Order was quickly restored to the post-war metropolis, with Lex Luthor paying, Superman reassuring, and the government waving its flag.

Smallwell was unaffected, and the biggest loss to the Kent family was the hole Anthony and Jessica had smashed in the cornfield. Of course, the couple did not blame them, but sincerely thanked Anthony for his actions.

Anthony tidied up the rental house for the two. The quality of their residential buildings is okay, and there are no problems with the load-bearing parts. He paid out of his own pocket to install bulletproof glass for himself, and will continue to live. Of course, he considered taking Clark directly to buy a larger apartment or even a semi-suburban house, but the poor ghost Clark nervously clutched his pockets.

Because many buildings were smashed during the war, he was still worried about being held accountable.

Anthony received three compensations, and he also helped Clark receive them. One for the government, one for the workplace, one for the Lex enterprise. Thinking of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Quinn, who have a "habit" of being vigilantes, he can't help but sigh that these rich people have a really strong sense of social responsibility.

Something went wrong with the outer wall of the school, and with a cautious attitude, instead of opening school immediately, everyone was given a week off. The Planet Daily was smashed badly, but the work did not stop, and the reporters and photographers, as long as they could work, went around for the overtime pay that had been doubled.

As a result, poor Clark had to deal not only with his new friends and the government, but also with work every day. Anthony promised to take care of his family, turned around and went to Gotham to check on his property, and on the way he drove and talked to Foran on the phone.

Foran said that there was no big problem on his side, that there were not many demons himself, and that he was a very powerful magician. He asked Anthony in turn, "Can your little boyfriend handle it?"

Anthony: "Believe in the power of science." There aren't so many magicians either.

At this time, Anthony didn't realize that although the number of magicians was small compared to ordinary people, Superman couldn't resist any of

them! There was nothing wrong with that, except that Rose broke her leg while running away and is officially retired.

Anthony frowned and added one to his schedule to get Rosie away.

Gotham is still the same, and there is no major problem with the buildings in the bustling urban area, that is, repairing the glass and repairing the bricks to the exterior walls. The black zone has not changed much, there are bullet holes in the residential buildings, and some of the factories have collapsed, but it is obviously not caused by the demons. Anthony checked casually, and it turned out that two stunned green demons broke over and smashed the wall, which also caused the drug factory here to be exposed, and then was pushed flat by Batman, who came back to continue working overtime.

Anthony: "Batman is too diligent, isn't he? His

car drove to the cemetery, found a small parking lot, parked it, walked into the cemetery by himself, turned two corners and slipped out. Thanks to the thugs of Gotham for smashing the surveillance camera donated by President Wayne, many paths will not be monitored.

Anthony slipped into a tavern, it was daytime, and the door was hung with a "temporarily closed" sign, but it was unlocked. Anthony pushed open the door and walked in, facing a familiar and unfamiliar face.

"Anto, it's been a long time... How did you break your leg? I called before and said it was all right. The

man at the counter smiled slightly flattering and pushed him a glass of lemonade. This gave Anthony a bad premonition. This guy has always relied on the freedom he gave him to do a lot of things, and now it seems that he has made a fool of trouble.

Anto: "It's not a demon... I'm so sorry Mr. Pate, it was a drug factory in the Great War Black Mask that was exposed, and I wanted to get a piece of the pie, and then, I accidentally broke my leg.

Anthony couldn't help but knock on the bar: "To tell the truth, was it broken by Batman or by the people under Black Mask?"

Anto swallowed his saliva: "No, it's Robin..."

"Was Batman nearby when he hit you?" Anto

recalled, shaking his head. Anthony was relieved to confirm that he was not lying. As long as it hasn't danced in front of Batman, the problem is not so serious. Anyway, Anto's job is to be a demon, the kind that will be remembered but will never leave a criminal record, to make people not believe that the Met's Antonio Pate is the same Pate who did things in Gotham.

He had time to take a good look at Anto.

The bar is not lit up, the sky outside is also classic Gotham gray, and Anto's face looks a little blurry. This kid used to look a lot like Anthony, but now he doesn't look very much like him. Anto was now whiter than Anthony, bloodless, with sunken cheeks, gloomy eyebrows, and a somewhat mean look, completely untouched by Anthony, who looked non-aggressive. If it weren't for the reminder of the magic rune paper on his chest, he wouldn't have been sure who it was.

So Anthony touched Anto's face with his hands, and sure enough, he touched a little loose powder. He twisted his fingers: "Your makeup skills are getting better and better."

Anto didn't answer, just reported to Anthony about their personnel. There were no casualties, but two people joined the Clown gang and took two boxes of ammunition.

Anthony: "Leave them alone. The Clowns are not so easy to mix, and following the Clowns is their retribution. And he didn't want to get too much involved with the clown.

They sat and talked for half an hour, and Anto gradually relaxed. Anthony doesn't seem to be going to pursue his troubles. It wasn't a serious mistake, Anthony had been in the drug business, and it wasn't his fault that he had a broken leg, if he hadn't done a broken bone to be as tall as Anthony...

Anthony smiled and said, "Your broken leg is different from me, come, drink this bottle of medicine, and you will be able to walk on the ground tomorrow." Anto

didn't suspect Anthony, after all, Anthony needed him, and Anthony always pulled out weird things. He just complained casually: "No matter how fast it is, it won't be completely okay in a day." "

Yes," said Anthony briskly, "after all, it takes a hundred days to break the bones, and this can only be shortened to three weeks." But tomorrow you'll have to walk like I did.

Anto suddenly remembered that although Anthony was very good to them and didn't kill people directly, he was a poison supplier to many of Gotham's bigwigs.

He didn't dare not agree, thinking that he would be able to resist the pain, but he didn't expect Anthony to say again: "I will make the goods ordered by the Black Mask later." You can send it over in the evening.

Anto's eyes widened, "Sir, in this case, Black Mask would..."

Forget it, just give Black Mask a handle and deepen the cooperation between the two parties. Originally, Gotham fought in many ways, how good, but now that the clown has appeared, other forces have shown weakness, which is not good. The muddier the water in Gotham, the better, otherwise your actions will be too obvious.

Moreover, Anthony twitched the corners of his mouth, remembering Superman who had mixed up with Batman. In the future, it is estimated that he will have to fight the bat monster head-on, so it is best to keep him busy for a while.

The scarecrow's side...

Anthony made a "shhh He didn't even drink a single drink they offered.

Alas, Anthony was sometimes quite envious of the gangsters in Chicago. There is discipline, there is "righteousness", it has formed its own "culture", and it is not easy to produce traitors. On the Gotham side, they either use pure force to intimidate like the Joker, or bind them with interests and arms like Black Mask, or use power to attract and control their subordinates like Falcone. And Anthony, for his men, only has money and magic contracts.

"Alas, I really didn't have the life to be a big guy.

Anthony opened the extractor himself, poured out the colorless and odorless liquid, and sighed.


On the other side, in the middle of the night, Anto is busy letting his companion drive away from Black Mask's territory. Suddenly, when passing by a traffic light that was not very bright, his companion whispered, "Anthony, look there!"

I saw a man and a woman sitting on the lamppole with their heads hanging down. They all know each other, cheap partners who left the organization two days ago. Anto was sure they were dead. He didn't dare to think about how they died, patted the cushion of the driver's seat, and urged his companion to drive away quickly.

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