Anthony paid the fine.

The police checked the information, and there were indeed tombstones of his family, plus he admitted his mistake with a good attitude, and only fined $300. Anthony was very happy, paid the money, wrote a note, and immediately took a taxi back to the hotel.

Kansas City is indeed an ominous place, at least for the Pate family.

He lay in bed until dawn, then packed up and went out and took a taxi to the Forest Hill Cemetery. In the taxi, he heard the car radio muttering that there had been a murderer recently, and asked women to pay attention to safety. Anthony leaned back in his chair and thought of Mary again.

Mary was not in any danger, and even if she had, it was not fatal. The real cause of her death was a drug overdose. He remembers very well that in the morning he got up to get ready for school, but his mother couldn't wake up, only to find that his mother had been gone for several hours and had heart failure.

He was calm and called the police because he couldn't afford an ambulance.

No relatives wanted the devil's child, so Anthony went to a welfare home. Originally, someone wanted to adopt him, but he refused. At the time, he didn't want to join another family.

And then....

On the way he got out of the car and bought two bouquets of flowers, and then continued to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

The cemetery is also under the control of the police to do the final evidence collection. Anthony caught a police officer he knew, and he went in anyway.

Thankfully, the BAUs weren't there. Anthony went straight to Mary's tomb and put the flowers down. The bright red roses with a little moisture make the cold tombstone a little alive.

The real focus is on Alexander, and Mary also appears often in Antony's dreams, not once.

Alexander was eighteen years old when he died, and he was a very handsome and cheerful young man. Although Anthony still has his photo, the impression of what he did has long been blurred, and the most vivid memory is that Alexander was swept away by a tornado.

At that time, their family was not so bad, Alexander was there, and it seemed that the whole family had a light of hope. He did odd jobs and studied hard. Although Mary was a prostitute at that time, she was not as humble as she was later, and she was doing well.

Their family was in the suburbs at the time, and they were inhabited by unsatisfactory outsiders. When the tornado came that day, his mother was picking up customers in the city, and Alexander took him to find someone, but none of them escaped, only he hid in the basement of someone else's house...

Anthony placed a bunch of small yellow daisies in front of Alexander's tombstone and crouched down to look at the words on the tombstone. Tombstones are cheap and already worn. Anthony thought about whether to change the tombstone, and after thinking about it, he didn't need it in the future anyway.

"Alexander," he whispered, "whether you think I'm doing right or wrong, at least come and see me? I've almost forgotten what you are." He

didn't stay long, he wanted to talk about emotional issues, but after thinking about it, he hadn't decided yet. Let's talk about it when we get it.

A police officer looked up and saw Anthony walking out with his hands in his hands, thought for a moment, and said kindly: "It's okay, don't be afraid to disturb us, you can stay a little longer... We're not going to eavesdrop either.

Anthony shook his head at him and walked out in silence. He suddenly wanted to go to a place, a place he didn't want to go back to.

Maybe it's because the profession of teacher really infects him.


Just as every city has a cheap or mid-range forest hill cemetery, every city always has a "happy home", maybe a children's welfare home, or maybe a nursing home.

Anthony spent three years in the home.

If the full score is 5, Anthony gives it 4. The dean's abuse and the indifference of the staff directly deducted the points to -1, but its food and a senior pulled back another 5 points.

Anthony looked up at the number. The house number has of course been changed, and it seems more bells and whistles, but the text has not changed in the slightest. He stepped forward and knocked on the door, smelling the aroma of food inside. Oh, and it's supposed to be breakfast time for the kids.

The door opened, and inside was a young girl she didn't know. She looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

Anthony shrugged, "My name is Anthony Pate, I've been here before, and I'm back now." The

girl was cautious and asked him to stand at the door for a while, and then go to the dean.


Rose is staring at the children eating breakfast.

She is 57 years old and can retire, but she wants to wait until Rosie is an adult and leaves, and then hand over the position to someone else. Rosie is her best and last "toy" at the moment, and she can't risk letting the next dean find out about Rosie's problems.

Rosie is turning 16, almost.

Seeing that he was submissive, Rose was not worried about complaining to others while she was there. She smiled and touched the head of the child closest to her.

"Dean!" Rose

didn't need to look back to know that it was the new handicraft teacher Uri, and asked directly, "Is there anything wrong?"

Uri said, "There is a man named Anthony Pate, who claims to have lived here before, and wants to come in and have a look." "

Pate?" Rose thought for a moment, then quickly remembered. But she still said, "It sounds familiar, I'll go look at the archives." I'm a little older, and I don't trust my memories very much. "

Oh, of course I do. That's the most obedient child.

Rose looked at the names on the file and remembered the past for a moment. For a boy who is 15 years old as soon as he comes, such a character is simply impossible. But at that time, she tried several times, and the child never responded, not only because he swallowed his anger, but also showed no signs of anger.

It was a gift from God.

She walked out of the office and said to Uri, "I confirmed, there is this person." I'll go and receive him, you can take the kids to do the puzzle first. "

Despite the good old days, Rose is cautious. Who knows if Pate has made progress when he goes out to college and goes to work? If he has a bad mentality, he may still have a revenge mentality.

She walked down the hallway, turned her head slightly, and used the window as a mirror for two seconds, satisfying to find that she was in good shape. She knew that she looked more stern when she was younger, but now she has more wrinkles and looks much kinder.

Rose opened the door and recognized the person in front of her at a glance. Pate has been away for about the same time as he was back then, and so is his temperament. Look, how reluctant he laughs, like the boy who seemed to be emotionally devoid ten years ago.

Anthony: I didn't sleep last night, I just can't do it. Be sure to sleep well in the future.

Rose said enthusiastically, "Anthony, long time no see, come in!" She

led the young man into the house and tried to hug him, but was shunned. Rose was not surprised, and naturally turned her body to the side: "We redecorated once five or six years ago, but the furnishings have not changed, you should still have an impression."

Pate sighed, "yes, it's just that the photo wall is more closely arranged."

He stepped forward and looked at the picture carefully. Rose noticed that he quickly turned his attention to the photo that followed him.

Rose said, "After you, another boy came into your room, called... Kennedy. Interesting name, right? Actually, because your room is bigger, it's all big kids, and it's single.

She saw Pate frowning, perhaps remembering what had happened. Forget it, let's not talk about this. "It's not much use to remember the past, and the kids are better fed now than they were when you were there," she said. "Because there's more financial allocation.

"The kids are doing crafts, would you like to see them?"

said Pate, "That's right, I'm a chemistry teacher right now, so I can go over and interact with the kids."

Rose raised her eyebrows in surprise, she didn't expect that Pate, who had a dull personality, would choose to become a teacher. But it was none of her business, and she enthusiastically led him to the activity room.

She pushed open the wooden door and shouted inside, "Brother Pate is here, he's a chemistry teacher." The

children in the room all turned their heads and looked at the door. Rose turned sideways, watched Pate walk in naturally, and said to the children, "Hello to the first meeting." The

children were not surprised by strangers coming in, but simply began to discuss or ask, "What is chemistry

?" "Is this our teacher

?" "Is Pate your name?" Pate

walked up to the children and did not answer them directly, but said, "How about my brother put on a show for you?"

he said, staring at the big boy on the edge with his head down and playing with puzzles.

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