Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 241 NO00f0: Alice in Wonderland (Part 2)

Chapter 241 NO.00f0: Alice in Wonderland (Part 2)

In the blink of an eye, in Mr. Jin's mind, Jim Leiter had become a giant of seventeen or eight meters tall - it seemed that as long as the other person raised his foot and stepped on it, he would instantly turn into a ball and stick to the sole of his shoe. of minced meat.

And this absolutely huge size difference directly activated the freezing reaction buried in his limbic system.

At this moment, Mr. Jin was as motionless as an ice sculpture, hoping that the other party would not notice his presence.

But unfortunately, the other party raised the thick barrel of a gun that seemed to be more than two meters long in his hand and aimed it directly at his head.

What was unfolding before him at this moment was not reality, or, if you were a Kantian, it was reality.

To put it simply, the visual signals transmitted from the eyes to his brain are distorted and amplified by the brain. In Mr. Jin's perception, he felt as if he had entered a country of adults and became as small as a bag. And the target of his trip, the man named Jim Leiter, became extremely huge.

Generally speaking, after hacking into the prosthetic eye, in addition to intercepting the opponent's vision, hackers will use some direct attack methods.

A simpler approach is to create some pop-ups in the opponent's screen or force overclocking to cause the prosthetic eye to drop frames or shut down due to overheating. A powerful hacker may also create a realistic illusion to perform more sophisticated operations.

But as Mr. Jin feels now, it is unheard of for the entire world not to be distorted into a scene from a fairy tale or a dream.

It's like no one can perfectly reproduce a scene in a dream. It belongs to the category of perception, and there is no way to establish accurate model coverage.

In fact, even if Mr. Jin instinctively restarted the prosthetic eye many times and formatted it many times to restore the original version, he was still unable to get rid of the other party's hacking of his vision - his brain-computer interface kept prompting: There is no abnormality in the firewall. The prosthetic eye functioned without any glitches.

The prosthetic eye was not hacked, it was his brain that was hacked.

Jim looked at the stunned Mr. King and thought to himself.

However, wouldn’t it be impossible to bypass the medium of brain-computer interface and directly hack into the brain?

The answer is "no", or as long as the right method is found, the human brain is actually easier to hack than imagined.

There is no prior design in the evolution of organisms. Every trait expressed by a species is the product of a compromise to adapt to the current environment.

Therefore, evolution is essentially an old shit mountain code that is constantly iterating - no matter how outrageous its working principle is, in reality the only thing that matters is that it is almost enough and can run.

For example, the Pico fish from 500 million years ago would never have thought of it. The photosensitive organs they used to judge whether it is day or night will evolve into the eyes, the most important sensory organ for humans, the top creature on the food chain.

From an engineering perspective, the design of the human eye is a disaster.

The body of the pike fish is transparent, and hiding in the sand, they only need to look up to distinguish between day and night. Therefore, the eyes of the Pico fish are directed upward and grow under the skin.

Although this was a space-saving and neural bandwidth-saving structure at the time, when they continued to evolve along this basis, this seemingly trouble-free design began to dig holes.

As the bodies of human ancestors continued to evolve and grow, the eyes that were originally located on the "top of the head" also needed to be moved forward in order to adapt to new survival challenges. From a product design perspective, it should be like this - just like changing the position of the machine's sensing device according to different usage requirements.

But as mentioned before, evolution has no foresight. They just adhere to the simple principle of "whatever can run" and iterate on the existing basis.

Therefore, human ancestors did not move the position of their eyes, but turned their eyes over like balloons.

Yes, humans have turned the visual neural network outside, and then roughly inserted it directly through the pupils and connected it to the brain!

In other words, humans have attached the retina backwards - the light entering the eyes from the outside must first pass through the dense blood vessels, nerve cells, and nuclei of photoreceptor cells before it can be completely imaged. Theoretically speaking, the real picture that each of us sees should be an image that is cut into pieces due to retinal obstruction.

In order to correct this problem, the human brain has evolved a set of "ps" algorithms. All the nerves and blood vessels in the vision were pruned away, and the picture we can see now was "brained".

Hardware deficiencies are compensated by optimizing algorithms.

In other words, seeing is never believed. Human beings' understanding of vision is actually the product of "brain supplementation" processing by the brain.

Since it is an algorithm, and it is an algorithm built on bugs, it is naturally possible to hack it.

The adjuster of the Orpheus path is an expert in visual cognitive hacking.

This is also the reason why Jim dares to face the cyber madman who is far superior to him in performance.

After the adjuster of the Orpheus Path has mastered the algorithm of visual signal processing, no matter how advanced the opponent's prosthetic eyes are, or how powerful the firewall is installed in the brain-computer interface. As long as the other party is still using the original visual perception circuit of the brain, they can hack into the other party's underlying visual cognition.

At this moment, Jim stood motionless, silently looking at the cyber madman who was frozen in place. He leisurely raised the gun and turned the magazine, replacing the subsonic jamming bullets in the "Persuader" with black core armor-piercing bullets.

Mr. Jin, who sensed the approaching danger, finally broke away from the "freezing reaction" and quickly began to use his powerful maneuvering device to dodge.

The appendages behind him bent, and he jumped to the left to avoid the bullet.

In normal times, he is more skilled at dodging bullets than eating with chopsticks. But this time, he jumped with all his strength, but comically jumped less than ten centimeters to the left.

However, in his mind, he had already jumped ten meters to the side. At this moment, Mr. Jin was really like Alice who drank the shrinking potion, becoming "huge" around him. The environment is difficult to move forward.

However, no matter what, he still jumped ten centimeters to the side. At this distance, Jim's bullet only penetrated the opponent's chest and shattered half of his lungs.

Rather than crushing the head Jim was aiming for.

Seeing this, Jim plucked the [Lyre], further tightening his control over the other party.

In any case, hacking requires media.

Previous "blind sight invisibility" ability, although no intrusive medium is required. But that can only take effect when the other party doesn't notice you. Jim needs to analyze the other party's representation topology to calculate eye movement trajectories, and then hide in the blind spots in his field of vision at all times to achieve "invisibility".

Further hacking requires Jim to control a drone named [Lyre Accompaniment Machine] and hack through electromagnetic interference. This trick is very effective for natives and unwary adjusters - the previous Donata was controlled by him in this way.

As for those opponents who have implemented magnetic field interference countermeasures, Jim needs to use "interference bombs" as a hacking medium.

[Lyre] is essentially a nanomachine spread throughout the brain of the Orpheus Path Adjuster. In the cerebral spinal fluid, there is a certain concentration of [Lyre]. The "interference bullet" is a special bullet made from the adjuster's cerebral spinal fluid.

Just extract a small amount of cerebral spinal fluid and seal it in the bullet slug in a specific way. In battle, Jim can use subsonic darts to invade the opponent's body, and then connect them to directly distort and manipulate the opponent's cognition.

Of course, the [Lyre] that is not in Orps Adjuster's body cannot continuously replenish energy. Therefore, [lyre] cannot be effective for a long time after being injected into other people's bodies. However, while it is in effect, no matter how powerful the enemy's adjustments and transformations are, as long as they are trapped in the magic power of [Lyre], the opponent can only do whatever they want.

Just like Mr. Jin at this moment - [Lyre] entered his occipital lobe and directly activated the "Alice Illusion" ability, paralyzing all the opponent's ability to resist in an instant.

It can be said that as long as you get hit. Before reaching the limit of human intelligence, the adjusters of the Orphic path are the most unsolvable opponents in the field of one-on-one combat.

Controlling the [lyre] at full power, in Mr. Jin's mind at this moment, he continued to be scaled, like a cartoon character becoming the size of an ant.

Facing Jim, who had grown as big as a mountain, he tried to escape again. However, no matter how hard he struggled, there was no room for resistance - this time, the gun was directly pressed against his forehead.

Mr. Jin used all his strength to try to dodge again in vain.

In Jim's eyes, the other person just tilted his head slightly as his whole body tensed up.


The gunfire rang out, and half of Mr. Jin's head was blown away by the bullet. To the passers-by, this scene looked like the cyber madman rushed in front of the middle-aged man in the coat and actively begged for death. Same.

They couldn't see any trace of fighting at all.

It just so happened that at this time, under the dome in the distance, a few armed speed vehicles arrived belatedly.

I don’t know if it’s the Public Security Bureau, the Icarus Liberation Front, or some private security company.

The logo is too far away to see, Jim thought.

But no matter who it is, it's better for him to withdraw quickly - he doesn't like to get entangled with those official people.

Thinking of this, he put away his gun and planned to leave.

Before leaving, he casually glanced at the dead cybermaniac.

And just such a look made him take back the step he had just planned to take.

The opponent's head tilted to dodge before he died, causing Jim's bullet to miss slightly - the armor-piercing bullet shattered the opponent's head not from the middle, but from the right side.

This allowed Jiang Zhou to see clearly a peculiar structure on the other party's prefrontal lobe.

It's impossible to remember wrongly... I just read the detailed information about that structure not long ago.

The problem is not here, but... why was this cyber madman installed with this thing...

Is his cyberpsychosis related to this thing?

Thinking of this, he looked deeply at that thing again.

That depth 3 adjustment and transformation is a biological protein chip called "Pegasus".

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