“Can a controlled fusion material extract such a small antigravity substance?”

“This is indeed a relatively large investment, but you don’t have to worry about this, you just need to concentrate on research!”

Su Zhan’s words were extremely excited, and he couldn’t wait to jump in his heart at this time!

It’s only a week later, and the first step has been successfully taken, which gives everyone confidence and gives Su Zhan’s confidence!

This discovery was simply a great force for Su Zhan, supporting him, proving that his ideas were possible, and anti-gravity technology was not a dream!

It’s like being the first to prove the psychology of 1+1=2, Su Zhan and his team are the first people in the world to take the first step in anti-gravity research!

Although many of Su Zhan’s techniques were the first to be done and studied, this time it was not as usual, and the only people in the world who put forward hypotheses and conjectures about anti-gravity and a reliable theoretical basis were in their own team.

He took a big step, and the most important step, on behalf of all mankind! It can be said to open a new chapter for mankind, and if this technology can be successful, he will also become an iconic figure in history.

Not only Su Zhan, but also his team, Professor Zhou, Professor Yang and others.

At this time, everyone suddenly remembered the little assistant beside Professor Zhou.

“What’s your name?” Su Zhan asked.

“Huh? I… My name is Duan Yuhang! Astronaut’s flight! ”

The little assistant seemed a little excited because he was noticed by Su Zhan, Su Zhan has always been a god-like existence in their hearts, and it is also his honor to be discovered by such a big person!

“You have made important contributions to the research of anti-gravity technology this time, you have done a very good job, I will promote you on behalf of the company, from now on you can participate in the conference with Professor Zhou, become the main researcher of the company, and cheer for the future of mankind together!”

“However, I am still an intern Mr. Su!”

Duan Yuhang replied cautiously.

“Yes, this child has only been here for less than three months, he passed the exam, I see that he is very talented and is about to come, I accepted it and decided to take him well, sure enough, he lived up to expectations, and he achieved something before the internship period passed!”

Professor Zhou praised with great pride.

“Oh? Then you should cultivate manufacturable materials, not only to give you regularization, but also to give you a promotion and a raise! ”

Duan Yuhang was extremely excited, and he was immediately full of energy!

Su Zhan began a large-scale investment in batches of controlled nuclear fusion materials, and then extracted the anti-gravity substances in them.

With the efforts of Professor Zhou and others, working day and night, a small gravity stone was finally extracted within a month.

But now it is not big enough for humans to fly against gravity, Professor Zhou made calculations, and now the object is only enough to weigh a hamster to fly.

If you want to get humans out of gravity, you need to invest at least five to ten times the price you have today!

Professor Zhou couldn’t help but dilate his pupils, although Su Zhan was not short of money, but such a large investment was not cost-effective.

Maybe there is another feasible way, since a small anti-gravity stone has been proposed, it is better to be bold and directly study the material in these stones, and maybe there will be new discoveries!

Soon, Professor Zhou shared his thoughts with Su Zhan with Professor Yang, Dr. Gu Xin and others.

“But with our current technology, it may not be successful.” Ou Yangguang raised a questioning voice.

At this time, Su Zhan’s mind suddenly had a voice: You will get photon replication technology, it will cost 300 billion, whether you choose to get it!

Photon fork? So if it is a replica technology, wouldn’t it be possible to replicate this gravity stone?

“So can this photon replica replicate the function and properties of everything?” Su Zhan wanted to know if the function of the antigravity stone could be replicated, but did not get a response.

And this thinking system is as if it knows that it is in trouble, and it helps itself.

Then you can only gamble, in order to achieve anti-gravity, success or failure in one fell swoop!

“Good! I agree to purchase! Su Zhan’s tone was sonorous, this is his ideal has always supported him, for the peace of time, for the peace of the universe, maybe every decision he makes now, every step he takes is a big step for mankind after that!

“Your photon replicator has appeared in the super lab, ready to be checked!”

“Professor Zhou, Professor Yang, Dr. Gu Xin, Astronautics, Ou Yangguang, go, go to the super laboratory!”

Su Zhan brought everyone to the super laboratory, everyone didn’t know why, but they thought that Su Zhanlai must be reasonable.

“Welcome to the Super Lab!”

This was Duan Yuhang’s first time in the super laboratory, and he was amazed from the moment he entered the door, all of which were many things he had never seen.

Su Zhan saw that the photon replicator was in the middle of the laboratory, but all everyone saw was a simple glass container.

This made Su Zhan’s heart chuckle, could it be that 300 billion bought one of this, a glass jar.

But Su Zhan still endured the surprise in his heart, it may not be as simple as it seems.

Su Zhan asked Professor Zhou to put the anti-gravity stones he brought over into the photon replicator, and just after putting them in, everyone could not open their eyes with a burst of strong light.

After the strong light, Su Zhan walked in and saw that the previous stones had become two!

Everyone was shocked and their eyes widened!

Immediately afterwards, Professor Zhou was asked to go to the laboratory to study whether the replica anti-gravity stone was the same as the extracted stone.

After a while, Professor Zhou immediately transmitted the information, which was exactly the same, and after Professor Zhou and others conducted a deep internal analysis, they found that both the internal molecular structure and properties were completely the same.

Professor Zhou and others were shocked by this machine, they didn’t know where Su Zhan came from this machine, although the appearance was simple and even put outside, no one may notice that this is a high-tech product, and even with the current technology, it can only copy the same copy.

But everyone didn’t think much, Su Zhan has always been so mysterious, everyone seems to be used to Su Zhan’s mystery.

When Su Zhan received the news from Professor Zhou, he almost jumped out of his chair happily, and he blocked himself and did not disappoint himself, so he was one step closer to success.

Then Su Zhan’s mind recalled a familiar voice: “This technology can only be used for scientific research, and the rest of the objects cannot be put into the machine to be copied, otherwise they will be destroyed immediately…”

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