The tips of my ears were burning badly.

Garlan thought it must be due to the sun being too intense as the setting sun was about to set.

He reached out and pressed the chest of the man who had his hands around him, trying to push him away with all his strength.

Logically speaking, with his strength, it was impossible to push Heimos even an inch.

However, as soon as he pushed, Heimos followed his strength and moved his body back. Pressing on the rocks on both sides of him, he seemed to be circling him and raising his hands. He leaned close to his ears and poured out hot breath and low voice. The lips that were murmuring the words also left.

The aggressive aura that had been surrounding him just now receded, making Garlan feel less uncomfortable.

But that seems to have always been the case.

Although Huymos had been unabashedly declaring his admiration for him, he had been approaching step by step, forcefully leaving his own traces on his body and life trajectory.

However, the man never did anything to force him.

He was obviously much stronger than him, but as long as he gave the slightest signal to stop, Heimos would immediately stop and take a step back in compliance with his request.

Just like just now...

Garlan raised his head, and Heimos standing in front of him looked down at him.

The golden-red eyes seemed to contain the sunset on the horizon, and they were filled with softness that was completely contrary to the sharp corners of the eyes.

The dark forehead hair fell from the man's eyes and was gently blown by the wind.

Garlan saw that the night-like hair was dotted with a few tiny white petals. The petals were delicate and cute, and Garlan couldn't help but laugh.

He was still sitting on the rock, smiled, raised his hand, and waved to Heimos.

Heimos looked at Garlan, then leaned down and squatted down again.

As soon as he squatted down, the angle of his vision changed from looking down to looking up.

He didn't care at all, he just stared at Garlan with bright eyes, looking like a big black wolfdog squatting obediently in front of his master.

Garlan stretched out his hand and took off the tiny petals stuck on Heymos's forehead.

But as soon as Heimos squatted down, he saw the top of Heimos's head. Not only was the forehead hair stained with flower petals, there were even more petals on the top of his head, and even a few were stuck in the hair.

The white spots are particularly conspicuous in the dark hair.

The young man subconsciously reached out and ruffled Heimos' hair a few times.

Heymos's black hair was very flexible and smooth. When he moved it, it spread out, and the white petals mixed in the hair naturally fell down.

A few petals fell on the black shoulder armor.

The soft and boneless white petals and the cold and hard black armor are obviously two extreme sides, but at this moment they appear to be extremely harmonious, giving people an indescribable sense of beauty.


He patted the head of Heimos, who was squatting in front of him, again with satisfaction.

Then, he couldn't help but secretly wonder, if he didn't do anything and just let Heimos walk out with a flower petal on his head for everyone to see, he didn't know how many people would be shocked.

And just as he was laughing and thinking about the scene in his mind, Heimos, who had been watching him steadily, suddenly stretched out his hand.

The brown fingers stretched straight towards Garlan's face and took off a petal hidden in the blond hair scattered in the corner of his eyes.

Looking at the petals, Garlan was startled for a moment. He thought that when he was washing his face by the sink just now, he had taken pictures of all the petals on his hair and shoulders.

Unexpectedly, there is still a piece hidden here.

Probably because it was stained with water, the small petal was a little wet, and it was soft and pitiful when it was pinched in the pulp of the fingers with clear joints.

Garlan glanced at it and didn't pay much attention. He thought Heimos would just throw it away like him.

But Heimos glanced at him, suddenly lowered his head, and lightly licked his fingertips.

The tip of the red tongue rolled the slightly wet petals on the fingertips into the lips.

This was caught off guard, and Garlan had no time to stop him.

He looked at Heimos in astonishment and felt that the tips of his ears were getting hotter and hotter, almost burning.

He was glad that his long hair covered his ears, so he forced himself to calm down, pretending to be nonchalant, and looked away from Heimos as if he didn't care at all.

Then, he put his hands up and jumped, nimbly jumping back to the ground from the rock he was sitting on.

"Okay, it's time to go back."

He said, his tone was calm and he sounded calm.

Then he walked past Heimos and walked forward.

The wind brought by Garlan as he walked forward raised the long hair that fell on his shoulders, and the long golden hair gently passed in front of Heimos' eyes.

The moment the blond hair was raised, the ears covered by the long hair were exposed to the air.

Heimos clearly saw the tip of the boy's red ear peeking out from his blond hair.

His lips raised.

However, he didn't say anything. He smiled and kept up with Garlan who was walking forward quickly.



After returning to his own palace, he changed out of his dark armor and briefly washed his body before Heimos came to Garlan's palace again.

Although he became the king of Aaron Landis, Garlan still lived in the palace where he had lived since he was a child.

Throughout the ages, new kings would build a new palace in the palace, or completely renovate their own palace to make it more beautiful and magnificent.

However, Garlan seems to have no plans to build a new palace or renovate the current palace.

Therefore, this palace is still very familiar to Heimos.

Walking into the palace, he saw Garlan sitting cross-legged on the cool topaz stone platform, with a snow-like white cloth spread on it, and hanging down from the edge of the stone platform.

Dozens of delicacies were placed on it, exuding an alluring aroma, and the sitting boy was stuffing a small piece of barbecue covered with honey into his mouth.

The female official stood aside, taking out ice cubes from the jade plate on the side with her slender fingers, and gently put them into the glass cup filled with light yellow juice.

She looked at the boy with a smile and her eyes were very gentle. It was obvious that the boy's good appetite made her very happy. From time to time, she would turn around and ask the maid behind her to cut into larger pieces of meat, sprinkle a little sauce on it, or peel off the shrimp shells.

The atmosphere seemed very harmonious and comfortable.

The only person who was incompatible with him was a certain high priest standing aside with a dark face and an expressionless expression.

Shemu'er stood nearby, saying nothing, but staring at Garlan coldly, with eyes like sharp swords.

It makes people feel chilly in their hearts just looking at it.

If it had been anyone else, being stared at by Xie Muer, he would have been sitting on pins and needles, let alone continue to eat.

But Gallan, who was the target of Shemuer's gaze, still sat steadily, eating one bite after another without caring, and occasionally taking a sip of cold juice.

No matter how you look at it, he looks at ease and calm.

As a result, the high priest, who already had an ugly face, stared at his young king even more fiercely.

That murderous look made people really suspect that he wanted to kill the king with his eyes.

If he hadn't always observed etiquette, he might have been unable to restrain himself from doing the following.

Heimos coughed lightly, then walked over quickly without saying a word, and sat down on the topaz stone platform as casually as if he were in his own palace, just opposite Garlan.

Then he reached out and picked up a piece of bread smeared with thick cheese, randomly picked up a piece of roasted meat, and ate it without ceremony.

Everyone has long been accustomed to Heimos's casual behavior. Logically speaking, it is rude to act so wantonly in front of the king.

But Garlan didn't mind this formality.

The high priest who always followed the etiquette was naturally dissatisfied with this, but as the king, Garlan didn't mind, so of course he had nothing to do.

And although Heymos behaved a bit casually in private, in public, every move he made followed the etiquette of a knight, and even Shermer couldn't fault him.

Therefore, the high priest could only turn a blind eye and pretend not to see this kind of rudeness in front of the king in private.

Tapti smiled, lowered his head slightly, and bowed in an extremely elegant manner.

She said: "Your Excellency Heimos, congratulations on your victory again."

In the past, both of them were princes and were both addressed as His Royal Highness.

But now that Garlan has ascended the throne and become the king, Heimos' identity as a prince has naturally been lost.

Although Heymos still has the royal status of the closest bloodline, he can no longer be called His Highness.

Just when everyone thought that Heimos would be sent to the city of Meneste to succeed the city lord according to tradition, a royal city far away from the political center, something shocked them happened.

Heimos stayed in the royal city, and was appointed by King Garlan as the commander-in-chief of the third legion that was about to be rebuilt, with military power in his hands.

Isn’t King Garlan afraid of being usurped?

Many people are thinking this puzzledly in their hearts.

This young king was initially praised by everyone, saying that he possessed the 'wisdom of the Sun God Shamash' and the 'wisdom of the God of Wisdom Solga'.

He couldn't possibly have thought of the danger of leaving Heimos in the royal city, right?

No matter how strange everyone is, this matter is already a certainty.

Heimos was awarded the badge of commander of the Third Army and immediately began to rebuild the Third Army.

No one can deny the power of this world-famous 'Black Knight' and his military talents. In less than half a year, he not only rebuilt the Third Army, but also made the Third Army's strength more powerful. Even worse than before, it was approaching the first legion commanded by the 'Knight of the Burning Sun'.

The First Legion, known as the King's Guards, has always considered itself to be the leader of the army. Of course, it is not willing to be overtaken by the Third Legion, so it trains more and more diligently.

After Garlan ascended the throne, he first dealt with the troubles caused by the 'fortify the walls and clear the country' tactics implemented by Heimos to defend the royal city, appease the refugees, and escort them back to rebuild their homes.

Of course, people who have been hurt in the war must also be comforted.

At the same time, awards were given to the legions that guarded the northern and eastern borders, and rewards were given to the soldiers who had been guarding the border during the war, so that those soldiers who were worried because they did not rescue the royal city finally felt at ease.

After cleaning up the scattered things and rebuilding the three major legions that had once been destroyed, Garlan unceremoniously began to settle the accounts.

The targets of the settlement are naturally those who escaped during the battle with the Gastards.

There are two ways of ruling the city in Aaron Landis. One is the family style, where the city's government affairs are decided by the city lord; the other is the direct style, where the royal city dispatches consuls to govern.

And those who escaped in the face of battle all came from the city where the family inherited the family.

Because in the decisive battle with the invaders, these people abandoned the crown prince and fled on their own. This behavior, which was tantamount to betrayal, was spurned and condemned by the vast majority of Aaron Landis people, and even the people in their own city. Extremely dissatisfied with this.

And those people knew in their hearts that it would be difficult for their actions to be forgiven by the new king.

Therefore, at Garlan's enthronement ceremony, an occasion that all city lords were required to attend according to etiquette, they did not go because they were worried that they would be detained and punished if they entered the royal city.

They did not dare to leave their city, so they could only huddle and wait anxiously.

Because Garlan was busy dealing with the aftermath, he had no time to pay attention to them, which caused these people to have a misunderstanding.

They felt that the new king was young and had a gentle temperament. In addition, there were so many of them and he had a lot of troops. Of course, he was not punishable by the law. And King Garlan was newly on the throne and was not stable yet. He must be somewhat afraid of them. .

So they probably won’t be punished this time.

However, just when they were thinking about breathing a sigh of relief, Garlan settled the victims and established a new legion.

After freeing up, he directly issued a royal order, ordering these city lords to come to the royal city to see him.

Naturally, these city lords would not dare to go.

Therefore, King Garlan issued a second royal order, reprimanding them for deserting the battlefield, abandoning their companions, and betraying the king on the battlefield with the invaders, reprimanding them for not coming to attend the enthronement ceremony, and reprimanding them for refusing to allow them to see him. Wang Ling.

On these three counts, they were directly labeled as rebels.

Subsequently, he directly sent Heimos to lead the third legion to conquer these rebels.

This is the reason why Tapti just said, "Congratulations to Heimos for his triumphant victory again."

Because this is already the third time Heimos has gone on an expedition.

There was no doubt about the result. Heimos captured those cities one after another, and the city lords and their families who were designated as rebels were captured and sent to the royal city, and those cities naturally became cities directly under the royal court.

"This time the speed is even faster than the previous two times."

Garlan asked while eating.

"It took a few days."

"Four days."

Heimos also answered while eating.

Although he had changed out of the armor he wore on the battlefield, there was still a faint air of blood around him at this moment that could not be washed away.

It was as if the endless rage and death on the battlefield had soaked into his skin and even flesh, becoming one with the Black Knight.

Even though he was just sitting here quietly, there was still an invisible evil spirit seeping out of his body.

If you were an ordinary person, you would probably be frightened just by being close to him.

It's just that the people in this room at this moment are not ordinary people, so naturally they feel it doesn't matter.

Garlan raised his head and looked at Shemuer who was standing next to him.

The high priest was obviously still angry, his face was stern and his brows were furrowed.

Garlan thought for a while and said, "Shemu'er, come here."


Although he was very dissatisfied with Gallan's behavior today, since the king summoned him, no matter how dissatisfied Shemuer was, he would obey the order and walk over.

"What are your orders?"

Although he used the honorific, his tone was not good.

"Lower your head."

The young man said with a smile.

"What do you want..."

Shermer bent down impatiently, but before he could finish speaking, his mouth was blocked.

Garlan stuffed a piece of white bread with bacon into his mouth.

"Sorry, Shermer, I did something wrong today, and I apologize to you."

Garlan looked at Shermer and apologized frankly.

"Thank you for your hard work today, I think you should feel hungry now."

Showing a bright smile to the high priest, he said, "I will listen to your reprimand later, so how about having something to eat together first?"

Taking off the bread that he stuffed into his mouth, Shermuer stared at the young king with a bright smile in front of him.

After looking at it for a while, he sighed softly.

There was a bit of helplessness, and there was a bit of indulgence hidden in that helplessness that he didn't even know he had.

The anger in his chest disappeared unconsciously before the boy's smile and words of concern about whether he was hungry.

"...It won't happen again."

The high priest replied so firmly.

He also refused to accept Garlana's invitation to dine with him, and turned around and left.

His hand was still holding the white bread that Garlan had stuffed into his mouth.

The female official on the side couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

This will not be the case next time.

I don’t know how many times this sentence has been uttered by High Priest Shemuel.

Garlan was watching Shermuer's leaving figure when suddenly a hand reached over and patted his arm.

As soon as he turned around, he met those golden-red eyes.

Heimos, who was sitting opposite him, looked at him, suddenly opened his mouth, raised his finger to point to the food in front of him, and then pointed to his open mouth.

Garlan: "………………"

Does you mean you want to feed him yourself?


Is it because he saw that he had fed Shermuer just now?



Gallan, who was both angry and amused, picked up a large piece of barbecue and stuffed it into Heimos' mouth, blocking the mouth tightly.

Then he was too lazy to talk to the other party and continued to eat by himself.

Heimos still had the large piece of barbecue in his mouth.

He looked at Garlan, raised his hand to take the roast meat from his mouth, and suddenly smiled.

The invisible hostility and evil intention that seeped into the bones and blood when fighting on the battlefield were all dissipated in his smile.

Just like ice and snow under the sun, it melts away in an instant.

The author has something to say: Okay

Rebel gets it

Let’s guess what the first decree Garlan is about to issue~~

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