One sentence shocked everyone present.

Gu Jinli felt like she was cheating. Is Li Anzi her cousin? She wants to kill someone!

Gu Dashan was so excited that he rushed over, grabbed Li Anzi's arm and asked, "You, what are you talking about? The person in this portrait looks like your mother? Does it really look like your mother?!"

Li Anzi was also stunned. Gu Dashan grabbed his arm and shook it several times before he came back to his senses and said, "Like, like my mother."

The third grandma rushed over and looked at Li Anzi's face with squinted eyes. After a while, she shouted: "Hey, I thought this young man looked familiar, but now that I think about it, he looks exactly like that salesman. "

The salesman she was talking about was Qi Pan, and Gu Daya was following him back then.

"Aren't your parents good citizens? How did you become servants? Where are they now? Are they all okay? You said you have younger brothers and sisters, where are they? Hey, why are you so stunned? Speak quickly." Third Grandpa He also rushed over to ask Li Anzi. But Li Anzi was frightened and couldn't answer anything he asked, which made the third grandfather extremely anxious.

"Third Grandpa, Third Grandma, Dad, get out of the way." Gu Jinli shouted. After Third Grandpa and the others got out of the way, she walked over, slapped Li Anzi twice, and slapped Li Anzi twice.

"Ah~" Li Anzi covered his sore face with tears in his eyes, looking at Gu Jinli, why did this little girl suddenly hit him?

"Xiaoyu..." Gu Dashan was also shocked. Why did Xiaoyu suddenly attack Anzi? This is her cousin. It's always not good for a cousin to hit her cousin.

But Gu Dashan knew that his daughter had been aggressive since she was a child. After she woke up after being beaten into a coma, she was not only aggressive, but also very creative. Every time she does something, the result is good for them. Although he felt sorry for Anzi, he did not blame Xiaoyu or scold her out loud.

Gu Jinli looked at Li Anzi and asked him, "Are you awake?"

Li Anzi nodded.

"Just wake up. Now, if I ask you a question, just answer it. If you make a mistake or dare to lie, it won't just be a matter of two slaps. Do you understand?!"

Li Anzi nodded again: "Listen, do you understand?"

Gu Jinli asked: "Your name is Li Anzi. You are twenty years old this year. Your parents and siblings are still alive. There are five people in your family, including you. They are all servants of the Li family in Daliang Mansion, right?"

Li Anzi's mind was not spinning as fast as Gu Jinli's. After a while, he nodded and replied: "Hmm~ No, that's right."

Gu Jinli asked again: "Are you your parents' first child?"

Li Anzi shook his head: "No, my parents had given birth to a son before, but he didn't survive. Not long after I was born, my eldest brother died."

Sure enough, it's not the first child.

Gu Daya once wrote a letter to Gu Dashan. The letter was received by Gu Dashan when he was seventeen years old. By that time, Gu Daya had been running with Qi Pan for two years.

The letter said that Gu Daya had given birth to a son and was pregnant with another son. This Li Anzi should be the one in her belly.

Gu Dashan, the third grandfather and the third grandmother all knew about this. When they heard Li Anzi's words, the three of them wiped away tears.

Mrs. Cui saw that Li Anzi was too thin from hunger, so she hurried to the kitchen, brought a wooden box of tofu, and made fried five-spice tofu for Li Anzi.

Gu Jinli continued to ask Li Anzi: "You were so young at the time, how did you know about this?"

Li Anzi said: "Every time it's the anniversary of my eldest brother's death, my parents would set up an incense table to pay homage to him."

"Where is your hometown? What were your parents' previous names? Were you a servant of the Li family in Daliang Mansion since you were born?" Gu Jinli asked.

Li Anzi shook his head: "I only know that my hometown is from Long'an Mansion. Where exactly it is, my parents didn't tell me... they didn't let me say... they don't like my hometown."

Li Anzi spoke hesitantly, thinking that Gu Daya and Qi Pan had a falling out with the Qi family.

"I was not a servant when I was born. I don't know when I became a servant. Anyway, I have been a servant for people since I can remember... At the beginning, I was a wealthy family in Long'an Prefecture. He worked there, and was later resold twice, before finally being sold to the Li family and becoming a servant of the Li family."

"Da Ya~" Gu Dashan couldn't help but shed tears when he heard this. How could his Da Ya's life be so miserable?

"Dad, please don't cry first." After Gu Jinli said this, he continued to look at Li Anzi: "What were your parents called before?"

Li Anzi still shook his head: "I don't know. My parents didn't tell me, and the mansion didn't let me tell them. After entering the mansion, I have to change my surname and use the name given by the master."

When Li Anzi was sold with his parents, he was very young and could not remember many things. He had changed several names. This name was given by the housekeeper according to the servant list after arriving at the Li family.

"How old is your sister? Do you know where they were sold?" Gu Jinli asked him the most important question.

"My sister is sixteen this year."

As for where the family was sold?

Li Anzi shook his head: "No, I'm not sure... We were sold separately. The only servant of the Li family who was sold with me was Miss Chunxiao."

Damn girl!

Gu Jinli wanted to slap him to death.

"Where do the Li family live now? In Fucheng?" Gu Jinli asked.

Li Anzi knew this, but before he could speak, Yan Chunxiao spoke first: "Go back to Xiaodong's house. The Li family has a distant relative in Fucheng, and now the whole family is staying in that distant relative's house."

Yan Chunxiao was so excited that she almost went crazy. She used to look down on Li Anzi, thinking he was a cripple and not very smart. She bothered to deal with Li Anzi, but she saw that they were sold in the same dental shop and wanted to share his rations, so she gave him a few smiles and never thought of following him.

But just now, she heard that Li Anzi was the family's nephew! This is really a wild dog ascending to heaven and suddenly becoming a god.

From what I heard from this family, it seemed that they were not that poor. They had a profitable workshop, and they were acquainted with the second master of the county captain's family. The second master of the county captain's family even bought the family personally. This friendship is unusual at first glance.

Her body was damaged by Master Li and she was no longer a girl, but Li Anzi was stupid. As long as she cried a few words to him and said that she was forced by Master Li, Li Anzi would definitely take pity on her and continue to marry her as his wife. .

Besides, many maids from wealthy families have some shady affairs with the male master of the family. Li Anzi has been a servant for so many years, so he understands and shouldn't mind if her body is broken.

Yan Chunxiao thought a lot and felt that he could win over Li Anzi, so he had the courage to talk to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli didn't expect that Yan Chunxiao would dare to talk to her, and that he was half-hiding and half-hidden, deliberately not telling her the surname and address of the host family.

Are you waiting for her to ask?

Gu Jinli smiled and looked at Lao Zhu and Wang Yongfu: "Go, tie her up and gag her!"

Lao Zhu and Wang Yongfu were stunned, and quickly rushed to Yan Chunxiao and tied her up in a few strokes.

"Brother An Zi, brother An Zi, save me!" Yan Chunxiao cried and asked Li Anzi for help.

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