1980 My literary era

Chapter 79: Lin serves the people with love and justice

What can you think of when you think of Wanjiabao?

"Thunderstorm", "Sunrise", "The Wilderness", "Yanjing People", "Wang Zhaojun"...

The only person in the history of modern Chinese drama that can be compared with it is the equally great Lao She.

How could Tang Yuqiu think that he could be equal to Mr. Wan?

"For the people, I appreciate your kindness. But it is enough for Mr. Wan to write this preface for you."

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, I am here to ask for your help sincerely. It is my first time to publish a book. As a teacher, you can't not help me even with this little help, right?"

Tang Yuqiu knew that she was just an ordinary teacher. Although she was responsible for teaching students at the Institute of Literature and Literature, she was mostly engaged in management work. She has never written a novel and has no official status.

She was moved that Lin Weimin could think of her teacher at this time, which proved that he was a person who missed old feelings and was grateful.

But the more Lin Weimin behaves like this, the less she wants to take advantage of the students.

"For the people! Thank you, teacher, but I don't know anything about writing. Writing a preface for you would be confusing..."

Tang Yuqiu didn't finish her words, but Lin Weimin already understood what she meant, and he decided to change his approach.

"Teacher Tang. Mr. Wan is my teacher, and you are also my teacher! Since I asked Mr. Wan to write the preface, I can't favor one over the other, right?

How else will others see me? That person, Lin Weimin, the one who wrote "The Cliff" was still a student taught by the Institute of Literary Studies. After the book was published, he asked Mr. Wan, a teacher he picked up halfway, to write a preface. The teacher who taught them in a serious manner did not even read it. Look, this is really snobbish. "

When Lin Weimin said this, he had a grimace on his face, "Teacher, you don't want your students to end up with such a reputation in the future, right?"

Tang Yuqiu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just nonsense, how can it be as mysterious as what you said?"

"Teacher, please don't underestimate Youyou Zhongkou. Those people who have nothing to do, why can't they come up with something!"

Lin Weimin put on a sighing look, and glanced at Tang Yuqiu from time to time.

Tang Yuqiu was amused by his rogue appearance, "Okay, I understand. In order to fulfill your image of a tall and affectionate writer, Lin, I wrote this preface."

"Hey, that's right." The expression on Lin Weimin's face can make countless little freshmen in future generations feel ashamed. This is called acting with ease.

"You, you, you, you don't know when you can change your immoral attitude. You are already in your twenties." Tang Yuqiu scolded him.

"Teacher, I'm only twenty, so you forgot about the word 'more'."

"Go!" Tang Yuqiu's reading comprehension was a bit distorted.

After chatting for a while, Lin Weimin stood up and left.

After he left, Tang Yuqiu stood at the door and watched his back.

"Okay, let's go back." Her husband came over and said to her.

Tang Yuqiu turned around, her eyes red.

"I have been a teacher all my life, but today I feel that it is really a good thing!"

Her husband gently held her in his arms and said, "You are lucky to have such a student!"

A week later, Qin Chaoyang came to the editorial office and put the book in his hand on Lin Weimin's desk.

Looking at the big word "Cliff" on the cover, Lin Weimin stood up excitedly.

"Editor-in-Chief, is the book out?"

"Look, it's freshly baked and still hot!" the old comrade said with a smile.

Lin Weimin grinned and picked up the book. The newly printed book still smelled of ink.

He opened the book, and the two prefaces at the beginning were written by Mr. Wan and Tang Yuqiu.

In the preface, Tang Yuqiu also specifically mentioned the story of how she helped Lin Weimin contact Mr. Wan as his mentor. Tan Chaoyang said at this time: "You have found someone to write this preface well, and it has become a good story in the literary world!"

"Editor-in-Chief, are you exaggerating?"

Tan Chaoyang shook his head, "It's not an exaggeration, I see the inheritance in it."

Lin Weimin didn't know why, but he was a little embarrassed to be praised by Tan Chaoyang.

He immediately began to reflect, this is not in line with my style!

Have you really grown up?

Based on readers’ feedback on the album during this period, the club set a very bold number for the first printing of “Cliff”, one hundred thousand copies.

Although some books have sold millions of copies in recent years, those books are either highly influential literary masterpieces or highly popular literary works.

On the contrary, for contemporary writers who are active, the sales of their works usually start at 10,000 copies, and 100,000 copies is already a very good result.

The publisher has set a first printing volume of 100,000 copies for "The Cliff", which shows how optimistic it is about this novel.

Qin Chaoyang told Lin Weimin the news, and Lin Weimin felt completely calm. He was getting royalties, not royalties. No matter how much the novel sold, it didn't matter to him.

There is no such thing as royalties these days, but the remuneration can still be determined based on the number of prints, which is called the remuneration for the number of prints.

"Cliff" is Lin Weimin's first novel, and he had no success before. He did not discuss these matters with the agency.

As long as the sales performance of "Cliff" is outstanding, he will be qualified to strive for more benefits for himself in the future.

After Tan Chaoyang left, the people in the office Wuyang Wuyang made a fuss and asked Lin Weimin to treat him to dinner.

"Not today. I have an appointment with friends for dinner. I'll invite you to a restaurant at noon tomorrow."

Everyone calmed down and were still discussing Lin Weimin's publication of a book.

Because Guowenshe is one of the top publishing organizations in the country, its employees are many talented and knowledgeable, including many famous people.

For example, Qin Chaoyang has been engaged in literary creation since his youth. Although he is not as good as those names that are familiar to the public, he is also a powerful writer recognized for the quality and dissemination of his works.

There are many editors and writers like Qin Chaoyang, such as Tu An, Wei Junyi, etc.

The special thing about Lin Weimin among these people is that he is too young. Whenever someone sees Lin Weimin and sees him laughing and joking all day long, it is always difficult to connect him with those printed works.

Lin Weimin left early in the afternoon and rode his bicycle out of the Chinese Literature Society. He did not lie to his colleagues. He did have an appointment today.

The person who asked him out was Qu Xiaowei, and the hotel was set in Quanjude.

Entering the hotel, Lin Weimin saw Qu Xiaowei standing in front of the table waving to him.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my good brother, Lin Weimin, a rising star in the Chinese literary world."

Lin Weimin once again felt the physical discomfort he felt when Tan Chaoyang praised him. Damn it, why are you so embarrassed now? Don't listen to others' praise.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense and let people laugh." Lin Weimin waved his hand to stop Qu Xiaowei. He looked at the two young and beautiful girls at the table and said to Qu Xiaowei: "Let me introduce the two lesbians. "

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