Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 243 NO00f2: Héloïse Hanel

Chapter 243 NO.00f2: Héloïse Hanel

In the current public opinion environment, the "Human Intelligence Ethics Supervisory Committee" has always been the resident buffoon in the hell jokes of various forums due to the nature of its work and its incompetence.

This cannot be blamed for today's netizens being too mean - in this Olympus company, they can arrest opponents at will, use them as human flesh mining cards and stuff them into the abyss and dark web, or use them as experimental bodies to test the dark web. The age of technological performance. The term "Anthropological Ethics Supervision" is just like Oceania's "Ministry of Friendship", full of self-evident irony.

Looking at the pattern that evolved from the "United Nations" logo, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but think: From this point of view, the positioning of these guys is pretty much the same as in the past.

However, despite political incompetence, the bullets fired from the hands of peacekeepers are still equally deadly. Therefore, Jiang Zhou put down the firearm in his hand according to what they said, and then squatted down with his head in his hands.

"Is this your attitude towards citizens who are brave and enthusiastic? I originally thought that you would just prepare a plate-sized medal."

Jiang Zhou complained as he knelt down - to be treated like this after being brave enough to do justice, probably no one would be in a good mood.

Especially when you still have important things to do.

But speaking of which, when did these guys enter the Nord resettlement area?

Jiang Zhou still remembered that the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervision Committee had never been stationed in the Nord resettlement area in the past. After all, six Olympus companies have opened branches here, and the political resistance is too great...

Oh, right……

Jiang Zhou finally recalled that the Human Intelligence Ethics Supervision Committee came to the Nord Resettlement Area to set up an office and open humanitarian aid channels underground in the resettlement area. It seemed that these were the conditions he had negotiated with Booker.

After the Battle of Shattered Sky, the six companies were forced to agree to this condition.

So, is this a hole you dug for yourself?

Jiang Zhou smiled bitterly.

The air current hovering in the air made Jiang Zhou's windbreaker rustle, and three guys wearing full-coverage peacekeeping helmets jumped out of the armed flying car, making a dull sound.

"I don't have a medal, but if you cooperate with your work, you may be rewarded with a commemorative holographic wallpaper from the committee... Let me ask you, great hero. Why did that cyber madman just stop suddenly in the end?"

Among the three peacekeepers, the leader walked up to Jim and said.

The man was not tall, but he had a condescending attitude. And the attitude he said was like a primary school teacher coaxing students.

Jim frowned - he was not very good at reading the other person's thoughts.

The other party's voice is processed by certain devices in the helmet, making it sound as sharp as a distorted electric sound. This kind of processing greatly eliminated the representation in the other party's voice, making it impossible for Jim to analyze the meaning beyond the words themselves.

"What do I need wallpaper for? To hang it on the wall as a dart target?"

Jim mocked him like this first, and then said:

"He is a cyber madman. If I can guess his thoughts, doesn't it mean that I am also in danger?"

The other party is either an adjuster whose mind has deviated from normal people, or a professional who has undergone special confrontation training.

Jim finally confirmed this.

Apart from words, there were very few changes in representation that he could observe from the other person - this person seemed to have suppressed many of his unconscious activities, making himself look like a doll.

What's even stranger is that among the few signs that Jim can see, there is a feeling that is very familiar to him for some reason.

Could it be that I know this person?

At this time, the man continued:

"So facing such a professional killing machine, you rushed forward without fear of sacrifice, and then miraculously subdued the opponent.

"Isn't this too much of a coincidence?"

Regarding this question, Jim's heart sank and he did not reply.

What I worried about still happened.

The Anthroposophical Ethics Committee is the strongest adjuster control group. Registering and controlling all adjusters like the mutants in "X-Men" is a cause they have been promoting in recent years.

Today, the largest adjuster archive in the world was established by them. The registration files of the Provisional Government of the Nord Resettlement Area are also connected to that archive - to be honest, Jim really does not want his identity as an adjuster to be known by the "tenth floor" government unless he is forced to do so.

After all, the adjuster of the Orphic path is synonymous with trouble everywhere.

"I can only say that miracles sometimes happen like this, and the way you asked people feels very rude, so if there is nothing else I want to ask, I can go..."

Calm down your emotions, Jim said.

"No...Mr. Jim Leiter."

The man said his name without hesitation, commanded his teammates with his chin, and picked up his Seiko revolver "Persuader" from the ground.

And Jim could only watch as the other party picked up the gun, opened the magazine, and then pulled out the last jamming round.

After carefully examining it for a while, he threw the interference bomb to the leader.

"What is this? By the way, you can stand up now."

The guy who made Jim feel a little disgusted said so.

"I guess this gadget is called a bullet. If you put it in the gun and pull the trigger, it will fire a bullet and hit the bad guy."

Jim stood up and taunted in a childlike tone.

"I know what bullets are."

The man said, turning the interference bomb between his fingers like a coin.

"But I want to know what is loaded in the warhead of this bullet - something that can turn a violent, high-risk cyberpsychopath into a docile lamb waiting to be slaughtered in an instant."

The other party knows something...

In response, Jim shrugged and said:

"You can take it for examination."

The jamming bullet is specially designed. If it is forcibly disassembled instead of entering the human body due to impact, the [Lyre] in the bullet will be instantly degraded and deactivated.

"No, I want you to tell me the answer."

The bullet bounced high like a coin, the man held it in his hand and said this.

Jim finally lost his patience:

"I understand, so you actually want to hear a joke, right? Then I have a more suitable one: How many Anthroposophical Ethics Supervisory Committees does it take to change a light bulb?"

Facing Jim's ridicule, the leader sighed for the first time:

"Say, why are you so hostile to us?"

Jim ignored it and continued:

"The answer is zero, because the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervisory Committee has never been able to do anything, just like you before. When a cyber madman appeared in the center of the hierarchy and was killing people, you brought enough to fight the mercenaries. The expensive weapons of war are long overdue. And the first thing you do when they arrive is to aggressively embarrass an ordinary citizen who helped you solve the problem, so that you don't look so incompetent."

He paused for a moment and saw that the other party did not refute, so he continued:

"Did I also forget to mention that before Icarus started to resist, you didn't even dare to come to this resettlement area to set up an office? Probably only when raising operating funds for publicity every year, you will show a strong presence here. sense of presence.”

When Jim said this, there were already more people watching around him. His previous speech had earned him a lot of support from passers-by - some people around him had followed his words and booed him.

Although his words somewhat changed the subject to find a supplementary purpose for himself. But those onlookers earlier saw with their own eyes the cybermaniac whom he single-handedly subdued.

But this group of "officials" with beautiful equipment just arrived belatedly without doing anything.

Suddenly, more people spoke for Jim, and more and more people gathered around and pointed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the few people looked at each other.

"Boss, what should I do?"

The man who had picked up Jim's gun asked.

"What else can we do? Let's go...the procedures haven't been completed yet, and we don't have law enforcement rights in Nord. Besides, we are here to help this time."

The leader said this, and then threw the interference bomb in his hand back to Jim without any warning.

The man on the side also threw the gun back to him.

"I gotta say something, Jimmy. It's been all these years and you're still as bad as before."

With that said, the person pressed her helmet, and the full-covering visor on her face faded away like scales, revealing her beautiful appearance.

The moment he saw the other person's face, Jim was stunned.

"I feel relieved to see that you haven't changed much after all these years."

Behind the helmet, the long flaxen hair that was originally bound slid down to his shoulders like water.

She said with a smile.

That thing that happened in the past, that nightmare. It flashed back in Jim's mind for an instant, and then overlapped with the person in front of him.

It was at the bottom of the dark dry well that the girl with long flaxen hair, whose limbs were broken like bamboo, smiled and said to him softly:

"Don't worry about me. Just let me stay here, Jimmy."

"You know I wouldn't blame you."

"Let's go and don't look back."

The palpitations caused by the traumatic flashback left Jim stunned in place for at least five seconds. When he came to his senses again, the three people from the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervision Committee had already sat back on the armed flying car.


Looking at the person who looked exactly like the woman in his memory, Jim couldn't help but whisper that name.

That name that I will never forget in this life.

Héloïse Hanel.

The first girl I fell in love with.

The first girl he left behind.

Jim came back to his senses and wanted to catch up and ask something, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

At the same time, after starting up, the armed speed car drove quickly along the navigation light belt in mid-air, and soon turned into a tiny black dot.

Jim's eyes followed it, looking at the clear sky light under the dome, and he didn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, countless questions were filling his head.

Why Hanel? Why is she still alive?

When did she join the Anthroposophical Ethics Committee? What is her purpose in coming to the Nord settlement? Did she know she was here now? How would she feel when she saw herself again?

And most importantly...how should I face the woman I once left behind?

[You are so distracted, is that your first love? 】

At this time, Chen Wan on the side interrupted.

【Shut up】

Jim was really in no mood to argue with him about these issues at the moment.

[Oh, that must be it. Brother, I know how you feel. I remember when I made the first one...]

Before Chen Wan could share his glorious past of being kicked by his own creation, Jim blocked him.

It was also at this time that Jim received a new friend request in his address book.

He immediately opened the friend application interface:

【Héloïse Hanel aka Little Fireworks】

[ps: I am very pleased to see the big piece of wood and remember how to make the "jamming bomb", so I authorize you to add me as a contact (if you dare not pass, just wait and see)]

Big wood, small fireworks...these are nicknames from many years ago...

She even calls herself Miss...I don’t care what age I am...

Looking at the message on the friend application, Jim thought helplessly.

By the time he noticed that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he quickly straightened his face again, it was already five minutes later.

After keeping a straight face, he first clicked "Reject" on the application, and then turned on the do not disturb mode.

By the way, congratulations to "Abyss Wanderer" for being shortlisted for the Best Online Literature Award at the 34th Galaxy Awards, applause!

(Pah, pah, pah, pah!)

Then there is something I want to say. Before starting the book, I checked the information on Latin American slums for the setting of the underground levels of the Nord settlement area. But recently I have been paying attention to the news about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and I have discovered that the reality of hell on earth is far more terrifying and cruel than what I imagined based on the literature. Even if I dig into the hell on earth in my own imagination, it is not as cruel as reality. What if, and this contrast really makes people feel very powerless.

May the world be at peace.

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