Absolute Honor

Chapter 786: Overwhelming offensive

"Boss! Come and take a look!"

The sight in charge of the observation waved to Qin Fei violently, calling him over.

Just as Qin Fei was about to approach the window, he saw the front sight jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and rushed towards him quickly.

"Cannon attack!"

Everyone in the house immediately got down.

Almost like a defender who tackles a tackle, Qin Fei thrust his feet forward and slid out along the ground. He leaned back and fell directly to the ground, then hugged his head.

Although the action is embarrassing, but at least this will make people safer.

The shells hit the outer wall directly, and the house was full of gunpowder and dust.

"Is anyone hurt!?" Lao Yu asked loudly in the corner.

"I'm fine!"

"Fak! I'm dizzy..."

"I'm fine..."

"My ass..."

As everyone reported safety one by one, Qin Fei's heart finally fell.

"What kind of cannon do these **** use!?" Kun Guai was so scared that he sat on the ground just now, hit the wound, and almost fainted with pain.

Qin Fei climbed to the window and looked up, suddenly startled.

This shop is a small three-story building. The shelling hit the second floor just now, and the entire wall of the second floor has been blown up.

Cries came from the second floor.

Obviously the residents living here.

Qin Fei couldn't help feeling a little guilty. After all, he brought the enemy here, but he didn't expect that Hei Sun's mercenaries could be so unscrupulous and dare to fire at residential buildings.

In this way, Gary is really a crazy guy, no wonder the old king Inno IX will depose this crazy man's succession to the throne.

"Zhao Xin, go to the second floor to see if anyone is injured." Qin Fei said, "Be careful!"

"Okay!" Zhao Xin is now a part-time medical soldier in the team, and hurried to the second floor with his rucksack on his back.

Looking out from the window towards the street, I saw a four-wheeled infantry fighting vehicle parked at the intersection.

Qin Fei didn't see the gun barrel on the roof of the armored car, and was wondering where the big guy fired the cannonballs and blasted himself here.

While wondering, I saw another fire flashing from the roof of the car.

"Cannon attack!"

Everyone immediately squatted on the ground again, crawling towards the relatively firm corners and the positions of the load-bearing pillars.

This time it hit the first floor.

Qin Fei felt countless turning of his head, wood, and gravel and other things like raindrops on him.

After the bombardment, Qin Fei hurriedly crawled out of the ruins, shaking off the dust from his body.

Go back to the window quickly.

However, it can no longer be called a "window", because the front wall has disappeared, leaving only a large hole exposed.

Raising the gun, Qin Fei saw that two black sun mercenaries were taking advantage of the cover of the buildings on the street to alternately leaping towards here.

He fired a short shot at the enemy closest to him.

The other party fell to the ground.

However, Qin Fei was soon surprised to find that this guy actually got up and got behind the pillars of a house on the side of the road.

The shooting revealed Qin Fei's location, and in an instant, bullets swept over Qin Fei's face, and a ricochet struck Qin Fei's face, making him startled in a cold sweat.

Hurrying on the ground, Qin Fei shouted to someone who said: "Their bulletproof vests are very good! When you hit, remember to hit your thighs or head as much as possible. If not, all those with steel core bullets should be replaced with steel core bullets. ,Oh shit!"

Can't help but scolded his mother, and then Qin Fei changed into a magazine full of steel-core bullets.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, but this battle can't be fought!" Old Yu said: "They actually have guns and armored vehicles!"

Qin Fei looked at his watch, and found that there were only fifteen minutes left before the first enemy troops landed on Tana Island.

Now, he has been trapped here, almost unable to move.

If I knew this, I should have come with anti-tank weapons.

It’s just that who ever wanted to come here to perform a task of protecting VIPs, and even get involved in coups in other countries?

What's more weird is that they actually fought with other people's regular army.

The small squad face-to-face confronting the large-scale regular army has no advantage in itself, not to mention that there are still thirty black mercenaries assisting these soldiers.

The most frightening thing is that once you encounter an armored unit and get trapped again, you will only suffer in the elite squad.

Zhao Xin ran down from upstairs.

Qin Fei looked up at him, who shook his head at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei's heart sank suddenly.

He knew this meant that an innocent family upstairs could not be saved.

Judging from the intensity of the attack, the Black Sun mercenaries now don't need to take Charlotte's life into their eyes, just put her to death.

Suddenly, he thought of the ghost.

That's right, this guy is on the island.

He quickly took out the satellite phone and dialed the ghost's number.

A response came from the ghost quickly: "Qin Fei, I heard that you stabbed a hornet's nest? Now the whole city is under martial law."

"Stop talking nonsense, where are you? I'm just three kilometers away from the pier, trapped by them..."

Before the voice fell, Qin Fei was interrupted by the ghost.

"Don't worry, I've been staring at them, I'm making a little preparation, you hold on for a few more minutes, and I promise to come and save you." The ghost seemed confident.

Qin Fei checked the time and couldn't help complaining: "We don't have time. The first batch of troops to land on the island will arrive in 13 minutes. At that time, it was difficult for us to fly."

"It's okay, they are not so fast. I arranged some gifts on their waterway and gave them to them." The ghost said, "You have at least half an hour, don't worry."

"Gift?" Qin Fei felt relieved.

It seems that the ghost is well prepared.

At least this is a reassurance for myself.

The two ended the conversation, and Qin Fei said loudly to everyone: "We have to hold on for a few minutes. The ghost and his people are coming. Polar bear and front sight, you two go up to the top of the building and block them from above. The others should be careful and hit. Change a place with one shot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This house is still big enough, watch out for their recoilless guns!"

Qin Fei saw clearly just now that the thing was not a cannon, it was a recoilless cannon that hit the roof of a wheeled chariot.

Although he didn't know the caliber, Qin Fei estimated from the power of the explosion that the caliber should be more than 100mm.

Before Qin Fei finished speaking, another bombardment hit the wall of the house.

Those black sun mercenaries are all ghosts and veterans. They know that Qin Fei’s mercenary unit is really not easy to mess with, and they seem to know that they have the advantage. Anyway, they can solve the problem with recoilless guns. The assault was in vain and sacrificed human lives.

Another shot.

Qin Fei could only take Charlotte back to the kitchen.

At least there is a bit farther away from the lobby and relatively safer.

Others hid in the next room and the cabinet in the dining room and pushed it as a cover. Although they could not stop the shelling, it was still possible to stop the shrapnel.

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