A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 336 Overflowing with Guests

She pointed to the smell of marinade in the kitchen: "Don't be afraid of causing us any trouble. The dishes are all ready-made. Just go to your Aunt Daya's house later and bring back a roast duck."

Qin Sanlang did not refuse and readily agreed: "Okay, I'll call grandpa and second brother when I go back."

He had been killing fish for more than an hour, and his body was full of fishy smell. It smelled so bad that he had to go home, take a shower and change clothes.

When Qin Sanlang returned home, he immediately took a shower and washed his hair. As soon as he returned to the main room after washing, Mr. Qin came back. Seeing the cake on the table, he ate a piece out of curiosity and frowned slightly: "It's a bit sweet."

Qin Sanlang wiped his hair and replied: "It's a little sweet, but it's delicious."

"Delicious?" Mr. Qin looked at Qin Sanlang, a little surprised. This boy had never liked sweet things since he was a child, and now he said that this cake was delicious.

Mr. Qin looked at Sanlang Qin, looked away, said nothing, and silently finished the cake in his hand.

"Grandpa, the third grandma knows that today is my birthday, so we three, grandma and grandson, went to her house for dinner."

Mr. Qin was often called to Gu Jinli's house for dinner by his third grandfather. When he heard this, he smiled and said, "It's just right. It saves me trouble to have them celebrate your birthday."

Although he was not as good as before, he didn't want to wrong Saburo. After all, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Mr. Qin stood up, patted the door on the right, and said to Qin Erlang inside: "Let's go to Xiaoyu's house for dinner. Today is Sanlang's birthday. If you, the elder brother, don't go, this matter won't be settled."

In the past, if we all ate together and left him alone, we could find an excuse for him to work or be too tired, but that was not the case tonight.

Qin Erlang was very angry that Qin Sanlang went to do chores for Gu Jinli's family today. He felt that he was losing his status by doing so. He didn't want to eat from Gu Jinli's family, but he knew that he would not go if he didn't go this time. He had no choice but to stand up and follow Mr. Qin and Qin Sanlang to Gu Jinli. Home.

Gu Jinli's family has prepared meals. Although they are busy today, because it is Qin Sanlang's birthday, the meals are very rich. Gu Jinli also secretly kept three fish and made a sizzling grilled fish.

Qin Sanlang saw the grilled fish on the iron plate on the dining table, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. He likes to eat grilled fish, but he thought that the fish had been killed and chopped into pieces to make fried fish. Unexpectedly, there were still three small fish left. Made the grilled fish he likes to eat.

"Sanlang, eat up. Don't you like grilled fish the most? My family made it specially for you. Eat it quickly." Gu Dashan pushed the grilled fish in front of Qin Sanlang, pointed at the roast duck and said, "The roast duck is also good, the skin is crispy and the meat is crispy." Tender and very juicy.”

"Hey, thank you so much, Uncle Dashan." Qin Sanlang never thought that he would be able to celebrate his birthday since he fled. But today, so many people celebrated his birthday, and he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Everyone happily celebrated Qin Sanlang's birthday.

After eating, the Qin family's grandparents did not leave immediately. Instead, they waited for other families to come and talked about the opening of the shop tomorrow.

Ms. Chen was the happiest: "We have almost tidied up the shop during the day, and the earthen stoves in the front kitchen and back house kitchen have been turned on. Tomorrow, Sister Da Ya will just pull the braised pot from home. The stove will be enough." use."

Gu Daya's family needs many stoves to make braised food, but there are two kitchens in the shop. Each kitchen has six stoves, which is enough for both parties.

Mrs. Chen was very dissatisfied with Gu Daya's family temporarily moving to their shop to sell braised meat, but she was happy today and was smiling even when she said this.

"It's just that the water well in the shop has not been drilled. It's inconvenient for us to have water. We have to go to Xuanhufang to fetch water." This is what Chen is most unhappy about. Fetching water is a laborious job. Now the two families share a shop and need to use it every day. There is a lot of water.

After saying that, Mrs. Chen deliberately glanced at Gu Daya.

Gu Jinli wanted to roll his eyes, but Qi Kangming said, "Don't worry, Aunt Dagui, I will carry water for the shop every day from now on."

This was what Mrs. Chen was waiting for, and she quickly smiled and praised: "Hey, Brother Ming is so sensible. Then I'll leave the water fetching for the shop to you."

"Grandpa Third, Dad, when are we going to dig a well for our shop?" Gu Jinli asked. Drafting water was indeed a big problem in ancient times, and the wells had to be dug quickly.

Third Grandpa said: "Your father and I have already chosen the location for the well, but we have to wait for a while until the well-dwelling master has harvested the wheat and planted the soybeans and sweet potatoes before he can come over and start work."

It is mid-June now, and the wheat farmers are busy harvesting wheat and rushing to plant a wave of soybeans and sweet potatoes, which cannot be done immediately.

After Foreman Yuan and the others finished building their first shop, they had to go home to harvest wheat and plant soybeans. After being busy with farming, they would come back to build a shop for Gu Daya's family.

Third Grandpa continued: "I went to the fields yesterday, and our soybeans can be harvested. In a few days, when things in the shop go smoothly, we will have to harvest soybeans and plant them again."

Farming is a very important thing for farmers. Even if a few of them open a shop and make a bigger and bigger business, they cannot lose their duty as farmers.

The families talked a lot about the store opening tomorrow, and then went home to rest.

The next day in Chou, when it was still dark, several families got up. Gu Daya's family got up especially early. They moved the braised food pots one by one to a cart, and pulled the cart to the town. shop.

Today, there are nine braised pots, and Gu Daya's family can't finish them all at one time. It was Gu Dashan and Grandpa San who followed behind with four braised pots to help deliver them to the town.

The other families are also moving things. White tofu, dried tofu, fried tofu, spices, baskets of bean dregs, buckets of soy milk, and fermented bean curd, all have to be transported to the shops in the town.

Each family only had one cart, which was not enough. Fortunately, village chief He and He Shiliu brought the family's oxcart and cart, and the Qin brothers rode two fast horses to transport the things a few times. , after two hours of busy work, I finally delivered everything to the shop.

After transporting the things, several families came back to tidy up, put on their new summer clothes, and then went to the shops in the town.

Gu Yumei dressed up especially carefully today, and even put on some rouge, her cheeks looked quite red.

Mrs. Chen warned her from the side: "After meeting the Yuan family, you are a bit discerning. If you don't like the Yuan family, I will kill you when you come back. And Chang Errui, that is a good young man. You should meet more people." Smile, don't put on a bad face and make people unhappy."

Gu Yumei was disgusted with Mrs. Chen telling her this, but because the shop was open, she was in a good mood. When she heard this, she did not resist, but agreed with a smile.

Several families, old and young, hurried on their way, and finally arrived at the shop in the town at the last moment.

When they arrived, there were already many people gathered outside the shop. They all knew that their shop was opening today and came here to support them. Everyone was waiting for the shop to open to buy things. It could be said that the house was packed with guests.

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