The satellite network is so fragrant.

The fragrance is so that everyone can’t resist, so that people can’t refuse at all!

The existence of satellite networks makes up for the lack of signal of the original three major network operators, so that the state of poor signal in a variety of scenarios directly becomes full, which not only makes people experience what is called the happiness of having network speed all the time, but also adds strong enough work efficiency to countless elite office workers.

If in the past, you can still use the lack of signal on the plane, the signal is too fast on the high-speed train to keep up, or the underground garage, the suburban wild forest, the elevator can not receive the phone as a reason… Now that all companies are using satellite networks, all these reasons will be completely gone!

Therefore, countless companies have specially purchased a large number of Longguo brand mobile phones for their employees, as well as a large number of calling cards of the three major network operators… In order to ensure uninterrupted work efficiency.

And plus satellite networks don’t cost money at all.

Benefiting countless broad masses, let them run to tell each other, one by one heard that using the satellite network did not require money, without saying a word, quickly used what could be used immediately, and decisively bought a new mobile phone if it could not be used… So much so that the number of people using satellite networks is skyrocketing every day!

In just half a month, the number of users of the satellite network directly exceeded the 2 billion mark and is moving towards 3 billion!


This trend is not only in the territory of the Dragon Country, but also extremely crazy abroad, and even more exaggerated than in the Dragon Country!

Originally in foreign countries, Longguo mobile phones are already very popular.

Artificial intelligence technology coupled with wireless charging technology, as well as recent news of new technology, intends to cooperate with Longguo mobile phone brand to launch a new mobile phone equipped with chip batteries, resulting in the already crazy mobile phone market, boiling again… Countless gringos are saving money and waiting, do not want to buy mobile phones of other national brands, and even their own Apple mobile phones, Samsung mobile phones, etc. do not want to support anymore, thinking of looking forward to the launch of the new mobile phone of Longguo brand, as long as it is listed, they guarantee that even if they stay up late, even if they increase the price, they must buy it as soon as possible and enjoy it as soon as possible!

Not to mention now.

Because only Longguo mobile phones can use satellite networks, and satellite networks do not need money, the speed is so fast that it explodes, and the signal is completely full… Especially suitable for people like them who live in the suburbs and have a bad signal, so these gringos are all crazy!

One of the most obvious crazy characteristics is that all Chinese living abroad have rarely received highly friendly and unprecedented enthusiastic attention from foreigners!

As we all know, in the eyes of the gringos, foreign Chinese are just a relatively ordinary existence, and even in some places, there is still discrimination against the Chinese… However, with the advent of satellite networks, this situation has improved dramatically.

But only for Chinese living abroad, but still maintaining the nationality of the Dragon Country… Because at present, the number of mobile phones in Longguo is limited, and the market price gouging is very serious.

Only these Chinese people can freely come and go to Longguo, bring them the latest Longguo mobile phones, and also register the phone numbers of the three major operators of Longguo for them.

Not only that, in addition to satellite networks, there are many nascent technology products they want, and most of these products are only qualified for purchase by Chinese with Longguo nationality.

Everyone had to admit it.

With the emergence of new technology, the status of Longguo Chinese is rising wildly internationally!

Not only has the status of the Dragon Kingdom in various countries been recognized like never before, but even in the hearts of the people of all countries, the Dragon Country has become the first country in the world where the most advanced technology and technology were born.

Countless Dragon Country people have benefited from this and have received unprecedented respect, basically now most Dragon Country people will attract much attention wherever they travel, and the enthusiasm for the Stars and Stripes people in the past has now been transferred to the Dragon Country people without fail.

All of the above is the general benefit of the Dragon Country.

In contrast, the biggest beneficiaries are the three major network operators of Longguo.

In the past half a month, the three major network operators have made crazy money!

Originally, they thought that without the 5G package and the data package charges they were proud of, they would have to enter a more difficult period, and after passing the difficult period, they could start to make profits… Who would have thought that in just half a month, the advertising revenue of each company has completely equalized, not to mention the income of the previous traffic package fee, and even hit a new high, with a growth rate of 58%!

At the same time, they also charge 10 yuan per month for VIP advertising, which is also a super huge and stable income… This may not seem like a lot, but when the number of users grows, the meaning is completely different.

After all, this is not a one-time consumption, but as long as the satellite network is free for one day and there is advertising for one day, they will consume one day!

Similarly, the Dragon Kingdom was also extremely happy.

They already know the concerns of countries and understand what they are worried about … The coverage of the satellite network has led to the full blossoming of the three major network operators in Longguo.

It has also formed a special form of network intrusion, which has caused huge losses and suppression of network communications in other countries.

Although the nascent technology has been retained to the greatest extent possible, giving users from all countries the right to choose.

But users in various countries are not fools.

There are free, efficient satellite networks that will not be missing anywhere they go, so why should they choose those that are not efficient and expensive?

Just because of patriotism?

It’s okay to be patriotic, and if you have the ability to make the network free of charges, then they can calmly be patriotic.

It is impossible for any country to achieve free network tariffs, so they can only watch their own citizens ruthlessly abandon their own network operators and decisively choose to join the satellite network of the Dragon Country.

Countries are not happy.

After thinking hard for a long time, they never came up with a more reasonable and perfect solution.

However, due to the pressure of rescue robots, although countries have a lot of criticism and are very dissatisfied with the satellite network, no one is willing to be the first bird.

Finally, half a month later, the Stars and Stripes were the first to can’t help it.

“I’m fed up with the bullies of nascent technology!”

Pux shot up, his expression angry, “Now more and more new nationals choose to join the satellite network, they no longer support our own state-owned brands, they all run to buy Longguo brand mobile phones, abandon our own network communication providers, choose to join the camp of the three major network operators in Longguo… If this situation continues like this, the Dragon Kingdom will soon rule our Stars and Stripes Country! ”

“I will never allow this to happen!”

“Rescue robots, we want!”

“Satellite network technology, we also want it!”

Pux made a bold decision, “Go, contact the leaders of various countries for me, now we must unite to target the Dragon Country, no, it should be against the nascent technology!” ”

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