Academy of Sciences.

Wang Guang's face turned red with excitement when he saw the news about the theft of the Kodaka-chan National Museum.

"It's the boss, it's definitely the boss who did it!"

Wang Guang clenched his fists, stood up suddenly, and rushed to Zhao Zizhen's office.

"Teacher, have you seen the news? That person really did it!"

"Look at how frizzy you are. You need to be calm when facing big events. How many times have I told you this!"

Zhao Zizhen frowned slightly and warned softly, but if you listened carefully, you could hear a slight excitement in his voice.

"I'm so excited."

Wang Guang laughed naively.

He couldn't help but be excited.

The boss is really awesome!

Obtained the photolithography machine manufacturing book from the Windmill Country, and retrieved the cultural relics from the Kodaka-chan Museum.

Either of these two things is an earth-shattering event.

But the boss succeeded twice in a row!

He couldn't imagine how this was done!

At this moment, in Wang Guang's heart, Lin Yang has become his number one idol.

He came to Zhao Zizhen's office to ask if he could send emails now.

He longs to have a closer connection with his idol.

Zhao Zizhen signaled him to calm down, thought for a while and said, "Okay, but don't ask him to help with the information. Just send an email to express our gratitude to him. Don't add extra trouble to him at this juncture." .”

"Okay, teacher, I understand." Wang Guang nodded repeatedly and returned to the office like a gust of wind, compiling an email excitedly.

The dormitory building of the police reception center.

When Wang Xinxin woke up, she subconsciously took her phone to check the time, but what caught her eye were the headlines pushed by major apps.

"Kotaka-chan Kokujia Museum has been stolen?!"

"Are all the stolen cultural relics from our country?"

Wang Xinxin was stunned.

Then, in an instant, he was so excited that he sat up from the bed and stared at the news on the screen of his mobile phone. His whole body was in a complicated state of shock and confusion!

At the same time, she couldn't help but think about the strange phone call she received last night!

"If I take the cultural relics from the Kodaka-chan Kokujia Museum home, I won't be regarded as an cultural relic dealer, right?"

This sentence seemed to have a strange magic power at this moment, repeating itself in Wang Xinxin's mind.

"Could it be that it was really that guy who did it..."


"How can this be?!"

Wang Xinxin was stunned.

That's the Kotaka-chan Kokujia Museum!

How can you say it was stolen when it was stolen? !

Wang Xinxin closed her eyes suddenly and opened them again, as if she wanted to confirm whether she was hallucinating!

However, the voice from the official live broadcast room on her mobile phone always reminded her that the Kotaka-chan Kokujia Museum was indeed stolen overnight!

Not a single cultural relic that originally belonged to Shang Xia was left behind!

She really wanted to think that this was a coincidence, because it was really incredible, but how could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Wang Xinxin felt her scalp numb.

Because if this thing was really done by the person who made the call, wasn't he kidding about what he said two days ago about getting the manual for the lithography machine from Nongfengcheguo?

Thinking of this, Wang Xinxin suddenly remembered that when she met her brother Wang Guang in the morning, she mentioned this matter and Wang Guang's somewhat unusual reaction.

When Wang Guang heard what she said, he not only did not think it was a joke, but seriously reminded her not to tell others. She didn't care at the time, but now that she thinks about it, Wang Guang's reaction at that time was abnormal.

Wang Xinxin also started to feel a little numb.

Her intuition told her that the instruction manual for the lithography machine should have really been obtained.

Wang Guang said in the morning that something big happened in the Academy of Sciences, and if it was revealed, he would be punished with treason.

Thinking about it now, the big thing was most likely that they received the manufacturing instructions for the photolithography machine.

Apart from this, Wang Xinxin really couldn't think of anything else that could be so serious.

Especially when she remembered that Wang Guang had asked her if the superiors had talked to her, and later told her not to run around these days.

At that time, she was still wondering why the superiors wanted to talk to her and why they couldn't run around.

Only now did she realize that her brother said that because they had received the instruction manual for the lithography machine!

That's why when I heard that that guy was going to bring back artifacts from the Kodaka-chan museum, I didn't take it as a joke!

"Oops, such a big thing has to do with me twice in a row. Will I be dragged into signing a confidentiality agreement like my brother and the others..."

Wang Xinxin suddenly felt a little nervous.

Although there is nothing wrong with signing a confidentiality agreement, I am inexplicably nervous.

Almost as soon as this idea came to her, there was a knock on the dormitory door, accompanied by a deep voice.

"Wang Xinxin, please come with us. There is something we need your help in investigating!"

At the same time, on a beach.

Lin Yang was lying leisurely on the beach chair and soaking up the sun.

In his mind, the voice of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the series of tasks of returning cultural relics home, and receiving a reward of one hundred national treasure points and one achievement point."

"One hundred points of national treasure value?" Lin Yang's eyes lit up.

Although this amount may not sound like a lot, in the system mall, a complete set of manufacturing books for a brand new 0.1 nanometer lithography machine only costs 20 points of national treasure value.

You know, the last time the windmill country's lithography machine manufacturing book was sent to the National Academy of Sciences, only 20 points of national treasure value were awarded, which could only be exchanged for the 0.1 nanometer lithography machine manufacturing book.

Although there are still subsequent manufacturing rewards that I haven’t received yet, they are not much more.

This time, getting the cultural relics back was rewarded with a full 100 points of national treasure value, which is enough to show that these cultural relics, in the systematic evaluation, are far more valuable than the photolithography machine of Windmill Country.

"After all, it belongs to our ancestors, so it is valuable!"

Lin Yang sighed with emotion, and then asked doubtfully: "System, what is the achievement point?"

I didn't get any achievement points when I completed the mission last time.

"Answer the host, achievement points are special rewards unique to completing tasks. You can open the exclusive mall for achievement points, which contains exclusive items that can be redeemed."

"Host, please note that achievement points are of high value, please do not waste achievement points at will."

"Where is the Achievement Point Mall? Open it and take a look!" Lin Yang was quite surprised.

In addition to the national treasure mall, there is also an achievement point mall!

As he finished speaking, a virtual screen appeared in front of him that only he could see.

At the top of the screen are the four characters "Achievement Mall".

Below are the redeemable items!

The first thing that catches the eye is a "finished version of 0.1 nanometer lithography machine".

The price is one achievement point.

"..." Lin Yang was stunned on the spot.

0.1 nanometer!

And is it the finished version? !

"System, what does this finished version mean? Is it something that has already been manufactured?" Lin Yang asked.

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