Saying that he was going to see the students, Anthony actually ran to meet Lex Luthor.

The light sign on the roof of the Lex Building has been repaired, and compared to the miserable-looking daily planet not far away, it really shows Luthor's richest man's demeanor. Although Luthor gave a lot of money for "charity", his position did not waver in the slightest.

Anthony looked at the low-key decoration, which was actually very valuable, and was jealous of the rich man's day.

Lex is actually quite humane, the employees are treated well, safe, and they don't work much overtime, but they may be a little scared, because their top bosses are in a bit of a strange mental state, often speak wildly, or invest money in strange aspects, causing the stock price to fall. Fortunately, their president can wipe his own ass, although sometimes the stock price falls sharply, he can find a way to save it, no, it is a higher level.

No, looking at the tired assistant lady, Anthony thought, there are still people in Lex who often work overtime. One is Luthor himself, and the other is an assistant who is forced to follow and work overtime.

The assistant lady stopped Jessica and let her into the next room. Anthony nodded at her and walked into Luther's office himself. Jessica wasn't panicking, she had a lead box of orange kryptonite around her neck, and if anything dangerous she did, she would break through the box and transform into a superdog, although she hated the name, but everyone seemed to default to her codename.

This time, Luther's desk was still clean, but there was a slightly messy stack of printer paper on the low cabinet next to it, with its back facing up. Luthor himself was tired, blue and black at the moment, and holding a cup of tea, in stark contrast to the radiant Anthony.

A chair has been set up, and on the table is a glass of orange juice with two ice cubes. Anthony raised his eyebrows and took a sip of it unceremoniously before greeting, "You don't look very good, Mr. Luther."

Instead of getting angry, Luthor said, "Lex, thank you." Can I call you Anthony?

" "Are we acquainted?"

"As long as you want."

"Well, for the sake of the battery.

Luthor raised his eyes and stared into his eyes, "Lead, right

?" Anthony nodded and put the cup back on the table, "You see my sincerity, right?"

Luthor didn't ask him directly for any other information, but instead ragged at him.

"May I know why you're against that guy?"

Anthony leaned back in his chair and said casually, "I don't have as much consciousness as you have—human independence and freedom or something. I just think, 'If you are not of my race, their hearts will be different.'" Aliens, I don't trust. Or rather, I just hate guys who will infringe on my interests.

Luthor nodded: "Yes, a guy with uncontrollable power, it must be controlled." I heard that guy went to the White House to negotiate today, and I don't know what the conditions for the talks were. The president probably won't give up this opportunity to restrain him.

Anthony: "I find it hard to say, he's not just an alien himself, he's united with other vigilantes and represents the interests of other, well, mystery people." Moreover, aliens don't have to be fools.

Luther: "I hope it goes well."

Anthony blinked, it seemed that Luthor wasn't heavyweight enough to meddle in the president's side of Congress.

"But I came to ask you for a battery, and you didn't hesitate at all.

Luthor wrinkled his nose: "Aren't you the same? Earth is not something that those ugly aliens can touch, and those native aliens shouldn't be cleaned up by them."

Anthony thought the expression was strange, but didn't say anything.

They tugged at each other for a while, and finally began to exchange benefits. Anthony provided the information, and Luthor was responsible for researching the principles and corresponding measures, and sharing the results with him.

Luthor asked tactfully, "Do you need to hold a joint share?"

Anthony shrugged, "You know my little boyfriend, Sa, I'm rushing to get married, and it's hard to explain if he knows that I'm still making extra money at Lex Enterprises."

"But it's hard to explain how often you've been running here in the future. Luthor said empathetically.

"So we don't need to meet in the future. Anthony said frankly, "I have an estate in Gotham.

Luthor nodded slightly, and saw Anthony pull out a folded piece of paper from his trouser pocket, which looked a little old. Then he took out a pen from his jacket pocket and began to write the ordinance on the spot.

Luthor doesn't have a contract here, it's not a legal business, and it doesn't have legal effect if you have a contract. He watched with interest as Anthony wrote and painted, the ink was slightly smudged, but with a classical beauty, which was extremely incommensurate with Anthony.

"What is this?"

"Contract, it's something different from science. "

Luthor is a big believer in science, but he doesn't object to Anthony signing it. He finally picked up the five-piece contract and looked at it, and after confirming that there was no problem, he signed his name.

Anthony looked at the last clause "the two sides cannot disclose the facts and content of the cooperation" and grinned. This is not a contract of equality, because the provider of the contract paper and ink is completely on his side, so to speak, Anthony will only suffer a little hurt if he breaks the contract, and Luthor breaks the contract... That's a dead end.

Anthony asked Luthor to make a copy of the contract, took the original, and left humming a ditty. Of course, as a perfunctory "cover", he really took a new product offered by Luther. A very light and trendy bulletproof trench coat.

When I was young, I didn't know that superstition was good, and I mistook science for a treasure~


Anthony drove Jessica to Forens's house. On the way, he suddenly asked, "Do you think Clark will suffer?"

Jessica looked at him blankly.

"Jessica, can you understand what is going on in politics? For example, there is a very good guy who was accused and killed by the government because he did a lot of good things, which in turn proved the incompetence of the government. Can you understand what the government does?"

Jessica didn't say, but Anthony pulled out his contact and put it on while waiting for the red light.

Nolan is fine, but Mr. Follens has a little heart problem, he was scared that day, fortunately he has a quick-acting heart pill at hand, and he went to the hospital for observation for a day afterwards, and now he is home and looks quite normal.

Jessica is loved by everyone again, and the old couple and Nolan take turns touching her. With a cold face, she watched Anthony and Nolan pull some chemistry matters, and then sat down at the table cheekily.

Mrs. Follens took great care to prepare dinner for Jessica and cooked her some offal. Jessica didn't refuse, because the two men in the family often didn't even cook their own food, let alone make food for Jessica.

Eating and drinking, Anthony happily drove home. He heard from the liaison that Superman was indeed much smarter than Clark in front of him, and that Superman was now popular with the people.

It's not that Superman can't be bullied, but that he can only be bullied. Well, he doesn't seem to be any different from Luther.


Anthony came home and first bathed Jessica, who had been wandering outside for a day and had been masturbated by countless people, and then gave himself a bath after drying it.

He rubbed the shampoo on his head, rubbed it around, and began to rinse. Then he saw a large amount of brown hair mixed with the water on the ground. Anthony was horrified and crouched down to take a closer look. It was indeed his hair

, and he went to look at the floor drain, and there were a lot of brown strands there. He's short-haired, and there must be more hair going down the drain.

Anthony didn't dare to ravage his hair anymore, so he gently rinsed the foam with water, gently wiped his hair with a towel, and finally used a hair dryer to blow it as hard as he could.

But no matter how much he blows, the top of his hair doesn't seem to be as high as it used to be. He put on his pajamas and rushed out, squatted in front of Jessica, and asked emotionally, "Jessica, is my hair a lot less than when you just met me?"

Jessica pulled her laptop and typed: [Yes.

Anthony: "Ahh

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