"Answer the host, it will take about three days to transport the cultural relics back to the country."

"Three days? I thought you used the system's capabilities to transport it back directly." Lin Yang muttered.

"Answer the host, opening the space wormhole for jump transfer will cost a lot of national treasure value. The host's existing national treasure value does not meet the conditions for opening the wormhole jump."

"Ah? Can you really make a space jump??" Lin Yang was a little distracted.

He just said it casually, but he didn't expect this system to be so capable.

"Yes, host, as long as the host's national treasure value is high enough, this system can meet nearly 99% of the host's needs."

"Ninety-nine percent? Is that close? Not 100 percent? Are you not omnipotent?" Lin Yang stared, a little surprised.

"Answer the host, this question cannot be answered at the moment."

"...Okay, how many national treasures are needed to make a wormhole jump?" Lin Yang asked curiously.

"Answer the host, the price of wormhole jump varies depending on the distance and the host's achievements. It is not possible to tell the price of each jump in detail. If the host needs a specific price, please tell the starting point of the jump."

Lin Yang's eyes flashed: "I can understand that the charges are different depending on the distance, but what do you mean by achievement?"

"Answer the host, the more achievement points the host has, the less fees will be charged for system services."

"Oh... In other words, if you only achieve a little more, when you provide services, will there be a discount on the price?" Lin Yang said directly.

"Yes, the host can understand that."

"Then I have to ask, are these achievement points calculated based on existing achievement points or historical achievement points? For example, if I have more achievement points in the future and I consume them, how will the fee be calculated?" Lin Yang asked.

"Answering the host, the system service discount is calculated based on the host's historical total achievement points, so the host can consume achievement points with confidence."

Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. That was okay. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then, how much national treasure value does it cost to start the wormhole jump back to Shang Xia from Xiaoyingjiang?"

"Answer the host, based on the jump starting point you provided and your existing achievements, it will cost one thousand national treasures to complete this jump."

"How many? A thousand? Why so many?" Lin Yang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Such a small distance is actually worth a thousand national treasures? !

That's right?

"Answer the host, wormhole jump is a relatively advanced technical method. The cost of opening a wormhole is almost constant. Therefore, even if two cities are only a thousand miles apart, the charge will be relatively high. Therefore, this system It is not recommended that hosts use this service frequently."

Lin Yang suddenly felt helpless to complain, and he did not recommend that he use this service frequently. He said it as if he had so much national treasure that he could squander at will.

However, the system's answer gave him a little more understanding of the charges for wormhole jumps.

"So the system, your charge is similar to the starting price, right? Even if the distance is short, as long as it is turned on, the minimum charge standard is still very high."

"The host can understand this. In addition, it also depends on the technological civilization level of the country where the host is located. If the technological civilization of Shang and Xia can be improved, the charge for this service will also become lower."

"What... does this mean?" Lin Yang's pupils shrank.

"Answer the host, as long as the technological civilization level of the host country is improved, the service fees for some advanced technological means provided by this system will be reduced accordingly, so the host please work hard to help your country improve its technological civilization."

"A country? Not a planet?" Lin Yang said keenly.

"Yes, host, you currently only need to help your country improve its technological civilization."

"Oh..." Lin Yang nodded slightly.

It would be fine if he just helped Shang Xia improve. If he was asked to help other countries improve together now, it would be really difficult for him.

If nothing else, at least he wouldn't be able to help Sakura!

Thinking of Little Sakura, Lin Yang's eyes suddenly lit up: "System, are there any tasks related to Little Sakura Country?"

It would be great if we could use the system to destroy Sakura.

"Please host wait for the return of cultural relics and the successful manufacture of photolithography machines by Shang Xia."

However, the system still said what it said before, asking him to wait for these two things to be completed before starting the next stage of task guidance.

Lin Yang was not disappointed, because the system did not say that there were no tasks related to Sakura.

Besides, even if it's not in the system, once you get some more national treasures, you can still go to Sakura and wreak havoc.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang suddenly became a little excited.

In three days, the cultural relics can be transported back to the country in three days.

Within these three days, Lin Yang is going to visit other areas of Xiaoyingjiang to see if he can complete a few more tasks of returning cultural relics to the country and gain some achievement points and national treasure points.

Time is like running water, and there is no turning back in a hurry.

Three days passed almost in a flash.

In the past three days, the country has been going crazy about the theft of the Kodaka-chan Museum.

When I go out and meet acquaintances, I feel embarrassed to say hello to them without saying a few words.

After all, for three full days, Kodaka-chan had no clue about the theft from his museum, and it had almost become an international joke.

Three days ago, Kotaka-chan officials vowed that they would recover the stolen cultural relics within two days and bring the culprits to justice.

But now three days have passed, and there is still no progress made by Kotaka-chan officials. This has to make the whole world question Kotaka-chan's ability to handle the case.

And calculating the time, three days is enough to attach those cultural relics to some informal channels and transport them overseas.

It can be said that the best golden period of seventy-two hours has been missed. Kodaka-chan has almost no ability to recover the cultural relics.

Directly became an international laughing stock.

However, rather than simply watching the joke, people in China are more concerned about the whereabouts of these cultural relics.

This is a treasure left by our ancestors. The loss of one piece is enough to make people feel distressed, let alone tens of thousands of pieces missing at the same time.

Every day, a large number of netizens go to the official account to ask whether the officials will help recover these cultural relics.

After all, this is ultimately my own thing. Even though it was lost in Kotaka-chan, it cannot be lost.

It's just that the official has not made a clear statement, which makes many netizens feel uncomfortable.

Although everyone understands that it is not appropriate for the official to respond directly to this matter, they are still a little depressed.

However, just when everyone thought that with the passing of the golden age, this matter was about to go away and become an unsolved case in the new century, a sudden piece of news suddenly set off the entire network!

"The Shang-Xia Cultural Relics Bureau announced that it has received donations of cultural relics from anonymous overseas persons, totaling 12,068 Shang-Xia ancient cultural relics!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

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