It's night, in the Eternal Night Sea, where the Avalon Warhammer Pirates are stationed.

Beckman has just finished processing the last document in his hand, even though this is the sea of ​​eternal night, and the sun will never rise.

But there is still the concept of 'night'.

Now, according to the time, it is late at night.

He picked up the coffee cup on the table and took a sip of coffee to refresh himself a little.

Beckman looked at Avalon's quarterly report spread out on the table, feeling full of accomplishment.

Every brick and every stone here, the changes here are all built step by step by the Warhammer Pirates.

But soon, a lonely look appeared on Beckman's face.

Sphinx, Dai Pen, and Enelu all went to sea, and Mihawk and Barrett also led the First Legion of Avalon on an expedition.

How many years has it been since I didn't gallop on the sea like them?

I feel nostalgic for the days when I broke out from the North Sea with Orgrim and before I joined Boss Shiji's banner.

Even when he was beaten by the Warring States and Zefa leaders on the Shampoo Islands, he looked like a miserable, bereaved dog.

Can...It was a passionate battle after all.

Been taking care of things big and small within Avalon over the years.

Beckman always felt that there was a fiery power in his heart that had nowhere to vent.

He never gave up his efforts. No matter how busy he was, he would still find some time to hone his strength every day.

But now, I feel that these powers are nowhere to be used.

"What trouble is this? After having power, status, and fame,...But are you starting to look for excitement? Obviously, in the past, I hated unplanned things the most...."Beckman smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

After a moment of silence, Beckman whispered softly:"Maybe...It’s time for me to take a walk on the sea. I haven’t seen the scenery outside for a long time."

But before that, I have to find someone to take over my job.

If you think about it, Doflamingo is actually very suitable, but the problem is that this guy just left Avalon two days ago. It seems like a long time. He won't come back for a while.

He's going to fight Dressrosa.

And after all, Doflamingo is not a member of the Warhammer Pirates in name, so forget it. But if you want to find such a talent again It's a little difficult to come out.

There are many cadres in the Warhammer Pirates who can fight and kill, but there are not many who can coordinate the overall situation....

"It's impossible to count on that bastard Orgrim. As for Niman, maybe it's time to train her properly. Beckman smacked his lips and thought.

After drinking the coffee in one gulp, Beckman stretched out and prepared to rest.

Yes, this so-called refreshing coffee actually had no effect on him at all. It was nothing more than a psychological comfort. That's all.

At this moment, Beckman suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a little head outside the hall door looking in.

"Reiju?"Beckman called with a smile.

Sure enough, the little head shrank back first, and then walked in with some embarrassment.

"Did I disturb you? Mr. Beckman? Reiju asked slightly uneasily.

In the Germa Kingdom, although Gaji is still on Avalon Island, the rest of the war houses have returned to the North Sea.

And the reason why Gaji stays here , not for anything else, but to ask for a"ship ticket" to Melview. He wanted to meet Nightingale, and then invited Nightingale to return to the North Sea with him. Give it a try. He could not save his wife Sola.

Orgrim had agreed to his request, but because Nightingale was busy with Lucci, he had no time. At noon today, there was a message from Melview News came that Lu Qi's transformation has been successful and they will return to Avalon soon.

After asking around, Gaji found out that Nightingale did not intend to come back, so he planned to leave in the next two days to go to Mei. Erview has invited someone

"No, I just finished my work."Beckman looked at the little girl with a smile.

He still likes Reijiu very much. Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not the kind of love between men and women.

Although Beckman is a pirate, he is not evil yet. He has to attack a little girl.

Just because of his ability, Beckman has been unconsciously controlling his power.

This has good and bad qualities. The good thing is that Beckman is in this state all year round. , has extraordinary control over his Devil Fruit abilities.

The downside is that he will continue to accumulate pressure.

Sometimes, when he feels irritated, he will find a place where no one is around to vent and detoxify. Beauty!

In the back mountains of Avalon, there is a forbidden land that is filled with poisonous gas and has even turned into a swamp. It was he who created it over the years.

But the appearance of Reiju made Beckman very happy, because he I found that I didn't need to control my poisonous power in front of this little girl. The poisonous gas brought up by breathing had no effect on her at all.

In fact, this little girl also liked this kind of faint poisonous gas very much, as if It smells like perfume.

Therefore, Beckman made a rare exception and gave Reiju, an outsider, the 'privilege' so that she could come to him at any time.

Even when he was dealing with official business.

Although Orgrim He was a little surprised, but he also knew that there might be a risk of intelligence leakage, but in the end, nothing was done to stop him. After all,

Beckman was his good brother. Over the years, he was the busiest and most tiring one.

It doesn't matter if he is willful once. What

's more, Germa didn't dare to mess with their Warhammer Pirates.

As for Gaji, he was extremely happy. Although it was clear that Beckman was not interested in his daughter, but...This is also a kind of progress. It is already very gratifying to be able to close the distance with the second-in-command of the Warhammer Pirates.

However, Reijiu was very sensible and did not take advantage of this privilege to come to Beckman unscrupulously.

She would always pick a time when Beckman was free and estimate the approximate time to come to him.

In fact, Reiju is also very lonely. There are no normal people in the Germa Kingdom. It seems that only in Avalon can she let her suppressed nature vent a little.

After listening to Beckman's words, Reijiu had a cute smile on her face and said,"That's good, I'm afraid it will disturb your work...."

Beckman stretched out his hand to rub Reijiu's head and asked,"I told you that you don't have to do this anymore."

After a while, the two sat on the sofa and started chatting. Beckman, who was originally going to rest, I won’t mention these things anymore.

From time to time, their laughter can be heard in the hall, and it seems that Beckman is very relaxed.

"Mr. Beckman, maybe I have to leave...."Reijiu said with some reluctance.

Beckman smiled and said,"Are you going to Melview?"

"Um."Reiju nodded, and then said:"My father said that I can choose to stay in Avalon, but..."

Gaji felt that it would be okay, or even good, for Reiju to stay here. He could just go to Melview to hire someone, and Reiju would continue to be here, with Beckman taking care of her, so there would be no need to worry about anything.

But Reiju also has worries in her heart.

"but what?"Beckman asked softly.

"my mother's body...If I stay here, I can't go back to Beihai. Although my father never talks about these things, I know very well that my mother..."Speaking of this, Reijiu's expression looked a little sad.

"There will be a time to meet again in the future. Reiju, leave with Gaji and your father. And you don’t have to be so sad. That guy Nightingale is the best doctor in the world. With him here, Your mother is going to be fine. Beckman said with a smile.

"I thought you would be reluctant to leave me."Leijiu said with a naughty smile.

"Little ghost head."Beckman rubbed Reijiu's head, and then said:"I will look forward to your coming again."

"Well, when my mother's illness is cured, I will come back to see you."Reijiu nodded happily.

At this moment, the door of the hall was pushed open again, and then Gangplank walked in with a very serious expression.

First he saw Beckman, and then he saw Reijiu , his face was a little surprised, but he was not curious about anything. He said directly:"Second Master, something happened."

"What happened?"Beckman raised his eyebrows and asked.

In this Warhammer Pirates, he and Gangplank are the busiest!

Sometimes, when something happens late at night, they can't even think about resting.

"As for things on the World Government side, a few hours ago, Mary Joa was burned, and a large-scale slave riot took place. According to the intelligence, it seems that Tiger did it. I heard, was Mr. Hammer the one before? Did you recommend Tiger to Reilly? inside...Do you have any arrangements for Mr. Chui? After all, this matter is not trivial. Although I am not sure, it seems that the God's abode of the Celestial Dragons has been breached. There was even a Celestial Dragon who was hacked to death on the bed by a rampaging slave....That look of death...Jill was chopped into pieces, she was miserable."Glank said quickly.

Beckman was stunned at this time.

Something would happen to Mary Joa, which was not beyond his expectation. After all, Orgrim did recommend Tiger to that guy Rayleigh. Go rescue those three slave girls.

But what Beckman thought about before was just to make a small fuss, get someone and leave.

How could he have thought that this matter would become such a big deal!?

Burning Mary Joa? Orgrim originally You didn't even set fire to Mary Joa!

And you killed a Draco in the chaos?

But when he came to his senses, Beckman quickly said:"Don't think too much, that guy Orgrim did recommend it to Rayleigh." Tiger went to help, but he was not involved in this matter. It was too inconsistent. He had just reached an agreement with Wulaoxing not long ago. How could he break the agreement for no reason? What's more, this matter...We have no interest at all!"

"But the relationship between Tiger and Lord Chui is not a secret. I'm afraid Wulaoxing will think too much about it!"Gangplank said in a deep voice.

Beckman touched his chin, and then said:"Not necessarily. The Five Old Stars should be able to figure this kind of thing out. They also know Orgrim very well, and they know Orgrim very well. Mu can't afford to be early if he has no benefit. We have no benefit in it. This is the best proof."

"So don’t we have to do something about this now?"Glank asked.

Beckman thought for a while and then said:"Let's ask Orgrim first and see what that guy thinks...."

After finishing speaking, Beckman looked at Reijiu apologetically.

But before he could speak, Reijiu said very sensibly:"Mr. Beckman, I'm a little sleepy and ready to go to bed.""

"Hahaha..."Beckman smiled, nodded to her, and then the three of them left together.

After Reijiu returned to her residence halfway, Plank winked at Beckman with a stern look on his face and said,"Second Master, what's going on? You can't be good at this, are you?"

Beckman's face was expressionless. Yi Zhengdao:"If you talk nonsense again, I will let you taste my venom!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."Plank laughed, but didn't ask any more questions.

At the same time, in Orgrim's bedroom.

At this time, Orgrim was holding the sexy Queen Stussi in his arms, sleeping soundly.

Stussy's head rested on Orgrim's arm, and half of her body was pressed against Orgrim's body. The quilt slipped slightly. In short, even in her sleep, this woman was still full of charm.

Just as the two of them were immersed in sleep, suddenly, the phone on Orgrim's bedside table started ringing.

The piercing screams suddenly woke Orgrim from his dream, and Queen Stussi also rubbed her eyes, looking very confused.

Seeing Stussy's charming appearance with the quilt slipping off her body and the suspenders of her pajamas hanging on her arms, Orgrim couldn't help but swallowed and quickly covered her with the quilt again.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just a phone bug. Orgrim said softly.

After the words fell, he turned to look at the phone bug and murmured with a surprised expression:"Don't these five bad old men stay awake at night?""

"Five old stars? Stussy also asked in surprise.

"That's right, could it be that something happened to Freifans? Orgrim frowned and said, and then directly answered the phone.

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