The black-red torrent slowly receded, stopping its destruction of the weak walls of King Karnar City.

The commander of Gastard watched Aaron Landis's army retreat with a sneer on his face.

Originally, he was extremely afraid of this black knight who could kill Prince Tyr.

It is precisely because I am a Gastard that I understand the terrifying power of the prince better than anyone else.

And such a powerful prince died in the hands of the Black Knight. It can be imagined that this Black Knight must be no less than the Prince of Tyr.

But now, he felt that he had caught the Black Knight's weakness.

There is no place for merciful people in Gastad, because all the merciful people have died.

Only the ruthless and strong can stand above everyone else.

Therefore, although he recognized the power of Heimos, the commander of Gastad looked down upon the fact that Heimos chose to retreat because he was worried about the hostages.

Compassion does not command troops.

For the sake of the lives of thousands of slaves, they missed the great opportunity to destroy the city.

thought the commander-in-chief.

It is said that the Black Knight is brave and good at fighting, and is a warrior rarely seen in ten thousand years, but it seems that it is nothing more than that.

Although he thought so in his heart, he was slightly relieved that the Aaron Landis chose to withdraw.

In this way, with these hostages, they can hold on until reinforcements arrive.

When the time comes, the inside should be in harmony with the outside.

He must make these Aaron Landis suffer heavy casualties and be defeated!


The setting sun slowly sets below the horizon, and fiery red clouds billow in the sky, covering the huge military camp with the glow of sunset.

Smoke was rising, and the soldiers had begun to light bonfires and cook food and boil water.

Unless in a war emergency, drinking water in the military must be boiled water, and raw water is not allowed to be consumed without authorization. At the same time, military doctors were spreading lime powder deep inside the military camp to prevent the plague.

These two items are military regulations written into military orders after the reform.

In the center of the military camp, next to the largest black tent, a fiery red lion flag was flying in the air.

This is the camp of Heimos, the commander of the army.

At this moment, the camp was very quiet. Except for Heimos himself, Kaihos, Tevar and several other important generals were here.

All of them frowned.

The people here are all experienced in hundreds of battles, but in the wars they have experienced, they have never experienced anything like this.

This continent worships heroes.

The behavior of the Gastard people in threatening each other on the battlefield by using prisoners of war as hostages is extremely shameful.

It can be said to be the most despicable behavior.

On this continent, no general from any country would do such an act. Whoever dares to do so will definitely be reviled by thousands of people.

But apparently, the Gastadians didn't care.

"After all, they are a barbaric race from the barren land."

A young general couldn't help but curse loudly.

"A bunch of despicable and shameless beasts!"

Seeing his comrades tied to the city wall, he felt really uncomfortable, but he was helpless. He only felt a breath trapped in his chest, unable to go up or down.

"Your Excellency Heimos, although we are temporarily withdrawing our troops today, you must make a decision early."

Although an older middle-aged general also had a frosty look on his face, he still spoke in a calm tone.

"We don't have much time. According to the intelligence we heard, reinforcements from the Gastad people are arriving day and night. If we delay until their reinforcements arrive, we will be in trouble, so..."

"You mean to kill them?"

The young and energetic general spoke loudly, interrupting the middle-aged general with an angry look on his face.

"I didn't say that."

"Isn't that what you mean? They are all our comrades, do you have the heart to kill them with your own hands -"

Facing the accusations from his colleagues, the middle-aged general looked calm and answered calmly.

"Then according to what you said, we will stay put and wait for the reinforcements from the Gastad people to arrive, so we can deal with us internally and externally?"


"If it were you who were them, and Aaron Landis's army was defeated because of you, and countless of your comrades died because of you, and you continued to live because of it - if it were you, would you be willing to see it? At this point, would you rather be killed by your compatriots?"


The young general was speechless.

He lowered his head gloomily and stopped talking.

He knew in his heart that the middle-aged general was right, but he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

The middle-aged general turned to the main seat again.

"Your Excellency Heimos, I know this decision is difficult to make, but the matter has come to this, you should make a decision as soon as possible."

Sitting on the main seat of the camp, a tall man in black armor sat quietly with an indifferent expression.

Thin black hair was scattered in the corners of the narrow eyes, and there was no emotion at all on that handsome face.

Heimos lowered his eyes and seemed not to have heard the quarrel among his subordinates in the camp, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking at the moment.

The blond knight glanced at Heimos and looked away.

"Killing your comrades with your own hands will greatly weaken the morale of the soldiers, so it is not a last resort and I do not recommend it."

Caijos thought for a moment and said.

"Let's do this, two days. I suggest you use two days to think of a solution. After two days, if you really can't save them, you can only sacrifice them for the sake of the overall situation."

The generals present were silent for a while and then nodded.

Only Heimos, who was sitting in the seat, still lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Two days and one night have passed in a flash.

The Aaronlanders racked their brains and tried to rescue their comrades, but to no avail.

They wanted to attack at night, but those Gastad people actually pressed the hostages against the city wall at night.

Provoking them provocatively and trying to provoke the Gastad people to make them attack out of the city had no effect.

When the evening came the next day, the exhausted general who had been shouting, cursing and provoking for a day outside the city wall could only return in anger.

‘The siege will begin tomorrow. ’

Soon, Heimos' order spread throughout the military camp.

The Gastard soldiers on the city wall suddenly discovered that there were many Aaron Landis people busy around the siege equipment outside the city that had been idle for more than two days.

Countless boulders were carried next to the sling.

Giant crossbow | Arrows are also piled next to the giant crossbow. Many people are polishing the arrow tips and wiping the parts of the equipment with oil.

The atmosphere in the Aaron Landis barracks has changed.

After receiving the report from his subordinates, the commander of Gastad nodded.

It seemed that the Aaron Landis were determined to give up the lives of their compatriots and planned to attack again.


He didn't expect to be able to use hostages to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

Even though the black knight was a bit soft-hearted, he was not that stupid.

It was beyond his expectation that it could be delayed for two days and two nights.

He was making mental calculations.

It should be no problem if they try their best to hold on for another three or four days, and their reinforcements will arrive in almost three or four days.

With this in mind, he ordered the generals and soldiers to have a good rest tonight and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

It is conceivable that the Aaron Landis who had to kill their comrades with their own hands would attack madly. The battle would be very fierce, so the soldiers must be mentally prepared to deal with it.



Soon, late at night arrived, and the military camp became completely quiet.

Soldiers on vigil stood outside the camp. In the camp, bonfires were burning, lighting up the dark night sky.

The firelight, which seemed particularly bright in the dark night, reflected in the eyes of the Aaron Landis on the city wall, spreading a hazy red light in their pupils.

For the past two days, they had been kept on the city wall, exposed to the sun, and became weaker and weaker.

Taking into account physical problems, the Gastards themselves had to guard the city wall. Of course, they did not want the wall to be stained. It was really troublesome to tie up and untie the ropes again and again, so the Gastards tied them up for a while. Later, they were released and a row of fences was temporarily built on the city wall to lock them in.

Every once in a while, they would be driven off the city wall in turn to solve their physical problems.

In order to prevent them from escaping and committing suicide, they still did not give them food, but they could not let the hostages die, so they gave them a little bit of rice soup every once in a while to keep them alive.

The night sky is boundless and the stars are brilliant.

Sid sat on the ground of the city wall, looking at the distant camp outside the city.

Even in the dark night, you can vaguely see the waving flag.

He also saw the strange movements in Aaron Landis's army in the evening, and he already knew in his heart that tomorrow would be the time for Aaron Landis' army to launch an attack.

After all, the longer the delay, the more dangerous the battle situation will be.

It took more than two days to save them, which was long enough.

"They've done their best."

The middle-aged man sitting next to him also looked at the firelight of the camp in the distance, with a relieved smile on his face.

The companions sitting next to him all nodded slightly when they heard this.

Even if they were to die at the hands of their colleagues tomorrow, they would not have any resentment.

Yes, it's just a pity.

They raised their heads and stared at the fire in the camp in the distance and the lion flag flying in the night sky.

They looked at it intently, as if they wanted the flag to be imprinted deep in their eyes.

Because they knew that this might be the last night they could see that flag.

Gods by Aaron Landis.

Please guide our souls back to the land of Aaron Landis.


Snap, snap, snap.

Suddenly there were loud and heavy footsteps in the quiet night.

Sid subconsciously followed the sound.

He saw a group of Gastad soldiers walking up the steps to the city wall and walking quickly towards them.

The fence holding them was removed and a group of Gastad soldiers surrounded them.

The torches were hanging on the city wall and burning, and the weak light of the fire reflected on the blood-stained white armor of the Gastard people, and also reflected on the bright spears they held in their hands.

Sid saw the look in the leader's eyes.

It was an indifferent look towards a dying person.

"Just them."

The leading captain looked at this group of thin and weak slaves and said lightly.

"There's almost enough here for a hundred people."

He gestured.

"Kill him, and then hang his body outside the city wall."

An order was issued from above, asking them to come and kill a hundred Aronlandis slaves, hang their bodies outside the city wall, and dye the wall red with their blood.

This was to warn and frighten the Aaron Landis.

It is impossible to say that this move will make the Aaron Landis hesitate again and delay it for another day.

He took a casual glance just now and saw that there were more slaves in the fence here, almost more than a hundred.

Just kill all the slaves here to complete the mission.

Sid gritted his teeth.

He stared at the Gastard man in front of him with hatred, his eyes almost bursting with fire, and his clenched fingers crackled.

Not just him, not one of the Aaron Landis here showed a look of horror and fear after hearing that they were going to be killed, and not one of them begged for mercy.

Everyone was silent, not saying a word, staring at the Gastad people surrounding them with hatred.

Their eyes wanted to drink his blood and swallow his bones.

Being stared at with hatred by these slaves was extremely unpleasant, and a Gastard soldier smiled evilly.

He stabbed a slave in front of him in the eye with his gun.

His body was obviously very weak, but at this moment, Sid didn't know where he could find the strength.

Maybe that was his instinct as a warrior.

He rushed forward and grabbed the spear that was stabbing his companion.

Even though he knew that everything he was doing at the moment was in vain, he still gritted his teeth and held on to the spear tightly, refusing to let go.

The stunned Gastard soldier shook him hard several times, but was unable to shake the skinny-looking man away. With an annoyed look on his face, he raised his foot and kicked the man hard on the head. Go down.

After suffering a heavy blow, Sid only felt his head buzzing, and his eyes instantly went blank.

All the strength in his body suddenly disappeared without a trace, and he was kicked until he collapsed on the ground. Everything in front of him became a double image in his sight, shaking constantly.

In his blurred vision, he watched the sharp tip of the gun move from far to near in his eyes.

Seeing that the tip of the spear was about to pierce his forehead——

Under the night sky, the torch on the stone wall suddenly shook.

A ray of silver light jumped across the dark night.

It was like a bolt of lightning breaking through the sky.

A buzz.

The sharp arrow stabbed hard into the chest of the soldier who raised his gun | stabbed at Sid.

The huge force even caused the tip of the arrow to break out of the chest, and the entire arrow penetrated the soldier's chest.

He showed an expression of disbelief, and then fell forward to the ground.

The captain standing on one side was shocked and angry, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the arrow.

I saw a dark figure standing at the high tower of the city wall and jumped down.

The moment he landed quickly, he rushed forward suddenly.

The figure's movement was so swift and violent that it even left an afterimage in place.

The captain almost instinctively drew out the broad sword at his waist.

However, when he had just pulled out the sword blade a few centimeters——

A cold light passed by.

His pupils suddenly dilated, and blood spurted out from his slit throat.

He fell heavily to the ground on his back, staring at the night sky with his empty pupils.

At the same moment when the captain of Gastad fell, countless sharp arrows shot out of the night.

Gastad soldiers fell to the ground one after another amid screams.

After a wave of arrows, many people suddenly appeared on the city wall and came here to kill all the remaining Gastad soldiers.

Everything happened so suddenly that people were caught off guard. Even the Aaron Landis people who had passed away at the critical moment of life and death did not react.

They raised their heads and stared blankly at the person who suddenly appeared in front of them.

A stern man in black armor stood in the dark night.

His dark hair seemed to have melted into the night.

The firelight on the stone wall flickered, reflecting the dark blue God of War rune under his wind-blown forehead.

Every time he swung the long sword in his hand, he easily split an enemy's body.

The blood spurting from the enemy's body stained his dark armor red.

That scene was very much like the legendary God of War waving the sword in his hand——


Heymos...Your Excellency?

Sid's mind went blank.

He felt like he was dreaming now.

How could Lord Heimos appear in such a place? !

The sudden noise woke him up from his daze. When he turned his head, he saw a large number of Gastad soldiers rushing towards this side.

There was a click.

The chain in Sid's hand broke immediately.

He casually cut off the chain in front of Sid's hand, and Heimos kicked the broad sword of the Gastadrian under his feet.

He said: "Get up if you are not dead and prepare to fight."

Heimos said coldly, as if he couldn't see the opponent's emaciated appearance that made it difficult to fight, but gave him the order to fight in a matter-of-fact tone.

Then he turned around and faced the charging Gastard soldiers directly.

Sid's shoulders jerked.


he said, grabbing his sword and standing up.

On that face that was so thin that only bones remained, there was only one pair of eyes that were astonishingly bright and full of energy.

He got the order.

Yes, he is also a warrior for Aaron Landis.

He can still keep fighting——

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