1980 My literary era

Chapter 67 Royalty Thief

"Contemporary-Spy War Album" is a fresh attempt for "Contemporary", and it is also fresh for domestic readers and newspapers.

More than a dozen outstanding writers from the Literary Research Institute of the National Association for Literary and Art Circles have created works based on the same theme and the same core of drama. Anyone who reads it will have to say that there is something new in it.

On the third day after the album was released, discussions about the album appeared in local newspapers in Yanjing. The Yanjing Daily published a review article titled "This is a useful attempt."

“In the past, our literary creation always focused on the ideological and literary aspects, and it was very easy to ignore the foundation of literary creation, which is text and technique.

Skills are close to the Tao, these are the words left to us by our ancestors. Before any art reaches a certain threshold, it is the superposition and accumulation of technology.

This brave attempt by the editorial department of "Contemporary" breaks the comfort zone of literary workers and allows readers and many literary lovers to have a glimpse of the true nature of literary creation.


With the appearance of this review article, there are more and more comments on the album of "Contemporary".

There are many praises, but criticism is also indispensable. The focus of criticism is the similarity of content and the suspicion of showing off skills.

This is especially true for Lin Weimin, who has previously written "Latent", and now he has written another "Cliff". Although it is true that there is no suspicion of plagiarism from him, for some picky readers, the writer repeatedly It is itself a mistake.

There were even letters from radical readers angrily calling Lin Weimin a "stealer of royalties." If he wrote the same story twice and had the nerve to publish it in a magazine, wouldn't he be a thief of royalties?

In the editorial department, Lin Weimin was in charge of opening letters. When he saw this letter from a reader, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xiao Yao on the side took a look at the content of the letter. In less than half a day, Lin Weimin's reputation as a "stealer of royalties" spread throughout the back building, and then the front building. Lin Weimin could be regarded as a famous name within the Chinese Literature Society.

This letter and this nickname also became a long-running joke within the Chinese Literature Society.

The comments from the outside world have been disturbing, but they have not affected the sales of the "Contemporary" album. On the contrary, the sales of this album have been rising steadily because of everyone's criticism and praise.

Within a week, 300,000 copies of the magazine were sold out. Bookstores and post offices from all over the country called to ask for more copies. Readers were so enthusiastic.

Meng Weizai and Qin Chaoyang spent two days collecting data reported by bookstores and post offices from various places, and finally sent an astonishing figure to the agency.

"Three hundred thousand copies?" Wei Junyi looked at the compiled figures, her eyes filled with disbelief.

"Lao Meng, are you kidding me? Your last issue's sales volume was just over 300,000. Now 300,000 plus 300,000, it's 600,000 copies."

The look on Meng Weizai's face was both excited and uneasy, "The data are all compiled based on reports from various places. We have added a little margin, but not much, and there will definitely not be a big difference."

Seeing Meng Weizai's certainty, Wei Junyi sighed: "Oh my God! You guys really released a big star in "Contemporary"!"

After saying that, she couldn't sit still, "No, I have to tell Wen Jing."

She dragged Meng Weizai to the office of the president, Yan Wenjing, and learned that the sales of this issue of "Contemporary" had nearly doubled, and Yan Wenjing was equally relieved.

The club has already decided to revise "Contemporary" next year, and the sudden increase in sales of this issue is definitely good news for next year's revision.

In the 1980s, it was not new for popular magazines to sell millions of copies per issue, but those were popular literary magazines.

For example, "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times", which was only launched in 1981, achieved a circulation of 2.78 million copies in just 5 years, ranking first in the circulation of national literary journals that year. There is also "Story Club", which was a must-read when taking the train and sold more than one million copies per issue. In the 1980s, "Popular Cinema" achieved an incredible record of 9.6 million copies sold in a single issue.

Compared with the above-mentioned magazines that have been loved by readers all year round, "Contemporary" is based on mainstream literature and does not have the ability to trend mass communication. At its peak in the mid-1980s, it only reached 50 views per issue. Just the achievement of ten thousand volumes.

But no one expected that just with the release of one album, "Contemporary" would increase sales by nearly 100%.

In the early 1980s, new magazines and newspapers were born across the country every day. At this time, the sales of various domestic magazines and newspapers soared.

There are many mainstream literary magazines and periodicals that sell more than 100,000 copies a month. "Harvest" is the best-selling one, with sales this year just exceeding 500,000 copies.

At this time, when people talk about mainstream literary magazines, they always put "October", "Contemporary", "Zhongshan", and "Flower City", four literary magazines that are popular among readers, together. Known as the "Four Famous Dan".

But when mentioning "Harvest", it was placed in a unique position, which shows the status of "Harvest" in the Chinese literary world at this time.

Compared with "Harvest", which has been published for more than 30 years, "Contemporary", which has been established for only more than a year, is inferior in every aspect. However, "Contemporary" broke the gap between them and "Harvest" with just one album. 》The gap in sales.

Yan Wenjing was not dissatisfied with "Harvest", but seeing that "Contemporary" broke the sales volume of "Harvest", the big brother of mainstream literary magazines, in just one year, he couldn't help but feel happy and wave his hand.

"More printing! Just three hundred thousand copies!"

After this surge in sales, Yan Wenjing and Wei Junyi are full of confidence in the revision of "Contemporary" next year, and encouraged Meng Weizai: "Old Meng, you have ended this year on a good note, and strive to achieve greater glory next year! "

"Definitely! Definitely!" Meng Weizai said cheerfully.

The magazine's sales are good, and as the head of the editorial department, he not only has a good appearance, but also has a strong voice.

Now, he can straighten his back and say that "Contemporary" has lived up to the hard work of the Chinese Literature Society for more than a year and has become a phenomenon!

The printing plant was very efficient in printing, and 300,000 copies of the magazine were shipped to all parts of the country in less than three days.

The surge in album sales of this issue of "Contemporary" made the editorial department full of joy. The two leaders, Meng Weizai and Qin Chaoyang, praised Lin Weimin in front of everyone, and also conveyed the message to President Yan Wenjing and General Manager Editor Wei Junyi's praise of Lin Weimin made colleagues look at Lin Weimin with envy.

This guy has only been in the industry for less than two months. When he planned this album, he had not even entered the editorial department of "Contemporary".

How jealous!

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