With Yuan Shaochen's phone call, the atmosphere at home was finally not as heavy as it was a few days ago, and Ye Jinzhi also showed a long-lost smile.

Yuan Shaochen may also know the situation at home. During that time, he would call back every night. Although it was only a short five minutes, he was very satisfied.

Ye Jinzhi's mood also relaxed a lot. She knew that Yuan Shaochen must have heard her voice and noticed something when he called back every day.

She knew that their training was very tiring, and the time was getting closer. She should persuade him not to call back, but she still had selfishness in the end, hoping to hear his voice every day.

Yuan Shaochen also knew what they were worried about. Every day when he called back, he would report what he had done today, try to pick what he could say, and reassure Ye Jinzhi and the others.

The children were very sensible every time, knowing that their parents had something to say, every time they greeted Yuan Shaochen and chatted a few words, they handed the phone to Ye Jinzhi, and they left consciously.

"You have to keep warm so you don't catch a cold, eat on time so you don't get stomach problems, and don't drink when you go out to social parties." Yuan Shaochen said in a rambling manner.

Ye Jinzhi didn't make a sound, hearing his voice surrounded her ears, she would feel very at ease, as if he was still by her side.

"You should also pay attention to safety, don't let yourself get hurt, do you still have the medicine I gave you?"

This was given to him by Ye Jinzhi before Yuan Shaochen left, and it worked very well, but the quantity was very small.

Before leaving, Ye Jinzhi told him: "You must keep this medicine safe." He didn't say much.

The husband and wife have been together for so long, and they still have a tacit understanding with each other. The other party knows what she means with just one look.

Yuan Shaochen kept it on his body all the time, and would not use it unless it was extremely urgent.

"Don't worry, I've always carried it with me, and haven't used it yet."

Ye Jinzhi didn't know if he should be thankful after hearing this, but it didn't mean that he wasn't seriously injured.

"We miss you very much." Ye Jinzhi would bring this sentence every time before ending the phone call.

"Boom boom."

"Please come in." Ye Jin continued to look at the document in his hand without raising his head.

Everyone found that Mr. Ye's mood has improved a lot recently, he is not as stern as before, and his mood is obviously much better.

"Mr. Ye, an association you donated to recently held an art exhibition, and they sent a few tickets."

"Painting exhibition?" Ye Jinzhi stopped writing, remembering that there was such a thing.

When she went out to eat before, she was recognized by the association. Ye Jinzhi still remembered that she took a few children to play at that time, and she didn't want to agree.

But when Ah Hao and his children heard about the association, their eyes lit up. They were still young at that time, and it was the first time they heard about it.

Seeing that they were interested, Ye Jinzhi said to that person: "If you want to attract investment, go to my company. I will tell them when the time comes, and I will send someone to talk to you."

This was all a few years ago, and she almost forgot that there was such a thing. For the sake of the children, although she knew that something like the association could not be profitable, she thought it was a good thing at the time. No time to pay attention.

"Show me the investment we have made in that association over the past few years."

The person who came seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and Ye Jin showed her the document in his hand as soon as he asked.

This made Ye Jinzhi take a careful look at him, but she hadn't spoken yet, the man seemed to see her doubts.

"Assistant Wang reminded me that you might ask to see it, let me get it ready first."

Ye Jinzhi didn't respond and nodded.

Sure enough, as she expected, there has been almost no profit in the past few years, and they have been giving money back.

"Understood, put the tickets here first."

She went back and asked a few children to see if they were interested. If they were interested, it would be a good idea to take them to have a look, just to relax.

Ye Jinzhi also noticed that the number of tickets is quite a lot, there are ten tickets, it seems that the inquiry is quite clear.

"Do you want to go and see?"

At night, Ye Jinzhi almost forgot that there was such a thing, and only remembered it when he saw the tickets when he was looking through the bag.

"Is it full of paintings?" A Hao asked curiously.

Ye Jinzhi nodded, "It's all paintings, if you are interested, go and have a look."

Speaking of which, Ye Jinzhi was a little ashamed. They had been learning to paint for so long, and she hadn't shown them other people's paintings. This was a fatal point for those who learned to paint.

You not only need to be able to draw yourself, but also to look at other people's paintings in order to learn more. Otherwise, you can only see your own paintings. It may be nothing in a short time, but after a long time, you may not make any progress and will keep standing still .

"It's the uncle we met before, did they do it?" Axu has a good memory, and he remembered it all at once.

"Yes, how about it, have you considered it?"

Compared with the entanglements of the other children, Ah Hao was very excited, and nodded without hesitation, "Mom, I'm going, I want to see."

Ye Jinzhi saw that the eyes of the other children were also moved, and without waiting for their answers, he said straightforwardly: "Then we will go together then."

"Oh yeah!" Ah Hao clapped his hands happily.

Ye Jinzhi also wanted to take this opportunity to take them out to see more, no matter how much they learned and how much Ye Jinzhi taught, it would be useless if they didn't go out to see more.

And if you are really interested, you can also participate in some competitions, as a spice in your life, and you can make more friends, which will help you in the future.

In fact, compared with other children, the children of Ye Jin's family are well protected. Ye Jinzhi did not take them out for a walk, and only a few people saw them. The outside world only knows that her family has many children, but what do they look like? Almost no one knows.

Under the same background, many children are brought by their parents since they were young, learning to treat others, learn to communicate with others, and talk.

"Miss." Several people knocked on the door.

"What's wrong?" Ye Jinzhi looked at them with a bitter face.

"There are a lot of equipment that cannot be bought, and it is said that it is not available in China."

Their security company has finally been fully built and decorated, the only thing missing is the equipment. Recently, they have been running around for equipment.

"No?" Ye Jinzhi was surprised.

"No, it is said that these things are imported from abroad, and they are not available in China."

Ye Jinzhi frowned, that would be troublesome, but she didn't say anything.

"I'll figure out a way, install some first, and give me a list of what's missing."

"it is good."

"By the way," seeing them, Ye Jinzhi just remembered how many tickets they had left, "I have four tickets for the art exhibition here, which one of you wants to go?"

Ye Jinzhi took out four tickets and asked them to divide them among themselves. She must be worried about raising five children by herself, and it would be easier to have them follow.

The third child took the ticket and looked it over carefully, "Miss, this is for painting."

Ye Jinzhi raised his eyebrows, otherwise what else would he do.

"I won't go, I don't understand that stuff, and those who go must be cultural people, so I won't go."

The third child is very self-aware. He didn't like reading when he was young. His older brothers and younger brothers are all better than him. He gets dizzy when he sees these things.

"You decide for yourself." Seeing him so entangled.

The day to see the art exhibition happened to be Saturday, and the children were very excited the night before, especially Ah Hao, who hadn't gone out for a long time.

When getting into the car, Ye Jinzhi was still thinking about how long it had been since he had gone to an art exhibition or listened to a musical.

"Don't shout or run around inside, there are a lot of people inside."

Because several children were going to see the art exhibition, Ye Jinzhi went to find out the number of people who went to the art exhibition this time, and found that there were still a lot of people.

Most of those who received the invitation letter would go, but Ye Jinzhi also understood that this art exhibition is the first art exhibition held after such a long time.

It took more than a year to prepare. Many painters who were demoted in those years came back to participate this time, and this time is probably the best gathering. It will be rare for so many people to gather together in the future.

According to Ye Jinzhi's understanding, many painters were physically broken in those years, and some of them decided to close because of the events of the year.

Ye Jinzhi is actually quite looking forward to it. She used to have a few painters that she liked very much. Many of them had passed away or stopped painting in their time. It is very possible to see them this time, and I am very excited.

"If Mom has a favorite painting, can we buy it home?" A Hao asked suddenly.

Ye Jinzhi looked at him expectantly, "That depends on whether the artist sells or not."

Generally, art exhibitions are not only to show the works to everyone, but also to help some newcomer painters to gain popularity and promote the talents of the younger generation.

There are also some tricky painters who sell paintings based on their eyes. If they have eyes, they may give them to you directly. If they don't want to, they won't sell them no matter how much you pay.

However, there are some galleries that specialize in collecting and selling paintings. They earn commissions and generally do not open.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye is here." As soon as Ye Jin got out of the car, someone came up to greet him, very obsequious.

Ye Jinzhi was no stranger to it, but the children were a little dumbfounded. They rarely saw Ye Jinzhi working.

Ye Jinzhi also didn't want them to see it, and didn't want them to face the world of adults too early. The world of adults is very hypocritical.

These artists are not all of the high-minded kind, some artists are also very flattering, even because they are educated, flattering words come out in a series.

However, some noble artists would rather live in poverty than bend down to please others. They feel that this is an insult to their identity.

However, Ye Jinzhi didn't have any opinion on these people. Everyone has their own unique way of life, and they are all independent individuals.

In this life, some people give everything to pursue their dreams, while others struggle for money all their lives.

"Thank you, President." Before Ye Jinzhi came, someone found their photos and identified them, fearing that they would identify the wrong person.

"These are all young masters, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

Ye Jinzhi is not used to seeing art exhibitions with people following her, she prefers to watch them by herself.

"Go ahead, let's see for ourselves." Ye Jinzhi asked the people who followed her to go back.

"Mom." The children couldn't react to the scene just now, and even Ah Zhao was a little surprised.

Ye Jinzhi pretended not to see their doubts, "Let's go, let's look at each other one by one."

They came early, before all the people arrived at this time, there will be no crowding, and they can stroll around freely.

Ye Jinzhi still has a big goal to bring a few children. Many people saw her as soon as they came in, and their eyes followed them all the time.

These people are drunkards who don't care about drinking, Ye Jinzhi is used to it, but today she took the children out to play and didn't want to talk about work, and the fourth child and the others blocked anyone who wanted to get close.

The children all looked at it seriously, and would stop for a moment before each painting.

When Ye Jinzhi saw something interesting, he would softly ask them for their opinions and listen to their understanding.

In many cases, drawing and looking at pictures are two completely different directions. Learning to look at pictures will be of great help to your drawing skills.

"Mom, this painting—" A Hao stopped in front of a painting.

"He's very sad." A Hao thought for a long time, but didn't know what words to use to describe it.

"Sad, why?" Ye Jinzhi was a little surprised, the people in this painting were obviously smiling, and the colors were very bold, Ye Jinzhi didn't expect him to say that.

"I felt like crying when I saw it, and I couldn't breathe." A Hao described it.

Ye Jinzhi was both proud and amazed that such a young child could see the deep meaning of this painting, which shows that he is very talented.

The fourth child noticed that there was an old man behind them, who followed them not too far away, and often nodded when he heard what the children said, which was strange.

If it weren't for his lack of movement, I would have wanted to drive him away.

Ye Jinzhi patted Ah Hao's head, and said softly: "The author of this painting was when he was painting this painting" and told the story behind this painting.

She had seen these paintings a long time ago, and when the people in the association knew she was coming, they sent a picture album, all of which were works in this exhibition.

At that time, she saw this painting and her eyes lit up, but it is a pity that the author of this painting has passed away.

"Do you like it?" Ye Jinzhi watched him for so long.

Ah Hao nodded a little embarrassedly, "I like it, is that okay?"

"Let's go ask." Ask if the painting is willing to sell.

Just when Ye Jinzhi wanted to find someone, he saw a staff member walking towards them, and when he was about to speak, he heard what the person said.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhou said that this painting is a gift for you, and we will deliver it in person after the exhibition is over."

Ye Jinzhi was a little surprised, how did Mr. Zhou know that they wanted to buy this painting.

But before she could ask, the fourth child walked up to her and told her about the strange old man he saw just now.

No wonder, Ye Jinzhi was thoughtful, he must have heard what A Hao said.

"Thank you Mr. Zhou for me. I have the opportunity to visit." Ye Jinzhi didn't refuse. Although she was not in this circle, she knew a little bit about Mr. Zhou's personality. This Mr. Zhou cherished his talents.

When they finished watching all the paintings in the exhibition, several hours had passed, and there were more and more people in the exhibition, which was in stark contrast to when they first came.

They didn't stay long after watching the art exhibition, and left in the chaos. She was afraid that she would be entangled by someone later, and she wouldn't be able to leave at that time.

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