Abyss Express

Chapter 254 Act.5 Knockin' On Heaven's Door

[Part① Cold British Humor]

The eldest sister remained motionless in front of the clothing list.

She didn't choose any clothes, but just took out the prison uniform from the accompanying bag and spread it out in front of the cobbler girl.

She pointed to the two sets of simple black and green prison clothes, and said to the temporary head of the clothing department.

"Take me."

Point to the little star beside you.

"And her number."

Finally pointing to the prison clothes.

"Sewn on these two dresses."

For a while, the cobbler girl didn't understand the guest's request.

Sister Jielina's complexion changed suddenly, from laughing and joking to serious and terrifying, with cold sweat streaming down her forehead.

Something seemed to have happened, and the atmosphere in the entire fashion exhibition hall became icy.

The cobbler girl smiled awkwardly: "Guest, do you really want to do this?"

Terina: "Hey G117!"

Big Sister: "Is there anything wrong with doing this?"

"It's not impossible." After checking the two prison clothes, the cobbler girl only knows that rock wool and Kevlar are mixed in, which are bulletproof products. The material is soft and tough, and there are no sharp weapons or contraband: "But I want to remind you Honorable guest, this level of body armor cannot deal with the guy in the hands of our guards. It can at most prevent the shooting of pistol bullets."

Terina screamed, "G117! Are you really going to live in Paradise City in prison clothes?"

"Jerina, I'm new here, is there anything wrong with doing this?" Jiang Xueming turned around and asked, "I don't understand, please explain to me."

The warm-hearted bank robber lady talked about the rules in Paradise City in a good voice.

"Glory, is this really your first time in Paradise City? You really don't understand anything, so you just ran to the felony area?"

Jiang Xueming: "Yes."

Terina grabbed the prison uniform, looking excited.

"How can you wear this kind of thing and go to the public area?! In the eyes of others, you will become a poor and helpless prey! Only the weak who can't afford anything will go to prison wearing prison uniforms! "

She grabbed the shoulders of the big sister, and wanted to explain the ecology of the jungle.

"Clothes are a man's face, and clothes are a man's shame—only a shameless beast runs about naked. Beasts are prey, and you know that! The Royal Headland Hotel is full of You are a meat eater, if you want to put on this prison uniform, it is tantamount to being naked. When people observe you, they will assume that you do not have a dime in your pocket. It is a fresh, steaming meal! It will cause trouble Lots of trouble!"

Big Sister: "That's it?"

Jie Linna nodded, and when she saw the calm expression of the elder sister, she was a little unbelievable: "Yes."

The eldest sister pointed at the prison uniform: "That's it."

The cobbler girl has no intention of blocking it. After all, there are many high-end hunters who often appear in the hotel in the form of prey. This mentality is the same as that of cosplay. In Hedland, you can buy a very well-fitting and beautiful one for two hundred yuan. Outfits and prison clothes are rare, but there are also speculators who are too poor to get rid of the pot. They want to commit a felony and go to Paradise City, trying to get acquainted with the gangster Xianyu and turn over.

These speculators and performance artists like to wear poor and white prison uniforms.

The simple long clothes and trousers are marked with the prisoner's number. This is the facade that the big sister and the little star use to walk around the rivers and lakes.

The cobbler girl wants the two newcomers to change their clothes and go to see the private butler. The check-in process is transferred from [tailor] to [butler].

At this moment, a fiery red sun flew past the window, it was the salary king at 6:45 in the morning——

——It is like a true god in the world. It soars from the highest tower of the Royal Hedland Hotel. Its flying posture is very stable. In Xue Ming's eyes, it is the size of a fist. The light penetrates into the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the entire corridor.

A sturdy gentleman came to Xue Ming with a black umbrella.

The gentleman had blood-red curly hair and looked to be in his sixties, with a face so wrinkled that his eyes could barely be seen.

He was about seven feet tall and very strong, with thick knuckles visible even in gloves, hidden in the shadow of a black umbrella.

He greeted Terina and explained his purpose: "Mrs. Terina, long time no see."

"Edward!" Terina quickly stepped forward and threw herself into the arms of the old housekeeper.

They kissed each other on the cheek, just like relatives meeting, father and daughter reunited.

Terina excitedly introduced the old gentleman to the two sisters.

"This is a vampire and the steward of the women's prison area in Paradise City. His name is Edward——I really like this handsome old man."

"Don't say that." Edward waved his hand, telling the bride to stop making fun of him as an old man: "Jello knows this and will come to me for a duel."

Terina wanted to say something else, and Edward was about to start business and couldn't be idle for a moment.

He stood beside the eldest sister, letting his broad body and umbrella cover the sunlight from the window.

"Little red-haired girl, as described in the guest information, you are as dazzling as a diamond. Your name is Gloria, and your guest number is G117. From now on, I will arrange your daily life."

Jiang Xueming said calmly, "Okay."

"It's really rare." Edward raised his eyebrows, rolled out his small eyes from the folds of his skin, and wanted to take a good look at the appearance and physical signs of the elder sister: "You can actually look directly at the sun—I can feel it from you." There is a strong smell of blood, but there is also a body temperature that is different from ordinary people (referring to the blood race)."

"This girl is a vampire?" Terina covered her mouth in surprise: "Ah, no wonder she came to Hedland, she must be looking for a backer?"

"The past of the guests is a secret." Edward pursed his lips and smiled, and could vaguely see the canines and fangs between his lips: "But forgive me, if it is convenient, can you tell me the sect you belong to?"

Jiang Xueming didn't speak, obviously this bright red hair caused the butler Edward to misunderstand.

"I care very, very much." Edward explained emphatically, "Because I am also a blood race. As you can see, I am working here, working for the governor of District 11. I always feel an inexplicable sense of closeness when I see my compatriots. If you The parentage is not that sensitive. Not like"

"The Church of the Rosary," said the elder sister, speaking of Mary Stuart's church.

Edward's small eyes revealed a bright light, and it seemed that in just a few seconds, he searched for the name of this ancient sect.

Big Sister: "Are we acquaintances?"

Edward: "It will be soon."

Big Sister: "Is there anything else?"

Edward: "As far as I know, the Rose Church was established last year."

"I was overturned by the anonymous car at the station." The eldest sister said concisely: "I am a remnant of the Rosary Church, and I have no one to rely on."

Edward: "Who performed the blood ceremony for you?"

Big sister: "The godfather of the Queen's faction, he likes fish. I spent a lot of effort and got two big puffer fish. In order to satisfy his perverted taste, he agreed to give me blood."

Edward: "So that's the case, then the body temperature on your body."

"Walking in the rivers and lakes, you have to have two unique skills." The eldest sister said directly: "End this topic, Edward, are you still planning to get close? Then come and talk to me? Who asked you to come? Tell me about your master's information too. ?"

As soon as these words came out, the old housekeeper's face became ugly.

The sun outside the window was getting farther and farther away, and the sudden darkness stretched their shadows long.

The eldest sister then asked: "Can I know who your master is? Is it a man or a woman? Which sect is it? Can I join this guy? Is he also a blood race? Can you protect me in this prison?"

"No one will hurt you, please rest assured." Edward put away the black umbrella and led the way, leading the way to the kitchen with three guests: "Let me have one last word, Glory—"

"——this name." Edward held the guest list: "Is it a Chinese name?"

Big Sister: "Maybe your surname is Ai, and your name is Dehua."

"I like your humor." Edward narrowed his eyes and smiled again: "It's really flattering, as you said, if your birth is like your spiritual pressure, a pure and angular diamond, I think my master must like you very much—it is not difficult to find a backer, on the contrary."

The old butler paused for a moment, and finally changed to a terrifying and serious expression.

"If you have reservations and approach Paradise City with an impure purpose, trying to destroy the order here, you must know that diamonds are very fragile. Although they are hard, they will shatter if you drop them lightly. Burn it to ashes—you know what I mean, Glory."

Big Sister: "The whole point is real."

Edward immediately got a little more serious: "The Rosary Church is gone, the Holy Mother of Grace you relied on, and your recommending godfather are dead, and I have to give you a few more instructions. In the city of paradise, blood race is not a rare and precious thing. But don't treat yourself like a rich daughter, with the temper of a young lady, if any ruthless character takes a fancy to you, just accept your fate obediently—my compatriots, it's always easier to submit than to resist."

Big Sister: "I just like your genuine energy. It saves a lot of trouble to understand the inner meaning of etiquette."

[Part②·Heaven's Gate]

In front of the kitchen garden and refrigerator, the old butler Edward officially ended the chat.

He talked to the three guests about the rules of Paradise City.

"From here on, you can only bring three items into the kitchen. Personal items will be kept at the reception desk of the hotel and returned when you get out of prison. In addition, you can also be summoned by the warden, or It’s time to replace these three personal items when you return to the service desk during the break. All in all, you can’t bring in more than three items from outside.”

Jielina took out a lot of jewelry and odds and ends from the clothes, such as car keys or wallets, wedding photos with her lover, and so on.

In the end, she reluctantly left the HC card, the wedding ring, and the wedding shoes presented by Jie Luo.

Without pyroxene and sticks, she is not a passenger, but just a common people in District 11.

There is a huge bonus in her HELLCAT account, which is the living expenses received from the middleman after robbing the bank. It will be transferred to the couple's account at different times and in different amounts. This is the material for their good life in Hedland. Base.

Little Xingxing pursed his lips, and asked Edward, "Only three pieces?!"

"Sorry, I can only bring three pieces." Edward shook his head.

Little Xingxing put the burden on the ground: "Where are these?! Can I count the custard buns for 10 people and the quick-frozen shrimp dumplings for 20 people as one? I plan to take them as gifts for my new wife Friends! They are all local products from my hometown."

Edward's expression became awkward, not knowing what to say.

Little Xingxing kept rummaging outside——

"—and this one, Nobi Nobita Commemorative Eraser, a booklet signed by the author of "Soul Eater". If there are people in the prison who like this, they will be very happy! You want me to choose from so many things Three pieces come out. It’s really hard! Grandpa Edward! Can you please help me out of the law? Let me bring some more things in!”

Edward wondered whether the little girl was here to go to jail or to travel

"No, really not."

Little Xingxing said again: "If things are left at the service counter, won't the food and drink all go bad? It's not okay to waste food!"

Edward: "There are also precedents for guests to bring food, but large quantities of food are not allowed to be brought into public areas. For dogs, chocolate and wine are highly toxic. Your recipes have strict regulations. I am very sorry. "

Little Xingxing pouted with grievances all over his face, and finally took out two canned yellow peaches from his bag: "Can these two be counted as one?"

Edward finally nodded: "Yes."

Xueming still wanted to say something, but judging by Xiao Xingxing's cleverness, it seemed that he attached great importance to the "three items" agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Meteor took out the bright red rose pyroxene wolf mask: "This is the second one!"

Edward: "Yes, your pyroxene is really beautiful."

Meteor finally took out the iron knight's cane: "This is the third piece!"

Edward: "It's absolutely fine, the pyroxene and the stick are both beautiful."

Jie Linna watched anxiously, and said to Xiao Xingxing: "Why don't you bring any money? Little sister! What's the use of those two broken cans?"

Little Xingxing didn't take it seriously: "I want this, this is my treasure! You can't buy it in the underground world!"

The growth of yellow peaches is suitable for sandy ginger soil or chernozem, and can only survive in temperatures above 22 degrees Celsius. If you want to produce plump and juicy fruits, you have to go to the ordinary world to find this kind of fruit. In the underground world, there are many fruits that cannot be bought, and yellow peach is one of them.

If you want to eat fresh fruit, you have to try your luck in the land of the green stone people.

The transportation capacity of the underground world has turned fruit into a luxury item. In Edward's eyes, Little Star's request is very reasonable.

The things left by the eldest sister are the laurel crown on the head, the parasol with the great sword of Wu Huan hidden, and the personal HC card. There are more than 400,000 pyroxene coins in this card, which are used for consumption in the city of Paradise. It is impossible for her to come to this ghost place to spend money with Anonymous's public account.

When he saw the big stone and umbrella of the eldest sister, the old butler Edward immediately showed a "natural" expression, as if he believed that this blood compatriot was still afraid of the sun, which was not as outrageous as he imagined.

Immediately afterwards, the old butler took the three guests to the kitchen to choose their food.

In Paradise City, all the food has to go through safety checks, tailor-made according to the requirements of the guests, and pay the corresponding fees, and finally make exquisite finished dishes, send them to the exclusive room, and eat them at the specified time. over.

All these measures are for the sake of people's personal safety and health.

Terina is a picky woman. She likes French food and spends a lot on food and drink. After a while, she lavishly swiped more than 4,000 pyroxene coins and ordered meals for her first month in prison. Taste.

Jiang Xueming was still as simple as when choosing clothes, pointing to the minimum standard of fitness meals, and ordered meals for himself and Xiao Xingxing according to the monthly quota of 36 yuan.

Edward could hardly comprehend this ascetic meal.

"Compatriots, don't you...don't need blood?"

"Are you still selling human blood here?" Jiang Xueming immediately recovered his spirits, with a smile on his face.

Edward immediately shuddered, as if he had been stabbed severely by some sharp and cold weapon: "We have artificially synthesized blood here, and we use dairy products to replace meals, which can solve the problem of blood races."

The eldest sister curled her lips: "It's not interesting."

The assortment of counters are full of delicacies and frozen products, such as disaster beasts and fresh foods.

Little Xingxing was dazzled, so he followed the counter and ran all the way forward, for fear of missing something.

For example, when Mr. Wen Bucai first met, the mustard backbone of the disaster beast baked for the two of them was also among them. Various meat, eggs, dairy products and bracken mushrooms were selected, and the remaining standardized products with excellent appearance were placed in the fresh-keeping The inside of the cabinet is as regular as if it was made in a mold.

The price ranges from low to high. The precious ingredients that can be seen on the surface can also be found here, and the abyss game that cannot be eaten on the surface is considered a special skill of the cooks.

Unknowingly, little Xingxing ran far away, Xueming was still wondering why Edward didn't stop him and let this innocent kid run around in the back kitchen. Are you not afraid that she will run into the ventilation duct? Or find a chance to hide in the frozen goods cart and sneak out?

"It's a pity." Edward came back with two canned yellow peaches from Little Xingxing: "G117, your good sister has given us a problem. These two cans can't pass the security check."

The eldest sister said with great heart that it is true——

——The things that Ah Xing specially keeps are usually problematic, and she must have moved her mind.

Edward lifted the lid of the can and showed the contents with the two of them: "There are 2,240 milliliters of panacea here. It can't be counted as one thing. It's overweight."

The eldest sister discussed in a friendly voice: "Can't I bring it in?"

"As long as two hundred and fifty milliliters of panacea, a seriously ill person who is suspended animation, or even on the verge of brain death, can be brought back to the world." Edward lowered his eyebrows, and he had no good temper: "This is the rule, you can only Carrying 250 milliliters is also Aohen Mingde's standard for the volume of panacea injections—but."

Edward stuck it to Jiang Xueming's ear and whispered.

"I can sell you a favor. As long as you agree to my favor, I can persuade the security inspection department to let you bring these things in."

Big Sister: "What do you want me to do?"

Edward: "Don't do anything, like the Chinese people's human relations - I know you all like this, maybe one day I will be in trouble, like you are now, with so many panaceas in prison, I will definitely be able to In exchange for something very precious, a position beyond the reach of ordinary people or a friendship with a big man. When I need you, I may use this favor."

"Deal." Faced with this kind of empty promise, the eldest sister agreed to the deal without hesitation.

Little Xingxing was running around in the kitchen, about to go to another area.

Immediately after her feet were empty——

— back to the kitchen.

"Oh oh oh!--"

Ah Xing started to yell strangely, covering his face, his eyes full of disbelief.

"—Oooohoooooh! Glory!"

Hearing her companion's call, the eldest sister came to Ah Xing's side and asked in a low voice.

"Are you going crazy again?"

Ah Xing was very serious and said in surprise.

"I just ran over there!"

She pointed to the exit from the dining kitchen to Beiyuan, which was the corridor leading to the room service department.

"But! But I'm back!"

Then she pointed to the door behind her, which was the corridor from the tailoring department's ready-made clothing exhibition hall to the kitchen.

"From here, to there! It's like a random door! Send me back!"

This is not the first time Terina has been here.

Edward also had an expression that should be taken for granted.

The eldest sister asked in great doubt: "What's going on?"

There was no pressure of inspiration, nor any sign of fluctuating tides of spiritual power.

If this is soul power.

Then it never starts or stops, it seems to be working all the time.

Edward clapped his hands with the surveillance camera, and immediately saw that the two doors to Beiyuan and the cloakroom began to undergo incredible changes. Their scenes were reversed, the light was distorted, and the sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows also changed the direction of light following this change.

Edward smiled and said the most powerful hole card in Paradise City, the most critical element to deal with the prisoners.

"[Knockin' On Heaven's Door·open the gate of heaven] - this is the soul power of the warden. He is like a god! God! The devil who can control hell, a silent and powerful existence."

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