Anthony was about to board the plane, took out his phone and glanced at it, and Clark sent another message: "You say, how about I name the novel Knell? Anyway, the novel begins with the funeral of two people, and the protagonist group is almost wiped out at the end."

Anthony quickly pressed the keypad of his phone: "No! It doesn't matter if you call it funeral, heaven, hell, death, or whatever, you just can't call it a death knell." Fly on board now and don't disturb. "

On the plane, as soon as Anthony sat down, someone begged him to change his position because they were a couple, but they couldn't get an adjacent spot.

The young man who changed with him was by the window, and Anthony changed it cheerfully. Before the seats were warmed, another mother and son asked to change seats, because the little boy wanted to lean by the window. Looking at the little boy's black hair and blue eyes, Anthony exchanged with him.

After taking off, the young mother kept talking to the little boy or handing things through him, and he got impatient, so he changed with the mother again, let the two of them be next to each other, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the memo and typed.

I need a new notebook, he thought.

Within a few hours he got off the plane, connected to the Internet on his phone, and saw Clark send him a string of messages. It turns out that this guy's plane was delayed, and he is still in the waiting room.

"I've been to the toilet several times, and the big brother next to me has started to recommend good kidney tonic medicine to me!"

Anthony laughed as he got into the car and looked up to see his taxi driver looking at him in the rearview mirror.

“...... Slade?

" It's not a good thing to accidentally get into the mercenary's car, Anthony put away his phone and glared at him: "So you also provide after-sales service?"

Slade was expressionless: "I saw you at the time and flashed a double flash to remind you, why, talking to some little beauty, making you so focused and not looking at the road? Do you remember... A murder some time ago?"

Anthony: "Oh. Do you need anything?" Although the two of them pinched each other's handles, this guy couldn't be so kind and specially reminded himself that his vigilance had dropped sharply recently.

Slade happily said, "What do you think of Robin in Gotham lately

?" "Pretty cute, what's wrong?"

"I want him, as my, um, deputy or something."

"Don't you have two sons? "

You know, I've been divorced for a few years, and Adeline is still mad at me. "

“...... Who makes yourself restless. "

Don't talk about that," Slade slammed on the gas pedal and grabbed the green light at the last second to rush across the crosswalk, "To deal with Batman, you know what I need."

Anthony clutched his chest in horror: "If you want to think about it, you can do whatever you want, but don't involve me, I don't want to have a fight with Batman."

Slade: "You're not even afraid of me, and you're afraid of Batman?"

Anthony thought for a moment and added, "In some ways." "

Slade drove around in a cab and kept arguing with Anthony. Anthony knew he must have received some order about Gotham, but the very professional Slade certainly wouldn't say it.

They haggled for a long time, and Anthony told him to go to Gotham to get some supplies by himself, but he must not involve himself. Slade took the benefits of people for free, so he naturally promised to do so.

So Slade stopped the car, and got out of the car very thoughtfully to help take the suitcase out of the trunk, put it on the ground, and then stretched out his right hand: "The fare is $60, thank you."

Anthony's eyes widened, "Grab the money!"

Slade pointed to the car meter, which clearly showed $61, "Sir, I've already advanced a dollar for you."

Anthony angrily took out his wallet: "You are blackmailing! I know you are taking a detour! I remember your license plate number! Wait for the complaint!"

The gray-haired driver grabbed the money, got back into the driver's seat, and did not forget to remind: "Pay attention to the image, Mr. Pate."

Anthony gave a middle finger at the taxi that was going away, feeling that he was getting more and more stupid.


Anthony pulls the curtains and opens the windows to let in the cold air from outside.

It was still getting dark very quickly, and Anthony could no longer see the figure downstairs.

Turn on the TV, and it's playing local news. Apparently Superman was not absent from life in the Metropolis during this time. He specifically checked Yang Xuesong's news again and confirmed that the case was indeed characterized as a homicide caused by a personal vendetta.

He cleaned up the room a little.

There was nothing to eat in the fridge, and Anthony was about to go downstairs to buy some junk food when he heard someone knock on the balcony window. He walked over and saw that the balcony was empty, but there was a large plastic box on the floor, and one corner had been squeezed a little out of shape.

Super super fast delivery, very good.

Anthony took the box back and opened it to see that it was a box of brownies. Brownie didn't need to heat it, but it was still a little colder, so he stuffed a third of it in the microwave, heated it a little, and took it out.

He sat at the dining table, turned on all the lights, turned on the textbooks for this semester, ate and watched, and drank water, and actually slowly ate this large plate of brownies.

After eating, I felt greasy in my mouth again, and drank a large glass of water.

Having eaten and feeling sleepy, Anthony gave up the struggle and packed up and went to bed.


Clark has finally returned to Metropolis. Superman had gone back and forth many times, but Clark had to honestly fly and take a taxi.

The met's taxis were frighteningly high, but he knew that Anthony was asleep, and he couldn't wake people up to pick him up.

It was okay to catch the latest taxi in the evening. Clark comforted himself.

He paid the money in distress and went upstairs with his luggage. It's already past two o'clock in the morning, and the whole building is quiet. He opened the door as softly as he could, but there was still a little noise from the door, which seemed to wake up the dogs of the unknown house, and there was a little barking.

Clark wants to get a dog again.

He packed his bags, sorted out all the desserts, and put them in the refrigerator. This row is for colleagues in the company, this row is for Fanny and Nolan, and this row, no, both rows are for Anthony. But there was still a lot left, so he decided to give a separate copy to the goddess Louise and his good friend Jimmy, taking up a row.

And one more on the table to be saved for tomorrow morning.

Then he went out to rescue people twice, and soon waited until dawn.

Clark sometimes envies ordinary people, such as Anthony, who falls asleep, and all the bad things that happen at night have nothing to do with him. There is no need for him to sleep, and when he sleeps, he will be called for help and go out to save people.

Superman squatted in the corner of the park and petted the dog, heard Anthony get up, pinched the dog's ears and said goodbye to him. He quickly changed his clothes and knocked on Anthony's door.

Anthony hadn't changed his clothes at all, and was still wearing yesterday's sweater, which was now crumpled. He yawned and looked at Clark quizzically.

"Martha has made too many desserts, a considerable part of them are yours, my refrigerator can't fit it, can yours put it down?"

Anthony came to the spirit and opened his small Xiaoice box: "Martha is so nice, even asked you to help me bring desserts."

Clark walked in with two boxes, saw Anthony take out the previous box in the refrigerator, only a third of it was left, and was shocked: "You've eaten so much?" Anthony

: "Actually, no, I just put some in the microwave and plan to eat it for breakfast." Clark

suddenly felt that Martha was right, and that this dessert was definitely not enough for Anthony for a week. But....

"Anthony, I remember you didn't eat dessert like this every day.

Anthony said helplessly: "I'm not a particularly self-disciplined person, if the sweets are in my refrigerator, I can't help but eat them, and if there are no ones in the house, I won't eat too much because I'm too lazy to go out and resist the urge to buy sweets."

Clark looked at him carefully, "You've gained a lot of weight." For

the sake of Anthony's health, Clark moved all the sweets back, determined to contact Fanny and Nolan right away and give them their share so that Anthony's could be loaded.

He said sternly: "I'll give you one every morning in the future, don't eat too much."

Anthony: "I'm a teacher, you're a teacher?"

Clark blinked: "I'm a grain producer." "

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