Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 239 NO00ee: Cyberpsychosis

Chapter 239 NO.00ee: Cyberpsychosis

Some scholars believe that "Alien Hand Syndrome" should be regarded as the earliest cyberpsychosis.

This disease mostly occurs after people have brain surgery or the brain is infected by a virus. Its clinical manifestation is that one hand and the other hand are not coordinated - the patient will be like in the movie "Dr. Strangelove", one hand is unconscious. Go against the master. Not only will he slap and beat himself, but in extreme cases, he will even try to strangle his master to death.

The basis of self-awareness is the brain's conflicting instructions to coordinate the various parts of the body. Those idiosyncratic behaviors that cannot be accepted and rationalized by "self-awareness" should naturally be regarded as a pathology.

And Jim could feel this feeling from the thing not far away.

Yes, that thing. His body may be human, but his actions definitely are not.

Every part of his body that can move seems to have its own independent thoughts and is moving crazily - his two eyes are constantly rotating at high speed in the eye sockets, and his facial muscles are changing thousands of expressions that humans have ever had. And his hands and feet were dancing wildly like a spirited young man who had just started to learn social rocking.

And if those body parts that do their own thing are re-organized into a system, that is, the cyber madman is re-viewed as an individual, then...

He is dancing.

After getting this impression, Jim stopped.

At this moment, the distance between the two of them was about 180 meters - this was the closest position Jim dared to get.

After all, he had seen the efficiency of the opponent's self-disciplined security robot tearing apart heavy armor before. If he looked purely at the performance of the prosthetic body, even ten of him would not be enough to kill the opponent in one minute.

Orpheus is a very extreme upgrade path. Until depth 4, the transformation of this path is equivalent to nothing in terms of its own strength.

Thinking of this, Jim knelt down on one knee. His hip rested on the ankle of his left foot, and the elbow of his right hand holding the gun rested on his knee, stabilizing the muzzle of the "Persuader".

He aimed at the dancing cybermaniac.

"Dancing" is actually the closest thing Jim can imagine. But in fact, his movements are far more complex than dancing, and they are also far more agile and precise.

Including the six prosthetic appendages behind him, the man's movements were almost never repeated. Countless behavioral patterns, including but not limited to: samba, ballet, jitterbug, tango, Maori war dance, witchcraft ceremony and even house dance, hip-hop and modern flag language...

Trying to read the other party's mind by analyzing the representation topology is almost like suffering a DDOS attack - even the placement of patch ads on gambling websites is not as confusing as the other party's behavior pattern.

Jim couldn't detect any trace of "self-awareness" on the other party. Many malicious programs on the Abyss Dark Web were more like a person than him.

In other words, what he was doing now was more like destroying an object than killing someone.

Jim thought.

Wind speed, gravity fall, blind spots, behavioral patterns...

The plug-in in his brain was calculating this series of data almost instinctively to ensure that Jim could hit without the opponent noticing.

The jamming bullet Jim loaded was a low-velocity soft-tipped bullet with subsonic charge, and it was at the speed that the opponent had previously demonstrated. If the shot is detected, the opponent can even yawn to avoid the bullet, and then rush to the face and kill Jim in less than four seconds.

However, Jim's "Blind Sight Concealment" ability is currently in effect, so similar problems will not occur for the time being.

The position he is in at this moment is in the other party's visual blind spot - this is not because the other party cannot see him, but because the other party's brain will subconsciously feel that the things in this position will not pose a threat to him, thus ignoring the actual situation. Jim holding a gun.

In other words, after you fire the first shot, the other party will naturally notice you. Therefore, he only had two chances to shoot - once at the current distance, and if he missed, another time when the opponent was close to his face.


After completely locking on the opponent, Jim let out a breath, and then slowly pushed his index finger towards the trigger... But it was at this moment that a change suddenly occurred.

In less than a blink of an eye, the other party's "representation" suddenly showed a change - the intention that was originally like iron sand randomly scattered on the sand table was instantly aligned as if being pulled by a magnet.

The other party had a target, or he got an order.

Jim subconsciously looked in the direction where the other party showed his intentions - that was Donata being grabbed by two men in suits a street away.

"Let me go! Go back and tell my dad that I won't go back!"

"Just spare us, miss."

"If I let you go, we will be the unlucky ones... It's not easy to work, so please think about us."

Although Jim couldn't hear the conversation between them from such a distance, through observation and representation, the conversation he imagined was pretty close. Immediately afterwards, through the intention shown by the cyberpsychosis-that is, Donata, Jim roughly figured out the ins and outs of the matter in an instant.

The bodyguards brought by Anthony got out of control?

But in just such a moment, the cyber madman had already rushed towards Donata.

His speed was even more exaggerated than what Jim had seen before.

Without hesitation, Jim pulled the trigger.


Accompanied by the faint and even cute sound of the gunshot, Jim fired the first interference round in the magazine.

With this shot, he predicted the trajectory of the opponent's charge. However, even he couldn't easily calculate all the factors on the new path and hit it in such a short period of time.

The bullet was about three centimeters away and hit a metal trash can on the side of the road almost close to the target.

With a crisp "clang" sound, this shot naturally knocked Jim out of the opponent's "blind sight".

And the moment the cyber madman turned his head to look at him, Jim realized that the other party's intentions were restrained once again.

"You will be next..."

Then Jim heard him say these words to himself.

Being so far apart, it was naturally impossible for Jim to hear the other party talking like this. In fact, the other person didn't even open or close his lips.

This is the words that are translated into the words the other person looks at him through his strengthened mirror neurons. Finally, it was packaged and presented to self-awareness in the form of auditory hallucinations.

If it had been in the past, Jim would not have even thought that this was an illusion, but as if the other party was telepathically communicating with him in the air - until he was shot in the brain and was regarded as a controllable element and After Jiang Zhou connected, he was able to discern the difference between these two "dialogue forms" perceptually.

"Huh? When did you tell me that you wanted to come to the A-03 Ecological Zone for a date?"

"When we were in the disinfection room after training yesterday, did you forget?"

"The men's and women's disinfection rooms are separate. We looked at each other through the glass at that time. How did you tell me?"

"I just told you when I was looking at you."


"Didn't you hear that?"

"Jimmy, we normal people speak with our mouths and vocal cords."

"Ah? Then...are you still coming?"

"I don't have time. Next time something like this happens, remember to open your mouth and tell me."

"Well, then I'll wait for you for another ten minutes."

"Didn't I say I won't come?!"

"But your laugh tells me you're coming."

A series of memories suddenly came to mind, and Jim shook his head.

These are things that have long since passed, and now is not the time to be nostalgic.

How you should deal with this situation now is the most important thing.

With the opponent's speed and reaction, there is no surprise in the sneak attack of "blind sight and concealment". Unless you hold a squad machine gun and a drum magazine to provide fire coverage, you have a slight chance of hitting the opponent.

Otherwise, the opponent's dodging subsonic bullets will be just like playing.

However, he only has two interference bombs in his hand, and the opponent's next target is himself - there is no way he can escape.

what can we do about it?

Thoughts flowed, and Jim quickly came up with a solution.

He aimed his gun at Donata.

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