give me the gun, okay?" Nolan

crossed his waist, leaned over, and did not answer.

"If you have a gun, they're going to shoot it, and you might injure me by mistake. Come, give it to me.

Nolan pulled the gun out, muzzle down, put it on the ground, and stepped back. Anthony slowly stepped forward and picked up the pistol. He heard the officer's footsteps approaching behind him, flung his gun back, and stared at Nolan as he approached the edge.

The older officer picked up the gun, looked at his partner, and slowly lowered the pistol he was holding.

"Don't be impulsive, kid.

Anthony walked towards Nolan step by step, and the young officer tried to hold him, but he didn't.

"Nolan, are you really looking for liberation?" Nolan

leaned over the rooftop railing with one hand and looked at him sideways.

"Nolan, you know, if you die, we'll lose your confession, which makes it even more difficult to accuse your parents. And I'm going to be sad if you're dead.

Anthony looked at Nolan, and he didn't waver at all.

"Moreover, life can be better, you file a lawsuit, we collect evidence, and then we find you a good foster home..."

Anthony narrowed his eyes, "Do you really want to try a high-altitude fall?"

The chemistry teacher suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the student's arm, and stood on the cement railing. The officers in the back were half frightened, and they didn't dare to rush up directly, lest they go down on impulse.

Anthony looked up at a shocked Nolan and shouted, "Superman!" The

officers reached out in despair as they watched as the not-so-normal man grabbed the boy and fell.

During the fall, the accelerated movement caused Nolan's mouth and nose to be filled with wind, and his facial muscles to deform, with a clear view of the ground that was getting closer and closer, and an indissolvable fear. He couldn't help but hug the people around him.

Anthony was also a little panicked, why hasn't the on-call superhero come yet?


Clark has been struggling, but still hears the cry for help. He stood up abruptly and said to the people around him, "I'll go to the toilet, let me go." "

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