Su Zhan, the great name of meteorological weapons, has long heard of it.

This is a superweapon that is as powerful as a nuclear weapon, but can be incalculable and even captured!

There are two principles of it.

One is that the missile contains a large number of chemicals, which can be like a fuse, turning the originally calm weather into a designated violent weather at once… For example, the originally clear clouds suddenly became dark clouds, lightning and thunder, heavy rain, and hail.

The other is to use high-yield powerful missiles or nuclear bombs, directly buried in designated places, and then detonated, thus creating landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis and other large-scale disasters.

Meteorological weapons are hailed as more terrifying than nuclear weapons.

Because nuclear weapons are launched, dropped, and exploded in real time, everyone knows it clearly.

But meteorological weapons are different.

In general, meteorological weapons will not take effect on the spot, but will be delayed for several days before gradually taking effect … For example, if the Dragon Country wants to strike at the Stars and Stripes with meteorological weapons, it will directly drop meteorological weapons over the Pacific Ocean, and after waiting for a few days, there will be news of hail, snow and freezing, or typhoon hurricanes on the Stars and Stripes side.

Of course, hurricanes and typhoons are only a worthless presence in meteorological weapons.

What is really powerful is the amazing destructive power, the scope of destruction is huge, tsunami, tornado!


According to the wind level, it is a strong wind above level 7, a strong wind above level 8, a storm above level 11, and a typhoon above level 12, which is also a first-class hurricane.

Category 14 strong typhoon, Category 2 hurricane.

Category 16 super typhoon, Category 3 hurricane.

Category 17 super typhoon, Category 4 hurricane.

Above category 17, it is still a super typhoon, but it is a category 5 hurricane!

And this wind power level has reached the level 21 that anyone has heard of… This means that once dropped on any country, that country will set off a super-destructive tornado feast.

Tornadoes are overwhelming, any high-rise buildings, steel jungles, all will be destroyed and swept up, and there is nothing left on the earth except devastation!

It is conceivable that once this meteorological weapon is studied, it is basically equivalent to mastering the super powerful weapon that invisibly kills and injures the enemy country.

Even if you put it, causing the enemy country to suffer huge losses, but the enemy country does not know that you put it at all, and you can’t even find who the murderer is… It can only be blamed on nature.

This is also why, when a group of professors and doctors saw the explanation of this missile, they shook their heads one by one and sighed: “The weapon of the country… What a real weapon of the country! ”

But that’s what it says.

But it’s not so easy to create weather weapons.

Nowadays, there are only Stars and Stripes in the world, and superpowers such as the Fighting States have the ability to launch mature meteorological weapons, and even if other countries want to follow suit, they cannot do anything.

The difficulty of making meteorological weapons is not at all lower than that of nuclear weapons.

Even to some extent, meteorological weapons pay more attention to the right time and place, so compared to nuclear weapons, if you want to fully exert the power of meteorological weapons, you have to rely on luck.

But there is one thing that is much more powerful than nuclear weapons… That is, there will be no nuclear radiation.

The emergence of meteorological weapons has indeed amazed these professors and doctors.

Jian Wen, Qi Xiude, Yin Yan and others all deliberately came up to look back and forth… After all, this is a super meteorological weapon that can trigger a level 21 wind, comparable to the existence of a nuclear bomb, how can you not look at it twice?

In contrast, Su Zhan was more interested in the second outrageous gadget.

“Black hole dielectric maker… Introducing the above bunch of terms, I can’t understand it at all! ”

Su Zhan took a special look at the introduction.

The introduction said that this thing can use gravity to simulate to form a state similar to the collapse of a planet to a black hole, and then with the help of dark matter, radius formulas, and various professional terms that Su Zhan has never heard of, to create a simulated black hole!

Everyone knows.

In the past, people thought that a black hole was really a hole, but now they know that a black hole is actually a celestial body with so great gravity that even light cannot escape… And it was formed through the continuous collapse of the planet.

If you want to make the Earth into a qualified black hole, it means to compress the Earth wildly until it is the size of a coin… A qualified black hole is formed.


But whenever a black hole about the size of the Earth appears, it means that its predecessor, no matter in size, mass, or all aspects, is more than billions of times larger than it is now… Even the sun is not worth mentioning compared to it!

Therefore, this black hole medium maker obviously does not have much significance to the current human beings, all the experts and professors present, and Su Zhan.

“Mr. Su, can I take it off and study it carefully?” Suddenly, a young researcher next to him spoke up to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan turned his head and saw that this young researcher was about twenty-seven or eight years old, wearing glasses, looking beautiful, staring straight at the black hole medium maker with a pair of eyes, and those eyes were bright, as if he had found some incredible treasure.

“Xiao Wu, are you interested in this thing?”

Before Su Zhan could answer, Dr. Jiang Meng on the side asked.

Jiang Meng is responsible for 6G satellite coverage network technology, and full satellite coverage has been realized, but 6G has not shown much signs so far.

And this researcher named Xiao Wu is precisely one of the members of Jiang Meng’s research group.

“Dr. Jiang, as you know, I studied black holes before, and I have always wanted to develop things about obtaining energy and reusing energy… I feel that this black hole media maker can bring me great inspiration! Xiao Wu said in a slightly excited tone.

“Harvesting energy and reusing it?” When Su Zhan heard this, his eyes flashed, and he spoke with interest, “Can you tell me more about it?” ”

“Mr. Su, in fact, there is dark matter everywhere in the universe, and there is energy everywhere, but the forms of energy are different… If we can compress some unwanted substances and annihilate them to an energy state, we can obtain the energy they contain. Xiao Wu explained.

“Annihilating matter to a state of energy… It seems that this process alone requires a lot of energy, right? Su Zhan probably understood it, but he still had some doubts about the technical implementation.

“Yes, annihilating matter requires energy, so a medium is needed to cancel this energy out for one-way energy acquisition and utilization!” Xiao Wu said.

“So you think this black hole media maker can inspire you?” Su Zhan seems to have captured an incredible key point.

“Yes Mr. Su!”

Xiao Wu nodded immediately, his eyes lit up, “Black hole, you know very well, it is a gravitational celestial body, which itself has super huge energy, which can pull everything around it, and even light cannot escape… If I can obtain a medium like a black hole, I may be able to extract energy from those unwanted items… For example, the garbage we need to eliminate every day, or the nuclear wastewater that cannot be placed, and the lithium battery that must be destroyed, etc…”

Hearing Xiao Wu’s words, Su Zhan’s eyes brightened even more.

He can already think of general products and behaviors through these words.

This is equivalent to making a large “garbage energy extraction field”!

Put the trash in.

Then release the energy.

It not only solves the problem of garbage environmental protection, but also protects the ecological environment… At the same time, it can also obtain huge energy, which can be turned into more useful energy for human use.

It’s perfect!

“Dr. Jiang, I have a favor and need your help.” Su Zhan looked at Jiang Meng.

“Mr. Su, just say!” Jiang Meng is duty-bound.

“I think Xiao Wu is good, he may have the potential to develop new technology… I’m going to invest in him and start a brand new tech project! ”

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