Fanny tugged at the corner of her shirt uneasily, not daring to look at the teacher next to her, or at the computer screen, so she stared at a leather notebook on the desk.

Anthony browses the content of the web.

At first glance, the forum is just a place for chemistry enthusiasts to communicate, but there are some hidden posts calling for everyone to participate in an aqua regia making competition. And the publisher is very good at incitement, and he used agitation to attract this group of teenagers.

Anthony thought of something, looked it up in the web page, and sure enough, someone expressed a little trepidation, but was quickly ridiculed by many people, saying that he was cowardly.

Then the kid didn't say much.

If it's just production, they obviously know how to make it, so they won't be afraid of the production process. That's obviously it....

Anthony remembered the recent case and suddenly wanted to meet the mastermind. The other party's chemistry should be good, but it would be nice to have a little helper...

"Fanny, I'll take care of this matter, don't get involved in it yet, I'm worried that there's something bad behind this. "

Because it was a little late, the school bus was gone. Anthony drives Fanny home.

Mr. and Mrs. Custer warmly invited him to stay for dinner, but he politely declined. As he stood at the gate of the yard, another car pulled up and a girl who looked like Fanny walked by.

This should be Jenny. Her mental state is obviously very poor, and her makeup is a little heavy, but dark circles can still be seen. His eyes didn't look bright, and he was obviously a little puzzled when he saw him, but he didn't seem to bother to care, and passed by him.

Fanny: "Jenny, this is my chemistry teacher, Mr. Pate.

Jenny ignored them and went into the house without looking back. Fanny was a little embarrassed and quickly said, "Sorry teacher, Jenny may just be in a bad mood..."




"What's wrong?" Anthony was in a good mood today, and took out the mackerel he bought over the weekend and fried it, because Clark was also working overtime today, so he made it for two. Clark made an improvised vegetable salad.

"You know the recent case of aqua regia wounding people, right?"

Anthony added salad dressing to the vegetable salad: "Of course, recently, social software has been swiped by 'how to save yourself by being splashed with sulfuric acid or aqua regia'." Clark

: "I was also sent to cover the case, but most of the victims couldn't remember who they were, and the people passing by couldn't see clearly, and the surveillance couldn't take pictures, and the police didn't reveal it, so I don't know if it couldn't be leaked or they didn't have a clue..."

Is there a man and a woman?"

"Yes, only one person was photographed under the surveillance, but it was not the same person.

"Anyway, it's not that cold now, and it doesn't attract the attention of pedestrians when it's tightly covered?"

"It's possible to quickly undress in a surveillance corner."

"Well, I thought it was juvenile delinquency, but it's hard for kids to be so meticulous.

"I also think it's teenagers, maybe there are adult guides. But there's no evidence, it's all blind guessing, and Perry won't allow me to write like that.

Anthony thought for a moment with his chin propped up. He had planned to go home and track down the mastermind himself, but his computer skills were not very good, so he might as well hand it over to the police so that they could track it down and pick up the leaks themselves.

So he poked the little reporter: "I have a clue, I was going to call the police hotline directly, but now I think about it... Do you need me to give you a rush?"

Clark's blue eyes lit up, and his little curly hair stood up: "Really? Wait a minute, I'll go get the camera!"

Anthony grabbed him: "No need, I'm going to be anonymous, you just have to tell the police and write your report." -

Anthony looks up "Jenny Custer" on the school's list.


"Jennifer Custer". Pregnant.

Anthony copied down her date of birth, blood type, and family information, and kept the note in his close-fitting pocket. Because of Clark next door, he didn't dare to put his tools at home.

He received a picture of a young boy with his head in a different place. Anthony calmly confirmed the authenticity of the photo and sent the final payment.

Partner: "Nice cooperation." -

As a whistleblower for important clues, Clark successfully won the authority to follow up on the case with the police. Perry received a phone call, first complimenting him on getting the headlines, and then ordering him to be the first to issue the outcome of the case.

Clark: "..."

He and Jimmy stood in the corner, looking at the girl on the other side of the one-way glass. Jenny Custer was very uncooperative, kept her head down, and let the negotiator say, but she didn't speak.

The other arrested was John Fran, also seventeen or eighteen years old, who was very emotional and had been arguing with the negotiators.

"We're geniuses in chemistry! That garbage doesn't deserve to be compared to us! That's right! I put a lot of aqua regia and gave it to the people who did it... I'm not guilty anyway!"

Jimmy: "It seems that the breakthrough is in Fran, see how good he is." Clark

: "I don't think so. According to his wording, he should not have had much contact with the core leaders.

In the afternoon, Perry sent Louise in and said that another case that Louise had followed up had ended and that she was going to take over.

Although Louise is a good person and admires her professional ability, he feels a little uncomfortable with Perry's arrangement when he thinks that this revelation is a "gift" from Anthony.

He didn't leave, but stayed at the police station to keep an eye on the two negotiations.

Louise volunteered to talk to Jenny as a woman. The police allowed it.

Clark stared at the one-way glass, and Louise's voice came from the small radio.

"Hello, my name is Louise Lane. Jenny... That's your nickname, right? Can I talk to you about splashing regia on the street?"

Jenny ignored her.

Louise was mentally prepared and said to herself: "Jenny, in a sense, your crime has been established, if you can't say what the person who instructed you, you are guilty of intentional wounding..."

Clark felt someone approaching, a little girl with curly brown hair, who looked a lot like Jenny. He knew it was Fanny, Anthony's student.

Clark: "Fanny, did you talk to Jenny?" Fanny: "

Many times, but she didn't like me for a long time and wouldn't tell me anything."

Louise pulled the door open and came out, not very happy. Clark: "Miss Ryan... Maybe you're a little fierce.

Louise: "But the previous policewomen used gentle attacks, but it didn't work."

Clark listened to the crisp sound of Louise's high heels and looked at the girl across the glass. He could feel Fanny's worry and fear, Jenny's fear and self-defeating.

"Officer, can you let me try it?"


Anthony happily walks into a bookstore in the neighborhood. A new supplier has identified one, and it's a good target.

There are not many customers in the bookstore, and the owner is not enthusiastic. The young man sat behind the counter and read to himself, ignoring the guests.

Anthony was hard to find the book he wanted to buy, so he knocked on the counter directly, and when he saw the shopkeeper raise his head, he asked, "Is there a witch hunt?"

The black-haired and black-eyed Asian man immediately came to his senses: "Witch hunt? Yes! I'll help you get it!"

He trotted to the depths of the bookstore excitedly, and Anthony followed him inside, and saw a dense collection of history books.

Anthony took the tome, flipped through it casually, and asked, "Do you believe that wizards or witches really exist?"

The shopkeeper turned his head to look at him, and the lenses of his black-rimmed glasses happened to be illuminated by the white light, reflecting a white light: "The world is so big, there are no surprises."

"My view is that it's better to believe what it is than what it doesn't. Now even Superman has it, and I heard that there is also a Flash in Canterlot next door. The

shopkeeper tilted his head: "Maybe there are some superpowers hidden around us." They

exchanged names and became friends. Anthony paid the money, and when he walked out of the bookstore, he saw the comics on the shelves in the doorway.

"Superman's fancomics have come out?"

"Well, kids like it.

Anthony picked up a copy, looked at the small curly hair in the three primary colors on the cover, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "Isn't Superman's identity a mystery?


Anthony leaves the bookstore with the bag in his hand, and soon his smile fades and he becomes sad.

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