The bright sun hung high in the sky, and the sky was clear and cloudless.

The majestic palace towers above the earth, and the high stairs make it seem to be towering in the clouds.

It stands there, majestic and majestic.

On this day, the door of the palace opened.

Countless people of Aaron Landis poured into it.

The outside of the almost endless grand square in front of the palace hall was densely packed with people.

Everyone was quiet, no one was making any noise, and no one even dared to breathe loudly.

They closed their mouths tightly, stretched their necks, tried to look forward, and hugged the flowers they brought in their arms.

Countless Guardsmen in silver-black armor stood solemnly on both sides of the square, holding silver guns. The iron armor on their bodies reflected the cold and chilling sheen of metal in the sunlight.

In the middle of the square, the avenue leading to the sky leads to the high platform standing at the end of the square.

Eleven huge statues of gods stand behind the high platform and surround them in a fan shape.

It was the stone statue of the gods Aaron Landis.

They stood here, lowering their heads slightly, staring at the majestic high platform.

The huge golden throne sat on the top of the high platform, and the dazzling golden light burned the eyes to the extreme.

The Lion King with brown hair like a lion's mane sat boldly on a golden throne, with a crimson cloak hanging slanting from his burly shoulders and falling on the golden seat.

He rested one hand on the armrest of the throne and looked down at the beings below with his charcoal-like tiger eyes.

The throne was obviously extremely spacious, but when King Camos sat there, it seemed that the spacious seat was filled to the brim, and there was no room for any more.


King of Aaron Landis.

The king of lions.

He just sat there, his mighty aura was enough to overwhelm everything.


Under the huge trapezoidal platform made of topaz stones, Garlan stood in front of the long stone steps.

He raised his head and looked at the high platform.

A long time ago, when he was still very young, under the leadership of King Kamos, he stepped onto this high platform and became the prince of Aaron Landis.

And now, this time, he wants to step onto this high platform by himself.

The sun fell and danced in the young man's golden hair, reflecting bright golden light.

The flowing golden hair was braided back with a few strands, but there was nothing on the hair, not a headdress.

Her soft blond hair was spread over her snow-white clothes, hanging down from her chest. A few strands of her hair were intertwined with the gold-embroidered belt wrapped around her waist.

There was silence in the square, only the whistling of the wind sounded in the sky, and the lion flag with red background and gold pattern was flying in the wind.

Under the gaze of everyone, Garlan stepped forward and walked along the long topaz steps to the top of the high platform.

An ornament made of carved malachite is fastened to the cloak on one side of his shoulder.

As he moved forward, the light blue cloak spread out behind him, and occasionally flew up for a moment when the wind blew.

When the cloak was lifted up, a gold armband dotted with green peridot gemstones was exposed on his upper arm, reflecting the golden shimmer.

The young man moved forward step by step.

The sun fell on his face so brightly that it was difficult to see ahead.

Garlan suddenly remembered his hesitation and helplessness when he first came to this world a long time ago.

At that time, in the whole world, he was the only one who did not belong here, and he was the only one alone.

He is a person.

It was like this the first time, the second time, the third time, the fourth time, it was always like this.

In those lifetimes, he never considered this world his world.

He had always felt that he was just a lonely passerby in this world.

When he completes the so-called task assigned to him by the gods, he can return to his own world and continue to live his original life.

By then, this world will be just a dream to him.

He has always felt that no one in this world has anything to do with him.

He doesn't belong here.

He will be gone soon.

So even if the gods said that Aaron Landis would eventually be destroyed, he would just listen and never care.

He never really saw himself as a member of the world.

As the prince of Aaron Landis, he never regarded himself as an Aaron Landis person.

He never really cared about the people and things around him.

Perhaps this is the real reason why he suffered miserably in those lifetimes...

It wasn't until this life, when he grew up little by little in this world, that he truly saw the people around him as living people.

Here, everyone is alive, has his own feelings, and has his own joys and sorrows.

He originally chose to flee the palace because he was afraid of Heimos, but also because he felt rebellious and did not want to continue to be a pawn of the gods, and even more because he felt that he was not qualified to sit on this throne.

He wants the throne selfishly for himself.

He had always just thought that after successfully ascending the throne, he would be able to leave this world, but he never thought about what would happen to Aaron Landis after that.

At that time, he was very confused. He didn't know what he could do and what he should do when he really became the king... So he could only escape in confusion...


After climbing the last stone step, Garlan stood at the top of the high platform and stood in front of King Camos.

He raised his head and looked directly at King Camos who was watching him with his bright golden eyes.

He is no longer confused.

He remembered the people who protected him.

He knows the people he wants to protect.

And, Aaron Landis, the country he wants to protect.

The young man leaned over and landed on one knee.

The light blue cloak soared into the air for a moment as he knelt, and then fell softly, surrounding him.

King Camos stood up from the throne and walked to Garlan.

An attendant knelt aside, holding a disk covered with red brocade in his hands and raising it above his head.

The bright red ointment is contained in a blue jade box.

King Camos pressed his finger down, staining the entire fingertip red. Then, he pressed his bright red index finger on Garlan's forehead, and drew a bright red mark on the white eyebrow.


At this moment, King Camos's face and voice were solemn and solemn as never before.

"No matter what time, don't forget that you are the crown prince of Aaron Landis and the future king of Aaron Landis."

The crown of laurel leaves, made of lapis lazuli in a red brocade and carved with gold wire, has been held in the hands of King Camos.

under bright sunlight

under the spotlight

Under the gaze of the stone statues of gods surrounding the high platform

The laurel crown symbolizing royal power was gently placed on Garlan's golden hair by the Lion King.

The next second, Crown Prince Aaron Landis stood up wearing a laurel crown.

He turned around and stood on the high platform, looking down at everyone.

The bright sunshine fell on him, and the golden laurel crown complemented his golden hair.

At this moment, countless clanging sounds echoed across the vast square.

The countless knights wearing bright armor standing on the square almost pulled out the long swords at their waists at the same time.

Countless unsheathed swords pointed toward the sky, their glare scorching your eyes.

It was a silent oath.

The black guards standing on both sides of the square blasted and raised their silver guns high.

The bright gun pointed toward the sky, like a silvery forest filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Then, with a loud bang, all the silver guns hit the ground heavily at the same time.

The whole earth seemed to shake at this moment.

And in the midst of this shock, the Guards all leaned over and landed on the ground with one knee.

Clatter, clatter, that was the sound made by the knights' armor shaking.

Everyone leaned over, one after another, one after another, like dominoes, spreading in all directions.

Everyone on the square put a hand on their chest, knelt on one knee, and bowed their heads deeply, facing the direction of the high platform and their new master.

In an instant, no one was left standing in the solemn square.

The crown prince of Aaron Landis is born.

All must be loyal to him, as loyal to King Camos.

There was silence in the Square of the Gods, but the people outside the square became commotion.

They looked excitedly at the king and the crown prince standing on the high platform. When the young crown prince raised his hand to everyone, they cheered loudly.

"King Camos, the King of Lions!"

"Crown Prince Garlan——"

"Glory to the gods above!"

"King Camos, the hero of my Aaron Landis, may the gods always bless your right and left!"

"Garlan, I am the crown prince of Aaron Landis!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince——"

"May you lead me, Aaron Landis, to glory—"

The bursts of cheers came from all directions and converged over the originally quiet square. They echoed in the high air, one after another, and echoed over the square for a long time.

Everyone threw the flowers in their arms high into the air. They were originally blocked outside the square. No matter how hard they tried, the flowers could only be thrown to the edge of the square.

However, at this moment, suddenly, a gust of wind roared,

This rapid gust of wind tore apart the flowers that people threw into the sky, rolled up countless petals into the sky, and then scattered them in the square.

Amidst the echoing cheers and the petals falling like rain, Garlan stood on the high platform.

The wind blew over, carrying a snow-white petal, and passed by his cheek silently.

Inexplicably, his heart suddenly moved.

Unable to explain why, he turned his head and looked into the distance.

The cool wind howling from the north swept over his face and lifted a strand of his golden hair.

He looked north.

The wind whistled in his ears, as if it was bringing something invisible that made his heart palpitate...

That ominous aura...



It was an endless snowy plateau, covered in ice and snow, with icy winds raging above.

The wind and snow were howling, and large flakes of snow were torn apart by the strong wind, spinning crazily in the sky.

At first glance, there are only endless stretches of ice and snowy mountains.

The biting white of snow is the only color in this land.

A huge castle stands on this snowfield, standing in the violent wind and snow, and the entire castle is made of large gray-white boulders.

This is a rough and majestic castle.

It stands majestically in the white snow. Its thick columns and sharp vaults give people a feeling of weight and perseverance. The thick stone walls are frozen in the ice and snow. It is firmly rooted in the earth, and even the roaring snowstorm cannot shake it in the slightest.

The castle's thick doors were closed.

The icy wind carried a snowflake and sneaked into the gap of the closed door and blew into it.

In the empty hall, thick stone pillars support the roof. The interior of the castle is still as rough as the exterior, made of huge stones, with almost no decorations visible.

The only decoration was the thick blanket spread on the cold stone floor.

The sharp axes and sword blades were hung on the stone walls of the castle, carrying a deep evil aura and a hint of chill.

The hall is very bright because there is a huge stone fireplace over three meters high in the four corners of the hall.

A blazing flame burned in the fireplace, lighting the hall a fiery red.

At the end of the hall is a huge throne made of black iron.

It was completely pitch black, reflecting the cold black luster of metal under the firelight.

The thick snow-white fur was spread on the black iron throne, and someone was sitting on it.

Behind the dark throne, a tall stone wall stood.

The head of a huge white bear was nailed to the stone wall, its eyes widened with anger, its bloody mouth opened wide, revealing its fangs, which made people tremble with fear at just a glance.

The young man sat quietly on the black iron throne, with his eyes slightly closed and his hands resting on the armrests on both sides.

The fluffy, snow-white fur surrounded his neck, making his skin look even more like snow.

The silver-white hair that seemed to be shining was scattered in the corners of his slender eyes, like thin silver velvet.

Even when his eyes were closed, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, giving off a sharp edge.

The light of the roaring fire in the fireplace reflected on his handsome cheeks.

Suddenly, the cold wind that secretly blew in through the crack in the door brushed his cheek, and the crystal snowflake quietly brushed the corner of his eye.

He opened his eyes.

His eyes were a light purple, like purple crystals frozen in ice and snow.

His eyes were cold and emotionless, but deep in his eyes it seemed as if there was a blizzard raging all the time.

At this moment, for no reason, he looked in a certain direction.

"What's the matter, Prince?"

Below, an old man wearing a fur coat and holding a thick book asked.

The young man with an indifferent expression sitting on the Black Iron Throne did not answer, but just looked ahead, his eyes cold and deep.

...At that moment, sudden heart palpitations...

That wind seemed to bring some unspeakable destiny...

The author has something to say: The broken gears of fate begin to creak and turn...

Close the door and release the boss

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