“What do you mean?” Su Zhan asked calmly.

“Because the issuance of a new currency must be unanimously approved by the international economic and trade organization!”

Only then did Su Zhan remember that the Stars and Stripes countries were also in the economic and trade organization, and according to his relationship with the Stars and Stripes countries, he should have foreseen such a situation a long time ago.

It’s time to have a conversation with Pux, and you have to put some pressure on Pux to make him clearly aware of his status!

You can’t let him challenge his bottom line again and again!

“I see, you guys stay over there and continue the work below!” I’ll fix the rest! ”

After Su Zhan pondered for a moment, he continued to speak:

“Prepare me a plane to Stars and Stripes Country.” Su Zhan calmly ordered.

The people on the other end of the phone thought about Su Zhan’s ability, and they all unconsciously fought a cold war, as if they already knew what Pux was going to face.

“Okay, it’ll be arranged in ten minutes, Mr. Su.”

Although across the phone, the person on the other end of the phone felt as if Su Zhan was standing in front of him now, and he could clearly feel that he was angry.


Stars and Stripes, inside the Pux office.

Su Zhan and Pux each sat at one end of the long table, they were silently confronting, and if anyone else was present, they could definitely be frightened by the atmosphere between them.

Neither of the two people made a sound, but just sat face to face, as if whoever spoke up first would lose.

Su Zhan was slowly releasing his pressure on Pux.

Finally, under the unbearable pressure, Pux couldn’t help but speak.

“You’re looking for me because of the currency, right?”

Su Zhan did not speak, but nodded slightly, and did not speak.

Pux was very upset, this was clearly not to put himself in his eyes, and he scolded silently in his heart, but he did not dare to say anything on his mouth.

However, Pux was not polite, and he still had the confidence to clamor with Su Zhan.

“With your current attitude, it is impossible for me to vote through!”

Sure enough, Pux is a virtue that doesn’t matter.

Su Zhan had already thought of countermeasures on the way here, after all, Su Shen was not called in vain.

“I think you’re still worried about yourself!” The corners of Su Zhan’s mouth hooked up, revealing a smug smile.

This smile suddenly made the confidence in Pux’s heart suddenly disappear, and Pux’s face was confused, unaware that he had been held by Su Zhan.

He kept trying to recall in his heart, feeling that he did not have any loopholes in front of Su Zhan’s eyes before.

“I heard that you are recently conducting secret transactions with the black market, you know, the International Regulatory Authority regulates this!” Su took the most aggressive words in the flattest tone.

As if expounding on something not worth mentioning, but this is an international event!

Just like that, Su Zhan’s flat tone was said!

Pux’s pupils couldn’t help dilating, shocked, “Where did you know this?” ”

No! That’s impossible!

How could Su Zhan know about this matter, obviously he was hiding it very well, there was absolutely no way to make a mistake, someone must have exposed himself!

But what Pux didn’t know was that no one betrayed him at all, just that the things he did would always be found showing his horse’s feet.

Before Su Zhan got on the plane, he immediately called his third department and immediately ordered.

“Help me find the black material or handle of Pux!”


In less than half an hour, Su Zhan’s third department used advanced hacking techniques to break into the firewall of Pux’s computer.

You have to know, as the head of a country, Pux’s computer is not something that can be attacked by random hackers!

It is completely impossible for anyone to do it before!

But now Pux’s opponent is not an ordinary person, and it is Su Zhan, who is standing opposite him!

The third department solved the firewall of Pux’s computer as quickly as possible, and in the blink of an eye, all his confidential documents had been stolen.

Su Zhan stretched out the watch of his right hand and used the technology of holographic projection to show Pux’s secrets in front of him.

“If you let the people at the International Regulatory Authority know, you can imagine, can you still stay in this country? Can you still rule the Stars and Stripes? ”

A series of forced questions left Pux speechless.


Pux sat on his back in a chair, paralyzed, and did not speak.

Just silently clenched his fists, secretly resentful in his heart.

“So you think about it, I’ll give you time to think about it, you are also an understanding person, I believe you know how to do it!”

Pux slowly lowered his head, he knew that he had lost this game.

The struggle between two people is persistent and endless!

Both sides do not want to simply get each other’s lives, the idea is the same, just to convince the other party to lose.


Su Zhan couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Pux’s current appearance.

It’s so cool that I can’t do it!


The next day Su Zhan received the news of the passage of the currency!

Sure enough, everything went according to its own plan.

Soon Su Zhan invited a professional currency valuation team to make clear regulations on his country’s currency and exchange rate.

After dealing with the problem of currency, the printing house also began to work for large-scale printing!

At this time, the media around the world were sensational.

“The emerging countries of Soviet-occupied occupation have begun to get on track!”

“Nascent Technology to issue your own exclusive banknotes!”

“The world’s new great power was officially established, but there is no name for the country?”


It soon became clear that Su Zhan, who had not yet named his country.

Pux secretly operated again, wanting to take revenge!

At this time, many media began a new round of fishing wheel guidance.

“Su Zhan can forget this?”

“Shouldn’t he be playing with family?”

“Harm, who says it’s not, people are so rich, it’s okay to build a country on a whim.”


The news soon reached Su Zhan’s ears.

Su Zhan didn’t care, because he was preparing a founding ceremony that shocked the whole world!

A week later, the fishing boats were still in full swing, all talking about the Soviet-occupied country.

Just when everyone was still discussing warmly on the Internet, the news that Su Zhan would broadcast the founding ceremony live tomorrow at 12 noon sharp.

Everyone was curious, and waited for noon the next day, everyone opened their mobile phones as scheduled to watch Su Zhan’s founding ceremony.

What greeted everyone’s eyes was an empty ocean, and everyone was still confused, not knowing what Su Zhan was going to do.

I saw Su Zhan parachuting onto the surface of the Pacific Ocean, lightly stepping on the surface of the sea, as if stepping on the ground and moving freely.

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