1980 My literary era

Chapter 96 Decades of Advanced Experience

"Before, I was planning to introduce the girl from my old family to Wei Min. What do you think this guy said to me? He said rabbits don't eat grass from their nests!

Hey! Now that I think about it, there is definitely something wrong with this kid! "

Rong Shihui sighed in disbelief, not noticing that several other colleagues kept giving him winks.

By the time he noticed it, it was already too late. He turned around and saw Lin Weimin's Sima-like face.

It's over, I'm cornered.

Rong Shihui smiled awkwardly at Lin Weimin and wanted to explain a few words, but Lin Weimin turned around and left the office with a sad and angry look.

well! This is a big deal!

"Leader, tell me! Tell me! After all, it is a national-level publishing organization. What kind of chaos is it now?"

Lin Weimin blocked Meng Weizai in the office, and a heartbroken Chen said.

"Yes, yes, it's really outrageous!"

Lin Weiminxiang and Mrs. Lin told him how dare an old comrade say no. She kept echoing him, for fear that if she didn't say what she said well, she would hurt the most promising emerging writer in the society.

"This matter must be taken seriously by the society. My novel was submitted to their "People's Literature" for the sake of my colleagues. Now not only is the publication of the novel a problem, but I personally have been subjected to such vicious insults.

Director, you have to stand up for me, Mr. Wei... Editor-in-Chief, you are the most powerful person to speak. You have to help me. "

Lin Weimin put forward his own demands.

Meng Weizai felt helpless. He really didn't know where this evil trend came from. It was indeed a bit too much. How could he arrange his colleagues like this?

"Don't worry. They are all family members. If there are no problems with the novel, it will definitely be published. Don't worry about the rumors. It may be that someone who read the manuscript liked the character too much and put his passion for the character in it. This is what happened to you."

It has to be said that the leader's way of comforting people is always from a high position.

Lin Weimin felt for a moment that he was really comforted.

But when I think about it carefully, it’s not right. Then I have to thank the person who spread the rumors about me, right?

Meng Weizai pretended to look at his watch, "Well, for the people, look, I have to go out for a meeting later, so I won't tell you."

After saying that, he picked up his bag and walked out.

Lin Weimin walked out of the office, full of melancholy.

My eternal fame!

Back in the office, Yao Shuzhi took the rare initiative to open letters from readers, which comforted Lin Weimin a little.

He probably felt guilty because he was caught gossiping behind his back.

One by one, what about intellectuals?

Still can’t keep up with that good old lady!

He put aside the worries in his heart and returned to work.

Many of these letters were accumulated years ago. They were piled up like a mountain. Lin Weimin picked up a handful and put them on the table.

Opening letters, reading letters, and replying letters are all familiar...

The work was boring until Lin Weimin saw a familiar name again.

Hey, little comrade has submitted another article.

Lin Weimin opened the submission letter. Yu Hua did not revise the manuscript and submit it again as he said in the letter last time. Instead, he wrote a new work.

"Well, there is progress."

This was Lin Weimin’s reaction after reading Yu Hua’s latest contribution.

Is this what genius is?

The last time I submitted my manuscript, my writing was still messy, but this time it turned out to be more polished. He just made an comment for Yu Hua before.

Lin Weimin sighed at Yu Hua's super writing talent and began to think about Yu Hua's contribution.

This time it is still a short story, the work is called "Stars".

If we look purely at the writing style and narrative, Yu Hua's work is still immature compared to other works published in "Contemporary".

But what was scary was his speed of progress and talent. Lin Weimin was thinking about whether it would be possible to speed up his growth if he was called to Yanjing to revise the manuscript.

Thinking of this, Lin Weimin took the submission letter and knocked on Qin Chaoyang's office door.

"For the people!"

"Editor-in-Chief, I would like your help to read this submission letter."

Qin Chaoyang took the submission and asked, "Is there anything special?"

Normally, such submissions would be registered by Lin Weimin, Yao Shuzhi and others for preliminary review before being assigned to senior editors in the editorial department. They would then conduct a second review to see if they could be handed over to the editor-in-chief for final review. What Lin Weimin did today was a special case.

"I think this author has great potential. If possible, I hope to ask him to come to Yanjing to revise the manuscript."

When Qin Chaoyang heard what Lin Weimin said, his expression became serious, "You sit down first and I'll take a look before talking."

After waiting for more than twenty minutes, Qin Chaoyang raised his eyes from the manuscript, thought for a moment and said: "The writing is indeed somewhat spiritual, but it is still a bit immature!"

Lin Weimin nodded, "There are indeed shortcomings, but this is also the valuable part. You haven't read the manuscripts he submitted before. In just over a month, the progress has been huge."


Tan Chaoyang pondered, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Okay, since you like it, then call the author over and revise the manuscript!"

Tan Chaoyang said decisively.

Lin Weimin said happily: "Thank you, editor-in-chief!"

Lin Weimin understood that based on Yu Hua's current level, there was still a slight gap before he could go to Beijing to revise the manuscript. The reason why Qin Chaoyang agreed was entirely for his sake.

Back in the office, Lin Weimin looked happy, which made Yao Shuzhi puzzled. Just now, he had a bitter and resentful look on his face. Why did the rain stop and the sky clear so soon?

Lin Weimin enthusiastically wrote the letter inviting Yu Hua to come to Beijing to revise the manuscript, and couldn't wait to send it to the mailbox of his unit.

The number of letters sent to Guowen Press every day is calculated in three or four digits, and the utilization rate of the mailbox is very high.

Returning to the office again, he took a sip of tea with a leisurely look on his face, which made his colleagues extremely puzzled.

Yu Hua's submission letter finally made Lin Weimin's gloomy mood a little better. It was still very nice to work without thinking about the rumors.

In the communication room in the front building, there were calls from radio stations from various places to send money from time to time, and Lin Weimin's mood became beautiful again.

On the last day of the first month, Lin Weimin put down the phone in the communication room again and calculated the gains of this month.

The broadcast of "Cliff" by Liaodong People's Broadcasting Station ended three days ago. This month, Lin Weimin received a total of 126 calls from all over the country requesting the broadcast of "Cliff".

These calls were made to Liaodong Radio Station first, and then after learning about the agreement between the radio station and Lin Weimin, they took the initiative to call Lin Weimin.

In the beginning, a phone call cost fifty yuan, but as the number of calls from radio stations increased, many of them were city-level radio stations and even factory-run radio stations with limited funds. Lin Weimin always cried about poverty on the phone, and Lin Weimin could only endure the pain. Lower the standard of manuscript fees again and again.

In this month, Lin Weimin received a total of 3,860 yuan in royalties through the broadcast of the novel "Cliff".

Including the initial 50 yuan from Liaodong People's Broadcasting Station, Lin Weiminguang earned 3,910 yuan from this month's novel broadcast.

This can be regarded as what later generations call IP development, right?

Decades of advanced experience!

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