Absolute Honor

Chapter 281: Lethal forward speed


The polar bear pulled his call out of a pile of dark things. This pile of things looked like some kind of unidentified excrement, because when his feet were pulled out, a smell immediately made everyone around him. Frowned. X

   Looking at the green, yellow, and sticky things on the combat boots, the polar bear gritted its teeth, picked up a dead branch, wiped it and wiped it.

   A black child looked at this white man who was bigger than a black bear timidly, and whispered a native language to Emily next to him.

   "What is he talking about?" Qin Fei asked.

   Emily smiled and said, "The kid said that he stepped on the dung of apes."

   "Qin, what's the black?" The polar bear seemed to perceive that the child's words did not contain anything worthy of joy.

   Qin Fei told him truthfully that it was the dung of the orangutan.

   The polar bear heard another Russian curse.

   The sky has gradually started to light up, Lao Yu looked at his watch, and it was already four o'clock in the morning. He walked to Qin Fei and called Qin Fei aside.

   "Qin Fei, things are a bit troublesome."

   "What's wrong?" Qin Fei asked.

   Lao Yu spread the map on the ground and placed the north arrow on the corner of the map.

  Although this guy has a GPS, he really doesn't like to use that thing. He is used to using the most primitive compass and map for terrain comparison.

In the Chinese Army in the 1980s, the training emphasized personal quality, because after the war to aid Korea on the peninsula, they all recognized that weapons are operated by humans, so talents are the key to victory in the war. .

   This sentence sounds right at first glance, but later it was somewhat biased. The result of the bias was that it emphasized human training too much and ignored the development of high-tech individual weapons.

   For a long time, this was especially true for the army, especially some army units in the south, which paid more attention to field survival and field combat training.

   As an army scout veteran, he is more affected by this kind of thinking, but he has also exercised his ability to defeat any country's special forces soldiers without any high-tech assistance.

Even if Qin Fei trained by troops like 203, the experience of using maps in the field is still not as good as Lao Yu, who can really sneak into the enemy’s back with less than a catty of dry food and wait a month to find a local artillery position. Compared to a generation of Army Reconnaissance Brigade veterans.

   Lao Yu stretched out **** and compared them: "Do you know how far we have traveled in these three hours?"

   Qin Fei looked at Lao Yu's hand on the map and looked at the scale of the map. Suddenly fragmented pictures appeared in his mind.

  Map, jungle...

   He seemed to hear gunshots, and even saw that he was holding a military map in his hand, and the lower right corner of the map was marked "Dated in 1978"...

   "Qin Fei, Qin Fei!" Seeing Qin Fei's eyes fixed, the old fish pushed him quickly, as if losing his soul.

   Qin Fei woke up like a dream, those images disappeared in his mind, and finally returned to reality.

   "I'm fine, I just left for a while God..."

"Your face just turned ugly, why? Did you think of something?" Lao Yu said: "This is a good thing. People with amnesia will gradually remember some fragments. By slowly combining the fragments, you will be able to retrieve the memory. , It’s like playing a jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece, and one day you will put the whole picture together."

   Qin Fei smiled blankly. He didn't know what kind of memory picture he would combine in the future.

   Lowered his head, Qin Fei looked at the map on the ground again, and suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning, and said in surprise: "Fuck, we have walked less than five kilometers in total!"

   The old fish nodded and said worriedly: "To be precise, we only walked for one hour and twenty minutes."

   Qin Fei suddenly remembered that because he was carrying a bunch of little black people, as well as the middle-aged Rhodes, and the pampered silly white sweet Emily, he had to rest for 20 minutes every hour he walked.

Qin Fei found that he overestimated the physical strength of Silly Baitian and Rhodes. These black students were born and raised here, and their physical strength is better than Rhodes and Silly Baitian, but after all, they are children and cannot be compared with professional soldiers. You still have to rest, otherwise you won't be able to walk.

The entire dense forest area traverses a full 30 kilometers, and advancing in the jungle is even more difficult, and it is not a straight line. It often has to bypass some impassable deep trenches and densely thorny bushes, so you have to go out of the woods, I am afraid that the actual formation It's more than fifty kilometers.

  According to the current speed, it will take at least ten hours to reach Port Loko.

More than ten hours, the time is too long. What’s more, people’s physical strength will gradually be consumed. The longer the time, the slower the walk behind them. In addition, the daylight is approaching, the temperature will gradually rise, and the jungle will be hot and humid. Will sweat constantly, people like Rhodes and Silly Baitian are prone to heat stroke.

“I’m most worried now not that the two father and daughter can follow us out, I’m worried that the rebels will follow us.” Qin Fei said, “They were born here and grew up here. No one is more familiar with the land under his feet than him. With our forward speed, I am afraid it will be easy to catch up."

   "This is what I worry about..."

   The two were talking, and suddenly there was a faint low explosion sound far away.

   Qin Fei's face changed.

  According to the direction of the explosion, he knew what was exploding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was the booby mine that he had placed on the Ural truck that had been abandoned on the edge of the jungle.

   is just an exquisitely arranged booby mine. It consists of two defensive grenade and a c4. Once it explodes, it can directly ignite the diesel on the car. It can be said that people within 20 meters are either dead or injured.

   "They are here." Qin Fei looked at the old fish, "It seems that we can't just run away like this."

   "You mean..." The old fish's eyes lit up.

   Qin Fei said: "Let the two people leave with the employer and the child first. They can't participate in the battle. Leave three people in charge of sniping."

   He glanced around.

   Jungle, a familiar taste.

   Qin Fei doesn't know why he has such a deep sense of deja vu about the jungle, as if he used to be in this environment often.

   He thought it was because he had participated in jungle training as a scout before, but he never thought that he was not only trained in this way, but also an expert in jungle warfare.

   The feeling that the jungle gives Qin Fei is not deepness and fear, but a sense of security.

   "Yes, I think the three of me, you, and the crosshair should stay snipers. Thor is the assaultman, and the polar bear is the machine gunner. Their firepower can be maximized in the jungle, so they should be responsible for escorting."

   In fact, he didn't say a word.

   That is, after seeing the fighting style of the former GRU member Shasa, the polar bear, in Rhodes's house, he didn't think that this big guy was suitable for sniper warfare. Strong attack and frontal toughness were his strengths just now. rw


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