One night passed, and when it was just dawn, the quiet palace welcomed a special visitor.

As usual, after dawn, the door to the large bedroom in the palace has been quietly pushed open half way by the maid who came over.

However, it is not fully opened.

The thick gauze curtain inside hung down, blocking the scene deep in the bedroom.

The maids stood outside the half-opened door, quietly waiting for the young king who was sleeping inside to wake up, and then summoned them to come in and serve.

At this time, the maids were surprised by the sudden arrival of someone early in the morning.

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

It stands to reason that they should report the arrival of this person inside, but the young king is still sleeping, and they cannot wake him up without permission before the female official Tapti comes.

The visitor made a silent gesture to them, and they bowed slightly to salute him.

The man didn't say much, walked straight into the door and closed the door behind him.

The maids were unable to stop him and couldn't break into the bedroom without permission. They could only look at each other and helplessly continue waiting at the door, anxiously expecting the female official to arrive and tell them what to do.

Heimos walked into the bedroom, lifted the overlapping veils, and saw Garlan sleeping on the large bed deep in the bedroom.

He walked lightly and walked over slowly.

The young man who didn't notice anyone coming was still sleeping, lying on his side, his eyebrows calm.

Her long blond hair was spread out on the snow-white velvet pillow, and the morning light falling from the skylight danced between her hair, shimmering.

Heimos glanced over Garlan's shoulder, and sure enough he saw what he had guessed.

His lips curved slightly, he walked to the bed and leaned over.


He called Garlan's name softly.

The sleeping boy's eyelashes fluttered and he slowly opened his eyes.

His newly opened eyes were not focused. After looking at Heimos in a daze for a while, he finally regained consciousness.


Perhaps because he had just woken up, his voice was soft and soft, with a slight nasal sound, like an ignorant child.

The sound was as soft as velvet in a pillow, and it made people's hearts feel like they were about to melt.

Heimos looked at Garlan with soft eyes and hummed softly.

Gallan, who was still half-awake and half-asleep and hadn't noticed anything was wrong, yawned slightly, put his hands on the bed, and sat up.

The already loose silk clothes had unknowingly slipped down his shoulders while he was sleeping. When he stood up, the long golden hair that had been spread out on the snow-white velvet pillow slipped down his white shoulders.

Reflecting the early morning sunlight shining in from the skylight, his long hair was like flowing gold flowing from his shoulders and neck.

The sunlight made the boy's exposed shoulders look whiter and tenderer, like a piece of flawless white jade soft tofu, which made people want to take a bite just looking at it.

Heimos swallowed hard, using great self-control to suppress the hunger and thirst rising from his body.

After Garlan left last night, he almost stayed in the cold stream for half the night, and... the fire that he had vented twice and finally extinguished suddenly started to burn again at this glance.

He hurriedly looked away, fearing that if he continued to look at it he would not be able to suppress the fire in his body. However, his breathing became uncontrollably faster and his lower abdomen became even tighter.

Even though he sat up, Garlan was still drowsy and unaware of the dangerous presence of a beast in human skin beside him. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

A bit of morning breeze carrying the remaining coolness of the night blew in, making his bare shoulders feel a little cold.

So, subconsciously, he opened his mouth and planned to ask the maid outside to come in to serve him. He lowered his head and glanced over his shoulder, trying to pull up the silk clothes that had slipped from his shoulders, so as not to appear too disheveled in front of the maid.

Before he could even make a sound when he opened his mouth, the sound got stuck in his throat.

The glance that was originally an understatement made Gallan stunned for a moment, and then his mind suddenly stirred, and he suddenly woke up.

On the slender collarbone, the bright red on the fair skin is extremely conspicuous.

This little red mark caused the memories of last night to flood into Garlan's mind.

Yesterday, he got up in the middle of his sleep and his mind was confused. Because he felt a little depressed for no reason, he couldn't fall asleep, so he simply ran to Heimos.

He just wanted to talk to Heimos to avoid continuing his random thoughts alone.


Originally, he and Heimos were still talking normally, but the guy didn't know what stimulation he had, and suddenly his bestiality came out. He held him firmly in his arms and gnawed like a wolf cub.

Caught off guard, he was blinded by the guy's kiss. Perhaps it was because the lips biting him were so hot that it made his brain a little confused. He didn't react for a moment and allowed the other person to do what he did.

The result was that the guy pushed even further. Later, he panicked and found that his shirt had been pulled down by half...

Garlan shook his head vigorously to get rid of the charming memory that made people's ears burn.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and calmed down.

Then, he raised his head and stared at Heimos with what he thought was a very intimidating gaze.

"What are you doing here so early?"

he asked in a low voice.

Heimos looked at the young man sitting on the bed staring at him with wide eyes.

But those big round eyes that were still a little misty from just waking up, and the slightly red tips of the ears, not only were not intimidating at all, but were actually so cute that he wanted to touch her with his hands.

But knowing that this would definitely anger Gallan, he held back.

"Keep your voice down."

Heimos said softly.

"If you call the maid in, you'll be in trouble."

Although he didn't mind being exposed, Garlan definitely didn't want to.

So considering Gallan's mood, he chose to come earlier today to remind Gallan of this matter.

"What trouble?"

Garlan asked.

Heimos said nothing, but glanced at Garlan's collarbone with meaning.

Garlan was startled for a moment, then reacted immediately, feeling shocked.

Indeed, he had not expected this at all.

What if after he woke up, he called Taputi and the maids in in a daze, and then Tapti saw the hickey on his shoulder that was obviously made by someone else...

I really don’t know what kind of uproar it will cause.

And he probably didn't know what to do at that time.

Although the culprit who caused him trouble is right in front of him, Garlan is too lazy to talk to him now.

He looked down at the red mark on his shoulder, thought about it for a while, and said, "Bring me a patch. I'll tell you that it was accidentally scratched by a branch yesterday."

Heimos was silent for a moment and did not move.

"...This method probably won't work."

He glanced at Garlan, with a rare look of embarrassment on his face.

Then, he reached out and pulled Garlan out of bed and walked aside.

Gallan was inexplicably dragged away by Heimos and came to the huge mirror on one side of the room.

Being pushed to the mirror by Heimos, he looked in the mirror confused.

The next second, his face suddenly turned red.

He lowered his head and could only see one or two red marks on his collarbone. Now when he looked in the mirror, he could clearly see that on the left side of his neck, little pink marks could be seen almost everywhere.

Especially since his skin is already fair, the pink marks are even more conspicuous.

A little bit, everywhere.

Dots of pink are dotted on the skin like petals, giving the young man in the mirror an indescribable sense of charm.


Garlan gritted his teeth.

As soon as he turned around, his elbow hit the chest of the man beside him hard.

Heimos, who knew he was in the wrong, stepped back and passively blocked his attack.

However, he didn't know whether it was because he had formed a habit... or because of something else. After blocking Garlan's elbow, he stretched out his hands and hugged him tightly, almost reflexively.

That flexible and beautiful green body was embraced in his arms, just like in the memory of last night, which made Heimos' breathing quicken involuntarily.

Every place in contact with the boy in his arms seemed to be burned by fire. The flames spread to the deepest parts of his body, causing pain.

He let go of his hand abruptly.

The black knight, who could stand still even in the face of thousands of troops, was facing Garlan, but he took several steps back as if facing a savage beast.


Gallan, who was still very angry at first, felt strange when he saw Heimos' reaction of retreating.

Speaking of which, Heimos seemed to be acting strangely since last night.

He took a step forward and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Heimos looked away from Garlan and glanced at the wooden table next to him.

He said: "Go and change your clothes first."


"Go change your clothes first, Garlan."

Heimos's voice had become so low that it was a little hoarse.


Garlan just felt baffled.

Why did you ask him to change clothes again while talking?

Taking a deep breath, Heimos couldn't help but press his forehead.

"...I'm somewhat self-aware, Garlan, I said I have admiration for you, you should remember it, right?"

"I remember, but you said you wouldn't rush me..."

"I don't know how, so you have to be a little self-conscious - standing disheveled like this in front of a man who likes you - aren't you afraid of what I will do to you?"


Garlan looked at Heimos with a very confused expression.

"What to do to me?... Heimus, can you do it?"

Heimos' breath paused. In order to control the desire burning in his body, he originally avoided Garlan and his eyes fell on Garlan again.

But at this moment, there was a different kind of danger in the deep golden-red eyes.

"Do you think there's nothing I can do to you?"

He looked at Garlan steadily, and his voice became hoarse as he was clearly holding back something.

"Or, even if I keep telling you my love, you always just treat me as a non-dangerous companion of the same sex? Do you think it is impossible for me to have sexual desire for you?"


The last two words Heimos said made Garlan's face turn red.

Looking at the man staring at him with a deep and dangerous gaze, he was a little at a loss.

Indeed, although Heimos often kissed him, he never considered the possibility of the two kissing.

It's not that he doesn't know what two people in love will do.


I don't know why, but subconsciously, he classified Heimos' love for him as pure love similar to Plato, and never thought that Heimos could really love him. Holding... that...

Thinking of the word Heimos said, Garlan felt that his face was about to burn.

"What can't be done? Do you want to try?"

At this moment, Heimos, who was exuding a dangerous aura, was approaching him step by step.

Garlan was forced to retreat to the mirror behind him.

Heimos put one hand on the mirror and looked down at him, his golden-red eyes seeming to be burning with a cluster of flames that were about to engulf him.

The slightly hoarse voice that made people feel inexplicably panicked and uneasy sounded in his ears.

"If you think I can't do anything, then I'll tell you directly... Many nights, I violated you violently in my dreams. No matter how much you cried and begged in my arms, I never let you go. , but more..."


While Garlan, who could no longer listen, drank in a low voice, a familiar voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, are you awake? I heard from the maids that Lord Heimos is inside?"

As the female officer spoke, she reached out to push open the ajar door.

"I'm in."

Garlan was shocked.


he shouted quickly.

"We are talking, please wait outside for a moment!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing that the female official was stopped in time and came in to see this scene, Garlan breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly there was a surge of anger in his heart. Without looking at Heimos, he pushed hard to push away the guy who pressed himself against the mirror.

Perhaps it was Tapti's shout that also brought Heimos back to his senses. With a little force, he pushed the opponent away.

Still not looking at each other, he quickly walked to the side room and changed his clothes for going out. But after changing and walking out, he became anxious again.

This...damn hickey on his neck won't disappear for a while, and it's already summer, so there's no way he can wear high-collared clothes or a high-collared cloak.

But it was impossible to pretend to be sick, otherwise Tapti would definitely call a doctor and the marks on her neck would still be exposed.

Just when Garlan didn't know what to do, Heimos, who was silent at the side, suddenly walked quickly to the jewelry cabinet nearby.

He picked for a while, took out an ornament, walked quickly to Garlan, and handed it over silently.

A gold necklace with an extremely complex and complicated shape but extremely gorgeous and exquisite.

It was a ring-shaped neck ornament, with four or five thin gold rings connected together by thin gold sheets of bay leaf, inlaid with malachite.

When worn around the neck, the gold pieces that look like intertwined branches and leaves almost cover most of the shoulders and neck.

Under the neck, clover-shaped gold tassels are scattered on the shoulders and chest, and are dotted with scattered beads of turquoise, moonstone, and peridot.

Even if someone's eyes fall on Garlan's shoulders and neck, they will be distracted by this gorgeous gold necklace, and will not notice the red marks hidden under the intertwined gold leaves and branches.

Looking at the shoulders and neck that had been covered by gold ornaments in the mirror, Garlan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he called Tapti to come in.

The female official came in with about a dozen maids. When she looked up, she saw that Garlan had changed into the clothes for going out, and Heimos was standing on one side, a little far apart from the two.

There's something strange about her.

But he didn't ask any more questions. He just motioned to the maid holding a silver basin filled with hot water to come forward, and then helped Garlan wash up with her own hands as usual.

After all, he had taken care of the child for many years. Tapti was naturally keenly aware that Garlan seemed to be sulking, and Heimos also turned his head away from looking here.

The two ignored each other.

Did these two... quarrel?

The female official thought puzzledly.

Speaking of which, is there anything important today?

She thought this while looking at the gorgeous gold jewelry that Garlan would never bother to wear unless it was an important occasion.


After leaving the palace, Gallan felt relieved after walking all the way to make sure that no one noticed the abnormality hidden under his gold necklace.

His schedule today is to go outside the city to inspect the special training camp located in the valley outside the city.

The First Legion led by Kayhos is currently undergoing closed special training there.

Although he doesn't want to see this guy because he is still in a cold war with Heimos, but because Shermer has set a rule - if he wants to leave the royal city, he must be accompanied by a knight who is strong enough and trustworthy. around.

Either the Knight of the Burning Sun or the Black Knight, I have to bring one anyway.

Caijos is now in a special training camp, so naturally only Heimos went with him.

Because it was just a simple inspection, Garlan did not want to disturb too many people with a big fanfare, so he set off with a group of knights lightly dressed.

The scorching sun along the way made Gallan extremely hot.

Fortunately, as soon as we entered the mountains, there were green shades everywhere, flowing streams, and cool breeze, which made people feel much cooler.

Having received the news that Garlan would be inspecting today, Kayhos and his subordinates were already waiting at the entrance of the valley.

Seeing the young king coming on horseback on the forest path, when he got close, he pulled the reins and reined in the horse to stop.

The generals who had been waiting for a long time knelt down and bowed their heads in salute.

Only the blond knight went straight up to meet him, with a faint smile on his extremely handsome face even with one eye covered. He grabbed the reins with one hand and stretched out his other hand to the young king on the horse very naturally.

Garlan also naturally held the hand extended by his guardian knight, and with the support of the other party, he jumped off the horse lightly.

As soon as he dismounted, of course the knights following him also dismounted.

The always cold and arrogant white horse shook its head, its mane as white as frost and snow spread out, and kicked the ground hard with its hooves. It was obvious that it was not happy to be held by someone other than Garlan.

Gallan noticed its displeasure, smiled and touched its mane, and whispered a few words to it before it calmed down and rubbed Gallan's head.

Kehos, who was standing nearby, smiled and watched Garlan coaxing his mount, his eyes gentle.

Even if he has become an excellent king, in the heart of the knight, the boy is still a little prince who should be pampered, held in the palm of his hand and protected.

No matter how much time passes, nothing will change.

His eyes passed over Garlan's face carefully, and he was satisfied when he saw that the young man looked good.

Although he led the Guards to conduct closed training here, he was always paying attention to what was going on in the royal city. Naturally, he also knew about the troubles caused by the unbridled businessmen.

It seemed that that incident did not cause any trouble to His Majesty.

With such thoughts in mind, Kaihos moved his eyes downwards, and when he saw the gorgeous gold necklace, he was also a little puzzled.

After following Garlan for so many years, he knew that Garlan had never been impatient to wear such gorgeous but cumbersome accessories.

Inspecting the special training camp is not an important occasion, so why would you wear this...

Because he thought it was strange, Caijos took another look.

At this sight, the corners of his lips that were slightly raised suddenly froze.

The soft gaze in the remaining malachite-green pupil seemed to be frozen, and it settled and became cold in just a moment.

The sun fell from the dense canopy of trees, casting mottled shadows on the knight's face.

The shadow of the forehead hair fell deeply into Caijos's eyes, like a dangerous aura suddenly pouring out of his eyes.

There was a clang.

The sharp sword was unsheathed.

The figure of the Burning Sun Knight was as fast as thunder, almost leaving an afterimage on the spot.

In just one breath, he had already appeared in front of Heimos.

In the astonished eyes of all the knights

In the astonished eyes of Garlan who had not yet reacted,

Caihos's sword, which exuded a terrifying evil aura, struck Heimos heavily with the momentum of splitting mountains and rocks——

The violent impact of steel blades echoed through the silence.

The sword blade rubbed past and exploded into sparks.

Heimos, who reacted to the enemy almost as soon as Kehos attacked, raised his sword with his backhand and blocked Kehos's fierce sword that would be almost fatal to an ordinary knight.

The author has something to say: Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thank you to the little angel who threw [Landmine]: take the medicine as soon as possible 2 pieces, kid? 1 piece, haha ​​1 piece, blue hyacinth 1 piece, purple fish 1 piece, then flashy and fleeting 1 piece

Thank you to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: take 2 medicines as soon as possible, 1 piece for Yu Moran, 1 piece for coco

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [bazooka]: Ci Zhixingzhi. 1 piece, clear bird song 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 187 bottles of Ying short lazy cat, 126 bottles of Train Under the Orange Tree, 100 bottles of Haha, 100 bottles of Qiqiviolet_ also known as forty, 100 bottles of Fang, 100 bottles of medicine as soon as possible, and it’s Maomao Not 89 bottles of Panpan, 80 bottles of Nymphaeum, 80 bottles of chestnuts, 73 bottles of Baihuasha, 66 bottles of Wild Cats, 60 bottles of seeon, 60 bottles of please use 1 million words to update, 54 bottles of a certain cat, 50 bottles of Hu Silang, Wait until the fireworks are cool 50 bottles, the graceful gentleman 50 bottles, the flower of Tangli 50 bottles, the 咩咩子樾 45 bottles, the one and two o'clock 40 bottles, the little girl 40 bottles, please give me more advice for the rest of my life 40 bottles, the clear bird song 40 bottles, anney2045 40 bottles, The Bank of Autumn Water 40 bottles, Really Good Food 40 bottles, Yuanyuan Yuanxuan 38 bottles, Kumeng 34 bottles, Tea Blossoms 30 bottles, Sleepy 30 bottles, Zhouyu 30 bottles, yam0309 30 Bottles, I’ll lend you three hundred and 30 bottles, 30 bottles of Wang Miaozhi Puff, 30 bottles of Hui Hua Hua Hui La, 26 bottles of Zhi Ai Ste, 24 bottles of Ji Si Si, 22 bottles of Thunder Lion Total Attack, 20 bottles of Se, and 20 bottles of Zifei. , Oh Haha 20 bottles, Yu Yin 20 bottles, Little Dirty Girl Fairy Stick 20 bottles, Bulging Eyes Dead Fish 20 bottles, Bottle, Qing Wuxian 20 bottles, Mini Ghost 20 bottles, Sky Blue Dream 20 bottles, Little Monster 20 Bottles, 20 bottles of five-spice medicine, 20 bottles of joy seeds, 20 bottles of light and shadow flying leaves, 20 bottles of dudu, 20 bottles of baby's breath, 15 bottles of Anchen, 15 bottles of h2o, 15 bottles of Tiantian, 14 bottles of purple fish, 14 bottles of Yang Yeyue, 14 bottles of Yan Tuanzi, 13 bottles of 30435886, 13 bottles of Su, 12 bottles of the flat-chested Xiutai who breastfed hard, 10 bottles of bee, 10 bottles of words and deeds with caution, 10 bottles of 28997924, 10 bottles of 28068856, and 10 bottles of Sauvignon Blanc , 10 bottles of dolls, 10 bottles of dumplings in my arms, 10 bottles of Chaoge Dirge, 10 bottles of Luanxia, ​​10 bottles of Fleeting July Half, 10 bottles of Fayuejia, 10 bottles of Qiu Feimanye, and 10 bottles of lay , There is no cure for lazy cancer 10 bottles, 10 bottles of near water, 10 bottles of Yunqi Shengge, 10 bottles of Fenji, 10 bottles of Li Shuyan, 10 bottles of potted plants in Huagu, . βɑ 10 bottles, the last Antarctica 10 bottles, the monster wandering in the deep sea 10 bottles, slightly slightly 10 bottles, feet 10 bottles, czzzzzzzz 10 bottles, rainforest 10 bottles, 34628179 10 bottles, Lantian's little flower 10 bottles, go 10 bottles, 9 bottles of return to zero, 8 bottles of sami, 8 bottles of classmate Susu, 8 bottles of Jingfu, 6 bottles of noron, 6 bottles of grave grass, 5 bottles of yuristern, 5 bottles of I am conch, 5 bottles of lazy bug, 5 bottles of xu, and night 5 bottles of Dong, 5 bottles of Luyi, 5 bottles of Chizi, 5 bottles of Ningquan Sanliu, 5 bottles of Mucheng, 5 bottles of Zilan, 5 bottles of Cat Girl, 5 bottles of Xuanxuan, 5 bottles of Time Fragile, 5 bottles of Xiaowu, 5 bottles of elves, 5 bottles of Arnold, 5 bottles of lost rabbit, 4 bottles of Liu pp, 4 bottles of Qingluo, 3 bottles of Song Yijian, 3 bottles of Lord Grim, 3 bottles of 24593989, 2 bottles of deicide, 2 bottles of Tingchen , 2 bottles of Xueluo Yousheng, 2 bottles of karen, 2 bottles of Yunshenzhenshichudi, 2 bottles of Xiaobayu, 2 bottles of Garden Classmates, 2 bottles of Fusu Youshan, 1 bottle of Wanglian, 1 bottle of children? 1 bottle, 1 bottle of a, 1 bottle of cp irreversible, 1 bottle of Qing, 1 bottle of mzgyi, 1 bottle of Erha, 1 bottle of Qi Xi

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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