A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 3260 The end of the full text, good news arrives in Beijing

Qin Sanlang agreed.

On the day I received the letter, I sent an order to the soldiers to prepare for peace talks.

The next day, he and General Xiao Liu led the army and set off for the second city. They did not arrive outside the city until early morning on the first day of September.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sentries in the second city saw countless torches approaching the city. They were so frightened that they hurriedly beat the war drums and shouted: "Go and report to the general quickly. We found a large number of guards surrounding the city!"

As soon as these words came out, the Qing soldiers in the city panicked and asked in horror: "Didn't we talk about peace? Why are the guards still unwilling to let us go?!"

"Why are you panicking? Get your weapons, general, and prepare to defend yourself against the enemy!" Chen Jing rode over and shouted, "Kill those who are timid!"

"General Chen ordered all soldiers to take up arms to defend themselves against the enemy, and those who are timid will be killed!" The ordering soldiers ran and shouted on the tower, finally calling the panicked Qing soldiers back to their senses, and they all went to get their weapons.

"What's going on?!" Yan Qing had already come out and asked his soldiers to go ahead with their iron shields. He looked through the gap in the iron shield towards the bottom of the city... The familiar boundless 'Fire Dragon' came into view. , causing a chill to run down his back.

Yanqing suppressed his fear and said: "There is no need to panic. It should be the Qin thieves who have come to sign the peace contract...Send a letter arrow towards the city and let the supervisors go to inquire about the situation."

"Yes." Chen Jing went to do it immediately.

A quarter of an hour later, thousands of households overseeing the march came to the city gate and shouted: "General, Qin thieves... Qin Guogong is here to sign a peace contract. He said that he would not use force against us and let us sleep peacefully. He will go out of the city to sign the contract tomorrow. It’s done!”


You lead an army to besiege the city, how can we sleep? !

Yanqing was so angry that he could only go back to the house angrily.

After a while, thousands of soldiers came to send a message, asking Master Min, Master Gong and the generals to come into the house to discuss the matter... But we can't win on the battlefield, so even if you come up with a fancy proposal, it won't come to fruition.

But it wasn't until dawn after the discussion that Yan Qing and the others came to their senses.

But it was almost dawn, and it was too late to go to bed. Yanqing could only tell Chen Jing: "Go and send a message to the Qin thief, and ask him to come and sign the peace contract at any time."

"Yes." Chen Jing left.

Two quarters of an hour later, he came back and said: "General, the Qin thieves and Liu Tao are still resting. Zi Cheyu sent back a message saying that they have to wait for Magistrate Li, and it is the traditional auspicious time of Chu Wei. , we must worship at this moment before we can start signing the contract.”

"Unreasonable!" Yan Qing was so angry that he almost lost his breath and cursed Qin Sanlang.

But there is no point in scolding, I can only continue to wait.

At this time, after Qin Sanlang and others had set up a ceremony to worship, they sent someone to notify Yanqing and others to go out of the city to sign a contract.

Yanqing led the civil servants and generals and 90% of the troops out of the city in a mighty manner, but the number of the guards was much greater than them. Due to the continuous victory of several battles, the momentum was at its peak, which was not comparable to the flagging Qing soldiers. .

Yanqing was very angry because of this, but when he came to the peace talks and saw Qin Sanlang, he was completely stunned.

After a while, he pointed at Qin Sanlang, who was sitting in the first place in the east, and asked, "Are you Qin Mu?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Yes."

One word made Yan Qing's fear intensify, and he felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

Yanqing stared at Qin Mu for a while before saying: "You, you are so young."

This is the reason for his fear and powerlessness!

He is already in his forties and will be old in more than ten years. But more than ten years later, Qin Mu is still in his prime... What can he do to defeat Qin Mu? !

Based on age and energy alone, he lost.

And his son is a civil servant, let alone Qin Mu's opponent. As for his grandson?

Oh, the latest letter said that I ate half a bowl of cold food when it was very hot, and that night I felt sick and had a fever.

Yan Qing raised his head and looked at the gray sky... In the next few decades, he and Dong Qing will live in the shadow of Qin Mu and David.

"Let's get started!" Yanqing wanted to return to Dongqing to seize the throne, so he couldn't let down his momentum. He quickly got out of his depression and led Dongqing's ministers and generals to sit down in the west seats.

Qin Sanlang: "Prefect Li, take the peace negotiation contract to General Yan for review."

In addition to the paper contract, there is also a large furnace set up next to the peace table, and two iron contracts will be refined on the spot for long-term preservation.

"Yes." Magistrate Li held the peace contract in a delicate wooden box and was escorted by six soldiers from the Dead Soldier Battalion. He walked to the middle of the peace table, put down the wooden box, and stepped aside to wait.

Master Gong from Dongqing stood up and went to take away the peace contract.

But Yanqing was unwilling to give in after all, and brought up the garrison again: "The Wei army can garrison, but Dongqing's army cannot withdraw!"

Meng Hong sneered: "Don't withdraw? Do you want to sneak attack while we are mining? Or do you want to be destroyed by us?"

He also said: "You need an army to seize the throne. If you don't gather the armies of Dongqing states together, I'm afraid it won't be enough to seize Dongqing with your current troops... There are still quite a lot of forces in Dongqing. The five major aristocratic families in our country have maintained a large number of private soldiers, and they must also want to take advantage of the chaos to seize the throne. You have many enemies!"

Yanqing was angry, looked at Qin Sanlang, and said: "Qin Guo Gong, a subordinate like this who can't distinguish between superiority and inferiority, in our Dongqing, the lightest punishment is to have his tongue pulled out!"

Qin Sanlang: "Meng Hong will lead troops to garrison Zangdan Prefecture. If you fail to seize the throne, he will be the fastest reinforcement David sends to you... He is very good at fighting."

This sentence made Yan Qing choke and understand that in the current situation, he must compromise.

At midnight in the afternoon, the peace contract between David and Dong Qing was officially signed.

"It's done! It's done!" Magistrate Li was so excited that he shouted so loud that his voice almost broke.

The soldiers of the Guards immediately beat gongs and drums, clapped and cheered, bursting with joy.

Qingbing is like mourning an heir, but this is what they deserve... They, and their descendants for three generations, will all have to pay the price of poverty for invading the Northeast, harming the people of the Northeast!

"General Yanda, at this time the day after tomorrow, we will take over the city." After Qin Sanlang left these words, he ordered his people to take the iron and paper contracts and leave under the protection of the soldiers.

Yanqing didn't stay long and quickly rode his horse towards the city. Not far away, he vomited a mouthful of blood... He had to win the throne. Only by becoming the Emperor of Dongqing could he pass the blame for this eternal crime on Celebrate your family!

Two days later, Yanqing and the others left the Second City with 30% of their supplies and headed for Dongqing.

In order to boost morale, Yan Qing also asked the messengers to shout: "The Qing family royal family and the Rui family nobles have accumulated wealth and hid a large amount of treasures. General Yan ordered that as long as the Qing family dynasty is destroyed, everyone will equally share the royal family's treasures, the Qing family, and the Qing family. From the land occupied by the Rui family, each person can get at least fifty acres of fertile land!"

After hearing this, Qing Bing really became energetic and shouted: "Destroy the Qing family royal family, divide the treasures, and divide the fields!"

I shouted all the way.

Zi Cheyu led the cavalry behind. He was speechless and said to Hong Dao: "The north wind is blowing. They are shouting like this. Aren't they afraid that the wind will upset their stomachs?"

Hong Dao: "I don't know, maybe they are more cold-resistant."

Zi Cheyu: "Tsk, you are too serious compared to Meng Hong. Learn from Meng Hong, he is so rugged and unrestrained. That's what we warriors should be like."

Hong Dao broke the news: "He is no longer cool. He was arrested by the Duke of the State and asked to write a letter to his wife and children at home. He had to fill three pages of letter paper. It was very head-scratching to write."

In addition to Meng Hong, Qin Sanlang is also writing a letter telling Xiaoyu, Grandpa, and Wei Xiao the good news that their peace talks have been concluded.

When the letter was sent, Qin Sanlang let out the turbid air that had been pressing in his heart for a whole year, and he felt much more relaxed, and silently said to Xin Ying: "Hurry up, we must let grandpa see this good news. "

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