Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 249 NO00f8: Orpheus Secret Cult

"Wait a minute, isn't this another bullshit metaphor?"

When he heard the name "Orpsian Cult", Jim couldn't help but frowned and asked.

In response, Hanel just gave him a helpless look.

It's always like this - limited by cognitive level, whenever human reason is no longer sufficient to understand certain phenomena. People will always choose to go back to the past, search for similar concepts in old papers, and then declare that they have completely understood it.

If you can’t understand the mechanical language composed of 0 and 1 potentials, then change it to yin and yang; if you can’t understand the complex game between political entities, then anthropomorphize their relationships; if you can’t understand the behavioral logic of those AIs, then change them into Considered a moody god.

In fact, there is no "great wisdom" hidden in those stories that have been passed down for thousands of years that are beyond the reach of today's people. People are so attracted to metaphors simply because they are vague enough to describe any situation.

The human brain is best at making things far-fetched.

However, those AIs wandering in the abyss and dark web also like to use the same metaphors to communicate with humans. Jim thinks that the reason is, in addition to preventing crawlers from accurately crawling, maybe it is also the impact of those AIs on human cognition. Level of irony.

"So, what is the specific riddle this time?"

Jim asked while looking through the information sent by the other party.

According to his experience in handling cases, any case involving the Abyss Dark Web will always turn into a large-scale guessing game in the end - just like the battle between Batman and the Riddler.

"What do you know about the real-life Orphic Esoteric Cult?"

Hanel asked instead without answering Jim's question.

"After the poet Orpheus lost his wife Eurydice again because she looked back at the gate of the underworld..."

Jim spoke.

As he said that, he couldn't help but look up at Hanel.

The other person was sitting on the sofa with her arms folded, her eyes out of focus, and light blue data light kept flashing in her eyes - it looked like she was looking up something.


The other party responded and motioned for Jim to continue.

Realizing that he seemed to be expecting a reaction from the other party, Jim immediately pretended to be fine and continued:

"...After that, he returned to his hometown of Thrace. There, Orpheus, who had experienced the pain of losing his wife twice, became enlightened and began to teach the locals the sacred mysteries and reveal the secrets of the gods. .

"But it was also at that time that the belief of Dionysus, the god of wine, also spread to Thrace. Orpheus's admiration for the sun god Apollo aroused the anger of Dionysus. One day, this Dionysus drove his mad women to brutally kill the poet."

Just like those religious graffiti describe.

"Of course, this is just one version."

Jim added after he finished speaking.

There are many other explanations for why the crazy woman killed Orpheus. But no matter what the reason is, the final outcome of this tragedy is doomed.

The reason why Jim chose this version to narrate is because this version points out the key conflict-the conflict between the worship of Dionysus and the Mystery of Orps, that is, the conflict between Dionysus and Apollo.

Dionysus and Apollo, excellent metaphorical carriers.

According to Hanel's previous meaning, the current Orphic Secret Cult developed from the Dionysian Cult.

The other party nodded when he heard this, and his eyes instantly regained clarity.

She looked at Jim and said:

"In the past, whether it was the Bliss Cult or the splintered Dionysian sect, they all believed that a human god was being conceived in the dark web of the abyss. And after His birth, all mankind will enjoy eternal bliss—— I won’t go into details on this aspect, most religions operate in this way…

"But the definition of that blissful state is the reason why they split over and over again."

“Course Divergence.”

Jim commented.

Hanel continued:

"The Bacchus sect, the largest faction before the split, is also the current Bacchus Order as one of the gods of Olympus. They believe that the man-god will lead and save all mankind in a secular sense. Also That is, He will eliminate all the weaknesses in human nature and enable all mankind to ascend to a higher level civilization."

"Salvation faction."

Jim commented again.

Hanel glanced at him with some confusion, and then continued:

"The Dionysian sect, which is also the splintered Dionysian sect, believes that the weaknesses of human nature are rooted in self-consciousness and cannot be easily eliminated. The so-called 'bliss' should be the transcendence of human beings before they develop self-consciousness. State. It is a kind of never-ending ecstasy, which is the state of freedom described in Buddhism as letting go of 'self-grasping'. After the coming of God and Man, He will give this state to everyone equally.

"They call it man's natural state. Do you want to guess where they got this idea?"

Jim tilted his head at this, muttered "Adventist", and then replied:

"Carnival virus?"

Completely losing consciousness and turning into a zombie driven by instinct is quite consistent with the description of Dionysus abandoning all traditional restraints and returning to the original state.

Hanel nodded:

"Yes, in their teachings, the carnival virus is a shortcut to reach the 'bliss' in advance - it has been too long to wait for the coming of that human god. Life is short, so it is better to jump in line first."

In response, Jim sneered and said:

"Then they were all blown away by Jupiter's 'Thunder' - it seems that they have good intentions and want to bring this gospel to more people besides themselves."

Although he is not completely sure, Jim can still roughly guess the reason why these guys suffered the "big thunder".

Thinking of this, Jim immediately asked:

"What about the Orpheus esoteric sect that is active now?"

Hanel replied:

"As the name suggests, they have a strong sense of secrecy... We know very little about them now. We only know that they critically absorbed the teachings of the Dionysian sect. They agree that all human beings should get rid of self-consciousness and enter the so-called 'nature'. State'. It's just that they believe that the natural state of human beings is not animalistic carnival and indulgence, but a sophisticated and calm rational state.

"It is precisely because of this characteristic that they have become ten times more difficult to deal with than before. Their organization is tight, their division of labor is clear, and their actions are extremely secretive. Although they claim to be religious, they feel more like a secret society with a program. "

Hearing this, Jim couldn't help but nodded:

"Then this is consistent with those riddles... From the perspective of modern mythology, the Orphic Esoteric Cult was born out of the improvement of the worship of Dionysus. They no longer drank and caroused and shared bulls; instead, they focused on fasting and Qingxiu, conducting solemn and quiet religious ceremonies, advocating the spirit of rationality..." (End of this chapter)

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