Anthony considers himself lucky and unlucky.

Recently, he seems to have been involved in various criminal cases, but he is not completely involved. He pondered indifferently whether he had offended a god recently, and stood in place with a broken bottle.

Three minutes ago, an off-road vehicle crashed into the convenience store, shattering the glass and pushing the counter more than a meter inside, knocking the shelves out of shape. Fortunately, Park Rosen reacted extremely quickly and threw himself to a safe place, only to be cut a little by the glass.

Park Luoxin rushed out and helped her brother up, and saw two outlaws getting out of the car, rushing over with guns, apparently trying to take them hostage. Anthony quickly pushed them into the compartment and stood in the doorway himself, facing the muzzle of the black hole.

"Don't act rashly!"

the officers cautiously approached the completely disappeared store door with guns in hand, and one suspect wiped the blood from his forehead, put the muzzle of the gun to Anthony's forehead, and threatened, "If you get any closer, I'll shoot!"

Another tried to open the door to the cubicle, but it was locked from the inside, and it was an iron door. He asked Anthony loudly, "How does this door open?" Anthony

leaned on the shelves with his hands raised and said slowly, "I'm a customer, it's the first time I've come, how do I know." The

man slammed him with the butt of his gun and scolded, "Don't play tricks!"

Anthony was beaten so bent down that he straightened up again: "I didn't lie, I really don't know." The

robbers tried to no avail, and began to negotiate with the police outside. Anthony estimated, no, both of them have guns, they don't have guns, and they have one on their foreheads.

So he said the name: "Carl Ayr." Robber

: "What did you say?" "

Karl El, my god, save me." The

robbers were still wondering which evil god this was, when they suddenly felt a gust of wind, and then the two robbers were on the ground, and the guns appeared at the feet of the policemen.

Superman asked with restraint, "Are you alright?"

Anthony shook his head, Superman looked very busy, took a deep look at him and flew out. Seeing him leave, before the police could come in, Anthony grabbed two glass bottles of cocktails from the shelves, walked up to the knocked out robber, and waved them down.

The glass cracked, and blood splattered in the drink.

Anthony stomped on the guy who was pointing a gun at him again, and looked up at the policemen: "I shouldn't mean to hurt me, right?"

An officer crouched down and restrained them, saying, "Of course not."

As a man, he understood the man's anger very well. However, this gentleman's movements just now were really too skillful, and he didn't hesitate to smash it at all.

Anthony threw the wine bottle aside and asked twice, it turned out that this was the culprit of the recent campus drug trafficking case, and he had just been knocked out of his nest, but he ran away two and bumped into this convenience store.

To say that this store is also quite unlucky, it seems to have been robbed once before.

Park Rosen and Park Rokhin opened the door and came out inside. Park Rosen was somewhat apologetic: "I'm sorry, we were too panicked just now and didn't open the door to let you in."

Anthony shook his head: "It's okay, there wasn't enough time just now for the three of us to go in."

Park Rosen was grateful to Anthony and picked up the sandwiches on the shelves and stuffed them into his hands. Anthony twitched the corners of his mouth, "How did you come up with the combination of sour radish and sandwich?" "

Because we're Korean." Park Rosen rightly said, "If you're not used to it, we also have ham sandwiches."

So the three of them squatted on the side of the road and ate a sandwich each, and followed the police to make a transcript first. As for the bruises on Anthony's forehead, Park Luoxin directly found some ointment in the store and helped him apply it.

At the end of the transcript, Anthony sat on a bench and petted his dog, only to see the former police officer come up to him with a strange face and tell him, "Mr. Pate, those two bandits... Ahem, a concussion was caused due to your secondary injuries.

Anthony coughed weakly.


"So, this time you're going to stay up all night?" Clark

looked away and touched his nose: "It's the last time... I went to Gotham, and the main thing is, you know, Lex has always been hostile to Superman, and Gotham has Batman, and he's a vigilante. So, this business trip is very important to me. "Moreover, because Gotham is dangerous, the subsidy is also very high, and it is time to save money yourself.

Anthony: "Do you think I'm joking with you before?" I was supposed to take you to make porcelain over the weekend, but now, hmph, don't talk about it!"

Anthony scolded fiercely, but he was actually relieved. He also said that he wanted to find some reason to go to Chicago alone, and now he didn't need to, just go secretly.

"But—" Clark leaned closer to observe Anthony's forehead, "Is the wound healed?" "

Well, I'm not a scar. Seriously, the Metropolis is too small, and all kinds of cases are mixed up in a heap. So what the hell is going on with drug trafficking?" Clark

sat in the passenger seat and looked at his previous notes on his phone, saying: "They are a simple criminal gang, one is responsible for drug production, two are responsible for transportation, and the rest are responsible for contacting children for sales... Damn guy, sorry Anthony, I just can't help it. And then...... That Erin was one of the people who bought drugs from the children.

"These kids ... Is there too much pocket money?"

"Well, maybe... By the way, they use coloring and flavoring to make the drug into the color and flavor of fruit candy, which is very popular with children..."

Oh, I know, I saw it, and at that time I said why do I still like to eat fruit candy, I thought it was a classic return." Tsk, I really didn't see it at the time.

"It's normal to not see it, it's too much like candy." They really... It's all about catering to the tastes of teenagers.

"Wait, these middle school students, no matter how much they have pocket money, they can't afford to squander, right? How cheap should this drug be?"

"It's just that the cost is very low, which also brings one advantage and one disadvantage. The advantage is that the drug content is not so high, and the addiction is not particularly strong, and the disadvantage is that there are many impurities in it, which brings great harm to the children's stomach.

"That benefit doesn't exist, many children are under the age of sixteen, their bodies are not fully developed at all, and the side effects of taking that drug are similar to those of adults taking the usual dose."

"That's right, I don't know what to do with these children. They won't call Superman either.

Anthony twitched the corner of his mouth, although he was a people's teacher, he really didn't want to discipline these little devils who touched the forbidden area. "Maybe there will be fewer children in my class today, and all I can do is take care of the rest of the children.

So, that afternoon, Anthony came home from work and just gave Jessica dog food and water, and went out again, pinching the time to get on the plane and fly to Chicago. While waiting for the plane, he first said goodnight to Clark, then downloaded a movie, and just finished watching an old movie on the plane.

"Total Eclipse of the Heart".

Anthony was still immersed in the beauty of Xiao Lizi's prosperous life, pulled a small suitcase and walked out of the airport, facing a cold wind, and finally calmed down a little and saw a car with double flashes. He approached cautiously, and before he could knock on the window, the driver lowered the window. A black guy stared at him.

"Is it Pate?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Foran.

Anthony sat on the right side of the back seat, just in time to look at the driver. The driver looks young, maybe in his twenties, well, most of the black ones are in their twenties and thirties, and the newcomers who have just entered may even be only twelve or thirteen years old.

Anthony remembered the school drug trafficking case that Clark had shared with him. Although the mastermind is a group of adults, it is a group of children who are actually peddling drugs on campus, the big one is seventeen, and the small one is only twelve. They were selling the same colored candy that Anthony had seen before.

For this reason, the police also asked them, the teachers, to pay more attention to the children's movements -- no, if they hadn't found out, who would have known that the "fruit candy" they ate was drugs!

Anthony suddenly remembered that the drug business in Chicago was not comparable to Gotham. Forren is still muddying the waters here. Looking at a police car passing by, Anthony didn't know whether to sympathize with the police here.

At the same time, the reporters here never worry about running out of news. Just now, Anthony heard a burst of gunshots. The driver was very calm, bypassed the place where the murder might have occurred, and safely delivered Anthony to a hotel that burned money at first glance.

"Long time no see, little Anthony. "

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