Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 268 NO010b: Thracian 3

Because the mental index test does not require the use of any invasive examination equipment, Jim is not worried that the other party will manipulate this matter.

On the other hand, except for Liao Qi, who measured "1" when he took the mental index test for the first time. His mental index has always been within the normal range - whether it was Liao Qi's subsequent test or Jiang Zhou's detected value.

It is also for this reason that Jim is not worried about what problems he will have in this regard.

"It's ready."

As Kate's voice echoed in his ears, the geometric patterns that rapidly changed colors in front of Jim's eyes disappeared like an ebbing tide, and his eyes returned to the narrow darkness of the helmet.

In this regard, Jim breathed a long sigh of relief - in order to be able to observe the representation topology of others, the transformation of the Orpsian path caused many originally unrelated receptor arrays to be cross-connected in the adjuster's visual cortex. On the one hand, this allowed Jim to tell a person's sexual orientation from the way he walked, but on the other hand, it also caused him to suffer from a condition similar to photosensitive epilepsy.

The essence of the mental index test is to analyze how far a person deviates from the standard of normal people through the response to different sound and light stimulations - in other words, since Jim completed the adjustment and transformation, he has never conducted a mental index again. Tested.

Of course, the mental index test was originally invented by the Orphic path adjuster, and Jim would often observe his own representation topology to make sure that he did not deviate too far from normal.

Fortunately, the test time required by the sixth-generation mental tester is short enough...

Jim thought to himself as he opened the safety buckle on his helmet.

Otherwise it would be really hard to explain on the other side.


"Hey! Are you okay?"

Qianxia Ying asked very worriedly as she lifted up Jiang Zhou, whose eyes suddenly turned white and his body fell limply to the ground.

"No...it's okay..."

The epileptic symptoms relayed from Jim came and went quickly. In just a few breaths, Jiang Zhou regained his strength and stood up tremblingly.

"What happened to you just now? Why did you suddenly..."

Chinatsu Sakura asked worriedly.

Covering his face with his hands, Jiang Zhou concealed his expression. After taking several deep breaths, he answered:

"It's just a network fluctuation. It's time to go..."


"What were the results of the test?"

Jim asked.

Kate slowly raised her head from the screen, and then looked at him with extremely complex eyes.

"0.9832, normal range."

After taking several deep breaths, Kate replied.

Her tone when she said this was a bit like reading out the other party's critical illness notice.

Jim felt that even if he had not made any adjustments at this moment, he could still hear the strangeness in the other party's speech.

what happened? Is there something wrong with my previous test results?

Although doubts arose in his mind, Jim did not speak out, but continued to look at the other party, waiting for her next response.

Perhaps she was aware of her own gaffe. After Jim stared at her, Kate immediately put on her previous mask as a "mental adjuster", and then showed a polite smile and said:

"I'll send you a report of the test results in a moment. Now it's better to hurry up and take Miss Donata's mental index test."

Shock, horror, excitement and... reverence.

The sentry who fell asleep on night duty had almost the same emotion when he woke up and found that he was covered with a military coat with general stars.

The result of 0.9832 is definitely not like this. Could it be that the value of his mental index has changed back to "1"?

Jim thought.

Obviously, except for the first time, my test results were all fine. It happened that something went wrong this time. Could it be that the armored "Valkyrie" quietly stretched out her hand from heaven and changed her destiny?

Jiang Zhou looked at the owl logo on the mental tester and thought to himself.

Minerva Information Technology, among the gods of Olympus, is the one with the most low-key and mysterious behavior.

No...that won't be the case.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou shook his head in his heart.

The First Deep Diver, Program Janus, Hecate's collaborator... No matter which identity he is, given the size of the other party, it is impossible for him to just let himself go outside without knowing his true identity. Running around.

"I want to watch from inside while Miss Donata is conducting the test. Is that okay?"

Jiang Zhou asked.

Kate nodded immediately and replied respectfully:

"It was an honor."

Jiang Zhou could tell that she said these words sincerely.


About five minutes later, Jim and Donata walked out of the clinic.

"Is this enough?"

Donata asked incredulously - the two of them jumped three floors vertically, driving from the fourth floor to the seventh floor of the settlement area. After wasting so much time searching for clues along the way, the two finally ended up doing a mental test each.

"At least I know your mental index is very healthy."

To this, Jim replied.

He had no intention of telling her right now that the doctor named Kate was the culprit who killed her father.

Although I can confirm this by characterizing the topological structure, legally, the judgment of the Orphic path adjuster cannot be used as testimony - those judges will only think that this is the same as "I intuitively believe that the real murderer is this person." "Same.

Although technology is changing rapidly, various adjusters emerge in endlessly. But those social orders that serve the vast majority of ordinary people are still stumbling at an extremely slow pace.

Of course, from the perspective of a 21st century antique, this "slow" pace is still frighteningly radical - it can be said that each resettlement area is a whimsical social experiment field according to the standards of the AD era.

But having said that, this is the upper level of the resettlement area. At least for ordinary residents, it is still a place that requires law and order. Jim himself can't just rush in and take out his "persuader", and then Guns solve problems.

That is the ecology of the lower levels of the resettlement area, and it is also the ecology that the Icarus Liberation Front wants to get rid of today.

If Donata really wants to avenge her father, she must produce evidence that can be accepted by secular society no matter what.

Of course, the more important reason is that the doctor named "Kate" is most likely a member of the Orpheus Secret Cult...

Jim thought.

As a secret cult organization that can still continue to this day under the pursuit of the Order of Olympus. He didn't think he could get more information just through threats or other normal means.

You must deal with it carefully and slowly, so that you can catch them all in one go.

The good news is that judging from the other person's previous behavior, she is interested in her special affirmation. Jim was convinced that within a short period of time, the secret cult organization would take the initiative to find him - no matter if it came with weapons or not.

However, now that I have found a clue, should I contact Hanel and borrow the power of the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervisory Committee to accomplish this goal?

Thinking of this, Jim couldn't help but think of what Fanny had said before...

Then, he closed the contacts program.


[Using the emergency summons mark will expose the IP address of "Thrace-3". I hope you can give a convincing enough reason, K]

Abyss Dark Web, AD Quadrant, Depth 3.

"Thrace-3" is an extremely secretive network domain. There is no record of this location in the "chart" drawn by Olympus Enterprises or in the databases of many powerful malicious programs. ——It is said that this is one of the several safe reserves obtained by the first secret keeper of the Orpsian Cult after signing a contract with Hecate, the goddess of the moon.

Members of the Central Asian branch of the Orpheus Esoteric Cult have made this their current gathering place. At the same time, it is also the only channel through which members can communicate with each other other than through the Keeper of Secrets.

Using the emergency summons mark is equivalent to a large-scale broadcast. After that, this network domain will no longer be safe - whether it is the company's darknet forces, private abyss wanderers, or wandering malicious programs, they may discover this area through broadcast signals.

The same is true. There are strict rules within the Esoteric Cult. Unless it is a life-or-death situation, emergency summoning marks are never allowed to be used.

But today, the member codenamed K uses this mark.

[When everyone arrives, I will give you a reason that will satisfy you]

The convener replied confidently.

【hope so……】

The host of the meeting said in a deep voice.

As the figures wrapped in crimson appeared here one after another, the atmosphere here became more and more solemn - everyone was talking about it, thinking that the Order of Olympus was making another big joint law enforcement move.

[I am the convener of this emergency meeting. Please listen to me and stay calm until I finish speaking...]

K...or the person with the identity of "Mind Adjuster Kate" did not show off, but suppressed his excitement and said directly.

[I think I have found the horse of Hecate, the goddess of the moon and moon]

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue fell silent instantly - this was not because everyone stopped communicating, but that everyone gave up the inefficient communication medium of "language" and switched to some kind of method to transmit more information. channels are discussing this explosive intelligence.

In the face of massive information bombardment, K still insists on using language to continue telling her findings - she believes that in this case, language is a more ritualistic method of expression.

[Our previous search direction was misguided. The horse chosen by the goddess of the moon was not a woman, but a man]

She announced proudly as she looked around. (End of chapter)

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