Abyss Express

Chapter 585 Act15 Facts Of Life Live in truth

Chapter 585 Act.15 Facts Of Life·Live in truth


I'm a genius! So I have no right to die!

——Salvador Dali

"How on earth did you survive?"

Oscar squeezed out the deformed lower limbs from the cave, and asked Father Zhang Congfeng to straighten the legs with a set of deft massage and bone-setting techniques.

The big wolf had a distorted expression and was sitting and lying on the rock platform, shaking in pain.


"Or, how the hell did I survive?"

The strange experiences along the way filled Oscar's mind with questions. Logically speaking, in the entire Elf Holy Land that has been explored, DB is the dominant creature in this mountain forest - even in the season suitable for hunting, a fully-armed adventurer The team won't get much benefit from encountering it.

It knows how to hide itself, and will follow the team to find suitable opportunities, poison water sources, destroy roads, attack weak ones with strong ones on mountain slopes or caves, etc., catch one or two Homo sapiens, and then quickly escape, absolutely Don’t be greedy and look back.

This time, Brother Lang was ready to sacrifice. When he saw DB on the rope ladder, he had a premonition that his end was coming - his will to survive was almost frightened away, so it was thanks to the lapis lazuli lady that he gave him a pair of The strong body allowed Oscar to survive on death's doorstep for more than ten minutes.

Regarding Oscar's question, Xueming did not answer directly.

He said nothing, and after Brother Lang took a breath, he pointed at the tunnel for transporting materials.

"Can you climb up from here?"

Oscar: "Okay."

At first, Big Wolf did not choose the material passage, because these caves were narrow and rugged, and it would be a disaster if he got stuck in them again. Moreover, the rocky slopes outside were so easy to walk. Brother Lang didn't have much energy at that time, so he thought of taking a shortcut for convenience, but he didn't expect that half of his life would be lost by taking this step.

Xueming climbed into the cave without saying a word, passing over each sling cargo compartment. It was quite spacious inside. When he turned on his headlight, he could see swarms of flying birds. These birds immediately flapped their wings and flew out when they saw the bright light. .

"Let's go."

Oscar responded solemnly: "Sure."

This time, the big wolf finally calmed down and said nothing more.

His survival was all thanks to the priest's panacea. As for how the priest drove away DB, he had no idea. In addition, the priest was able to subdue the golden eagle griffon with his bare hands before, and his pair of fleshy palms should be able to break the jaw of the big wolf with ease. This kind of physical quality, Brother Lang has only seen in very few red stone people.

The two crossed the more than 150 meters long tunnel and finally arrived at the activity platform of the Thirty Thousand Miles Post.

There is an old ruler-shaped building here with a total of three floors and can accommodate about forty people. Room 313 on the southwest side of the room is the signal station, and the others are basically dormitories.

There are several large iron racks on the cement floor in front of the building, which are where prey is dried to make dried meat. Looking to the side, there are two water storage tanks. Brother Lang climbed up from the hanging basket in the logistics cave and got out. As soon as he reached the shaft, he immediately knocked on the water storage tank. When he heard the muffled sound in the tank and confirmed that there was still fresh water, he finally had a smile on his face.

"Okay! ~Father! We still have water to drink!"

Jiang Xueming nodded, his eyes still solemn. He glanced towards the side of the room. The windows and doors next to the corridor were all opened. There were DB's footprints on the ground. It was obvious that this mountain monster was very active during the hunting season and dared to go there. Human settlements come in search of prey.

The two went to the activity room to make a fire to keep warm. Xueming asked Oscar to stay in the house and watch the fire. Then he immediately returned to the rope ladder ramp and wanted to pick up the leopard python's meat. However, when he came to the side of the cliff again, he I saw that the second and third platforms were in a mess and stained with blood—the food bags were also missing.

I'm afraid this was DB's doing. After being injured by Fragrant Fantasy, it didn't run away, but turned back and snatched away the two people's supplies. The blood stains on the ground are evidence. There are several radial traces of plasma spattering out. That is when DB let go of his hands when climbing the mountain and no longer covered the injury. The blood that burst out from the masseter muscle of the head and neck during strenuous exercise is still there. With heat.

When Xueming brought the bad news back, Brother Lang was also full of annoyance.

"Oops, it's going to be difficult now." Oscar emphasized: "This guy has a dark mentality and is twisted and perverted. He has suffered such a big loss. If we go out hunting again, he will definitely follow us and do bad things!"

Jiang Xueming: "Is there anything else to eat?"

Oscar looked embarrassed: "This"

There is no food stored in the Thirty Thousand Miles Outpost. Even if it is not a hunting season, the expedition team rarely sets foot in this unknown land. This outpost is like the first flag planted by humans on the moon. It only represents Saladin’s hunting. The regiment has the ability to come here, but it has no intention of collecting food and living there for a long time - it is too dangerous here.

The hunters who had brought back the rune-patterned stone tablets from the Elf Holy Land were the best pathfinders in the hunting group. However, because they were not familiar with the internal facilities of the Sanwanli Post, they were in danger due to the pitons in the tunnel that had been in disrepair for a long time. These pitons naturally became loose without maintenance. The brothers were descending from the shaft while setting up safety ropes. After they fell, the rescue team sent more than two hundred people to slowly transport them back before the hunting ban came.

"Check the injury first." Jiang Xueming asked Brother Lang to be calm: "My stomach was cut by DB. I don't know if the beast's claws were poisoned or not, and I don't know what happened behind it. I remember when I fell down. It hit the ground with its back first, please help me take a look, Brother Lang."

Saying this, Xueming took off his tattered coat, pulled off his cotton sweater, and unbuttoned his shirt by the stove.

Brother Lang was shocked when he saw the strong and powerful latissimus dorsi muscles. He didn't expect that the priest's physical essence was so abundant. He also saw a strange black meat mound under the thick meat under the shoulder blades, which was obviously a broken rib. , some foreign bodies remain in the body, causing skeleton displacement and bone hyperplasia.

Oscar said quickly: "Don't move."

Jiang Xueming: "There is a hidden injury, right? I feel it too, but I just don't have time to deal with it. Can you handle it?"

"It should be okay." Brother Lang waved his claws and cut open the pitch-black meat mound, and saw a stream of fresh blood spraying out. There were more than a dozen broken bones wrapped in the meat mound.

"Hold my right hand and hold on tight." Xueming asked Oscar to hold half of his body.

He sat on the stone platform next to the fireplace, keeping Brother Wolf in a high position, and then used his weight to correct the deformed sternum.

There was only a snapping sound, but Jiang Xueming didn't cry out, but Brother Lang howled in pain.

Xueming asked doubtfully: "What did you shout?"

Oscar: "I feel pain for you."

After such a struggle, Xueming wiped the cold sweat from his face, shook his arms and took a deep breath. Only then did he feel that his breath was stable and his body was healthy. His blood had flowed down his back to his waistband, and he took out ten thousand yuan from the cloth roll. The elixir healed this trauma - in Oscar's eyes, the priest regained his composure.

"It's your turn." Jiang Xueming asked Brother Lang to take off his clothes: "Let me see if you have any hidden injuries."

Brother Lang quickly shook his head: "No, no!"

This green-gold child has been beaten since he was a child. If there is something wrong with him, he will naturally feel that something is wrong at the first time. Speaking of the sequelae left by the panacea, these two are the only ones that are slightly weak. Big dog legs. Without enough elemental replenishment, Oscar was so hungry that he felt dizzy.

While Xueming was putting on his clothes, Brother Lang finally caught a glimpse of the gunsmith's tattoo——

"——I am super! Gun!"

No matter how dull Oscar is, this tattoo is a gift left to the nameless person by the old Khan with his soul power, and it is an indelible mark. The priest showed extraordinary endurance when he endured the pain of cutting his flesh and bones, while the anonymous elite soldier still had to take medicine and continue fighting after being injured. This characteristic also made the two shadows in Oscar's heart overlap.

"Yes." Jiang Xueming didn't mean to hide it, he simply admitted it directly.

In this unknown land, he must mobilize the power of fragrant dreams anytime and anywhere, and his epitaph must not say "Death by Troll Monster" - Oscar is a trustworthy and reliable partner.

"No wonder I can survive!" Oscar was startled at first, then immediately ran away: "Wait a minute."

The big wolf's expression was one of laughter, then turned into suspicion and surprise.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Jiang Xueming didn't reply. He wiped a handful of blood from the stone table, which was the blood spurted out when the bones were broken and healed. He wiped the blood-stained gloves on Brother Lang's face.

Oscar finally recovered from his mouth and nose——

"——Oh yeah! Oh yeah!! Oh yeah!!~~~"

The big wolfdog was so excited that he stood up and swung his butt without any pants, punching the air several times.

"Have fun!~Gun!~"

"Okay! Okay, okay! Okay!"

This almost crazy enthusiasm reminded Xueming of Meteor. Brother Lang and Meteor are both red stone people - these stupid-looking guys are very cute.

Xueming asked: "What should we do next? Oscar?"

But Oscar seemed to completely ignore the gunsmith's question. He began to talk at length, as if he had a thousand words in his mind.

"I knew it! I thought Saint Josh died so simply. How could an ordinary person escape from the Nine Hells?"

"I couldn't figure it out all the time, and then I was busy correcting my children's homework."

"You were kidnapped by criminals from those four war gangs. I have been worried about you. If the boss asks about this, how should I explain it?"

"Hey! No wonder you came here to find Belloberg."

Xueming interrupted: "What should we do next? Oscar."

After a while, Brother Wolf finally calmed down.

Xueming collected materials nearby and retrieved the rope ladder from the platform to knit a pair of trousers for the big wolf. Fragrant Huanmeng has been sitting by the stove knitting a sweater. The steel cat feels a bit like a kind old cat. She puts a pair of iron claws into the fire and bakes them. When they are red, she seals the threads of the sweater.

"Uh" Oscar thought for a long time and finally said: "Let's fight quickly, gunsmith."

Jiang Xueming: "What do you mean?"

Oscar: "DB will definitely not let us go. If you hurt it, it will definitely come back to avenge you, and it is Mimir's eldest grandson."

"I saw traces of the Vita brand in its mouth." Jiang Xueming said about this.

Oscar explained: "In order to improve energy utilization, it took the initiative to come into contact with this virus. We met Mr. Gonzalez before, and there were many seedlings on Mr. Gonzalez's body - did you see it?"

"This is a characteristic of the lifespan of the mountain monsters. Every year, the mountain monsters hibernate and turn into warm stones. Snakes, insects, rats and birds will settle on these warm rocks. Over time, the grass seeds and grass seeds left by the animals will The plant stems sprouted, and plants began to grow on these trolls - the more plants, the older they are."

"Until one day, the mountain monsters can't sleep at all. This is the end of their lifespan."

"The Vita brand in DB's mouth can also increase its body temperature and change its metabolism and cardiovascular circulation. It has no habit of hibernating. And it has always wanted to get Mimir's [sacred organs] - whether it is the heart, liver or brain, Or get a part of the elf and let it produce an atavistic phenomenon, transforming from a mortal body back into a mythical creature."

Jiang Xueming: "Belloberg told me about this."

Oscar: "We are going to an elf village outside the outpost. It is more than 700 meters away in a straight line. It is very close, but DB will definitely wait for us on the road. It also wants to get the elf - there must be something between us. war."

Jiang Xueming shook his head, feeling unsure.

"You may not win."

Oscar was surprised: "Huh?"

Jiang Xueming: "I have no firearms, no reliable thermal weapons, and no Belloberg. I can only protect myself with my bare hands and the power of my soul."

To deal with a huge enemy with extremely high intelligence like DB, Xueming was not sure that he could kill him with one hit.

For a unit of this size, Fragrant Fantasy's special psychic power cannot guarantee that it will be sent to sleep with just one punch.

"And if it's one-on-one, I'm confident that I can deal with it. Its length should be about 2,400 centimeters and its weight should be about 16 tons - but if it takes you with it, it probably won't work."

"Am I still alive to affect your output?" Although he was reluctant, Oscar still asked this embarrassing question.

"Yes." Xueming said bluntly, "Its stride is too long, and its body is agile. It can run and jump at a speed of more than 80 kilometers per hour, and it can reach more than ten meters in one step. Its ability to stay in the air is very good, and it is good for rock climbing and The posture when running does not affect the bones, and it is difficult for me to imagine how it achieves such weight."

"If we really want to fight, I can only run away while looking for opportunities, but you can't run away, Brother Wolf."

"You're too bulky."

Oscar opened his mouth and pointed at his nose.


Jiang Xueming nodded, took off his gloves and slapped Brother Lang on the waist and abdomen.

"When your last stomach was still there, it was full of fat."

"The waist and legs are weak, and there is accumulation of fat."

"I started to pant after climbing a tree six times. For someone like you, Laojin, they went to war with me and their physical fitness is much better than yours."

"Your top speed should be only forty-six kilometers per hour, not even comparable to Brother Hei. Brother Hei can run seventy kilometers per hour."

“You can only maintain top speed for half a minute and then you’re panting like a dog.”

"There is no doubt that if I take you to explore the elf village, you will be dead and won't survive."

The successive blows made Oscar unable to hold his head high——

——Daniel once said that the teacher is a very strict person, so strict that it makes people feel inferior and even produces hatred.

When Xueming used his combat standards to examine Oscar, it made Oscar feel a little ashamed.

"If I can't find a suitable psychic catalyst or a powerful weapon, I don't want to fight DB." Xueming was very calm. Even if he was only a short distance from his destination, he was still as steady as a defense tower: "If there are other spirits or mountain monsters in the elf village, I don't want to be attacked from both sides."

"Get some sleep first, and then find a way to go back. When spring comes, the things DB has to deal with are no longer my fists, but my bullets and semi-trailers."

"Well, it makes sense." Oscar also felt it made sense: "But you have to talk about this psychic prop. Thirty thousand miles post does have such a thing."

At this time, Fenfang Huanmeng finally finished wearing her woolen pants and threw them to Oscar.


Oscar: "Great!"

After the steel cat finished its work, it lazily crawled back into Xueming's body.

Jiang Xueming: "Tell me, what is the use of this psychic prop?"

"Around 1940, the Thirty Thousand Miles Post was just built." Oscar said about the history of this site: "A master craftsman from Aohui Mingde came here with the expedition team."

"Due to the special local reiatsu environment, the most difficult thing for people to solve is sleeping."

"The name of this king of craftsmen is Salvador Dali. He is a Spaniard and a famous artist in the mortal world. He used pyroxene and elves to create three psychic organs, just like our BOSS makes sticks - for Shelter the members of the expedition who can’t sleep, scare the beasts, and solve the security problems of the settlement.”

Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter with extraordinary talent and extraordinary imagination.

He made a brooch for his lover, in the form of a heart made of gold and rubies, which is still beating today.

"Is there such a good thing?" Jiang Xueming didn't understand: "Since there is a magic weapon, why not use it?"

Oscar looked embarrassed: "Because it's hard to control."

With that said, Brother Wolf took the gunsmith to the hunting group command room on the second floor, and found a large dusty suitcase from under the bed in the group leader's office.

Before opening the box, Xueming could feel the surging spiritual energy tide inside.

Brother Wolf took out his stick - it was a mini geological hammer, and used the geological hammer to break open the big lock.

The red cloth is used as the backing, and there are three strange clockwork devices inside. They are all made of gold and are eccentric ornaments embellished with red stones.

Oscar carefully took out the most "normal" looking music box in the middle.

It is made of the same material as the pyroxene [Longevity and Longevity] used by Meteor. It seems to be a gift from Master Dali to the brave red stone people.

"I estimate that in two years, the hunting group will send these three mediums to the secret library as cultural relics."

Brother Wolf said this and presented the box to the gunsmith.

"King Dali gave them only one name, and they are all called [Facts Of Life·Live Really]. This box is used to deal with disaster beasts and can also solve the problem of insomnia."

Jiang Xueming was very curious, so he went to take a closer look at the shape of the box.

Pairs of ankles and soles were carved out of the gold shell, and a soldering iron filled the gaps between the soles. It seemed like a form of torture. The red stone on the bottom shell is like bright fire. This hot psychic tide can almost heat the air. Just holding it will make your mouth go dry.

"Can you demonstrate it?"

Oscar swallowed nervously: "Then be mentally prepared."

Jiang Xueming: "Yeah."

[I advise you to be kind. There is a very naughty elf living here. It is my brother and my sister. ]

Oscar: "Are you ready?"

Jiang Xueming: "Of course."

[Really? Gunsmith? You'd better tie yourself up! ]

Oscar held the twisting handle of the music box. The shape of the twisting handle was too avant-garde and it was full of...


Sex worship.

With the clicking sound of the clockwork gear coupling, the red stone in the center of the box rose up, and a statue of a little golden man was revealed in the pedestal. It was the appearance of Master Dali, with a pair of beautiful and sexy mustaches, cheerful His smile also carries a sinister and ghostly tone.

"I am a genius! So I have no right to die!"

This sentence came out of the mouth of the little golden man, and then a fierce drumbeat came from the box.

It began to vibrate, the gold gradually became softer, and the red stone began to pump like a hot heart.

Oscar's claws immediately blistered. He quickly let go and threw away the strange and inexplicable psychic device. The music box fell on the floor and actually began to bounce erratically in accordance with the pumping rhythm of the device.

The statue of the golden man snaps his fingers, like a ball of gold about to melt, possessing self-awareness, twisting his body freely, lifting his hips and lowering his waist.

The relief on the soles of the box also began to rise and fall, as if it was being burned by a soldering iron!

At this time, Xueming finally realized that something was wrong with her body——

——His neck and head didn't obey his orders, and started to shake to the rhythm of this strange music.

The same goes for Oscar, who looked at the gunsmith with an innocent face.

"I told you, it's not under control."

Jiang Xueming danced while trying to take back the hot gold box.

"I can't stop"

Oscar: "Me too. When Master Dali designed it, he wanted the people in the expedition team who couldn't sleep to dance and completely release their inner emotions until they were so tired that they couldn't open their eyes."

"Then how does it subdue the disaster beast?" Jiang Xueming still doesn't understand. Is this mysterious hypnotic medium also useful for the disaster beast?

At this time, Xueming followed the psychic machine out the door. It jumped like a mechanical frog, exuding scalding heat, and jumped out into the corridor.

DB, who had been squatting outside the Thirty Thousand Miles Post and watching eagerly, answered Xueming's inner doubts.

Amidst a burst of powerful music, this mountain monster stood on the concrete floor, waving its arms and twisting its waist in accordance with the strange music. It could not control its body at all, and the old wounds on its face were still there. Bleeding.

Jiang Xueming and Brother Lang were shaking their heads in the corridor on the second floor, staring at each other with DB.

“You ask me where I got this teaching experience?”

David Victor sat motionless in the VIP carriage.

Facing young visitors, Teacher Victor still asked these newcomers to dance with him.

"If there must be a detailed explanation - it should come from an appointment."

"Specifically, the date with Salvador and Freud in 1938."

"Salvador Dali said he saw God, and he was referring to Mr. Sigmund Freud. He said-"

"-Dreams are the key to unlocking the unconscious mind."

"Salvador Dali was a paranoid and extremely talented artist. His inspiration often came from dreams. It was a wonderful experience for him to discuss subconsciousness and dreams with Mr. Freud."

"After Mr. Dali met Mr. Freud, he almost danced and completed new works in crazy joy."

"We laughed all day, danced and drank all day, thirty-three hours."

"Several times, I was controlled by this kind of fanatical emotion, almost thinking that I was going to die of exhaustion, my heart was going to burst, and I was going to jump out of my throat. Fortunately, I was still alive. Since then, I have become A slow and steady person, at least I think so. Different from the wheelchair rider who has been making a lot of noise outside, as you can see."

"Since then, I, a red stone man, have often gone to District 18 to see Dali's works, whether they are artistic works or psychic works."

"Dance became the first lesson I taught my students."

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