Under the bright stars in the sky, Zuo Si quickly left the XC area and walked back along the dim alley alone.

Since he left the soldiers in the hotel when he came to take care of and teach the young werewolves fighting skills, he now seemed like a very easy target.

Several guys with bad intentions followed closely behind, seeming to be waiting for a suitable opportunity to strike.

After all, it was only about nine o'clock in the evening, and many shops had not yet closed.

They don't dare to blatantly rob on the street in front of everyone.

"Gan! The security situation in Calimport is too bad. Is it because I am young and easy to bully?"

Zuo Si couldn't help but complain, and immediately got into a dark alley where he couldn't see his fingers.

Before the other party could follow him, he immediately took out a small piece of leather from his pocket and began to chant a spell in a low voice.

In the blink of an eye, an invisible protective force field covered his whole body.

One-level conjuration arcane spell [Mage Armor].

This spell can provide the target with an additional defense equivalent to a piece of leather armor.

Any long-range or close attack will be deflected by the invisible force field, inevitably deflecting, and last for a long time.

It is an indispensable defensive method for mages and warlocks in the early stage.

However, [Mage Armor] alone cannot bring much sense of security to Zuo Si.

He then took out another card and released [Force Field Shield].

Obviously, Zuo Si no longer wanted to waste time with these guys, and planned to directly deal with the tail behind them.

Just when he finished casting the spell, several black figures finally walked into the alley from the only entrance.

The leading man first squinted his eyes and patrolled in the darkness for a long time, and then couldn't help but curse loudly: "Damn! Where did that little brat hide?"

"Don't worry! He can't run away! This is a dead end. I just saw him walking into it with my own eyes." Another person hurriedly comforted.

"You guys wait here! I'll get a torch for lighting!"

The third black figure obviously realized that it was impossible to see clearly what was hidden around him in such a dark environment with the naked eye.

The moment he turned around and was about to leave!

A jerky syllable suddenly came out from the darkness!

The next second...


A crossbow bolt flew out of the dark alley and hit the unlucky guy directly in the neck.

The sharp arrow tip penetrated directly through the neck, and the bloody front end came out of the throat.

In particular, the color of the tip of the arrow was obviously not quite right. Without asking, I knew it must have been smeared with some kind of terrible poison.

Less than a few seconds later, the man who suggested getting a torch fell straight to the ground and breathed his last.

His facial expression was so ferocious when he died, and the blood near the wound also showed a strange phenomenon of rapid coagulation.

"No! That kid has a crossbow!"

"Run! There is no way we can avoid the crossbow fire in such a narrow alley!"

After the other two people witnessed the death of their companions, they immediately turned around in fear and wanted to retreat.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si had no intention of letting them go.

Along with the harsh syllables sounded again, two more venom-quenched crossbow arrows were shot out of the darkness.

One of them hit the thigh and the other hit the back.


Since the arrows are smeared with poison that seals the throat upon seeing blood, it doesn't matter where they hit.

As long as the toxin on the arrow enters the blood, death will become inevitable.

The two guys who were interested in making money didn't run very far when their faces started to become more and more ugly and painful, until their faces fell straight down and they died quickly amidst the screams of pedestrians and nearby store employees.

Before many people could figure out what was going on, Zuo Si slowly walked out of the dark alley, with his hands empty and no crossbow.

To be precise, with his current body's age and strength, he couldn't pull the string of the crossbow.

The reason why I was able to shoot the crossbow just now was because of the zero-ring magic [Arrow Shooting Technique].

This inconspicuous little trick allows the caster to shoot a crossbow arrow up to a distance of no more than twenty-four meters like a light crossbow.

And there is no need to work hard to wind it, it can be easily released with a simple syllable and gesture.

As for the poisoned crossbow arrows, after learning [Arrow Shooting Technique], Zuo Si prepared some in private.

The poison is sourced from local materials, from an unknown plant in Calimport. The white sap secreted after the tree trunk is cut is refined by the creator's special ability.

Its effect is similar to the famous curare wood on earth.

It only takes a small dose to cause heart paralysis, blood coagulation, blood vessel obstruction, and ultimately death from suffocation.

Using the Zero Ring Trick + Poison, Zuo Si easily killed three guys who were trying to follow him to rob.

Judging from the way they were dressed and the weapons they used, they were no ordinary hooligans.

Rather, he is a character similar to an adventurer or a mercenary who wants to make some extra money when he sees wealth.

As a result, they unexpectedly encountered a tough opponent, and the whole army was completely wiped out, with not even a single person escaping.

Killing is not an uncommon thing in a place full of chaos like Calimport.

But when three heavily armed adventurers or mercenaries were killed by a boy who looked about ten years old, and the death disguise was so miserable, it was quite worthy of attention.

Suddenly, many people in hotels and pubs on both sides of the street stuck their heads out and watched Zuo Si's every move.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, no one dares to show even the slightest bit of malice or greed.

A drunken drunkard was aroused by the smell of blood and immediately sobered up a lot. He stared at the three corpses on the ground and exclaimed: "Oh my god! Who is that child? Why have I never seen it before?" ?How on earth did he kill these three villains?"

"Don't ask me! The alley was so dark, I don't know how he did it. But judging from the reaction of the deceased, he must have been hit by a poisoned crossbow arrow."

Another drunkard raised his head and took another sip of watered-down cheap beer as he spoke.

While the two were talking, Zuo Si had already walked to the body and carefully bent down to confirm the identity of the deceased through the relics.

But before he could squat down, a man suddenly appeared from the shadow behind him, holding a sharp dagger and stabbing at the back of his heart at an incredible speed.


The sneak attack method that thieves and assassins are best at.

Generally speaking, once such an unexpected attack hits, it will often cause damage several times that of a normal attack.

Most people would probably just close their eyes and wait for death if they were exposed to it.

But just when the sharp dagger touched Zuo Si less than ten centimeters, the invisible force field generated by [Mage Armor] and [Force Field Shield] forcefully caused the sharp blade to deflect significantly.

At the same time, Zuo Si also reacted and quickly rolled on the spot and pulled up the body to block it in front.

In the end, this [back stab] failed to hurt him, but instead stabbed the corpse's left shoulder.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the man in black immediately chose to continue approaching, hoping to kill the target by force using his own size and strength.

But he soon discovered that he was wrong, and very wrong.

Because after Zuo Si realized the assassination targeting him, he did not hesitate to activate the [Ring of the Ram] on his finger.

A goat-headed shadow made entirely of magical energy appeared out of thin air, and then hit the attacker hard.



After a loud noise, the man in black flew out and spat out a mouthful of dazzling blood in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Zuo Si raise his hand and complete the spell-casting action at an extremely fast speed, and uttered a few simple syllables from his mouth.

Then gorgeous magic missiles flew out from his fingertips and hit his legs heavily one after another.

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