Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 270 NO010d: Wulang

K agreed to this request - if things were as she thought, then it would be absolutely easy to reopen a sanctuary with the power of the goddess of the moon.

Later, the meeting discussed some more concrete and realistic things.

Since Thracian-3 will be abandoned for a long time in the future, it can be said that this meeting is the last gathering of members of the Central Asian branch of the Orpheus Esoteric Cult. Therefore, for K, a member who has taken off her mask, A asked her to tell her all her needs at once, so that other members of the cult can provide corresponding support in a hidden way - or in other words, in addition to the line All support except assistance.

Money, intelligence, personal connections, technological blueprints, control authority...

In this regard, K was not polite at all, and directly asked everyone at the gathering for things she thought she might use - and she acted confidently, without any concern that some of the requests might be too excessive.

[One and a half million Orei? 】

At the venue, "5" sitting opposite K frowned and confirmed:

[What do you need so much money for? 】

Before K could answer, A on the side said:

[Don’t ask too much, just give it if you can. Before success, the less we know about her side of things, the better]

In response, 5 crossed his fingers and explained:

[This is not a question of whether it can be given, I am not short of this money... But even if a decentralized ghost account is used, such a large amount of money may still be detected by Juno Financial's "Ladon" system. 】

Radon, the legendary dragon with a hundred heads guarding the golden apple orchard. In the name of this monster, Juno Financial created a financial security system that can monitor currency flows around the world.

Faced with this problem, A asked directly:

[What is the minimum amount that will be detected and warned by the "Ladong" system? 】

【Around 850,000】

5 replied without thinking.

[Then you are responsible for the 800,000 Orei quota, and I will make up the rest]

A assigned this task in a tone that left no room for doubt.

Hearing this, 5 subconsciously raised his head and looked at the keyholder, seemingly wanting to say something. But in the end, he didn't speak and just nodded slightly.

As for their discussion, K always just watched with cold eyes.

Something that was expected - after all, she is the only one who has stepped forward now. If others are unwilling to reveal their identities and want to protect themselves in this mission, then at least these requirements must be fully satisfied by her. .

Soon, the resources in K's hands - if they can be implemented - would be enough for her to establish a sizable gang underground in the resettlement area.

[Thank you very much for your cooperation and support, but even so, the most critical element is still missing in my plan]

After crossing off the requirements on his list one by one, K looked at the first item on the list and said.

In the venue, someone made an unhappy sound. But K ignored it and continued:

[Now people from the Anthroposophical Ethics Supervision Committee are investigating us, and I really have no way to guarantee my own safety]

Upon hearing this, the member codenamed "2" angrily said to K across the A between them:

【What should we do? Is it possible that we still need to send a few people to your side to protect you? 】

In response to this question, K shrugged and said:

[I am different from some of you. Although I have qualifications, I have not made any adjustments in order to maintain my secular identity. Therefore, I am not capable of dealing with any matter that requires force... And you also know the current Nord Resettlement Area because of the confrontation between Icarus and the settlement area government, as well as what Liao Qi proposed. The spirit of "private grudge". This place has simply become a huge powder keg, just waiting for a spark to completely explode into a war zone]

As she spoke, she looked at A:

[In the chaos of the future, I need to ensure my own safety]

These words made the latter look at her as well, and then asked:

[Nowadays, how many "living corpses" can you control? 】

[26, but no adjusters, not even natives with good combat prosthetics]

K replied.

Her only "living corpse" that could be considered combat-effective had been destroyed in that assassination operation.

[If it is in the Nord settlement area, I can give you four combat powers equivalent to depth 2]

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Four combat capabilities equivalent to depth 2? Such a bold move?

Then, A opened a private channel and sent specific intelligence information to K.

[There are four natural adjusters in total, with three models: Black Falcon, Dark Butterfly and Raven. Among them, except for Black Falcon-111, who serves as the security chief on the first floor of the resettlement area and has a somewhat sensitive identity, the other three all have trouble-free backgrounds. You can figure out how to activate it by yourself, but if you can't do it by yourself, I can also help you arrange it]

After the specific information was transmitted, A said this.

Key Holder A is now also in the Nord Resettlement Area...

This was the first thought that came to K's mind, and then a certain uneasy feeling began to swim in her internal organs.

The other party can even grasp the director of the Public Security Bureau on the first floor of the resettlement area, so what is his current identity...

For a moment, K began to reflect on whether his previous actions might have seemed a bit too reckless.

[So, what do you think? 】

Seeing that K did not answer, A continued patiently.

【No... no problem】

K quickly thanked him and said:

[Thank you for supporting me, especially for being willing to agree to such excessive conditions...]

[Wherever this is, in order to find the goddess of the dark moon, these prices should be paid]

In this regard, A said with a smile.

Then, he raised his head, looked at the dome of the conference room and smiled:

[Besides, you are right, before long, the explosive barrel in the Nord Resettlement Area will be detonated, and no one will be truly safe by then]


"Mr. Goro?"

A calm voice woke Mr. A out of his daze - in a daze, the blasphemous heterogeneous building in front of him seemed to be intertwined with the solemn and sacred scene of Thracian-3.

"I'm very sorry, but the appearance of this geothermal power station is so artistic that I was temporarily distracted."

This Japanese man, code-named "A" in the Orphic esoteric sect and "Ushijingoro" in basic reality, couldn't help but bow slightly and said apologetically to the man leading the way.

Although the Thracian-3 meeting is still going on, the most critical part is now over, and Goro has returned most of his energy to the basic reality.


The man who led the way frowned and repeated the word, then raised his head as well - this building seemed to be a wildebeest that had been disemboweled, with its white ribs exposed, lying on the ground, and was covered in paint. A sticky asphalt that squirms.

Apart from being foreign and strange, he really couldn't sense anything else from the appearance of this building.

"Maybe I don't understand what art is, but first of all, we didn't invite you here to create this kind of 'art'."

Lighting himself a cigarette, the man said.

Wulang smiled and nodded, and then said in his broken English:

"Sir, please rest assured. When I say that this building is very artistic, I am comparing it with another holy building in my heart. This contrast is the source of artistic tension. And pure ugliness is just a It’s just a curiosity.”

"You'd better use a translator later. I only understood half of what you just said... But in short, you can arouse emotions by comparing ugliness and beauty, right?"

the man asked.

"It's like this. If your organization chooses to let me direct the pseudo-simulation film "The Fall of Icarus", I think I will choose to start from this angle and create a film that can spread like a virus among the people. 's masterpiece."

Goro nodded respectfully and replied - this time he turned on the translator.

The other party did not reply, but continued to lead Wulang into the power station.

Seeing this, Wulang continued:

"Of course, I understand. Due to its special subject matter and the authenticity of the original material, this simulated movie will become an indelible classic in the history of film. With my poor technology, I may not be able to do this film that is worthy of being recorded in the film history. An honor in history, but..."

"Mr. Goro."

The man interrupted.

At this moment, the two of them had reached the core of the geothermal power station - a ball of lightning pulsing like a heart suspended in the air. And directly below it, a dark cube whose surface was constantly flashing with electricity was printing something that looked like a gun.

"Your work history has proven that there is no one better qualified for this job than you."

the man said.

Ushigoro—who used to work at Venus Digital Media and was one of the producers of the legendary virtual lover "Galatea" and the virtual idol "Moonlight Girls". Later, he switched to a pseudo-simulation director and was nominated twice for Muse for Best Director. Later, in the 38th year of the New Calendar, "The Cowardly Creator" won the Muse Award for Best Annual Simulation for its autobiographical love simulation.

"But the simulation we are going to shoot is not a commercial work, but a weapon and a restrainer... Considering the scope of future dissemination, its most important thing is nothing else but its safety. .”

After the man finished speaking, he threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground and stamped it out, then looked at Wulang and said:

"In the beginning, it was Liao Qi's wings that flew towards the sun that ignited this fire. Now, as the leader of Icarus, I need to do my best to control this fire."

Booker said, turning his eyes back to the multi-purpose printer and said:

"If I give you the master tape of Liao Qi's simulation before his death, then the lives of millions of people hang in your hands... For this reason, we need to restrict your body before the simulation is completed. Freedom, to ensure absolute safety, you know what I mean?”

Wulang was silent for a long time after hearing this, and finally he slowly said:

"If this is the case, I need to add more money... I need to add an additional 700,000 Orei to the initial advance payment." (End of Chapter)

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