In May, life seemed to be quiet again, Clark updated "The Cross" to nearly thirty chapters, and many of the previous readers came, and Jessica was taught some complex movements before he was fine, and Jessica learned a new command almost twice.

Anthony took Clark to the children's craft shop to make a set of cups and bowls as planned, and although Clark was a little ashamed to sit among the children, the finished product was still very satisfying. Clark's hand is more stable than Anthony's, and the pattern on it is almost flawless. On top of that, he reads novels, plays games, occasionally talks on the phone with Klein remotely, and sets a new goal in Washington, D.C., perfectly illustrating that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

However, accidents do happen, if nothing else.


It was Anthony who first heard from Klein that Batman smashed several buildings like a psychopath. Anthony got impatient as he listened to his cheap partner babbling across the phone complaining about how Batman had disturbed his latest dreadgas research, and hung up. As

for what he complains about, Anthony just thinks of it as Batman's daily activity. Maybe some new madman has appeared, or Batman himself is crazy. Both possibilities are high.

So he went to pick up Clarke, who had been working overtime for a while, and took out the fish from the refrigerator and fried it, because Jessica was eager to try it, and gave her half of it.

Before going to bed, Anthony proofread chapter nineteen of The Cross for Clark. At the moment the story seems to be all right, and although the young and vigorous Margaret has been severely beaten by society, Siris has intervened and brought her back to the capital in a wagon carrying timber.

Here, Anthony quietly stands on a CP of Siris and Margaret. Although Siris is also more than ten years older than Margaret, it is not as difficult to accept as the age difference between Wright and Margaret, and... Margaret looked much smarter after being beaten, and should be able to keep up with Siris.

After proofreading, he sent it back to Little Kite, and casually sent a goodnight emoji. Clark poked his head out of the toilet with a toothbrush in his mouth and stared at him, then he walked over and kissed him on the cheek: "Good night, Clark."

Jessica whispered twice at him with her front paws against the painted wooden fence, and Anthony walked over and patted her on the head, "Good night too, Jessica."

Then, with great spontaneity, he threw himself into Clark's room, and rolled expertly to wrap himself in the summer quilt he had just changed. Soon after, Clark also entered the room and lay down beside him.

Anthony slept for a while, rolled around in a daze, and realized that there was no one around. That was normal, and he went back to sleep.

At this point, Jessica began to bark loudly. Anthony sat up suddenly, "Jessica, don't make noise!" Jessica

cried out in a hurry, knocked down the wooden fence with all her might, and rushed over to scratch Anthony's door. Anthony opened the door, and she immediately tried to bite his trouser leg, realizing that Anthony was wearing shorts, so she walked around behind Anthony and put her head against him.

Anthony thought it was an earthquake and touched the magic rune paper in his pajama pocket. No response?

Then, the whole building shook. Anthony barely stood still, and didn't think about anything, grabbed the six-pointed star on the bedside table and ran to the balcony. As soon as he got out, an ugly monster pounced on his balcony. Anthony immediately turned around and ran towards the house, pulled out a box of firearms from under the cabinet with his backhand, picked up the shotgun and fired three shots in quick succession.

The monster fell, and Anthony had time to take a closer look at it. It was a green or purple monster, about two meters tall and large, with creature and mechanical parts of its body intertwined, with its mouth wide open and sharp teeth exposed. It had just attacked indiscriminately with its fists. Anthony noticed that it had no pupils and no sparkle in its eyes, and that it was supposed to be a soulless creature.

Anthony bets a buck, it's definitely an alien creature.

Outside, there were sounds of building destruction and screams, as well as the sound of intermingled sirens. Anthony pulled the glass door of the balcony hard, turned around and called his base, telling the Gotham idiots to run underground and hide.

There was an explosion on the other side, the ground shook, and Jessica spun around the room uneasily, but had no intention of going out. Anthony didn't turn on the lights and equipped himself in the dark.

Body armor, helmets, masks. Kryptonite dagger, two boxes of kryptonite, liaison. Amulets, magic bombs, six-pointed stars. A shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle crossed on his back, two revolvers, and four on his legs.

Then, Anthony put on his bulletproof vest for Jessica, turned around and ran out the door with her.

"Carl, Carl, please answer!" The

female neighbor downstairs had just run out, and when she saw Anthony in full armor, she seemed to trust him and followed him closely. Anthony sighed and did not refuse.

There was a large crowd of people gathered downstairs, and the police did not come, but the neighborhood was surrounded by countless monsters. They even spread their wings to cover the sky... Month.

Amid screams and gunfire, they watched as the devils overturned and flattened several cars that were trying to break in, and the people inside lost their vital signs before they could even scream. Fortunately in misfortune, fire suppression is effective.

Anthony picked up his gun, and together with several men in the community, blasted a way out with shotguns, and everyone squeezed out frantically. Instead of following the crowd, Anthony ran away from the police car and finally heard Superman's reply.

"Anthony, you stay at home first and don't come out..."

Anthony rolled his eyes: "The house has been invaded." I didn't drive, I only had ... Uh, nine guns. "

Then go evacuate first

!" "Evacuate, the police can't handle it at all!" Anthony glanced back, "Before these devils massacre, those people shot indiscriminately and killed two patrol officers by mistake."

"So what the hell is this? aliens?"

"We think, yes." It's Darkseid's army of demonoids..."

"You guys?"

"Me, Batman, Green Lantern, and Cyborg. Let's not talk about that, Ann... Hurry up and find a way to get out of the city and protect yourself!"

Anthony looked up, "I think, it's a bit difficult. The

light of the portal shone on his face.


Superman turns on the heat line of sight, a strafing shot, and shoots down a large number of demons. The Batfighter flies past him, and Wonder Woman steps on the demon to come to him.

"It's too much.

She said with a frown.

The single combat power of the demons is not strong, but the number is really terrifying, even if it is a large-scale attack with a hot line, it seems that it will never be able to kill.

They put the plane back on the ground, it was sparsely populated and there weren't a lot of demons. But Superman heard, and Metropolis was already crowded with demons.

Then, he turned his head and saw an off-road vehicle rushing out of the city, and a young man in the passenger seat was shooting at a demon with a gun, barely clearing the obstacles for the family.

Wonder Woman: "It's not that bad. Superman

, Batman, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and The Flash discussed it on the spot, and everyone was confused, but fortunately, Batman took over the task of hosting the overall situation. Cyborg says that the main event will be when Duckside arrives on Earth in person, and that they will be suspicious, and they can't wait for him to come. Those in the city need help.

Superman hears Anthony's voice, in his liaison. He regretted a little that he should have gone back and sent Anthony to the Fortress of Solitude when he first found out that things had gotten worse. He wanted to say I'll send you away right away, but the other side said, "It's a bit difficult."

He finally locked onto Anthony's position amid the chaos of sounds, where the demon-like roar seemed to be right on the edge of Anthony's heartbeat. His heart tightened, and he didn't have time to say hello to his cheap allies, so he took off in place and headed in the direction of Anthony.

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