40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 35 A Conversation

Chapter 35 35. A conversation


A calm voice sounded: "Our new brother didn't even manage to unify the world he landed on?"

The speaker had a face like a rock. He was a giant, there was no doubt about it. His short gray hair complemented his expressionless face when he spoke, making it almost impossible to ignore his handsomeness.

"Please, Rog, even I spent fifty years unifying Chemos."

The other giant at the long table spoke, frowning slightly. The long silver-white hair hangs down on the shoulders, as if shining with light. Not many people care about this scene that goes against common sense.

After all, he was incredibly beautiful, beautiful enough to hold down his precious hair and that luxurious, white and purple silk robe.

Compared with him himself, these two treasures simply became foils.

The beautiful giant said: "You have to understand, Roger, his father said he is only one and a half years old. How can a one and a half year old child unify the world he has landed in? He is probably still groping!"

"That means nothing."

The giant named Rogge who had spoken before responded with a stern tone. "He doesn't know the responsibility he has to shoulder yet, but we do. Age is no reason. You should understand. Fulgrim, you know our responsibilities earlier than I do."

"But he's only one and a half years old!"

Fulgrim pursed his lips, looking a little dissatisfied, but it was not because of the argument with his brother.

"Also! At least call me Fulgrim. Do you want me to call you Dorne?"

".I have no problem with it." Rogge - or Dorn, replied slowly.

He stared, but not at Fulgrim.

Their conversation made the third giant at the long table laugh. Compared with his brothers, his appearance was much more peculiar. His skin is golden, and thousands of golden symbols form this wonder on the surface of his skin.

He smiled and nodded with gentle eyes. He was wearing a robe, his hands were placed neatly on the table, and a heavy classic was placed quietly in his hands.

"You have no objection again."

The handsome Fulgrim crossed his hands and made a face, but his voice was gentle. "However, I agree with what you said about responsibility."

He turned his head and asked the other brother affectionately: "What about you, Luo Jia?"

"I want to reserve my opinion." The golden giant known as Luojia shrugged. "I don't want to publish them before Ferrus arrives."

"Are you going to do this again?" Roger Dorn said coldly.

"Father is always like this too." Luo Jia said with a smile. "Father always expresses what he means after we've all finished speaking, doesn't he?"

He said this with such sincerity that Rogal Dorn, who was expressionless, didn't know how to answer. He could only frown and look for Fulgrim again.

"Why is Ferus late again?"

"What are you asking me to do?"

"You had the best relationship with him," Roger Dorn said.

He said this without any hesitation, as if he was just stating a fact.

Fulgrim's eyes widened, showing obvious surprise at his words: "Rogg, my brother, I love you all——"

"——Especially love Ferrus." Rogal Dorn said expressionlessly. "Don't get me wrong, I'm just telling the story."

Fulgrim looked at Luojia helplessly.


The golden giant coughed lightly and said, "That's right, Fulgrim. We shouldn't be able to call Ferus that nickname you gave him, otherwise he will be very unhappy."

He laughed slowly: "I'm pretty sure about it."

".So, today's meeting has turned against me?" Fulgrim said dissatisfied. "I thought we were going to talk about our new brother."

"Of course we will talk about him, but not without Ferrus Manus arriving."

Rogal Dorn stood up. He was not wearing comfortable robes like his brothers. He was wearing a gray-blue long-sleeved top, with some gold threads outlined on it, which was better than nothing. It was very simple, but No detail is lost.

To a certain extent, this piece of clothing can reveal part of his character.

"Where are you going?" Fulgrim asked.

"Not to call him, that's your prerogative. I just stood up and moved." Roger Dorn said. "Besides, Fogg—"


"Fulgrim, do you really not know why Ferus has been absent from meetings so frequently recently?"

"A meeting without father," said Fulgrim. "Technically, it's just our chat."

Luo Jia's laughter echoed in the room. "Your support is too obvious, brother!"

".What's going on with you two today?"

The giant in silk robes stood up angrily and walked to the door of the room in three steps: "Why are you always making fun of me? I'll call him!"

He opened the door and left quickly. The room was quiet for a while, but Luo Jia stopped the silence before it could spread.



"Ferrus must have been busy drawing a sketch of a weapon recently, so he is always late."

The golden giant said with a smile. "When I went to see him last time, I saw it on his desk. My Lord, his desk is really messy."


Rogal Dorn responded with his signature expression—he frowned, deeply.

"Weapon?" he repeated. "On the Emperor's Dream, he's going to make a weapon?"

Lorgar blinked, and finding that his brother's reaction was completely different from what he expected, he quickly explained: "Rogal--"

"--Under the eyes of the Emperor?"

The deepness between Rogal Dorn's brows began to become more and more serious. He bent down, propped up the table with both hands, and stared at Rogal slowly for a while.

The latter blinked and placed his right hand on the heavy book.

Half a minute later, Rogal Dorn said: "Well, I think I guess who the weapon is going to be given to."

"Huh?" Lorgar uttered a short syllable in astonishment.

His brother did not answer, but just shook his head and did not make any other reaction. Five minutes later, two footsteps sounded in the corridor outside the door.

Fulgrim smiled and pushed open the door: "I brought him!"

Behind him, a giant with silver hands walked in.

He had short black hair and his appearance was not as perfect as Fulgrim's - in fact, it was almost impossible for him to have the same level of beauty as Fulgrim.

But this did not mean that he was ugly. In fact, he looked like a hand-forged steel armor. That kind of beauty was completely different from Fulgrim.

"I'm sorry," the giant said, his voice was low, but not distant. "I've been busy recently."

"Father didn't assign you any work, Ferrus."

"You call him Ferrus at this time? Why don't you call me Fulgrim?"

Fulgrim raised his eyebrows and interrupted, then laughed before Rogal Dorn could speak. He pulled Ferrus to sit at the long table. Seeing this, Rogal Dorn was silent for a while, and had to sit down.

"Anyway, let's talk about our new brother," he said. "Conrad Curze, this is the name given to him by father."

"Did father's guards tell you?" Fulgrim asked.

"No, I asked him personally."

Lorgar's eyes widened: "But he hasn't spoken to us for three days!"

"I asked three days ago."

"Okay." The golden giant nodded unwillingly, and Fulgrim patted him comfortingly.

"What is there to talk about?" Ferrus with silver hands said so. "It is natural that a one-and-a-half-year-old child has not unified the world he landed on."

"But he is one of our brothers."

Rog Dorn said seriously. "This means that we need to ask him with a more severe attitude, and we can't ignore these things because of his age."

"Hey, Rog, please let me say something--" Fulgrim made a gesture, and his expression became a little serious. "-If you allow it."

"You don't have to ask for my permission." Rog Dorn said. "You are Fulgrim."

".Call me Fulgrim, thank you."


"Okay--Anyway, I still think it's unfair to talk about his career without mentioning his age."

Fulgrim waved his arms seriously to make his words more convincing.

"It took me fifty years to unify Chemos peacefully, and this was based on the premise that the people of Chemos were relatively friendly. If you want to seek more evidence, you yourself are one of the best examples. Rogge, what were you doing when you were one and a half years old?"

". I was studying." Rogge Dorn answered reluctantly.

He couldn't not answer, otherwise he would be against himself.

"Yes, even Rogge Dorn, the brother with outstanding achievements among us, needs to study, let alone Conrad Curze, right?"

Fulgrim sighed and shook his head: "In addition, I really don't understand why my father gave him this name"

"The meaning is not very good, I have learned some ancient Terra language."

Lorgar nodded thoughtfully and continued. "But that was my father's intention after all."

"When we meet him, we will naturally understand what kind of person he is." Ferrus Manus said slowly. "In addition. Lorgar."


"Fulgrim said that you want to save your opinion until I come."


Lorgar nodded with sudden realization. "About this. Actually, I think we shouldn't blame him too much no matter what. It was my father who guided us to find him, wasn't it? The voyage during this period had nothing to do with the navigator."


"So, no matter what he looks like, I will love him, just as my father loves us."

The golden giant said with a smile.

I'm updating secretly, which is considered an extra update.

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