40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 31 31Release stress

Chapter 31 31. Release stress

The ghosts waved their hands to let the sticky blood leave. They were reluctant but helpless. The blood fell away, creating more bright red marks on the brown carpet.

Staring at them, the ghost blinked.

As time went by and he became more comfortable with this job, he began to feel more and more that always using his nails to tear others apart seemed not a good choice.

First, this always messes up the scene.

Second, it always leaves him covered in blood.

For example, right now, he is covered in blood. Not only that, there were even some minced meat hanging on the shoulders, swaying with the movements.

These are all evidence of killing.

In addition, there is an obvious confusion appearing on this pale face.

A quick and efficient killer shouldn't have such a blank look on his face.

As for the reason, you probably have to ask the man who was walking around in front of him and carrying the corpse.

"What are you doing, Khalil?" Ghost asked in confusion.

Khalil did not answer, but just dragged the two dead nobles and threw them into the hall, not even forgetting to wipe the blood from his hands on their clothes.

What is he doing?

The answer is obvious - move the body, move the body with your own hands. He moved the corpses piled up in the corridor one by one into the hall.

Khalil didn't choose to do it with that power, he knew he could, but he didn't.

He doesn't want to do this.

After all, who knows if it really comes without a price?

When dealing with such a strange force that cannot be explained in words, it is best to be cautious.

Furthermore, what is the use of long human arms if they are used even for carrying groceries?

The point of evolution is not to turn people into lazy people who only know how to enjoy themselves.


The ghost screamed again, and at the same time, he lowered his head and shaved off the minced meat from his nails.

"We've finished our work, isn't it time to go back to the shelter?"

"Don't worry, Ghost."

Khalil said without looking back, while continuing to carry the body.


Ghost looked back at the mountain of corpses that were gradually piling up in the hall, and frowned: "Shouldn't we leave the scene quickly after the work is completed? You said so."

"Sometimes not. I said that too."

"Then we won't be discovered?" Ghost asked again.

Khalil smiled lowly.

He longed for them to come.

"It's okay to be discovered, Ghost."

Khalil explained softly.

"First of all, most nobles don't care about what happens in another family's territory, and they don't judge other people's way of relaxing. In my opinion, this is their only advantage."

"Secondly, this is a rare opportunity."


"Yes, opportunity." Khalil turned his head and nodded. "A very rare opportunity for you."

At this moment, he finally finished cleaning up the corpses scattered in the corridor. They were all moved into the hall little by little by Khalil's hands, leaving no trace behind.

Immediately afterwards, he walked to the end of the corridor, opened a door wrapped in dark patterned leather, and took a look inside.

"Very good, let's go take a shower." He turned around and clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Ghost blinked, his expression a little dull.

He didn't expect that the rare opportunity Khalil was talking about would be this.


"Yes, take a shower."

Khalil nodded, leaned against the bright red wall and folded his hands, his expression relaxed, which was unprecedented.

"Everyone should pay attention to self-hygiene, so as to avoid germs and prevent unnecessary diseases. Of course, the most important thing is."

Khalil raised his head, glanced at the ceiling, and sighed silently. "The moment the warm water washes over you, you will feel temporarily relaxed."

"This is very important, Ghost. If you feel stressed, you have to find a way to find an opportunity to release it. Do you understand?"

"Relax?" Ghost asked doubtfully. "I washed myself with acid rain, Khalil, and I don't feel relaxed."

Khalil turned his head and did not answer Ghost's words immediately. After a while, he spoke.

"Using acid rain cannot strictly speaking be considered as cleaning yourself, Ghost. Do you know that acid rain is actually the domestic wastewater dumped by the nobles?"

The ghost was horrified and changed his expression in just half a second.

"I, I-" he stuttered. "But... me?!"

"Just go wash it now."

Khalil's voice was as usual, but he still didn't let the ghost see his expression. "Anyway, just relax."

The ghost nodded repeatedly, and then rushed towards the room, not even forgetting to close the door.

Behind him, Khalil Lohars gave a quiet, fleeting smile.

He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly.

The air purifiers installed by the nobles were working non-stop, and the frighteningly rich and frightening smell of blood caused by a grand killing was reluctantly dissipated little by little.

After all, they can't resist this machine, just like the nobles can't resist Khalil and the ghost.

Whether you are prepared or not, it doesn't matter.

Goal accomplished. Khalil thought.

But - what happens after this?

He squinted his eyes and walked slowly beside the pile of corpses for a while, trying to think, but the sticky feeling coming from the soles of his feet prevented him from continuing.


Khalil sighed silently, turned his head, looked at a sofa in the center of the hall, and walked slowly over.

After carefully choosing a location without too much blood, he slowly sat down.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the soft feeling that came from his entire waist, back and body. It was a completely different feeling than sitting in that chair in the shelter.

When sitting on that shabby chair, he needed to straighten his back completely so as not to lose his balance. So sitting on it didn't feel like relaxation, but more like torture.

Nothing compares to the feeling of sitting on this soft and comfortable sofa.

It's so luxurious, even a sofa is like this.

Khalil lowered his head and thought quietly surrounded by the corpses of the nobles.

Some of the corpses around were staring, and some were screaming silently. Some people's faces still have the feeling of death, or they are smiling, or they are excited. Some people are full of fear, twisted to the point of ferocity.

Among the corpses here, only Khalil looked calm. Sitting calmly on a sofa stained red with blood.

It was almost eerily calm.

Opposite to this quiet picture were his very complicated thoughts at the moment.

Originally, he had not thought about what to do after this. This plan to ignite the flames actually had no follow-up at the beginning.

Before he met the ghost, the ultimate goal of this plan was to use his own body as a guide to blow up the entire upper nest.

Of course Khalil knows this is reckless and completely irresponsible, but he needs to step up.

Thousands of years have passed, and no one on Nostramo resists the nobles anymore. No one even knows why they are resisting - they have completely forgotten the meaning of resistance and only know how to accept it.

The workers who left the nest worshiped the nobles as gods, and their children even regarded joining gangs as a good way out.

If you don't want to become a consumptive ghost in a factory or a mine like your parents, you can only choose to join a gang.

The gangs follow the example of the nobles, and are always thinking about grabbing a seat, entering the upper den, and becoming a member of the nobles.

As long as you squeeze into the upper nest, you don't have to endure the sour smell and filth anymore, right?

On patrol, Khalil had heard gangs describe their imagined futures in similar terms countless times.

Yes, they do all kinds of evil.

But who made them like this? Who makes people linger in dark and narrow corners? Who makes people naked and hungry?

Khalil will kill them and show no mercy to them because they have done something that does not deserve to be called human.

But there's only one thing he won't do - he won't laugh at the illusory dreams of these gang members.

Everyone wants to live with dignity, and this dream they have is Nostramo's only way to make life better.

Ridiculous, cruel, and unbearably absurd.

The even more terrifying thing is that in the entire Nostramo, before encountering the ghost, Khalil was the only one who felt unbearable.

Ghost was equally dissatisfied with this. Unlike Khalil, he only vaguely felt that this was wrong.

In the heart of this innocent monster, there was an intuition that gently reminded him of one thing: people should not live like Nostramo.

So, after that, Khalil had second thoughts.

He planned to pave the way for the ghost before his death and kill all the nobles who came to the nest.

In this way, the ghost can raise the flag of resistance he raised after his death and let the fire cleanse the darkness. He also plans to track down the ghost's genetic flaw so that he can live a normal lifespan like a normal person.

But now, he is not dead.

Moreover, the ghost is not an experimental product of the nobles. He has a father, a name, and even brothers.

Khalil closed his eyes. He never imagined that one day he would actually feel distressed because of his 'unsuccessful death'.

But anyway.

He opened his eyes.

Living is indeed good,——

Two shadows jumped across the darkness. Behind them, the upper nest was still peaceful, and there were still many nobles enjoying a luxurious life in their family's residence.

They knew nothing about what happened tonight, and they knew nothing about what was about to happen in the future.

Starting from Mantas Skelework and ending with a nameless patrolling guard - most of the night, ten hours, the complete destruction of the great nobles.

Efficient. Khalil thought. Very efficient.

He jumped over the spire and ran down. The dark clouds above his head were still treacherous, but Khalil's mentality was completely different from when he came. The ghost followed him closely, as always.



"What shall we do tomorrow?"


"Want to continue patrolling?"

"Let's think about tomorrow's matters tomorrow." Khalil said softly. "How about a good night's sleep tonight?"

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