José hesitated: "It could have been, but... Stay safe.

Anthony poked Clark, who pulled a ham out of his pocket. Anthony took the ham, tore open the package, and opened the cage.

Bian Mu was still staring at him fiercely.

Anthony handed the ham to Bian Mu's mouth with his left hand, Bian Mu didn't appreciate it at all, and opened his mouth to bite him, but Anthony grabbed his mouth, and his upper and lower jaws hit him together, and he couldn't open his mouth.

Anthony withdrew his right hand, and with his left hand he brought the ham to the border pastor's mouth again. Bian Mu didn't have a long memory, and he wanted to bite him again, but he was also pinched by the fast-handed Anthony.

The third time, Anthony almost shoved the ham into the border herd's mouth. This time, Bian Mu did not attack again, but slowly opened his mouth and bit the ham into his mouth.

When she had finished eating, Anthony put his hand in front of her again. Bian Mu hesitated and licked his hand.

Anthony stood up: "I want her." So

José let the border herd out, and she didn't run, but walked around the two of them, smelling their smell. Clark held out his hand to her, and she glanced at it, ignoring it.

Anthony grabbed Clark's hand, rubbed his hand against it, and handed Clarke's hand to the border herd. This time she licked Clark's hand as well.

Anthony sighed, "I'm finally not the Antonio of cats and dogs." Clark

crouched on the ground and touched her paws: "Do you

have a name, good girl?" José: "She doesn't have a name, we tried to get it, but she can't remember it."

Anthony: "How, well, how is

Jessica?" Clark: "Jessica, Jessica?"

Border Mull reluctantly arched his nose at him, and Clark could clearly see the disgust in her eyes.

Anthony: "Very well, Jessica, come home with us."

Jessica turned around and touched Anthony's trouser leg with her paws.

After the formalities were completed, they thanked Jose, and Clark carried Jessica and followed Anthony behind her ass to get into the car. There are a lot of things to do after adoption.

Jessica had a full body check-up, a rabies vaccination, deworming, a custom dog tag and leash, expensive dog food and a mouth cage that she didn't need for the time being, and a dog house that was still a pile of wooden boards.

Anthony drove, and Clark sat in the back seat petting the dog.

Anthony looked at the dog food bag on the co-pilot, and was a little unhappy: "Don't touch it yet, we haven't given her a good bath yet, in case there are lice."

Clark: "Just the vet bathed Jessica."

Anthony snorted and didn't speak again.

Jessica seemed to find out that being masturbated like this would make Anthony angry and upset, so she broke free of Clark's hand and sat down on the side.

Anthony: "You see she's a lot of observants.

Clark tore open a packet of dog food, poured some in his hand

, and handed it to Jessica, "Come, Jessica, will you eat?" Anthony: "Don't eat it, Jessica, and then when you get home, Clark's share of the cake is yours." Anyway

, he was afraid that Jessica wouldn't understand, so he added, "If you don't eat, I'll give you a better one."

Jessica seemed to understand and turned her head away.

Clark: "Huh, cake?"

Anthony: "The welcome cake I ordered for our new member is now downstairs." The

car was parked, Anthony went to get the cake, and Clark took Jessica upstairs. Jessica doesn't seem particularly comfortable with the stairs and is a bit awkward to walk around.

Anthony's room was stacked with a lot of chemical instruments and lesson plans, and it was agreed that Jessica would stay with Clark first. Clark retrieved a blanket and sat Jessica on it. She calmly walked up, lying on it and not moving, her eyes looking around.

Anthony brought back an animal cream cake, and with a drop of the plastic knife, he peeled off half of the cream, carefully removing a small piece of cake crust and placing it in Jessica's new bowl. Jessica sniffed and ate the cake base.

So Anthony gave a piece of cake to Jessica: "Cherish this opportunity Jessica, dogs can't eat cake often, and there will be no more!"

Anthony was right: "Words count, I can't lie to Jessica."

Jessica agreed, rubbing Anthony's trouser leg.

But Anthony backhanded out a plate of chocolate brownies and handed it to Clark: "I have been buying cakes for a long time and asking the clerk for a small giveaway."

Clark said to Jessica, who was full of confusion, "It's mine, and besides, you can't eat chocolate."

Anthony poured a pot of dog food for Jessica with his backhand: "Anyway, Clark won't grab the dog food to eat." Because

it was late, the two asked Jessica to sleep on the blanket first, and then assemble the dog house for her tomorrow. Jessica then watched Anthony walk out and closed the door. She stood up, trotted over, and scratched the door.

Clark rubbed her head, "Anthony will be coming to see you tomorrow." "Actually, I want to share a room with him.


"Good dog, Jessica, we're going out, you have to be good."

Jessica sat in front of her now-planked kennel, with the collar around her neck tethered to the leg of the table, and barked as she watched Anthony and Clark happily go out the door.

Anthony folded back and put a muzzle on her: "I'm sorry I can't let you scream, or you'll disturb the neighbors."

Jessica stared at him, he was completely unapologetic.

Anthony first sends Clark to work, gives Clark a gentle kiss amid the teasing gazes of his colleagues, watches him slip into the Planet Daily, and then drives to school for a psychological test.

Anthony grew up with this thing, and he already knew how to answer to get through.

So he finished smoothly, and the principal talked to him again, telling him about Erin's drug use, and the most likely drug trafficking on campus. Anthony, who had done the job, said he didn't know

, and then quickly ended the conversation, walked out of school, and drove to Lex's new mall.

He stepped into the elevator that was not open to the public at the appointed time, pressed the twenty-first floor, and then began to look east and west. Clark didn't have a bad habit of seeing through his clothes, and naturally he wouldn't notice in the morning that he was wearing a pentagram that resembled his own six-pointed star.

But his gut told Anthony that it was safe.

On the sixteenth floor, the elevator opened, and two men in suits and leather shoes and a woman in a hip-wrapping skirt walked in. Anthony, dressed in a tracksuit, didn't seem to notice his misfit at all and smiled at them.

The elevator stopped on the twenty-first floor, and Anthony followed the three men's butts until he reached a one-way glass wall.

There was a sudden opening in the wall, and Anthony realized that there was actually a door there. A beautiful brunette with obvious Amazon features walked out, her eyes rolled over the four of them, and she held out her hand to Anthony: "Mr. Pate, Mr. Luthor is already waiting for you."

Through the eyes of the three of them, Anthony stepped forward and nodded politely to the female assistant and walked into the room.

It was by no means Luther's usual office, but it was still neatly furnished. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can actually see a part of the daily planet.

"Mr. Pate.

Anthony then turned to look at the desk to the right. Entrepreneurs, who are often seen on TV, are now sitting in chairs, handsome and confident.

Anthony involuntarily glanced at the top of his head, anyway, if Anthony's hair was thinning like this, he would definitely not be confident enough to wear a wig.

Naturally, he pulled up a chair and sat down across from Luther, took a paper cup, poured himself a cup of tea, and smiled, "I've been looking forward to seeing you for a long time, Mr. Luther. Luther

: "I don't have a lot of time, and you can see it, outside my door... "

Then I'll be blunt, I know something about that guy's weaknesses. Sir, can you guarantee that this place is safe enough?"

Luthor raised an eyebrow, "Although the security here is not as good as that of the Lex Mansion, it is still much higher than that of other buildings in the Metropolis. "

You're confident, so are you sure they can withstand that guy's eavesdropping?"

Luthor stared at him: "Super..."

Anthony was in a hurry, and directly spilled the tea in his hand on the face of the person opposite, forcing him to shut up. Seeing that Luthor was about to get angry, he quickly explained: "That guy can hear any words about him, otherwise how can he do it?" Luthor

refused Anthony's handkerchief for a dollar and a board, took out the silk scarf on his chest and wiped his face, calmed down, and looked at the man opposite.

"So if I just say his code name, he'll hear it?"

"As long as someone calls out his name while the guy is awake, the guy can hear and go over and 'do the righteous'." Guess a little, he could actually hear everyone on Earth. "

The entrepreneur looked at Anthony, and Anthony looked at him innocently.

"Okay, then, Mr. Pate, you have made this conjecture, so, do you have any solution?"

Anthony hooked his lips, "Yes, I have." However, that's a different price. "

I don't see the product, how can I bid?Even if you quote, how can I trust your price to be realistic?"

"Okay then, I'll tell you first..."


I gave up, if you want to see the part that can't be sent before, please go to haitang, search for the title

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