Anthony's inevitable shot missed.

Superman grabbed the bullet, stood up, and put his hand on top of the bear's head, then felt Anthony's death gaze. He coughed, threw away the bullet, trotted over to his boyfriend, and asked, "Are you alright?"

Anthony inserted the pistol back and muffled, "It's okay." Jessica should have been scared. Jessica

was really scared. Before she was fully adult, she was forced to face a polar bear that was much stronger than herself, and to make matters worse, Anthony had just shot at her side. The animal had always had a strong fear of gunshots, and now she was tightening her long leash, trying her best to hide behind Superman.

Anthony sighed, squatted down, picked up a handful of snow to wipe the gunpowder residue from his hands, and stretched out his hand to Jessica: "Jessica, I'm sorry, I won't use that against you." After

coaxing for a long time, Jessica finally let Anthony touch it. Anthony stood up and pointed to the polar bear that was sneakily trying to leave: "Clark, I want to touch it!"

Superman reached out and held down the polar bear very unscrupulously. Although the polar bear is young, its survival instinct tells it that this brightly colored guy is strong, so it meekly lies on the ground. Anthony ran over with Jessica in his hand, then grabbed Jessica's left front paw and hit the bear: "Jessica, dig it!"

Superman: "...?"

Jessica, who has always been smart, finally kicked the polar bear twice to vent her anger. Anthony ravaged the polar bear with his hands, and called it "let it know that the world is sinister".

Superman laughs and cries, and when they're done, he puts the polar bear on a piece of sea ice suitable for hunting, and comes back to walk back with Anthony. Anthony ran and stopped with Jessica, and he followed at an even pace.

He thought that he was indeed "Clark". He enjoyed this simple human pleasure even more, even if it was just watching his lover playing in the snow. The presence of superpowers also brings joy to their dates.


At Anthony's insistence, Joe El made a sharp weapon and took the long Kryptonian name. Anthony refused to admit it, calling it the "Internet Savior".

With the help of the "connected savior", the Solitary Fortress safely and stealthily steals the network of a nearby research station, Anthony gets his wish, and Joe El receives more information about humans.

Two days later, Anthony and Joe El concocted a rudimentary kryptonite detector. Truth be told, Anthony was only responsible for typing and Clark drawing drawings, and it was only Joe Eyre, or Fortress of Solitude, who actually did it.

Taking advantage of Superman's departure to save people, Anthony took Jessica out for a walk again, and by the way, he picked up the Kryptonite detector, which is still very large. So Anthony sat on the "snowmobile" and drove slowly, with the probe dragging behind, and Jessica bouncing around beside him.

With transportation and constant contact with Joe Eyre, they had the audacity to go further than before. As Jessica slid down a snow-obscured slope and climbed up with difficulty, the detector began to beep.

"So fast?"

Anthony climbed down to push the probe, quickly determining the range and approximate depth of the kryptonite, before calling Joe El to send a robot over to help. The burial was not particularly deep, it was easy, and Anthony had a few more stones glowing green in his hand.

"This is kryptonite?" Anthony held in his hand, not feeling a lot of discomfort. Maybe he was dressed tightly, but Anthony didn't plan to touch it with his hands easily.

After deciding to dig the mine, in an eco-friendly manner, Anthony asked the robots to fill in the excavated pit. If nothing else, if some little unlucky guy falls in, it will be quite evil.

In the end, Anthony put about half a kilogram of kryptonite shards in the back of the sled, carried Jessica, and drove back on a snowmobile. The detector that dragged behind, because Anthony wouldn't turn off, was there all the time.

Jessica was the first to find the red cloak in the sky and shouted twice into the sky. Anthony looked up and waved at Superman who was slowing down: "Carl – look what we found –

" Superman approached them, and when he was about fifty meters away, he suddenly fell from more than thirty meters in the air and smashed into the snow with a loud bang.

Jessica and Anthony opened their mouths wide.

Anthony reacted and ran over with Jessica: "Carl, are you okay Carl?"

Superman crawled out of the pit he smashed and wiped his face: "It's okay, it's just... A little dizzy, and a little painful.

After saying that, both of them suddenly realized. Anthony: "That's what green kryptonite does?"

Anthony runs back and puts kryptonite on the ground, leaving the robot to guard it, then drives the snowmobile over and carries Jessica's Clark back. After driving more than 100 meters, Clark said that he was okay and flew up.

Back at the Solitary Fortress, Anthony asks for a large lead box from Joe El and drives the kryptonite back on a snowmobile. After testing Clark's body, as long as the lead box is thick enough, it can't affect Superman.

"What if someone gets their hands on the green kryptonite and wants to disuse Superman?

" Joe Al: "Even if there is a vaccine, what needles can we use to inject Clark?"

In the end, Anthony grabbed Clark and tested all the resources available, and found that under the light of his own solar radiation lamp, Clarke's discomfort with kryptonite would be greatly reduced. Joe Al took it seriously into the intranet.

Then, they tinkered with a tiny liaison, of course, only connected to the intranet. After all, even if Clark could hear them, Anthony and Joe Al wouldn't be able to get the news in time.

Spring break is coming to an end, and Anthony takes Jessica out for a walk on his snowmobile for the last time. It's a whole new direction, and within a few steps, the instrument is tickling, and, very shallow.

Anthony dug directly with the snow shovel, and soon dug up a few rocks that glowed orange. Before he could put it up, Jessica suddenly took to the air.


: "Jessica?" Jessica: "Whew-woo-woo-hoo-hmm-" Help-

-throh, Anthony quickly put all the orange kryptonite he had dug up into the lead box, but Jessica didn't fall off, and went on a rampage in mid-air, screaming violently, and finally crashed into a rock.

"Jessica!" Anthony cautiously approached her, and at this moment, Jessica got up, as if she had accidentally activated some ability, and her eyes were red.

Anthony's intuition was faster than his brain, and he fell directly to the ground, and then, two red lights passed above him, with a terrifying heat, which made Anthony sweat and goosebumps.

There was a loud noise behind him, and he turned to see that the hill opposite had been half destroyed by the two red lights.

"Hot sight?!"

Anthony crawled to the side to avoid being hurt by the out-of-control Jessica, and finally chose the easiest way to communicate.


" "Whoa She is smarter now, her eyes are tightly closed, but she still can't suppress her other abilities, and a large amount of ice mist is released from one mouth.


Finally, Superman rushed back, picked up Anthony, and lifted him into the air, away from the rampaged Jessica. He was also dumbfounded when he saw Jessica throwing her tricks all over the place.

"What's going on?"

Anthony was aggrieved: "I just dug up orange kryptonite!" Without

further ado, although he didn't understand the principle yet, Superman could only send Anthony back to the fortress first, and then turn back to deal with Jessica, who couldn't control himself.

If Jessica is really endowed with the same abilities as herself, it means that Jessica also has a super brain and should be able to understand people. So Superman shouted to her, "Jessica, calm down, get on the ground, close your eyes, shut your mouth, listen carefully to me, don't listen to any other voice!" Jessica

understood, and she struggled to move her limbs, fell stiffly to the ground, and buried her head in her head.

Superman breathed a sigh of relief and cautiously approached her. Then, Jessica accidentally inhales a bit of snow and dust that has just been dug up, opens her mouth wide, and sneezes.


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