Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 261 NO0104: False memory or

Chapter 261 NO.0104: False memory or...

The moment Jiang Zhou saw his image on the ticket stub, his heart suddenly stopped for a moment.

Then, he recalled that he was currently in a simulated environment on the Abyss Dark Web.

"Did the designer here set it up like this on purpose...replacing the image of one of us like this?"

he asked without changing his expression.

And the moment he finished asking, he realized that he seemed a little guilty for asking.

Qianxia Ying was facing away from him, and Jiang Zhou couldn't see her expression clearly. But fortunately, Fanny, who was carefully checking the ticket stub, didn't seem to notice her previous gaffe.

"This should be."

She said casually:

"After all, this network simulates the Eden resettlement area in the 24th year of the New Calendar. Go back twenty years to see how old you were at that time... This is most likely just a clue specially marked by the game designer."

Jiang Zhou nodded in agreement.

It's just...this is really not necessarily the case.

Although Jiang Zhou expressed his agreement, he was murmuring in his heart.

As an ancient person who "traveled" to the future, whether it was twenty years ago or a hundred years ago, his image is the same as in this propaganda poster.

In other words, there might have been such a ticket stub twenty years ago...

The appearance of the first deep diver.

Thinking of this, Jim, who was driving quickly on the high-speed tunnel between the levels in the Nord Resettlement Area, tried to recall the past event twenty years ago.

At that time, there was indeed such a simulacra movie released - that was before the tragedy of Kurosawa's murderous family was discovered, and Hanel pestered him to accompany her to the premiere of the simulator movie.

However, at that time, Jim, who claimed to be a connoisseur of simulacra, had no interest at all in this kind of pop culture garbage produced by Olympus Company - you can imagine what a connoisseur who loves French New Wave movies would do. Review those assembly line superhero movies.

Therefore, Jim remembered that he found some reason not to go, and in the end, Hanel went to the premiere alone and depressed.

After that, due to a series of tragedies, let alone "Doppelgänger". Later, during the years spent in the Eden Resettlement Area, I no longer had the heart to watch even one simulator movie.

As for the promotion of this simulated movie back then, he doesn't remember it at all now.

There are many things in my life that should be remembered more than this.

Thinking of this, Jim connected to the World Wide Web through the brain-computer interface, and then searched for "doppelgänger" and "simulation" as keywords - such a large-cost commercial simulator should be available on today's World Wide Web. There is a lot of information.


Jim, who was driving, made a confused sound.

"what happened again?"

Hearing the man in the cab making another move, Donata asked nervously - for fear that he would cause something else on the highway.

Jim didn't say anything, but quickly searched the next dozen pages of the search engine.

As before, he didn't find any information related to the "Doppelgänger" pseudo-simulation movie.


Without giving up, he tried changing several search keywords.

"Eden Settlement", "Paris Films", "Apollo Creatures", "New Year 24", "Adaptive Synapse Connection Technology", "Director Nicola Fisher"...

Jim racked his brains and tried all the keywords he still remembered that were related to the simulacra movie.

But just like constantly trying to turn on unplugged electrical appliances, he still couldn't find any information related to the "Doppelgänger" in his memory... not even anything similar.

After changing several search engines but still failing, Jim directly connected a set of simple crawler plug-ins he had written before to the "Hecate's Blessing" in Jiangzhou's brain-computer interface.

Borrowing the authority of this "goddess at the crossroads", he couldn't believe that he couldn't find any relevant information. Even if it's like the Mandela Effect, there's an urban legend about this simulacra movie.

What he finally gained was a few drops of cold sweat flowing down his forehead.

"This is impossible……"

His lips moved a few times, but no sound came out.

Still nothing, not even the slightest thing related to the pseudo-sensory movie "Doppelgänger".

How is this going?

Could it be that this simulacra movie really doesn’t exist?

Some terrible conjectures began to spread in his mind.

Unwilling to accept this conclusion, Jim began retrieving the information mechanically and in vain—as if he were constantly turning switches on and off, trying to get an unplugged appliance to work.

In this day and age, it is nearly impossible to conceal a piece of once-public information on the World Wide Web. Even the public opinion control departments of Olympus Enterprises will not try to use erasure methods to cover up news that is unfavorable to them.

You must know that in the hands of those large companies, they have fully automatic public opinion control robots that are several orders of magnitude more than the current total human population, but even they cannot completely erase a piece of information - this will only Let more people realize the importance of a piece of information, and then spread it like a virus until everyone can guess what they want to hide.

The truly effective method is to use massive amounts of misleading intelligence to drown out the real information; or to digest and entertain it so that no one thinks it is important.

However, the current situation is that for a simulated movie that may have been watched by millions of people back then, I can't find any similar information... not even false information.

It's as if the two concepts of simulation and doppelgänger have never been put together.

Could it be that... my memory is wrong?

In this regard, the possibility that had been lingering in my mind resurfaced...

So, in fact, there is no such thing as a pseudo-simulation movie called "Doppelgänger"?

Who implanted false memories into me?

A false memory that was implanted twenty years ago?

And what I am experiencing now is also a replay of that false memory.

Because thinking from Jiang Zhou's perspective, it was not difficult for him to come to such a conclusion.

When he went to the Skyfire Mobile Team, he opened the Mandala Code in order to become an adjuster. If false memories were implanted at that time, it would not be something difficult to understand.

Human beings' ability to accept memories that do not belong to them is far stronger than imagined - not to mention those who, under the guidance of police and doctors, fabricated a complete scene of the teacher molesting themselves, and firmly believed it. I feel like that is the child I remember. Now there is a better case before Jim.

Jiang Zhou, the first deep diver.

Because of the Janus program, I now naturally accept Jiang Zhou's memories. He accepted another part of his body and was trapped in a place called "Tartarus".

Who knows if this is my own hysteria?

this is not!

Two contradictory ideas collided with each other and then reconciled.

Thinking this way, I just don't want to admit this possibility...

Jim came to this conclusion.

After all...if the memory I have about "Double" is implanted, then it must not be the only false memory.

How many of your memories about the past are false?

Even... am I really myself?

Are you really Jim Leiter?

Well...even if I am not Jim, at least I am still Jiang Zhou.

Jiang Zhou thought to himself.

That's not necessarily true, maybe "you" is just a copy copied by "Janus".

Jim immediately thought in retort.

But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I am still thinking... thinking, which proves that I still exist.

To say it so freely is not because "伱" does not have any social relations in this era.

Just like the "angels" and "devils" surrounding the protagonist's mind in comics, Jiang Zhou and Jim quarreled with themselves in their hearts.

But correspondingly, the panic in his heart had mostly subsided because of the quarrel.

"So, Doppelgänger... have any of you seen this simulator movie?"

At this time, Chinatsu Sakura, who had been silent until now, spoke.

She looked around at the people around her and asked.

On Jiang Zhou's side, the battle between himself and his heavenly beings has come to an end for the time being. As "Theseus", he shook his head without blushing.

"I haven't seen it, I haven't even heard of it."

He said so.

"I haven't seen it either."

From the side, Fanny spoke.

Then, before Jiang Zhou could give any new action suggestions, she continued:

"But I've heard about this simulacra movie."


Jim looked at Fanny for a moment - he tried to suppress the expression on his face.

Ever heard of it? !

Have you really heard of it, or has a false memory been implanted?

What she said next shocked Jim's jaw even more.

"Someone once introduced this film to me and wanted to show it to me. And this film originated from the fantasy of the past...it was actually created for me."

So confident?

"Why do you say that?"

Jiang Zhou couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked directly.

Perse Fanny looked out the window with a complicated expression, looking at where the two police officers had left before, and then slowly said:

"The previous female police officer, the lady named Héloïse Hanel, I know her... I worked with her for a long time when I was at Apollo Biology."

Her expression was extremely complicated... In fact, Jiang Zhou thought her reaction was a bit weird before, but he didn't speculate in any direction at all.

"It's more than just working together, right?"

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Zhou suppressed his facial twitching and asked.

Fanny didn't answer, but the deep affection in her eyes gave her the answer.


Nord resettlement area, tiered high-speed tunnel.

Donata's face was once again almost thrown to the windshield by the car's sudden braking.

"what happened again?"

After a brief moment of panic, she looked at Jim next to her with a frightened expression as he stepped on the brakes again.

The latter was holding the steering wheel tightly at the moment, the expression on his face as tense as his fingers.


That was all Jim finally said.

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