The Queen Mother sighed and shook her head, "If you still have my mother in your eyes, send Murong Xue back to Murong Palace."

"Queen, Xue'er is already the emperor's man, how can she be sent back to the Murong Palace, she has done nothing wrong, the emperor naturally can't divorce her." The emperor refused to back down.

"You!—" The Queen Mother was too angry to say a word.

"Grandmother," Murong Feng signaled the servants in the room to leave. Although they are all trusted people, it's better not to let outsiders see this kind of joke. Although these people dare not say it with their mouths, they can't help but say it in their hearts , Don't pass it on in your spare time, "Don't be angry, it's not worth it for grandma to be angry about Xiaoxue."

The Queen Mother looked at Murong Feng, wondering what she meant.

"Grandmother," Murong Feng said in a soft voice, with a calm expression on his face, a soft voice, and a flat tone, "Father is currently in a state of excitement, if you stop him like this, I'm afraid Father will be in the middle of his mouth." They are all extremely unwilling, because of Murong Xue, it is really Xiaoxue's unfilialism to make grandmother, father, mother and son angry. Now that the matter has come to this point, it is better to let father and emperor handle this situation by himself, and let him go to Feng'er Parents told him to let him comfort Liu Niangniang and the Second Crown Prince, you might as well be an outsider and sit happily in peace."

"Yes." Sima Rui said on the sidelines, "Grandmother, no matter how angry you are, you can't change what has already happened. Emperor Father has always been diligent in political affairs, and Murong Xue is indeed a beautiful girl. I'm afraid the father will be irresistible for a while, but now that he is favored, he is also a member of our Sima family. If he is pushed back at this time, he may only have a dead end. Grandma, don't bother with me."

The queen mother let out a long breath, stroked Murong Feng's hand and said, "Oh, grandma really has no face to face your parents." Then she glanced at the emperor and concubine Liu, and said wearily, "I'm tired, all of you Go on. You can handle Murong Xue's affairs yourself. As for the matter of permission or not, I really can't agree to it as a mother. You are willing to seal yourself, just don't let her appear in front of me. And I will never I will not recognize her as your concubine."

"Thank you, Queen Mother." The emperor answered with a smile, and glanced at Murong Feng, but seeing Murong Feng's indifferent appearance, he didn't even look at himself, his eyes were quietly looking away, as if it wasn't her who spoke just now, It was as if she didn't exist at all.

"However," the Queen Mother said bitterly, "Although that girl annoys me, this matter has nothing to do with Feng'er. I'm afraid Feng'er will kneel down to welcome that girl if you make her concubine. I'm not happy about this. Now Feng'er has the gold medal of the ancestor that I bestowed on her. According to the ancestor's precept, Feng'er doesn't need to salute you when she sees you, but only bows briefly. So she doesn't need to salute when she sees that girl , would you like to?"

The emperor was taken aback, the queen mother actually gave Murong Feng the golden medal of the ancestor, where did she get such a great charm to make the queen mother favor her so much?

Looking up, Murong Feng is dressed in moon white clothes, fresh and refined, elegant and fairy-like, he is amiable to look at and pleasing to think about.Compared with Murong Xue, there is something incomparable to Murong Xue.Murong Xue is as beautiful as fine porcelain, which requires careful care and maintenance; while Murong Feng is like the fresh wind, delicate flowers, and flowing springs in the mountains and forests, which has a refreshing feeling.Murong Xue can make people give up their lives for her, but Murong Feng can make people cherish their own lives for her. One makes people pessimistic and the other makes people happy.

"Father, why are you in a daze?" Sima Rui gently stood next to the emperor, and whispered in a slightly teasing whisper, "Feng'er is your daughter-in-law, if you find that she is better than Murong Xue, you can only It's just a discovery. If you look at Feng'er with this kind of eyes again, I'm afraid Rui'er won't be as easy-talking as your other sons. Now that you have favored Murong Xue, you should guard it well."

The emperor glared at Sima Rui, speechless.

Sima Rui smiled slightly, stepped back and stood beside Murong Feng, looking at Murong Feng cheerfully, feeling very satisfied in his heart.

"Sima Rui, what are you laughing at?" Murong Feng frowned, "You're smiling so sweetly, it doesn't look good at first glance."

"Murong Feng, I've decided to love you forever!" Sima Rui smiled evilly, but his eyes couldn't be more serious, as if swearing.

Murong Feng slightly raised his eyebrows and ignored him.

Sima Qiang looked at his mother lying on the bed with a lonely and sad expression.

"Qiang'er, don't do this, my mother knows, you definitely don't like that little girl Murong Xue, but you are just worried that your father will spoil the little girl, which will miss the state affairs and make my mother even more lonely." Liu Feiqiang Zi smiled slightly, "Even if the emperor accepts that little girl as his concubine, he can still deal with it as a mother."

"Mother." Sima Qiang said in a low voice with his gloomy face still on his face, "I'm always angry in my heart. What's so good about that Murong Xue? I think she's far worse than her older sisters, but she has some side effects. It's just a skinny thing. My son met Murong Feng at his grandmother's place, and felt that he was a hundred times stronger than Murong Xue, but it's a pity that he married the fourth child."

Concubine Liu's eyes lit up, and she said: "Hearing what you said, as a mother, I really feel the same way. Today, as a mother, I saw her in Xiangfu Palace. In terms of appearance, compared with that little girl Murong Xue, she should There is no difference between equals, but when it comes to temperament and connotation, Murong Feng is somewhat superior. He is calm, peaceful, and indifferent. When I saw her today, she seemed to react very calmly to Murong Xue's matter. Murong Xue's I don’t care about honor or disgrace, but maintain it with all my heart. As a mother, I want to give her three points, but it’s a pity that I’m married to the fourth child, otherwise, it’s good to ask for it.”

Sima Qiang fell into deep thought and remained silent.

"Hongyu is good. She is virtuous and virtuous. I stayed with you at the border and worked hard. Unfortunately, I have never had a child. As a mother, I always feel a little uneasy." Concubine Liu said softly, "There is no grandchildren in the palace yet. , is always wrong."

"To make mother worry, the child is really unfilial." Sima Qiang said guiltily, "Back then, because of Hongyu, I made my mother offend the queen, but now I can't satisfy my mother."

Concubine Liu smiled faintly, "The empress is not a small-hearted person, and she has long since given up on being a mother. Moreover, Sima Zhe has already married Murong Qian as his concubine. I am afraid that Hongyu has long been forgotten. It is an old thing when he was young. Now He is the eldest prince, and he has to accompany your father to deal with political affairs every day, so he has no time to think about the old things that have passed for many years. As for the fourth child, he is born rebellious, and I am afraid that he still hates you for taking his brother's beloved. It's just that you don't want to provoke him, this fourth child, there is really no one in the palace who can do anything to him. Seeing him and Murong Feng appearing in Xiangfu Palace together today, as a mother, I am quite surprised."

Sima Qiang smiled slightly, and Murong Feng's calm and gentle face flashed in front of his eyes again. "The two of them are husband and wife, so it's normal for them to appear at the same time, let alone they are newly married."

"You've been at the border all this time, so how do you know the reason for it?" Concubine Liu smiled slightly, looked at her son, and said slowly, "This fourth son originally wanted to marry Murong Xue, not Murong Feng. The old man Murong Qingliang loved Murong Xue very much, so he was naturally reluctant to let Murong Xue marry the stubborn fourth child, so he replaced Murong Xue with Murong Feng." Having said this, Concubine Liu paused, Suddenly smiled coldly, "But I didn't expect that I could hide from the fourth child but not the emperor, so a fresh flower was sent to the emperor without any reason."

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