Cheng Feng turned his head and glanced at Wen Yixuan.

"How is your physical condition?"

"It's okay, I haven't been too lazy to leave the medicine refining hall recently for recuperation, but it will be completely restored in two or three days, and there will be no reason to stay here at that time."

Wen Yixuan shrugged, "It's better to talk about you, I guess you and Xue Ziyan came over suddenly, there must be something you want to talk about?"


Xue Ziyan put up a thumbs up, stuck out her tongue and said: "It's actually something I want you to help."

"What's the matter?" Wen Yixuan asked.

"Help Cheng Feng to get the votes." Xue Ziyan said seriously: "He wants to participate in the Shengzi general election!"

There was a sudden silence in the room.

After a long silence, no one spoke.

Cheng Feng looked left and right, suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Uh, if it is troublesome, then forget it, anyway..."

"It's not troublesome at all!"

Gu Chengyun interrupted and said, "I thought it was something, it turned out to be that! Brother Cheng is going to participate in the Shengzi general election. Gu Chengyun, I am the first to support!"

"Brother..." Cheng Feng showed a look of surprise.

"I think so."

Tang Qier on the side also spoke, agreeing: "With the strength of Brother Cheng, if he participates in the Shengzi general election, he will certainly hope to win the final victory! We all know this well, not only us, I am afraid that at the time in Chaos Demon Valley Everyone thinks so."

They all watched the battle between Cheng Feng and the Yaozu high priest.

Generally speaking, although Cheng Feng killed the Yaozu high priest by trickery, it can also prove that his strength is far superior to ordinary people.

At the very least, none of these core disciples in the sect can match Cheng Feng!

But in the end, everyone turned their heads to look at Wen Yixuan, and wanted to ask what the latter meant.

After all, as the core disciple of the school, Wen Yixuan naturally has more contacts than the two combined, and her opinion is more important.

"I understand what you mean."

Wen Yixuan nodded slightly.

"Are you not planning to run?" Xue Ziyan asked.

"I am not interested."

Wen Yixuan shook his head and said: "Being a saint child can certainly enjoy superior resources to a certain extent, but at the same time, we must also spend the corresponding time and energy to take care of affairs, which will not help cultivation."

"For example, Senior Sister Shangguan, she can become a saint because she is excellent, not because she is excellent as a saint."

"What's more, Cheng Feng rescued me in the big cliff forest. I owe him a favor."

Wen Yixuan looked at Cheng Feng, who smiled sorrowfully.

Obviously, he has forgotten this.

Soon, everyone in the room voted unanimously to help Cheng Feng canvass for votes and participate in the plan for the selection of the Saints!

But soon the problem was exposed.

The careful Tang Qier stroked the ends of her hair and frowned, "But even if we count all the votes of our group, it won't make up enough votes to get Cheng Feng into the top ten."

"That's true."

Gu Chengyun also said.

The voting mechanism of this Shengzi general election requires real-name voting, and each person can only cast one vote! According to the overall population ratio of the Demon Sect and the popularity of Fu Cheng and other candidates, it is difficult for Cheng Feng to get into the top ten in the final number of votes.

The people who had returned from Chaos Demon Valley were very convinced of Cheng Feng, and they should all be willing to vote for Cheng Feng.

But even this is still not enough.

After all, the number of them is not too much, and there are only a hundred people in full, which is too few compared with the many people in the entire Demon Sect.

"In this case, we still have to canvass for votes."

Wen Yixuan deliberately said: "Although most people in the Earth Demon Sect are relatively unfamiliar with Cheng Feng, they have not even seen it, but in fact they already have a certain prestige. After all, Cheng Feng's feats of fighting in Chaos Demon Valley before. There is no denying it. We can use this as the main propaganda point to help Cheng Feng canvass votes!"

"Me and Gu Chengyun will help." Tang Qier said.

Gu Chengyun nodded.

Wen Yixuan also said: "Since I have decided to support Cheng Feng to participate in the general election, I will also help from my own contacts and get votes for Cheng Feng."

"And you?"

She said, turning her head to look at Xue Ziyan. "Are you going to help your brother or Cheng Feng?"

"My brother has no chance of winning. It's no good to help him!" Xue Ziyan waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "And I hope Cheng Feng can fulfill my request after he becomes the son of the saint and marries the saint!"

Wen Yixuan slightly nodded and said, "Is that so...I understand, in short, everyone works together, the primary purpose is to help Cheng Feng get the vote, and above!"

The meeting soon came to an end.

Gu Chengyun and Tang Qier hurriedly left, preparing to start activities to help Cheng Feng get votes.

Wen Yixuan also left, planning to start from his own contacts.

All of a sudden, everyone started to take action.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng couldn't help feeling a little in a daze.

These people are acting to help themselves.

I don’t know when, I already have a trustworthy companion in this world...

At this time, Xue Ziyan suddenly put her arms over and winked her eyebrows and said: "Hey, you must succeed in the campaign! Now you have our dreams and wishes on your back. It is different from the past. Now you can't tolerate failure!"

"I think the dreams and wishes I carry do not include yours."

Cheng Feng was speechless.

"What are you saying stupid?"

"What you want me to carry is too idiotic, in fact, I think you can change it."

"Don’t change, don’t change! Dreams and wishes are boring if you change them casually! Did you know? When you know that a wish can be realized, the first thought that comes to mind is what you want, so I definitely don’t I will change it!" Xue Ziyan grinned and said: "Hey, we can say it! If you really become a saint child, you have to disband both the Holy Dragon Association and the Red Lotus Association!"


When he thought that he was carrying such a nonsense thing on his back, the trace of emotion that Cheng Feng had just raised disappeared in an instant.

Having said that, if Xue Xiangchen knew that his own sister actually said such unreliable words...

Forget it, I still don't want to.



In the next few days, Gu Chengyun and Tang Qier really started to get busy.

They recruited a lot of people who were willing to help from the people who were recuperating in the medicine refining hall, and organized them to help Cheng Feng get votes in various places in the Demon Sect. Specifically, they distributed leaflets everywhere and published stories about Cheng Feng in newspapers.

Not to mention, this move did have a good effect.

At the very least, Cheng Feng was walking on the street, and someone could recognize him.

However, Cheng Feng didn't put much energy into this matter for the time being.


The appraisal of the pharmacist every seven days is about to begin!

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