“Mr. Su, this… Isn’t this a photo of the commander of the Silver Navy, Reisman?! Miao Zhiyao’s little face was full of shock.

“Yes, these are Resman’s photos, and they were just taken a few minutes ago.” Su Zhan smiled. 



“I lean, just filmed?!”

“So it is, it turns out that the role of drones is here!!”

“It’s so close, I can’t wait to shoot it on the face, didn’t the other party find out?!”

“那么多高级将领,还拍的那么全面…… No need to ask, it must have sneaked into the command room! ”

“I had a big groove… Actually silently sneaked into the command room of the enemy warship, took a picture and returned, the other party could not notice it at all… This drone is going against the sky! ”

“It’s horrible… If it weren’t for taking pictures, but for assassination, now the enemy generals would be GG on the spot! ”

“Hahahaha… What do I say? This is Su Zhan, this is the new technology! As long as the nascent technology shoots, there will be no ordinary things, even if it is a drone, it will give you all life! ”


At this moment, seeing so many photos and hearing Su Zhan’s admission, people finally understood what the whole story was.

It turns out that these drones are not meaningless stealth … They suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared, running to the other side of the territorial sea area, sneaking into the command room of the enemy warship, and taking pictures of the enemy generals!

But anyone with a little knowledge understands.

Being able to quietly approach the battleship itself has the strength to attack local battleships… With just a few hot-explosive bombs, or small missiles, and a range of ship-specific weapons, you can easily sink a battleship in minutes!

Now Su Zhan’s work is even more exaggerated.

Without any awareness of the enemy, he directly sneaked into the enemy’s command room and took so many photos around … So clear that even the pores on the skin can be seen clearly!

It can be seen that once the war really starts, these core generals will all be killed at the first time… There is no suspense at all!

Not only that.

These stealth drones are currently only used on warships, but what if they are used on land?

Can they cross a distance of several kilometers, or even tens of kilometers, fly directly to the enemy’s lair, and take the first rank of the enemy general in the grave of ten thousand armies?

At that time, this thing will become a super killer even more terrifying than a nuclear bomb… As long as there is no nuclear bomb, no country can match the lethality of this thing at all!

Therefore, countless people of the Dragon Country couldn’t help but cheer at this moment, and they were all excited one by one in front of the screen.

And as they expected.

The leaders who witnessed this scene and heard these words were all terrified.

And with the next task of the rescue robot unfolded, let them all shudder!

“No. 43 did well, full marks.”

Su Zhan nodded, “Number 44, show the results of your mission execution.” ”

Rescue Robot 44 shows him taking all the photos of the commander of the Canadian Navy.

Since the commander of the Canadian Navy is not in the command room, he happens to be in his room, playing music and dancing, so the photos taken are all his enjoyment and the whole process of dancing.

When the Canadian leader saw this, he was furious, and directly called a phone call, almost roaring, and asked the Canadian naval commander to answer the phone.

When the Canadian naval commander connected the phone and heard the leader’s roaring voice, he turned on the live broadcast and saw all the pictures of himself on it.

“This… How is this possible?! ”

“My door is obviously closed, how can I be sneaked in?!”

And it’s not just his.

There are other high-ranking generals on Canadian warships, who are either talking about something, or thinking about something, or eating, etc… All of them are completely recorded in one photo, nothing is missing!

The faces of the commander of the Canadian Navy, as well as all the senior admirals of the Canadian Navy, turned white at once.

They were frightened and afraid.

Amazingly, through the photos, they were absolutely sure that they had been taken minutes ago… There are even places where the doors and windows have long been closed, and in the state of a secret room, the other party can sneak in quietly… It’s horrible!

I’m afraid that the other party just took a picture and left, otherwise he would fire a bullet at random, or leave them a bomb or something… I’m afraid that now not only is his life in danger, but he can’t even find who the murderer is!

“The 44th was well done.”

Su Zhan’s side simply looked at the photo, nodding with satisfaction, not knowing at all that the big figures of a country who saw the photo on the other side were already sweating and frightened, “Continue, No. 45.” ”

The 45th shows the commander of the Dutch battleship, and as before, all the senior generals and commanders on the battleship were unaware of the presence of the drone, until the photo appeared, they broke out in a cold sweat.

Then the 46th, the 47th, the 48th…

All of them show the past one by one, frightening the admirals, marshals, or naval commanders of a country.

The leaders of various countries were even more blue-faced, and almost all of them roared and called the top admiral of the navy, frantically questioning all kinds of questions.

But they also know that questioning is useless.

Because not one country suffered, but all nations, and all warships suffered!

It can be seen from this that this is not because the senior generals are not powerless… It’s that Su Zhan’s side is too terrible!


“It’s crazy!”

“At such a close distance, can’t anyone find out?!”

“If drones could shoot, these naval commanders would all have to die on the spot, right?”

“I’ve played with drones and the noise is so loud that you can hear it clearly from 10 meters away… No matter how exaggerated, it is impossible to not even have a sound! ”

“Isn’t the radar on a battleship very developed and advanced? How can it be that you don’t notice it at all! ”

“Oops… This is completely bad… The advantages of our 51-nation alliance seem to be all gone…”


The citizens of various countries who were watching the live broadcast all grabbed their hair, looking incredulous and ghostly.

They can’t even believe it’s real!

But those photos, how real and real, how close and close… There are even some indescribable photos of high-ranking generals, which are cleverly mosaiced by rescue robots.

It makes them even want to believe it.

Even they can imagine.

Once this group of drones that can stealth and quietly cross a kilometer or two in a few minutes and sneak into enemy warships is placed on the battlefield, it can take out all enemies without anyone noticing or exploring by radar, and then calmly leave!

This is the technology gap.

Very stark, insurmountable gap!

I don’t even know what to do.

At this moment, a trace of fear emerged in the hearts of the people of all countries uncontrollably… Obviously, this scene is very far away from them, but they still can’t help but rise in fear.

They were really scared.

Afraid that these stealth drones will one day appear on the territory of their country, and by that time … Who can solve it?


Came to the biggest event, and it is also a country that the leaders of various countries, the people of all countries, and the people of the Dragon Country are highly concerned about – the Stars and Stripes!

“There won’t be, right… We are the great Stars and Stripes, how can we be infiltrate, General Tuwen is also a very powerful general, I believe he——”

Pux was still comforting himself, comforting everyone, but as soon as he said this, his voice stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face was close to dullness.

On the live broadcast screen, the last photo he wanted to see appeared.

“General Tuwen, it’s a picture of General Tuwen!”

When the No. 79 rescue robot showed the close-up photo of General Picto, everyone suddenly boiled, causing an uproar.

General Tuwen trembled imperceptibly, and the whole person seemed to have aged a lot at once… Despite this, he still stood straight and his eyes were resolute.

It’s just that behind this perseverance is a worry about the future and jealousy of Su Zhan!

It’s not just him.

At this moment, many national leaders also breathed a little sigh of relief, but they also had an unprecedented deep jealousy of Su Zhan!

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