The majestic royal palace stands in the royal city, at the highest point, as it has been for thousands of years, overlooking the city it rules and the endless land of Aaron Landis.

The vast ocean rolled and surged behind it, slamming the stormy waves against the steep cliffs again and again. After flowing through the entire Aaron Landis, the Enki River, one of the two mother rivers, comes to an end here and crashes down from the cliff, forming a spectacular small waterfall.

White columns with thick lotus tops support this huge palace. Thick pure white masonry walls surround it, and fiery red carvings wrap around it, like clusters of flames burning on it.

The snow-white semicircular arch volume stands on the ground, with the rune patterns of the gods drawn out layer by layer, and the upright columns support the vast space inside.

The style of the entire palace is majestic and majestic, standing on the highest ground.

The intersecting vaults are like the sky, covered with a layer of broken gold, bathed in the bright sunlight, shining with a dazzling golden light, making people dare not look up.

A young man wearing a brand new guard uniform stood in front of this magnificent palace, looking at this shocking thing with wide eyes.

Lakdi was the new guard who was selected from thousands of competitors to join the palace.

Although he could see the palace from outside before, this was the first time he came close to it, and he could even walk into it right away - this made his heart beat violently, and he could face the fighting battlefield without changing his expression. He couldn't help but become nervous at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, he followed closely behind his senior, forced himself to calm down, walked up the long steps on the diagonal side, and stepped into this gorgeous and solemn palace.

The wind blowing from the sea to the south swept across the land of Aaron Landis, spreading its heat.

The sun has also reached its hottest and brightest moment of the year, covering the ground in light and heat.

Summer has arrived, and the pleasant warmth of spring has left with the goddess of spring. The temperature across the land of Aaron Landis is rising rapidly and becoming hotter.

The first thing that caught the young guard's sight was a courtyard so vast that it was almost impossible to see the end at a glance, with flowers in full bloom and lush greenery.

The leaves of cypress and palm trees are lush and green, laurel stands in the courtyard, and the branches of green olive trees sway slightly in the hot wind. Ivy climbs and twines around tall trees, forming large tracts of green shade.

Several pools are dotted here and there, either surrounded by hyacinths or with lotuses blooming in them. The water from the fountain splashed down, causing ripples to appear on the sparkling water.

Countless flowers bloomed under the scorching sun, reflecting the bright sunshine and becoming more and more beautiful.

Seeing that a certain companion who was also new to him couldn't restrain his curiosity and turned his head to look around, and then was sharply reprimanded by the senior guard who led them, Lakdi quickly looked at his nose, nose, and heart, and followed obediently. Don't dare to look around anymore.

Follow the leading guard around the huge courtyard, walk through the winding corridor, and then come to a small Shamash temple in the palace.

A Shamash priest was standing inside, waiting for their arrival with a serious face.

Behind him, the statue of Shamash stood solemnly.

This stone statue of Shamash holds a shawl robe in one hand, and extends one hand flat in front of the body, with the palm facing down and the fist clenched.

It was a gesture that symbolized an oath.

The dozens of young guards who were newly selected to enter the palace knelt down in front of the statue of Shamash, suppressing their excitement and swearing an oath to Shamash, the god of judgment who was in charge of the oath.

They will serve Aaron Landis with their lives and souls.

They will remain loyal to their king for the rest of their lives until their bodies turn to powder and their souls return to the underworld.

The Shamash priest used bright red cinnabar to draw a vertical mark between their eyebrows.

That was proof that Shamash had witnessed their oath.

Aaron Landis believe that a person's brow is closely connected to his soul.

The imprint between the eyebrows is the imprint of the soul.


With one hand pressed tightly on the special sword of the palace guard that he had just obtained at his waist, Lakdi raised his head, straightened his chest, and straightened his back, trying hard to show a majestic aura.

He was 120,000 times more vigilant about everything around him, and his face was on guard, as if an enemy would come out from the side at any time.

The older guard next to him looked at him like this and couldn't help but want to laugh.

But then I thought about it, I was not much better than him when I entered the palace, so I held back and just patted my young colleague on the shoulder.

"Don't be nervous, our task today is just to patrol around the hall."

He comforted the young man and said,

"Because today is the day when the king is discussing politics in the main hall, there are guards guarding the area. It is almost impossible for anything to go wrong. Please relax."

It was okay if the older guard didn't say anything, but when he did, Lakdi became even more nervous.

"You, you mean, the king, the king... uh, the king is here now?"

he asked stammeringly,

"Then, wait a minute, will he, see, see me?"

When he thought of this possibility, he quickly lowered his head to see if his clothes were clean or messy.

Seeing that the new junior was so nervous that he started to stutter when speaking, and then tried hard to fiddle with his clothes, the older guard finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

He laughed and patted the young man on the shoulder.

"Don't be nervous, we can only take a look from a distance outside. You are far away and surrounded by people. It is impossible for the king to see you."

"That's it..."

Lakdi breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer so nervous.

However, I felt a little disappointed in my heart.

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, there must be many big shots surrounding the young king, and it is impossible for his humble little guard to be seen.

It's better not to have such delusions and to fulfill your duty of patrolling the palace honestly.

As long as he works hard, he will be promoted to captain of the bodyguard, transferred to the inner palace, and guard the entrance of the main hall, and he will be very close to the king.

Thinking of this, he immediately got rid of the disappointment in his heart. Lakdi felt that his whole body was full of strength, so he held his head high and continued to perform the task behind his senior.

The elderly guard shook his head in amusement and led him forward.

When he arrived near the main hall, Lakdi saw two rows of guards in black and red armor standing like cypress trees on both sides of the main hall.

They stood upright, looking intently, with solemn expressions, holding silver guns, the heads of which shone coldly in the sunlight.

The young guard was shocked.

Even if the two groups of Guards soldiers just stood there, motionless and silent, an invisible majestic power would be exuded silently, and the terrible evil spirit of fighting in the bloody sea of ​​​​the battlefield all year round would hit the face, which was heart-wrenching. cold.

They stood there as if they were at war.

The older guard led Lakdi away from the side, teaching him as he went around.

"Normally when there is no court meeting, we can patrol close to the surroundings of the main hall, but when the king's guards are guarding here, just circle outside like now. Those guards will not treat you with any favors."

He warned in a serious tone, "Also, a stranger like you should never try to get close to the king. As long as you get close to the past, even if you are wearing the clothes of a palace guard, you will be regarded as unruly by the guards." The elements were immediately arrested without saying a word."

Lakdi didn't listen at all to the senior guard's teachings. Although he followed the older guard step by step, his heart had long been far away. He looked hard at the main hall with his eyes, desperately trying to see clearly inside.

King Garlan.

The New King by Aaron Landis.

He succeeded to the throne as a teenager more than a year ago, and now, like him, he has just turned eighteen.

It is said that when the young king was still a prince, he was called the 'wise prince' and was loved by many people in the royal city.

More than a year ago, the brutal Gastards invaded Aaron Landis and marched to the royal city. Aaron Landis was once in danger of being destroyed.

It was this King of Garlan, who was still the crown prince at the time, who turned the tide at the critical moment, led the army to defeat the enemy, saved Aaron Landis, and drove the invaders Gastad out of the country.

The reputation of the Young King spread throughout the continent.

After inheriting the throne of the Lion King, he also became the new patron saint of Aaron Landis.

——Garlan, son of the gods, Aaron Landis is reborn because of you, you are the king of Aaron Landis, you are the immortal glory of Aaron Landis——

Songs resounding throughout the earth praised the young king.

Save Aaron Landis and save millions of Aaron Landis from national destruction.

This alone makes people admire and respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

The same is true for Lakdi.

With full admiration for the young king, he tried hard to take a look at that distant figure.

Passing through the two rows of Guardsmen who stood like cypress trees on both sides of the main hall door, passed through the huge arc-shaped arched snow-white jade door carved with exquisite patterns.

Sunlight shines in from the skylights on the intersecting sky vaults, making the entire hall bright.

Ignoring the countless crowds on both sides of the hall, his gaze followed the long fiery red carpet spread on the bluestone floor of the hall to the end.

Countless big shots that he couldn't even imagine were bowing under him respectfully.

The unreachable distance allowed Lakdi to barely see the figure sitting on the huge golden throne.

The beams of light falling from the skylight intersect and converge on the throne, making the person sitting on it look like a golden light is emitting from the whole body.

It's like a god descending.

Just when Lakdi was in a surging mood and his eyes were staring straight at the distant and vague figure that gave people a sense of majesty, he suddenly found that the figure moved.

He thought he was staring too hard and his eyes were dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes hard and looked away again.

He made sure that his eyesight was not dazzled. The figure had indeed moved and stepped down from the golden throne.

He was astonished to see the figure walking across the fiery red carpet in the main hall and walking towards the main hall door.

Wherever that figure passed, the guards and female officials on both sides of the hall bent down and knelt down.

At this moment, the guardsmen standing on both sides of the main hall door bowed slightly and lowered their heads respectfully to welcome their king's arrival.

Before he could react, the older guard leading him pressed him down.

"Don't be dazed!"

Lakdi was pressed down and fell to his knees.


Plop, plop!

Lakdi felt like his heart was beating like crazy, almost breaking his chest.

Goddess of Luck Isdar, thank you for your blessing!

Thank you for allowing me to witness the majesty of the king on my first day in the palace.

He kept praising the goddess Isdar in his heart. From the corner of his eye, Lakdi, who lowered his head, saw a pair of feet walking out of the door, followed closely by dozens of pairs of feet.

He took a deep breath, secretly raised his head, and glanced upward.

This sight made Lakdi suddenly choke.

The long golden hair like flowing gold is scattered behind the young king, shining in the sun, emitting golden brilliance like the golden throne at the end of the hall.

He was at the forefront of everyone.

Behind him, his azure cloak, as bright as the sky, flew behind him as he walked.

The young king is like a legend, with a face as beautiful as light.

It is a kind of beauty that one dare not blaspheme.

His face is very young, and there is even a bit of childishness left. He does not look tall, but rather slender, especially compared to the tall and burly people following him. .

But among everyone, he gave people the feeling of being superior to everyone.

It was an indescribable aura, as if as long as the Young King stood there, everyone around him would be invisible and shorter than him.

Lakdi's heart suddenly tightened, and his whole body stiffened for a moment. He didn't dare to take a second look, and quickly lowered his head deeply.

He couldn't give a reason.

Even just looking at it from a distance, that invisible aura is overwhelming.

The unspoken power of the young king made Lacedi feel like he couldn't breathe.

It wasn't until everyone left, and even the guardsmen followed closely behind, that Lakdi regained his breath, raised his head, and looked at the direction in which his king was leaving from a distance.

That is...King Garlan.

He thought in a daze.

Out of reach.


A god-like existence.



In a blink of an eye, the day passed.

The new guards have just entered the palace today and are not familiar with many affairs yet. It is impossible to arrange night shift tasks for them, so it is already time for them to leave the palace.

Although the older guard leading him told him that he could return, Lakdi lingered and did not want to leave.

Seeing that the patrol was about to reach the starting point and was about to end today's mission and leave the palace, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He looked around, pointed to a corridor where he turned into, and said, "That's our patrol area too, right? We don't seem to have been there."

The elderly guard glanced at it indifferently and replied: "Oh, there is just a small garden there. There is nothing in it. Usually no one goes there. It doesn't matter if you don't go..."

"I'll go on a patrol!"

Before the elder guard could finish speaking, Lacdi's eyes lit up as he was reluctant to leave the palace, and he ran there happily without waiting for the other party's answer.

Feeling how excited these young guards were when they entered the palace for the first time, they were so excited that they wanted to visit every corner of the palace. The older guards couldn't help laughing and shook their heads.

never mind.

Young people are energetic.

As a senior, just be considerate and considerate.

The elderly guard was smiling when suddenly there was a noise from behind.

He turned around and saw a group of Guardsmen running towards them, spreading out in groups, seemingly looking for something anxiously, and the atmosphere was very tense.

When I looked again, it turned out that the leader was the one——

The elder guard's heart suddenly tightened.

problem occurs?



Lakdi ran excitedly through the winding corridor. At the end of the corridor, as the elder guard said, there was a small garden.

Although there are no luxurious buildings, it is surrounded by streams, shaded by trees, lush grassland like a green velvet carpet, and the hot sunshine is blocked by the lush tree canopy.

In addition, as the evening approaches, the cool breeze blows, giving people a very pleasant and comfortable feeling.

Although he had been patrolling for most of the day, the young guard who was still full of energy began to walk around the grass. At this moment, the senior no longer watched from the side, and he no longer had to be detained. He looked left and right, looked around, and glanced left with interest. Take a look to your right.

The wind blew, and the lush canopy of trees overhead swayed, and the sunlight cast through the gaps between the branches and leaves swayed, reflecting a ray of light that caught Lakdi's eyes.

Lakdi was startled.

He saw something glowing in the distance on the grass near the stone wall.

He looked intently and saw another flash of sunlight.


Lakdi walked over subconsciously and was stunned when he saw it.

The shining thing he saw turned out to be long golden hair spread on the grass. The light leaked from the branches and leaves shone on the golden hair, sparkling, and the owner of the long golden hair was lying sideways on the soft grass. Looks like he's sleeping.

He looked like a young man, but because his back was turned to him, Lakdi couldn't see the blond boy's face.

Probably some young attendant or a young student from Solga Temple Academy came here lazily?

Lacedi thought this with some amusement, squatted down, reached out and gently pushed the blond boy's shoulder.

"Hey, wake up."

He shouted, "It's already evening. If you don't get up, you won't be able to leave the palace."

As if being woken up by him, the boy moved.

With this movement, Lakdi saw the young man's cloak underneath him.

The azure cloak, which is the color of the sky, the soft and smooth fabric, and the faint golden threads inside the fabric all reveal its rarity and preciousness.

Uh...this cloak...seems...


...somewhat familiar?

While Lakdi was still trying to think about where he had seen this cloak, the boy who was pushed awake by him finally sat up.

The long golden hair fell from the young man's shoulders like velvet and spread in the air.

The young man sat up on the cloak lying on the grass, raised his hands, stretched hard, and opened his mouth to yawn widely.

The movements are random and have no image.

Then, the boy continued to sit on the grass and turned his head.

He glanced at the person next to him who woke him up like a golden gem.

The young guard squatting on the grass had turned to stone the moment the boy stood up.

The hand he had just pushed on the young man's shoulder was still frozen in mid-air.

Although he now wishes to chop off his extremely rude hand——

Glancing at those golden pupils, Lakdi's heart trembled.

He took a step back suddenly, knelt down on the grass, put his hands on the ground, almost lying on the ground, and pressed his forehead tightly against the grass.

"Please, please forgive my offense, Your Majesty, I, I... Well, I didn't know it was you, I, I dared to touch your noble body, no, I mean, I, I..."

The panicked Lakdi was already incoherent.

His mind went blank and he felt that his heart had stopped beating.

A hand reached out and patted the back of his head.

Lakdi raised his head in fear.

Then, he saw the young king squatting in front of him suddenly bend his eyes and smile brightly at him.

Lakdi was a little confused by that smile and looked at the other party blankly.

"You go do something now."

After blinking slightly, Garlan said,

"When you are done, I will forgive your sin against me."

"Huh?...Yes, yes! Please give me your order!"

Just as Garlan was about to open his mouth to speak, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure approaching in the distance from the corner of his eye.

There is no time to say more.

He quickly threw the cloak into Lacedi's hands and stood up.

"Listen, Shermu'er is coming soon. Go and trick him away. Don't let him know I'm here."

Xie, Xie Mu'er?

The high priest of Shamash?

That high priest with a ruthless and stern face that makes people turn pale? !

"Wait, wait, Your Majesty, this - I can't do this - how dare I deceive the High Priest?"

Lakdi eagerly tried to get up, but was pressed on his forehead by a finger.

He immediately didn't dare to move.

Gallan, who had already stood up, pointed a finger on his forehead.

The young man looked at him with a smile, his smile was bright, but for some reason it made people feel terrified.

"This is the king's order."


Lakedi hesitated for a moment, and then saw Garlan's figure disappearing quickly into the depths of the dense bushes, and then there was no movement. He must have been hiding there.

He held the cloak in his hand and stood there with a blank look on his face.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

A stern voice came from far behind.

Lakdi was startled and turned around suddenly.

A tall man wearing the attire of a Shamash priest was walking towards him quickly, with a solemn expression and cold eyes, holding a golden scepter in his hand.

High Priest Shemuel!

Lakdi quickly knelt down.

"I am the guard who just entered the palace today and am responsible for patrolling this area."

"What's that in your hand?"

Shermer's powerful eyes stared eagerly at the young guard kneeling at his feet and the cloak in his hand.

Lakdi was so nervous that he could hardly speak, but suddenly the smiling face of the young man appeared in his mind, and he suddenly felt blessed.

"Your Majesty the High Priest, I was about to go out to report to the superiors. When I was patrolling here just now, I saw someone lying on the grass and didn't know what he was doing. I walked over and wanted to question him, but as soon as he got closer, he The cloak was thrown over my head, and by the time I reacted, he had already run away."

He said anxiously, "Your Majesty the High Priest, that person is very suspicious and must be found as soon as possible."

The corners of Xie Muer's eyes twitched slightly.

"I understand." He said coldly, "Your patrol mission has been completed. Now, it's time for you to leave the palace."

"But that suspicious person..."

Lakedi said hesitantly, pointing in a certain direction—that was completely opposite to the direction where Garlan was hiding.

"I'll take over this matter. Okay, guard, you can leave."

The high priest interrupted the guard mercilessly and stretched out his hand.

"Give me the cloak."


Obediently handing the cloak to the high priest, the young guard obeyed the order and stood up to leave.

After walking out of the corridor and confirming that the people on the high priest's side could no longer see him, his feet gave out and he fell to the ground.

He had spent all his life's courage to force himself to be calm and deceive the high priest. Now he was lying on the ground, his hands holding his upper body back were trembling.

He opened his mouth to gasp for air, his heart was pounding so fast that it almost jumped out of his mouth.

He couldn't believe that those words just came out of his own mouth.

That's the high priest, the high priest who represents Shamash's divine will——

O righteous Sun God Shamash.

I hope you will forgive me for deceiving you as a priest because I am only faithfully carrying out the king's orders.

Lakdi breathed for a long time and finally calmed down.

My feet are still weak and I can't stand up.

He continued to sit on the ground, raising his head and looking at the sunset that turned fiery red on the horizon.

He thought of the young king he saw for the first time, who was as unattainable as a god.

He thought again of the young man with a clean, bright smile, as pure and innocent as a child.

Which one is true?


Is it all true?



That guard did a great job.

Garlan hid in the bushes and breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Shermuer and his men chasing after him in the other direction.

If Shermuer caught him on the spot, he would definitely be scolded by Shermuer for a full three hours.

That kind of horror that the magic sound fills your ears...

Garlan looked up at the sky.

The sun was almost approaching the horizon, and it was almost evening. Garlan rubbed his temples, thinking that he had escaped for a long time, and it was almost time to go back.

He glanced outside through the thick bushes.

There are only two entrances and exits to this small garden, and there is a corridor where Shermuer comes in. With Shermuer's obsessive-compulsive disorder, people will definitely stay at the exit of the corridor. And the other one is exactly where Xie Mu'er is chasing now. Naturally, he won't be stupid enough to throw himself into a trap.

Then, there is only one option left.

Just as it happened, the cloak that was too long was also taken away by Shermer.

Looking up at the tall white stone wall in front of him, Garlan took a few steps back.

He looked at a tall olive tree next to him and reached out to grab the shortest branch.

With one leap, he jumped up.

A few more jumps, one after another, and he quickly jumped up to the canopy of the tree.

Half-kneeling on a thick branch, the thin sunlight fell on Garlan through the dense canopy.

When the flowers bloom, clusters of tiny white flowers bloom on the green branches and leaves. When the wind blows, the thin branches and leaves sway, and the small white petals fall down.

He half-crouched on a thick branch, and the faint fragrance surrounded him.

The tall olive tree had already crossed the high wall, and many of its branches and leaves stretched out of the wall. The thick branch he was on also stretched out of the wall.

As long as he jumps down, he can jump out of the wall.

Just as Garlan was about to poke his head out from the dense tree canopy to see what was happening outside the wall, he suddenly heard an angry shout coming from behind.

He subconsciously looked back and saw that his high priest who had been deceived was walking towards him angrily and quickly, his eyes like swords.

Facing the fierce glare from Shemu'er, Garlan blinked innocently and smiled at his high priest.

Then he turned back.

Without saying anything, he jumped decisively.

Suddenly a strong wind blew, causing the crown of the olive tree to sway and make a rustling sound.

The tiny petals flew away like tiny white snowflakes, seeming to follow the leaping young man in the wind.

A pair of big brown hands suddenly stretched out from the wind.

He grabbed the waist of the young man who fell from the air without missing a beat.

Catch it firmly in the air.

The long, pale golden hair, like molten gold, slid down from Garlan's fair cheeks, passed over his strong brown arms, and fell on the dark shoulder armor of the person who caught him.

The golden eyes widened slightly, revealing a hint of surprise, reflecting the slightly raised corners of the other party's lips.

Heimos tilted his head.

The tiny petals that follow the young man in the wind are like white snowflakes, falling from the sky.

One of them fell gently on his dark forehead.

Black hair fell from the corners of her slightly raised eyes, and a gentle smile appeared in her golden-red eyes as she stared at Garlan.

He waited outside the wall for a long time.

When the wind picked up, he stretched out his hand.

Then, he caught the young man who fell from the sky with the rain of flowers.

The author has something to say: The third part has begun

Let’s talk about love and governing the country~~

Does this word count sound sincere? Hum (ˉ(∞)ˉ) chirp


————I’m itching to try the new dividing line of the “One-click Thank You Vote and Nutrient Solution” function——————


Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 2 from Five White Rabbits, 2 from Twenty-Five, 1 from an enthusiastic netizen, 1 from wugu123, 1 from Mengqi.d.yi, 1 from 18253464, and xiyanruoshang 1 piece has become hate, 1 piece Weiyang Liuyue, 1 piece Liudie, 1 piece No. 18, 1 piece Blue Hyacinth, 1 piece Qi Xi, 1 piece Yi Ling, 1 piece Liu Guang Yan, 1 piece Qian, see Qi Shen 1 piece, 1 piece of leaf, 1 piece of l, 1 piece of Lulu, 1 piece of Kirigakuin Castle, 1 piece of Chuanling, 1 piece of: Muxin, 1 piece of Ming, 1 piece of Lu Chen, 1 piece of ah

Thanks to the little angels who threw [hand grenades]: 1 Fayuejia, 1 Qing, 1 Lazy, 1 yue, 1 Hehe, 1 Cunhui, 1 Xiaoxiaoyi

Thank you to the little angel who threw [Bazooka]: Zhuoyao 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 184 bottles of fruit biscuits, 132 bottles of floating and sinking, 100 bottles of l, 100 bottles of genius army, 95 bottles of confused face, 71 bottles of dried fish, 70 bottles of ruber12345, 70 bottles of stars remain unchanged, Feng Sheng Ru Hua, 70 bottles, Bai Yu Yu 67 bottles, Yang Yang does not like hot pot 65 bottles, a certain store 63 bottles, Qing Yin 61 bottles, Xue Feng Zero 59 bottles, Luo Yin 57 bottles, Qiao Li Lai Lai 56 bottles, The mood gave 50 bottles of hot dogs, 50 bottles of Yumo, 50 bottles of Yan Gungun, 50 bottles of 27682601, 50 bottles of Qian, 49 bottles of Shen Nan, 48 bottles of Lao Mao Loves Fish, 43 bottles of tapon, 42 bottles of Yaya, and the lovely Aili 40 bottles of Silk Devil King, 40 bottles of Pikapi, 40 bottles of Anjing, 40 bottles of Mo, 37 bottles of Killua, 35 bottles of Renzai Yulou, 35 bottles of Yuejin isreal, 33 bottles of Sangyu Feiwan, 30 bottles of Tunan, and 30 bottles of Xiangkan , Mengqi.d.yi 30 bottles, Jingnu Qishu 30 bottles, destiny 30 bottles, Guinian 30 bottles, Shengge 30 bottles, one point and two points 30 bottles, Jun Mo Kuang 30 bottles, Chu Sheng 30 bottles, Jie Ren Jia 30 bottles, Miln Deed 30 bottles, Lingkong Luoxue 30 bottles, Twenty Five 27 bottles, Yunzhongjun 25 bottles, Luanxia 25 bottles, X Valley 23 bottles, An Ning Wei Ning 22 bottles, He 22 bottles, Zhuzai Sheng 20 Bottles, Meditation - 20 bottles, Chen Xinhong's Wife 20 bottles, Mulo 20 bottles, Fan Baizhi 20 bottles, Wandong 20 bottles, Lazy Creek 20 bottles, k31448 20 bottles, Zero One 20 bottles, Cool Brother Killing 20 bottles, whybreadegg 20 bottles, 20 bottles of Ting, 20 bottles of Yankuang, 20 bottles, 20 bottles of Nuanyu, 20 bottles of Gui Ge, 20 bottles of Mist, 20 bottles of 1234, 20 bottles of Fushangge, 20 bottles of Jingxiang, and 20 bottles of Zhiting , 20 bottles of purple sand, 20 bottles of rouge, 20 bottles of Autumn Feimanye, 20 bottles of Lazy, 20 bottles of Zhao Zhenmo, 20 bottles of A Shu, 20 bottles of Mamen, 19 bottles of skull erosion, 19 bottles of Little Monster, 17 bottles of Qing , 17 bottles of Return to Zero, 16 bottles of Xi Yan Ruoshang has become a hate, 16 bottles of Who Has Nothing Under His Skirt, 16 bottles of Lowes, 16 bottles of Sanmu, 15 bottles of A Zhai, 15 bottles of syx13007494427, Today is simply awesome hahaha 15 bottles, 14 bottles of Anlerr, 12 bottles of Science and Technology Museum, 11 bottles of Where is Your Bai, 10 bottles of Yanyang, 10 bottles of Huaiyou, 10 bottles of Xiaomanbeard, 10 bottles of Hajiu, 10 bottles of Ye , Manwang 10 bottles, 1997 10 bottles, bee 10 bottles, dusk after the rain 10 bottles, all I saw was meat residue qaq 10 bottles, 粢粢粢 10 bottles, junweigui 10 bottles, Zhao Xuan 10 bottles, wugu123 10 bottles , Chenxiao Wushuang 10 bottles, Xijiangyue 10 bottles, Xingmu 10 bottles, Nanmu Fuyu 10 bottles, Ling 10 bottles, yue 10 bottles, Wangmeirenxi 10 bottles, Zishu 10 bottles, Xiaojiu 10 bottles, Shanren Kuang 10 bottles of Yunniao, 10 bottles of hydrangea, 10 bottles of Mengcha Sicha, 10 bottles of Time Lord, 10 bottles of Guoguo, 10 bottles of Yu Xijiuxi, 10 bottles of Huahua Super Cute, 10 bottles of 22771550, 10 bottles of Stardust Flying 10 bottles, Asamo 10 bottles, Random 10 bottles, Linghan 10 bottles, What is life without Onikiri 10 bottles, Neyagawa Karou 10 bottles, Esisi 10 bottles, Asun 10 bottles, le 10 bottles, saua 10 Bottles, 10 bottles of ragdoll, 10 bottles of Pei Xiaolangbenlang, 10 bottles of Ye Fengrandy, 10 bottles of Baiyun, 10 bottles, 10 bottles of vvvb, 10 bottles of ldbjb147, 10 bottles of Tangshu, 10 bottles of Ling, 10 bottles of sfhiusgf, Unknown to everyone.

10 bottles, Little Bunny 10 bottles, Shaoguang Shuqi 10 bottles, The Supreme Good Book 10 bottles, The changing rainbow 10 bottles, Its leaves Zhenzhen 10 bottles, Button 10 bottles, The carp on the other side 10 bottles, The moonlight is overflowing 10 bottles of Pearl Summer, 10 bottles of One Thousand and One, 10 bottles of Ling Miao, 10 bottles of Cat Uncle Meow, 10 bottles of Teemo, 9 bottles of Xiaobayu, 9 bottles of Zhu An, 9 bottles of Bo Xian Ni, and 8 bottles of Wenya Point , 8 bottles of Tingyu, 6 bottles of Afei~, 6 bottles of Jinshui, 6 bottles of Fusu Youshan, 6 bottles of Zhong Erbing Zhongzhong, 5 bottles of Shangzhu, 5 bottles of Tiantian, 5 bottles of Qingluo, Tao 5 bottles of Yu_, 5 bottles of Xiami, 5 bottles of Bi Fei, 5 bottles of Xue Chengyao He, 5 bottles of Xie Kangle, 5 bottles of 31495520, 5 bottles of words and deeds carefully, 5 bottles of Gantang Don’t Cut, 5 bottles of Fengbibi, 5 bottles of liudie, 5 bottles of Daduojiagen, 5 bottles of Chen, etc., 5 bottles of lelouchu, 5 bottles of the helpless love╮, 5 bottles of Xiaolang, 5 bottles of an enthusiastic netizen, 5 bottles of Chu Chu, and 5 bottles of Hei Zhihuan 5 bottles of empty, 5 bottles of mt, 5 bottles of 25074822, 5 bottles of Weiyang Liuyue, 5 bottles of Searching at the End, 5 bottles of Liu pp, 5 bottles of Yi Yanze, 5 bottles of I am Conch, 5 bottles of 31804169, Hey;-) 5 Bottles, 5 bottles of Friendship to You 21g, 5 bottles of Shui Muzi, 5 bottles of Mali Wow Wow, 5 bottles of Served, 5 bottles of Golden Strawberry, 4 bottles of Falling Flowers, 3 bottles of xu, 3 bottles of 24593989, 3 bottles of Xiaowu, 3 bottles of Five White Rabbits, 3 bottles of Qingfeng, 3 bottles of Abdominal Tearer, 2 bottles of Rain Love, 2 bottles of Lime, 2 bottles of 30423224, 2 bottles of..., 2 bottles of Si Shao, 2 bottles of Song Yili , 2 bottles of Mingye, 1 bottle of caicai, 1 bottle of Yan, 1 bottle of Fenji, 1 bottle of floating and sinking, 1 bottle of 34628179, 1 bottle of bones, 1 bottle of Yiling, 1 bottle of Nanyouqiaomu, 1 bottle of mousse, Leave a comment 1 bottle, a 1 bottle, aibabing 1 bottle, zilan 1 bottle, Erha 1 bottle, Yoyoxia 1 bottle, ursula 1 bottle, iiirvvvbyn 1 bottle, Lord Grim 1 bottle, Feng Yuxuezi 1 bottle, 1 Bottles,... 1 bottle, 1 bottle of Yun Shenzhenzhongchu, 1 bottle of Reader, 1 bottle of Xu Jing, 1 bottle of Pippi Shrimp, 1 bottle of Liuhua, 1 bottle of Zi, 1 bottle of Mr. Rabbit, 1 bottle of Yue, Don't stop me, I want it 1 bottle of Save the World, 1 bottle of Ye Qian Xiangyang, 1 bottle of Ye Miao

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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