1980 My literary era

Chapter 936 Postscript

One day in March 2002, there was a burst of joy in the building at No. 166 Chaonei Street.

Just now, the State Council officially issued a document to upgrade Guowen Group to the deputy ministerial level, becoming one of the 49 central enterprises at the deputy ministerial level in the country.

The name of a central enterprise at the ministerial and deputy level sounds inconspicuous, but when it comes to its big brothers, ordinary people in China should be familiar with it, such as China Tobacco, COFCO, Sinopec...

Any name mentioned is a large enterprise with huge influence in the country.

Compared with these big brothers, Guowen Group, which started as a publishing house, looks ordinary, even a little shabby.

But in fact, no one will look down upon this company as long as they truly know the inside story.

Because this was once a public institution, but now it has become a central enterprise. Behind the four words "conversion to enterprise and restructuring" is a major breakthrough in the field of China's economic and institutional reform.

In four years from 1999 to 2002, Guowen Group used their practical actions to submit an excellent answer to their superiors.

By the end of 2001, the group's total assets were 31.61 billion yuan, total liabilities were 1.842 billion yuan, and owners' equity was 29.768 billion yuan. It achieved operating income of 6.215 billion yuan and a net profit of 815 million yuan that year.

This number is inconspicuous among the many vice-ministerial-level companies in the country, and its performance ranking can only be regarded as middling. However, for Guowen Group, which started as a self-publishing organization, it can create tens of billions of assets in just a few years. , enough to make higher-level departments and companies at the same level look askance.

After all, Guowen Group's business has nothing to do with monopoly, and every number in the financial statements must not be false in the slightest, they are all real performance.

Therefore, with this kind of success, it is not surprising that Guowen Group has become a deputy ministerial-level state-owned enterprise.

And if we want to explore the reasons why Guowen Group has transformed from a publishing organization into a large state-owned cultural media group in a few years, it is naturally inseparable from the numerous investments of Guowen Group.

Wenhua Film and Television and Wencheng Film and Television, controlled by Guowen Group, have been listed on domestic stock exchanges one after another. Sohu and NetEase, which participated in the investment, have also been listed on the Mi Stock Exchange respectively.

In addition, Guowen Group has also participated in the investment of many domestic Internet companies and is one of the first domestic companies to invest in the Internet industry.

In addition to the changes at the group level, there is another good thing for Guowen Group on this day.

That is, the headquarters building of Guowen Group, which has been under construction for three years, has finally been completed. In the past few days, the most exciting thing among the employees of Guowen Group has been discussing the relocation plan.

With the completion of the brand-new and majestic headquarters building, employees no longer need to crowd into the old office buildings on Chaonei Street or the stores in the family buildings of the Chinese Literature Society. Isn’t this a happy thing for workers?

While Guowen Group was making preparations to move, the employees of the People's Cooperative next door were in very mixed moods.

As old neighbors for decades, the People's Society and the Chinese Literature Society are separated by a narrow strip of water and enjoy good neighborliness.

But no one expected that starting from the early 1990s, the good situation between the two brothers would suddenly be broken.

They agreed to be salty fish together, but the Chinese Literature Society secretly took off.

The development over the years has been step by step, and now the People’s Society can no longer even see the taillights of its cars.

Now, Guowen Group is about to move out of No. 166 Chaonei Street, and the People's Society is the only unit left in the building.

In the past, everyone worked on the same site, and there were many times when we didn't like each other, and we wished we could expel Guowen Group as soon as possible.

But now that Guowen Group is really moving away, people in the People's Society feel unhappy.

I'm afraid of my brother's hardship, and I'm even more afraid of my brother driving a Land Rover.

However, the ideas of the people's social workers could not change what was going to happen. On April 23, 2002, it was time to break ground and move.

Several trucks and vans appeared in the courtyard of No. 166 Chaonei Street. The employees of Guowen Group happily loaded various office facilities and materials onto the trucks. There were more people and strength, and it didn’t take long for the trucks to arrive one after another. The driver drove away from No. 166 Chaonei Street.

The moving work of Guowen Group lasted for a whole day. After the move was completed, there was a sudden silence in the courtyard of No. 166 Chaonei Street.

There was a sharp contrast between the hustle and bustle of the past and the loneliness and desolation now.

The building was half empty, and now only the silent People's Social Workers workers remained.

Before Lin Weimin walked out of the building, he said hello to the old guys from People's Society. In the future, Guowen Group will move to the new headquarters building, and only People's Society will be left here.

"Xiao Zhou, why haven't you left yet?" Lin Weimin walked to the door of the building and saw that there were still people in the reception room.

It was Xiao Zhou who was meticulously wiping the filing cabinets and desks in the room with a rag.

"Chairman, I'll do the cleaning." Xiao Zhou replied.

Lin Weimin looked at his expression and said nothing, leaving only one sentence: "Wipe it!"

It was already dusk when I came out.

The courtyard is quiet and deserted, and the old buildings stand on the side of Chaonei Street, just like they did decades ago.

Early the next morning, it was the Guowen Group Headquarters Building at No. 39 East Third Ring Road Middle.

There was no grand ceremony for the opening of the brand new headquarters building, but this did not dampen the employees' joyful mood at all.

The three towers, with a maximum height of 95 meters and a minimum of 65 meters, are scattered in height. The building's appearance is mainly arc-shaped, with flexible curves, like three intertwined mountains.

Looking from a distance, it seems to be covered by mountains, which are not only full of artistic atmosphere, but also show a full sense of the future.

Lin Weimin walked into the lobby of Building 1 in the center. The more than 8-meter ceiling and arc-shaped dome design are eye-catching, and the view is extremely broad.


"Hello, Chairman!"

The employees saw him and said hello quickly, with excitement and excitement in their tone. This is the first day of Guowen Group's move, and Lin Weimin understands everyone's mood.

After nodding, Lin Weimin took the elevator to the office.

After getting off the elevator, before entering the office, he saw Zhang Chaoyang waiting here.

"You came early enough!" Lin Weimin said.

"I just happened to visit our group's building. It's really grand!" Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile.

Since the Nasdaq stock market crash in March 2000, Sohu's stock price has been falling. By this year, its market value has fallen below 500 million US dollars. Guowen Group has once again become Sohu's second largest shareholder through bargain hunting, with a shareholding of only Second to Zhang Chaoyang.

He came today to discuss Sohu's lease of the Guowen Group headquarters building.

With the size of the staff of Guowen Group, only one of the three buildings built could be used. If someone wanted to rent it, Lin Weimin was naturally happy to agree.

"It's something that has been agreed upon a long time ago. You just need to discuss it with them."

Lin Weimin expressed his opinion, and Zhang Chaoyang nodded.

As early as the beginning of the construction of the building, Zhang Chaoyang mentioned this matter to Lin Weimin. His special visit to Lin Weimin today was more to express an attitude.

Zhang Chaoyang, who was chatting with Lin Weimin, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, where the view overlooked half of Yanjing City.

"The scenery here is so beautiful!"

"The scenery at higher places is always better." Lin Weimin said, looking into the distance.

Zhang Chaoyang looked at the scenery in front of him with emotion in his heart.

Think back to the time when Sohu was listed as China's number one Internet stock, it was an unparalleled success, and its market value once soared to tens of billions of dollars.

No one could have imagined that the Nasdaq stock market crash would cause the Nasdaq to fall from its peak of 5,100 points to 1,100 points in two years. It was worse than the Big A, but even worse was the domestic Internet companies.

Needless to say, Sohu. Although its revenue has now increased and it has achieved profitability, its stock price has dropped to a tenth of its original price. NetEase and Sina share the same fate. The worst offenders are those Internet companies that need financing. The chilling effect of the Nasdaq has spread to the Internet industry around the world in two years, and finding money has become a problem for all new companies.

Fortunately, there is a major financier in China, Guowen Group. When investment institutions and investors around the world are not optimistic about the Internet industry, they are bullish against the market trend and invest heavily in domestic Internet companies.

In the past two years, it has continuously invested more than 2 billion in the domestic Internet market and supported many Internet companies with potential.

Of course, in a sluggish market environment, more companies will die without finding money.

But in any case, Guowen Group's investment has retained a group of backbones with considerable potential for the domestic Internet industry.

In addition to domestic investment, Guowen Group has also been bargain hunting in rice stocks in the past two years. If the Nasdaq index can further rise in the future, Guowen Group may make another windfall.

The scale of this windfall may be greater than the gain from Guowen Group's original reduction of Sohu shares.

Zhang Chaoyang glanced at Lin Weimin from the corner of his eyes. Lin Weimin, who was overlooking Yanjing City, had a relaxed and calm expression, but in Zhang Chaoyang's eyes, he saw Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, a towering mountain.

I just don’t know when this time will wait.

Everyone understands that the market cannot remain so depressed, but no one can judge the specific time.

Zhang Chaoyang did not wait long for the doubts in his mind. In November 2002, a terrible virus broke out and swept the world in a short period of time.

People were forced to stay at home, and the Internet once again ushered in its golden age.

Within half a year of the virus outbreak, the Nasdaq index has almost doubled, and Guowen Group has also ushered in the harvest season. The shares + valuation value of technology companies in China and the United States, including Internet companies, it holds in its hands have broken through in one fell swoop. One hundred billion yuan.

The arrival of this virus has changed the development of the world and China to a certain extent. This is a change in the general trend.

Specific to individuals, countless people have been affected.

For example, Lin Weimin's novel "Li Jianguo" published a few years ago mentioned that the world ushered in an unprecedented virus wave in 2005, and the content described was almost very similar to this virus.

Therefore, after the outbreak of the virus, in addition to isatis root and masks being sold out, Lin Weimin's "Li Jianguo" also became a hot commodity.

The common people wanted to see how accurately Lin Weimin foresaw the great plague that swept the world a few years ago. This is not only true at home, but also abroad.

The curiosity of readers has also allowed the work "Li Jianguo" to sell more than 60 million copies around the world in more than half a year, with cumulative sales exceeding 80 million copies. This sales volume is also rare in the history of human literature.

Besides this, there is one more thing.

Teacher Tao is pregnant again.

Staying at home with nothing to do, what are you doing?

He moved a little too much and accidentally killed someone.

Fortunately, Tao Huimin is not too old, only 37 years old, so there is no risk in pregnancy.

September 2003, two months after the SARS pandemic ended.

Early in the morning, Tao Huimin finished her meal and walked in the yard with a big belly. After walking for a while and resting, she felt a little hungry for something to eat.

As soon as I ate two grapes washed by Sister Qin, I was stared at by the little bean bun.

"I've told you so many times not to eat too much. Your blood sugar is so high and you're about to give birth. You don't know how to pay attention."

Because of her good nutrition and well-developed motor nerves, Xiaodou Bao, who is in the sixth grade of elementary school, already looks like a grown-up girl.

Before she had even eaten a few grapes, she was snatched away by her daughter. Tao Huimin was in a very unhappy mood.

During her pregnancy, SARS was raging. She stayed at home all day long, and the two nannies at home prepared food for her. It was like blowing up a balloon, and she gained 50 pounds in less than half a year.

Originally, it was normal for her to be a little fatter during pregnancy, but because her weight changed so quickly, her blood sugar became abnormal and she had to control her diet.

Fortunately, she was already in her third trimester when she discovered her blood sugar was high, so she didn't need to worry about the nutrition of the baby in her belly.

But she was used to eating these days, and it was very difficult to pay attention to her diet.

Lin Weimin watched her struggle during pregnancy and sometimes turned a blind eye, but Xiaodou Bao showed the spirit of a black-hearted supervisor in the old society and stared at his greedy old mother all day long.

Over the years, how many blows has she, Lin Qianxun, received? Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for today?

Where can I find such a good opportunity, which can not only legitimately cause trouble for the old mother, but also make her helpless.

All the stolen grapes went into Xiaodou Bao's mouth, stuffing her mouth like a little squirrel.

Tao Huimin was furious, staring at her daughter like a knife, but there was nothing she could do.


She suddenly covered her stomach, with a look of pain on her face, and called Lin Weimin's name.

Lin Weimin, who was writing and drawing in the study, rushed out the door with an anxious look on his face, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Are you going to give birth?"

Tao Huimin endured the severe pain and said angrily: "How did I know?"

Tao Huimin also had this situation two weeks ago, and it was a false alarm when she was sent to the hospital.

The couple were unsure of the situation at the moment. Just as they were talking, Xiaodoubao pointed at Tao Huimin's lower body, with a look of surprise on his face: "Mom, you peed your pants!"

Tao Huimin looked down and felt anxious and angry. It was obvious that her amniotic fluid had broken.

At this moment, she was too lazy to fight with the crazy girl who "slandered" her, and said to Lin Weimin: "Send me to the hospital quickly!"

Without her words, Lin Weimin had already taken action.

He arranged for Sister Qin to help Tao Huimin get into the car with him, while Sister Qian stayed at home and looked at the little bean buns.

But this girl shouted: "I want to go too!"

The family was in chaos, and Lin Weimin didn't insist anymore. After arriving at the hospital, after a brief examination by the doctor, Tao Huimin was sent to the delivery room.

Lin Weimin couldn't concentrate at all while listening to the doctor's explanation. After eleven years of being a father again, he seemed to have completely forgotten his experience as a beanbag dad over the years, like a young brother who had never experienced anything.

"Doctor, if something goes wrong, be sure to stay safe!"

He said this abruptly, leaving the doctor speechless, "Just give birth to a baby. I have told you about the examination just now. There should be no problem."

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, I'm just worried..." Lin Weimin rambled.

Not only was the doctor speechless, but the little bean bag beside him couldn't stand it anymore. "Dad, please let the doctor go in and help mom deliver the baby."

Only then did Lin Weimin react, let go of the doctor's hand, and showed an apologetic smile, "Sorry, sorry."

The doctor shook his head and entered the delivery room.

During the delivery, Lin Weimin scratched his head anxiously and walked up and down the corridor. From time to time, he would go to the door of the delivery room to listen to the sound.

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

"How long has this been?"

"Is something wrong?"

Not only Xiaodou Bao, but also Tao's father, Tao's mother and Han Dingbang who came later were speechless.

You have been a father once, why are you still acting like a young boy?

Time passed slowly minute by minute, and after nearly two hours, the door to the delivery room finally opened.

The nurse came out holding the tightly wrapped baby in swaddling clothes, "The boy weighs eight pounds and six taels."

Tao's father and Tao's mother suddenly beamed, "Oh, my grandson!"

Lin Weimin stretched his neck and looked into the ward, "Nurse, when will you come out?"

"Wait a minute, we still have to observe."

The nurse looked at Lin Weimin and saw that he kept looking towards the ward and had no intention of picking up the baby, so she had to hand the baby to Tao's mother.

Tao's mother hugged her newborn grandson and couldn't close her mouth. Father Tao and Han Dingbang surrounded her. The three old people looked at the baby in their arms like a rare treasure.

"I want to see it too! I want to see it too!" Xiao Doubao on the side jumped anxiously.

Tao's mother lowered her body, revealing the appearance of a baby.

The hair on his head was like a broomstick, his face was wrinkled, and his skin was dark and red.

Eh~ so ugly!

I have an ugly brother!

Xiaodoubao glanced at it with disgust and didn't want to look at it anymore. She couldn't help but think of it in the future. If she takes her brother out to play, people will ask: Is this your brother?

What a shame!

"For the people!"

Tao's mother called Lin Weimin's attention back with a cry, "Hug the baby."

Lin Weimin looked at the door of the delivery room, hugged the child, and took a look, "Oh! Why is this kid so ugly?"

Mother Tao on the side was immediately unhappy. Her eldest grandson looked so good, his forehead was so full, his nose was so straight, his eyes were... not yet open.

"Dad, Dad, was I so ugly when I was just born?" Xiaodabao asked.

Lin Weimin thought about it and said, "You were much more beautiful than him when you were first born. Your skin was as white as snow and rosy inside, like a peach."

Xiaodoubao became happy after listening to his father's words. It turned out that he had been beautiful since childhood.

Tao's father, Tao's mother, and Han Dingbang were all speechless when they heard Lin Weimin's words.

Even if you prefer girls over boys, why do you still ignore the facts?

Mother Tao looked at her eldest grandson, who was born less than half an hour ago, and couldn't help but feel a little pity in her heart: My poor eldest grandson was not welcomed by his father when he was born.

After another half an hour, Tao Huimin was finally pushed out of the delivery room.

Lin Weimin ran over holding the child in his arms as if offering a treasure, "Huimin Huimin, look, does our eldest son look like me?"

Tao Huimin had just finished giving birth. Her face was pale and weak. She glanced at her son and said perfunctorily: "Like!"

Lin Weimin suddenly smiled. When he looked at his son, he didn't seem so ugly anymore.

Tao's mother saw her daughter's expression in her eyes, and felt even more miserable: It's over, not only is her father unpopular with her, but her mother is also unpopular with her.

She secretly made up her mind to love her grandson even more in the future.

Because it was a natural delivery, Tao Huimin could be discharged from the hospital on the same day, but to be cautious, the doctor still asked Tao Huimin to stay in the hospital for three days to observe the situation.

In the evening, Tao Huimin was breastfeeding her son, and Xiaodou Bao was watching from the side, looking at her ugly brother with dark eyes.

"Mom, have you decided on your brother's name?"

"Your dad hasn't thought about it yet!" Tao Huimin said.

Xiaodoubao looked at his father and said, "Dad, I gave my brother a very nice name."

Lin Weimin asked with a smile: "What's your name?"

"Have you heard of Xin Qiji's song "The Case of the Pure Jade: Yuan Xi"?" Xiao Doubao asked with a bit of pride on his face.

Lin Weimin had a bad feeling in his heart, "The name you are thinking of is not..."

The smile on Xiaodou Bao's face relaxed and he became even more proud, "That's right! 'Looking for him among the crowd for thousands of Baidu', my name is Qianxun, and my brother's name is Baidu. 'Looking for him among the crowd for thousands of Baidu', oh, what a beautiful artistic conception! I’m really good at naming names!”

Xiao Doubao, who was immersed in self-appreciation, didn't notice the stiff face of his old father at all.

"Mom, what do you think of the name I chose?" After feeling proud, Xiaodoubao turned around and asked Tao Huimin for credit.

"Not good!" Tao Huimin rejected her daughter's suggestion without mercy.

Xiaodoubao suddenly felt extremely frustrated and muttered: "What a nice name!"

After rejecting Xiaodoubao's proposal, Tao Huimin and Lin Weimin discussed their son's name seriously, without noticing the strange light flashing in their daughter's eyes at this time.

Three years later, the impact of the Nasdaq stock market crash has completely passed, and Guowen Group has grown into a behemoth with assets of more than 200 billion yuan.

Not only have we gained huge profits from investing in domestic and foreign Internet companies, our cultural industry has also flourished.

In October 2006, Guowen Animation, its third film and television company specializing in animation, went public, and employees of Guowen Group ushered in another wave of wealth.

Guowen Animation focuses on the production and distribution of animation films and television. Although it has been established for a short time, it owns dozens of animation IPs that have important influence in the country.

Calabash Baby, Black Cat Sheriff, Shuke and Beta, The Sloppy King, Pipilu and Lu Xixi, Big Ear Tutu, Chinese Tales, Qin Shi Mingyue, Kui Ba... have hundreds of millions of children in the country, and have passed through The development of animated films and cartoons has driven the upstream and downstream industries of the entire animation industry.

One of Guowen Animation’s purposes for this listing and financing is to build an animation IP park and claim to be comparable to Disney.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the interest of countless investment institutions.

The stock was originally planned to be priced at 16.48 yuan per share, but was finally set at 30.65 yuan due to the pursuit of institutions. On the opening day, the stock price of Chinese Animation soared 195%, with a total market value of 32.5 billion yuan. This market value will directly exceed the listing price of several companies. The two big brothers, Wencheng and Wenhua, were rubbing each other on the ground. Looking at the A-share market, they were at the level of bullies.

The market invests in future potential, and the future planned by Chinese animation is exactly what those investors and investment institutions want.

The successful listing of Guowen Animation made the cultural industry layout of Guowen Group more complete, and the group company gradually got on the right track. Lin Weimin also gradually put down his power and gradually diluted his sense of existence, leaving only the title of chairman hanging on him. Put more time and energy into family life.

It was Friday. Lin Weimin got off work early and was watering the flowers in the courtyard when he heard a heartbreaking sound coming from the door of the courtyard.

He put down the kettle, "What's wrong with this?"

Tao Huimin held a chubby, chubby boy with a pink face in her hand.

"Not all of you are your good daughter!"

"What happened to the bean bag?"

Tao Huimin put the little fat man on the ground and said angrily: "Ask him!"

Lin Weimin glanced at his son, "Er Zhuang, what's going on?"

His nickname was Er Zhuang. It was entirely because Lin Weimin and his wife were lazy in thinking of a name and used Han Zhuangzhuang's nickname. The eldest nephew expressed dissatisfaction many times because of this, but who made him and the little one in front of him really belong to the same generation? ,invalid objection.

However, the nickname was perfunctory, but the nickname Lin Weimin and his wife were unambiguous. After all, they were their biological sons.

Link's disease!

Teacher Lin felt that China had defeated SARS in 2003, so he gave his son this very memorable name.

The little fat man's face was stained with tears, and he was moaning, unable to speak clearly, "Oh, oh, oh..."

Tao Huimin looked at him anxiously and said: "Your good son, tell others in the kindergarten that his name is Lin Baidu, the Baidu that Baidu searches for!"

Baidu was founded in 2000 and received investment from Guowen Group that year. It was successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States last year. Baidu Search is well-known in China.

Lin Weimin suddenly understood and laughed dumbly, "This girl is really evil-minded!"

"Laughing, are you still laughing? Do you know that your son now has a nickname in kindergarten, and he is called Lin Baidu." Tao Huimin was extremely angry and looked into the courtyard, "Where is that girl?"

"School isn't over yet!" Xiaodoubao has just entered the third grade of junior high school this year.

Holding her breath, Tao Huimin carried the fat little man, Link Bing, into the house to clean up, not forgetting to keep an eye on what was going on in the yard.

In the evening before dinner, Xiaodoubao walked into the house carrying his schoolbag and saw his old father winking.

Xiaodoubao was very familiar with her father's expression, and it was obviously a hint that something was wrong with her.

"Lin Qianxun!"

With the roar of a Hedong lion, Xiaodou Bao instinctively shuddered. Looking at Tao Huimin who was approaching with a feather duster, she retreated and argued: "Mom, Mom, please listen to my explanation... No, Mom! Mom!"

There was a burst of howling and howling in the courtyard. The little fat man Link Bing clapped his hands and cheered when he saw the lively scene, but his old father was so confused that he had tears in his eyes.

The daughter-slave’s old father asked unhappily: “Why are you laughing when your sister is beaten? You’re heartless!”

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