Early in the morning, Anthony got up to the urging of the alarm clock.

"I hate work. He muttered.

Last night he had a normal schedule, no insomnia, and no sudden awakening. But nightmares can be worse than not sleeping.

Anthony doesn't know how long he's been dreaming, anyway, the last "plot" is quite complete. Although he was not afraid of revenge, he was not completely calm.

After a few seconds, the memory that was still clear disappeared, leaving only Christopher Harris's face, which grew stiffer and colder under the processing of his brain.

Anthony patted himself on the cheek, rolled over and got out of bed to wash.

When the chemistry teacher opened the door with his toast in his mouth, the neighbor's door opened with precision, and Clark's head sticked out.

This is unusual. Anthony asked vaguely, "Is there something wrong?" Clark

was a little embarrassed: "Good morning Anthony... Last night I sent you the new two chapters of Spider Silk... I know you haven't seen it yet, can you help me proofread it today?"

Anthony gestured "OK" to him and ran downstairs with a snap.


Clark reflected all night last night, quietly going in and out several times, and finishing the novel straight away. But he couldn't calm down and proofread, so he had to ask Anthony.

As usual, he trotted into the office, sat down at the table, and turned on the paddling mode. The Metropolis is always calm, and the bigger movement is Superman and Lex's, but Superman's blowing draft is now handy, and Lex has Louise on top of it.

He quickly wrote a short story for Superman to save two young people who fell from a building, and also told Nolan's pitiful experience, praised Teacher Peter's bravery, and criticized Teacher Peter's recklessness a little harshly...

Wait a minute.

Clark realizes that he has lost an important initiative. After the thrilling events of that night, how could he be forced to be like this, when he should have taught Anthony not to joke with his own life?

He pondered for a while on the computer screen, and soon after heard a cry for help, he immediately stood up. Eager to save people, Clark didn't notice the hint in the eyes of the proofreader next to him.

He jerked two steps in the direction of the toilet before finding Perry standing in the doorway, looking at him with a calm face.

"Kent, it's 9 a.m. and it's 3 a.m. How's your press release progress?

" Clark straightened his jaw and blurted out, "It's done."

Perry raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well

, that's a stupid question. It's not that the editor-in-chief doesn't know the people under him, except for workaholics like Louise, who are all determined not to do more jobs and not miss a little task.

Clark: "I'm now... A bit of a urgency to urinate and come back when I went to the toilet.

He rushed out of the office and into the toilet under the regretful gaze of his colleagues, fluently transforming into a rescuer. Two minutes later, the glamorous Kent reporter returned to the office.

Mr. Hamilton, who was across from him, sat up slightly straighter, and tried his best to meet Clark's eyes from the wooden platform of the partition: "Clark, you shouldn't just say that you finished writing, at least you can say that the manuscript needs to be proofread..."

Mr. Hamilton sympathetically poured him a cup of coffee.

Fortunately, it may have been a draw between the Mets' football team and the Galaxy Club recently, leaving the understaffed Sports News Department a bit busy, and Clark was tasked with helping write a middle school football league article. There are photos of the scene and interview information, and it is not troublesome.

At noon, Clark went to the staff cafeteria for lunch. Jimmy, who hadn't seen anyone this morning, came over with a plate and sat down with him.

"Hi Clark. "

What's wrong Jimmy, you look... Not very energetic. "

Hmm... I was tired of staying up late last night following Louise to stop a lot of Lex's employees for interviews. Goddess Ryan is really powerful, she didn't even ask for leave today!

" Clark heard this name, remembered something, and immediately said: "Louise is really powerful, beautiful and excellent, and... No boyfriend.

Jimmy shook his head, "I haven't found a man worthy of Louise at the moment." Maybe the goddess should be as beautiful forever as Queen Elizabeth. Clark

: "... I don't know, I don't know. But... I think I'm kind of thinking..."

Jimmy: "What do you want?" "

Well, I really want to be her boyfriend.

"That's, who wouldn't want to. Men will love the powerful and beautiful goddess. I'm more inclined to look up to her, I'm self-aware. "

It's not... I really, I like her very much, it's the kind of love.

Jimmy almost choked on himself, barely swallowing the sandwich in his mouth, and said with wide eyes, "You're not kidding, are you? I couldn't see it before!

I thought everyone knew each other before, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

"Okay, okay. However, although I am not much older than you, I often follow interviews and gossip for entertainment and so on, I think you are similar to Louise and other newcomers. You're like... The little girl who has just entered college thinks that her seniors are so experienced and powerful, and you like her. As a matter of fact... Well, it's just a cult.

Clark frowned, "I'm serious... I'm in a good mood when I see her...",

but Jimmy suddenly grabbed a loophole: "You said you were embarrassed before, how dare you say it now?, I know! Rejected right?"

Clark covered his face.


It was a calm day.

When Anthony packed up his things and was about to go home, he summed it up in his heart. He's right. During the day, the children were safe, and Nolan was obedient, and there was nothing annoying except for running over after school and telling him that the Folrens had found him a psychiatrist or something like that.

When I get home, I warm myself up with a sandwich and milk, and turn on my computer to proofread the novel for the white prostitute next door. Except for typos and minor grammatical errors, nothing goes wrong. The plot is decent, and the ending is coming, which is estimated to be similar to what he expected.

Actually, this is not a direct chase to the end. Anthony tilted his chin and scrolled on the table, the letters of English quickly swiped.

During this period, he also received a text message from Clark, and the author also sincerely asked him if he had any plot suggestions

, and Anthony said nonsense: "I like the ending reversal, either Hill or Mrs. and xxx have a leg, they are actually a gang, or Hill they have been lying and just high-sounding power...

Clark's expression gradually shifted from magic to contemplation. Anthony was taken aback: "Don't take it seriously, I'm joking, everything is based on the author's thoughts." "

Anyway, the day went well. However, only on this day.

Anthony's computer was processing data and didn't shut down, and he went to bed at ten o'clock. He didn't feel like he had slept long before he was woken up by the sound of an email message.

Anthony got up wrapped in the quilt to look, and as soon as he stood in front of the computer, he was almost scared to death by the smiling face that popped up on the computer screen.

Messy green hair, white body paint, strange forehead lines, one eye socket is blue and black, and the other eye socket is stained with blood, but the abyssal green eyes still stand out. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the corners of his mouth, which are obviously the marks of a knife cut, with red paint, and he has always maintained a rampant smile.

Anthony clenched his fists and kept telling himself that this was his own computer, and that it would be a big loss to type.

It's time for the firewall to be upgraded, or...

He slowed his breath, plugged in his headphones, and put them on. A familiar voice immediately poured into his ears:

"My heart, do you like my birthday present for you?"

Anthony frowned and looked at the bottom right corner of the computer. 00:01, yes, it's his birthday.

Birthday present

? what?

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