Absolute Honor

Chapter 1257: Penetrate the Caucasus Mountains

As Michel and Miste left Ingushetia, Qin Fei and the "Alpha" team's infiltration operations were also on the agenda.

In the night before departure, Qin Fei had a dream that had been repeated countless times in his life.

He once again saw the figure of his father Qin Anguo in the rainy night. He wanted to catch up and call his father, but he couldn't catch up...


Someone shook his shoulder violently.

Qin Fei woke up suddenly in his dream and found that he was sweating.

Opening his eyes, Yushchenko's familiar face appeared in his sight.

"What's wrong?"

"It's time to go." Yushchenko pointed to the quartz clock on the wall. It was already 10 o'clock in the night.

Tomorrow is the day of Kazayev's delivery. Today, the fruit vendor has left Ingushetia with a convoy of three Ural trucks, heading towards the town of Kazbegi on the Georgian border.

According to the plan, Qin Fei and Yushchenko will set off with a 12-person "Alpha" squad tonight, take a helicopter and drop in the forest near Vladikavkaz, and then use the cover of night to infiltrate the valley. Lay an ambush near the village to monitor and observe the delivery location.

The role of the squad is to launch a harassment attack after confirming that the on-site trading personnel and goods are correct, drag Baskif and his guard platoon, and when necessary, can mobilize Ka-52 to conduct ground raids, just like before in Chelmin. The same, kill all the living people here.

Of course, this is not the result that Qin Fei is willing to see.

If Fan Tianlong does appear on the trading scene-this is not impossible, at least Fan Tianlong has not had a good life in Southeast Asia recently and has disappeared.

It is a good choice to move one's lair to the region bordering Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and to cooperate with all kinds of local armed groups here.

According to clues provided by overseas intelligence personnel, his father Qin Anguo seemed to have disappeared.

Qin Fei has reason to believe that Fan Tianlong has taken his father under control and taken away from the Southeast Asia base. If Fan Tianlong died and his father could not be found, Qin Fei did not dare to guarantee that his father who was detained somewhere would have a life. Danger.

As long as Fan Tianlong is not dead, Qin Fei is sure to pry open his mouth and let him tell the whereabouts of his father.

Getting up from the bed, Qin Fei quickly put on the CP camouflage uniform and followed Yushchenko to the briefing room.

In the briefing room, 12 fully armed "Alpha" team members are ready to go. They are all covered in snow camouflage jackets, wrapped with CP camouflage inside. Such attire can play a good role in hiding in the snow. .

Yushchenko refers to a vacant position.

"The equipment is there. Prepare yourself, start the mission briefing in ten minutes, and set off in 30 minutes."

Qin Fei came to the designated position and began to put on various equipment the same as the soldiers of the "Alpha" team.

The soldiers of these elite Russian counter-terrorism troops were sitting opposite Qin Fei. Their faces were covered with hoods. They couldn't see their true colors at all. Their eyes were round and piercing. They had all-colored Kevlar bulletproof vests and tactical harnesses. And backpacks, the multiple pockets on the chest of the backpack contain odds and ends such as knives, spare ammunition, simple restraints, handcuffs, tactical flashlights, compasses and water bottles, first aid kits and the like.

They also wore heavy bullet belts, suggesting that the 7.62mm caliber bullets for the PK series machine guns, according to the configuration of the Russian special forces, they often prefer to add more machine guns. The physical strength and physique of the Russian Maozi are very strong. Some heavy weapons are no problem for them.

Qin Fei put on the snow suit and began to equip the guns on the table.

The main weapon this time is an AK-12 assault rifle equipped with guide rails and various accessories. What surprised Qin Fei most is that this time the "Alpha" weapon expert even equipped himself and every team member involved in the operation with two sets of assault rifles. An MP-433 "Crow" pistol.

The matching kits are actually two TACSEPPA holsters, one on the left and the other on the hip, one pretending to be a muffler, and the other not yet installed.

I fuck!

Qin Fei thought to himself that these Russians seem to have a carefree style, but in fact there are details in the rough.

At this time, I actually thought of using a pistol, so that different pistols can be used according to the environment, and it can also maintain vitality when one pistol is stuck or one of the pistols is lighted up in a critical moment.

With proper management, Alexanderkovich walked into the briefing room with a female intelligence analyst.

Qin Fei has experienced such things as mission briefings countless times. It is nothing more than a detailed explanation of the mission terrain, environment, mission objectives and enemy troops deployment.

In fact, Qin Fei and Aleksanderkovich had already privately talked about the details of this infiltration operation many times before.

The briefing lasted about 30 minutes, and the time had come to 11 o'clock in the night.

Alexanderkovich stood up first.

"Everyone, that's all for tonight's briefing. It's time to go. Good luck!"

He personally walked in front and sent everyone to the tarmac.

There are now three helicopters parked on the apron, two of which are Ka-52 armed helicopters, and one of them is a newly modified Mi-171SH armed transport helicopter.

Compared with the simple transport model of Mi-171, the SH model is equipped with "Assault-V" and "Attack" guided missiles, 80 mm caliber unguided missiles, 23 mm cannons, UPK-23-250 external pods, The 7.62mm PKT machine gun, bulletproof cockpit, can accurately strike the enemy's consolidated defense area and tank armored targets. It can also effectively destroy moving targets, strike airborne, evacuate the wounded, transport 4000 kg of cargo, and destroy tank armored targets in consolidated areas with high precision. It can also throw hot target decoys to protect against attacks from "arrow" and "stinger" portable air defense missile systems. It can perform various complex tasks in complex weather and terrain conditions. It is the latest improved anti-terrorist weapon of the Russian military special forces .

It was the first time that Qin Fei saw this type of helicopter at such a close distance, and it seemed a little different from the pictures he had seen when he was studying military materials.

"It's the first time you have been so close to these newly improved aircraft." Alexanderkovich seemed to have noticed Qin Fei's curiosity, and pointed to a few aircrafts and said: "Well, I will give you a privilege. Our latest stealth technology."

Leading Qin Fei to the side of the plane, Alexanderkovich stretched out his hand to touch the shell of the plane, as if an ancient warrior who was about to expedition touched his sweaty BMW.

"Noise suppressor, special paint that suppresses infrared reflection." He said to Qin Fei with a proud look: "These are top secrets. The Americans think they have them, but in fact we have them. Qin, I treat you. It is trustworthy. This operation is quite dangerous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I admire your courage. Are you sure you want to participate in this operation?"

Qin Fei took his gaze back on the plane and took a deep breath: "Yes, I have decided, and it is my own decision. If I have any accident, I have a suicide note in my luggage, please Colonel, you send it back to my mercenary group, and they will bring it to my relatives."

"Yeah." Alexanderkovich also didn't want to continue to be sentimental. It was not the first time he sent soldiers out, nor was it the first time he heard bad news about his death. The blood and gunpowder over the years had already forged his strong nerves.

"Remember, the aircraft is the most dangerous after entering the Caucasus mountains, because the people of Baskif have the latest "Stinger" missiles. Tonight I apply to send these three aircraft to ensure that you are not shot down in the air. ."

"This is an infiltration operation." Qin Fei said with a weird smile on his face.

"Oh! You are right to say so..." Alexanderkovich nodded and murmured, "Operation infiltration..."

He smiled bitterly, stretched out his hand and shook Qin Fei's hand.

"Qin, good luck, God is with you."

"Colonel, I don't believe in God." Qin Fei laughed, "It seems to be a bit late to preach now."

The two smiled knowingly, and Qin Fei boarded the Mi-171SH with the members of the "Alpha" team.

Alexanderkovich retreated to the apron, and the propellers of several helicopters began to dazzle slowly. The roar of the engines shook everyone's ear drums, and the snowflakes rolled up by the strong air current disturbed the apron.

The two Ka-52s took off first, and then the Mi-171SH quickly climbed to high altitude like a few big birds out foraging, and finally disappeared in the distance.

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